Brad Pitt Confessed She Was the Love of His Life

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Brad Pit is like a superstar on steroids he became famous after his amazing performance in Thelma and Louise and then he just kept on slaying it in movies like Legends of the Fall Meet Joe Black Fight Club Moneyball seriously this guy is everywhere but now at the ripe old age of 60 he's finally spilling the beans on something fans have been dying to hear in the midst of all all the fancy stuff love has blossomed in Brad's life and he just can't deny that she was always the one why cuz I like you so much but who is she could it be Angelina or Jennifer Aniston or is there a new leading lady on the scene let's unravel this mystery shall we get ready for a story of love and how fate can work its magic in the most unexpected ways Brad Pit rise to fame Brad Pit is a super famous actor in Hollywood he's got a ton of fans who are totally obsessed with him but do these fans really know much about the award-winning actor audiences often think they know everything about celebrities but just like the rest of us these famous folks have their own private lives and hidden secrets movie producer and actor William Bradley pit was born December 18 1963 he won two Academy Awards two British Academy film Awards two Golden Globes and a prime time Emmy pit is considered one of the most prominent and influential figures in American entertainment pit became famous as a cowboy hitchhiker in 1991 felma and Louise 1992's a river runs through it and 1994's Legends of the Fall were his first major cinematic appearances he co-starred with Tom Cruz in Interview with 1994's the Vampire his performances in David Fincher's crime Thriller 7 and science fiction featured tw's monkeys were laed the latter earned him his first Academy Award nomination and a Golden Globe for best supporting actor pit had more Commercial Success with Steven soderberg's Heist flick 2001's Oceans 11 and its sequels he established his leading man reputation with movies like Troy Mr and Mrs Smith World War Z and 20122 bullet train pit earned Academy Award nominations for The Curious Case of Benjamin button and Moneyball and he won for best supporting actor for playing a stunt man in once you pit co-founded Plan B entertainment in 2011 he produced The Departed 12 years of slave and Moonlight which won the Academy Award for best picture as well as the Tree of Life Moneyball Selma and The Big Short pit really loves architecture he's so into it that he even took a break from acting to learn computerated design from the famous architect Frank Gary in Los Angeles he hosted E2 design a cool PBS TV show all about awesome eco-friendly buildings and sustainable design from around the world back in 2000 he teamed up with Architects Thomas a Hines and Randall mackinson to write a cool book about the blacker house it's all about architecture and stuff in 2006 he started the make it right foundation they brought together housing experts in New Orleans to build 150 new houses in the ninth ward these houses were affordable and sustainable helping the community recover after Hurricane Katrina 13 cool architectural firms and the awesome environmental organization Global green USA are teaming up for this project and guess what some of these firms are even donating their services how rad is that pit and philanthropist Steve Bing have each generously donated a whopping $5 million talk about making a big impact in October 2008 the first six homes were finished then in September 2009 pit got an award for the project from the US Green Building Council they're all about making buildings sustainable and stuff in March 2009 pit had a meeting with President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi they talked about his idea of green housing and how it could be a great example for the whole country they also discussed the possibility of getting Federal funding for it it was quite a big deal in September 2006 pit and Jolie got together and created a cool organization called the Jolie pit Foundation its mission to help out people in need all over the world how awesome is that the foundation started off by giving $1 million to Global Action for Children and Doctors Without Borders then in October 2006 they donated $100,000 million to the Daniel Pearl Foundation which was set up to honor the memory of the journalist Daniel Pearl in some official documents it says that pit and Jolie put $8.5 million into the foundation in 2006 the foundation then gave away $2.4 million in 2006 and $3.4 million in 2007 in June 2009 the Jolie pit Foundation gave a whopping $1 million to a United Nation Refugee agency to assist pakistanis who had to leave their homes due to the conflict between soldiers and Taliban fighters how generous in January 202010 the foundation gave a cool $1 million to Doctors Without Borders to help out the peeps affected by the Haiti earthquake they needed some serious medical assistance and this donation came to the rescue pit is totally on board with same-sex marriage he's all about love and equality for everyone in a fun interview with Esquire back in October 2006 pit mentioned that he'd tie the knot with Jolie once all Americans can legally get hitched how cool would that be in September 2008 he gave a whopping $100,000 to fight against California's proposition 8 this proposition wanted to undo the state Supreme Court's decision to allow same-sex marriage quite the generous move don't you think in March 2012 pit took part in a performance of Dustin Lance Black's play 8 it was a reenactment of the federal trial that overturned California's Prop 8 ban on same-sex marriage pit played the role of Judge Von Walker it was quite a show pit was People's sexiest man alive 1995 and 200000 his personal life is well publicized he divorced Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie Jolie and pit have six children three of whom were adopted abroad Once Upon a Time Brad Pit was just your average college student unbeknownst to him his life was about to embark on an exciting Adventure surprisingly right before finishing his journalism degree with only two credits left pit made a daring choