Brad Pitt's Transformation Is Seriously Turning Heads

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does brad pitt intentionally style himself to look like his romantic partner could he reunite with one of his high-profile exes and in what way is he getting involved in the music industry keep watching to find out brad pitt was born william bradley pitt on december 18 1963 he grew up in springfield missouri in a working-class family his father owned a trucking company and his mother worked as a family therapist his parents were devout southern baptists and pitt later described to the telegraph how he grew up with all the christian guilt about what you can and cannot should and shouldn't do but he told parade that he had a good childhood saying my dad was determined to make sure that we didn't want for things he wanted to give us more opportunity than he had a better shot at a better life he did that for us pitt ended up studying journalism at the university of missouri but two weeks short of his degree he dropped out moving to los angeles to seek work as an actor he told collider all i had to do was hand in one term paper but in my head i was done i was going west within a week of arriving in los angeles pitt had booked work as an extra he also spent his first several months in los angeles doing a wide array of odd jobs including driving a limousine where he would often show first strippers to various bachelor parties and delivering refrigerators at the same time he was taking acting classes and met his agent through a classmate signing with his agent helped him secure his first professional on-screen acting roles appearing in episodes of another world and growing pains of his early work pit told entertainment weekly that his team was trying to get him into sitcoms i had that kind of wonder bread look and my hair always went into place i kept saying i'm not good at sitcoms i don't know how to do that brad pitt had been working as an actor for a few years since arriving in los angeles but it wasn't until he landed a part in ridley scott's though man louise in 1990 that his career in hollywood really took off acknowledging his sparse resume at the time pitt told collider i'm really grateful to ridley scott and gina davis who gave me that shot because that was the big league i had nothing to show for myself except for my extra work and they took a chance on me regarding the role of cowboy drifter jd pitt knew instantly it was a great part and an entry into the bigger leagues in hollywood he told entertainment weekly i thought i knew what i could do with it i'm going to go in and do my thing and nothing will shake me i remember being dead set on that although pit later recognized how the role allowed more opportunities to come his way he played down the significance of what he brought to the part he told collider it was less about him and more about the filmmakers needing a warm body on set i think they were desperate to tell you the truth they were already shooting because a week later i was on set working after the success of thelma louise brad pitt's hollywood career started to grow and so did his hair he first gained momentum with his starring role in robert redford's a river runs through it while pitt was slightly critical of his own performance in an interview with entertainment weekly he called the film a beautiful story and one i understood because of how i grew up other roles came with 1993's california and true romance but his next major part was in 1994's interview with a vampire in which he starred alongside tom cruise it's also the first movie where we saw pitt with long hair while he looked nice for a vampire pit called the experience quote miserable and complained about the contact lenses and makeup his next role in legends of the fall would require him to keep his long golden locks but this time the movie solidified his status as a hollywood star and brought him further along on his a-list trajectory on the heels of his mega movie success and glorious long hair brad pitt was soon crowned people's sexiest man alive in 1995. he received the honor around the same time he shot the sci-fi thriller 12 monkeys for which he would earn his first oscar nomination as best supporting actor while most men might love being deemed sexiest man pitt said the title made for a quote really uncomfortable experience he told entertainment weekly the title put me on guard like it was dangerous what do they say don't believe your own hype when he was crowned sexiest man alive a second time in 2000 he was able to reflect on the experience with more humor regardless in a conversation with entertainment weekly he still noted that in some ways i'm still a kid from missouri and oklahoma and i'm trying to find my way as his professional life became headline news so did brad pitt's love life his first high-profile relationship was with actress gwyneth paltrow to whom he got engaged the pair met while shooting the movie seven together it was apparently love at first sight for the couple who stayed together for more than two years before the pair broke off their engagement they were photographed numerous times looking eerily similar in one photo of pitt and paltrow they were wearing almost identical haircuts in fact some internet fans claim that pitt has a penchant for matching with his partners this includes jennifer aniston and angelina jolie who would both later go on to marry pitt after he and paucho split while most people claim it's pit who likes to look like his girlfriends paocho said it might be the other way around commenting on an instagram post or we like to look like him let's face it brad pitt's 1999 movie fight club has become a cult classic among its fans while it initially flopped at the box office pitt had said he's always had a feeling that the film would defy expectations what also defied expectations was pit's extremely toned and muscular body in the film which has become just as famous and beloved as the movie's most quotable lines the film is over 20 years old but pitt's physique in the flick including his washboard abs continues to be envied and copied at gyms around the world according to gq rather than bulk up on muscle pitch had a lot of fat to appear as muscular as he does his workout included four consecutive days of resistance training hitting only one muscle group per session followed by cardio of course it's not just his body but pit's performance that makes fight club so memorable but in terms of research for the character of tyler durden pitt told collider he did very little we were having so much damn fun on that movie i don't remember research being important it was just pretty good fun around the same time he filmed fight club brad pitt began dating jennifer aniston who starred on friends at the time in an interview with rolling stone aniston revealed the two had met through their managers back in 1994. years went by and when they both found themselves single at the same time their managers set them up on a date when aniston told her friends whom she was dating she said they were supportive especially when they found out what a loving human being brat is he just disarms you immediately after two years of dating the couple married on july 29 2000 in malibu california and their public profile skyrocketed as a result the grind proved too much for their relationship though and they eventually split in 2020 the pair unexpectedly reunited for an online charity performance of fast times at ridgemont high sparking a new wave of reconciliation rumors hey never say never right hi brad you know how cute i always thought you were i think you're so sexy will you come to me between 2000 and 2005 brad pitt graduated to the top tier of blockbuster movies including the ocean's 11 franchise and troy then in 2005 he starred opposite angelina jolie in mr and mrs smith the movie was not only a global success but it turned out to be a pivotal experience for both pitt and jolie shortly after the film wrapped pitt separated from jennifer aniston and started dating jolie looking back at their time working together on the film he told entertainment weekly we worked really well together had some good laughs and ideas that was just a great collaboration that turned into a greater collaboration in may 2006 the couple celebrated the birth of their first biological child daughter shiloh two years later jolie would give birth to twins knox and vivian this was in addition to parenting their adopted children maddox pax and zahara when talking about his big family pit told the telegraph i never knew how much i could love something until i looked in the faces of my children so it's the greatest thing i've ever taken on just two years after brad pitt and angelina jolie's 2014 wedding jolie filed for divorce in court documents she requested sole physical custody of all six children since then their seemingly intense and complex divorce has continued to play out in the tabloids while neither party has confirmed the reason behind the split reports have alleged there was a physical and verbal altercation on a private jet involving pitt and possibly one of their children however pitt was ultimately cleared of any child abuse allegations in 2017 he spoke to gq for the first time about his divorce in the magazine spread pitt appears visibly gaunt and emotional he admitted he had an issue with alcohol and that he needed to be more emotionally available for his children just one of the lessons about himself he was learning through hardship i'm much better at covering up and it's hit me smack in the face with our divorce i gotta be more i gotta be more for the kids and i haven't been great at it is the hardship worth it yeah yeah there's no avoiding it so things started to look up for brad pitt in 2019 after he landed the role of a lifetime in quentin tarantino's once upon a time in hollywood the movie was a full circle moment for the actor who said he had to hide his tears on set while reminiscing about his own early days in hollywood he told the los angeles times i'm not ashamed to say it i got a little misty while he had previously won an oscar for producing 12 years a slave pitt's role as cliff booth in once upon a time in hollywood would ultimately win him his first acting oscar for best supporting actor in 2020 winning the award was an emotional moment for pitt he teared up as he reflected on his early acting days and thanked his kids as well as ridley scott and gina davis for giving him his break on thelma and louise today brad pitt still brings his charm and his luscious locks to the big screen and award shows he brought a tiny ponytail and his chic style to the 2021 academy awards when he handed out the best supporting actress award to yo jong-yoon of minari a film pit produced and he has a full slate of movies in the pipeline he's set to appear again on the big screen in films such as the lost city and bullet train on top of producing a slew of upcoming movies to boot plus pitt is also dipping his toe in the music industry in the summer of 2022 he will relaunch studio miraval a legendary recording studio based at his estate in the south of france as for his personal life a source told us weekly that pitt is looking for love but like many single people he's having a hard time finding it still if his transformation journey is any indication it won't take long for him to turn this part of his life around just the way he has in the past check out one of our newest videos right here plus even more list videos about your favorite celebrities are coming soon subscribe to our youtube channel and hit the bell so you don't miss a single one [Music]
Channel: The List
Views: 419,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the list, brad pitt, transformation, actor, famous actor
Id: i6NTBPypf5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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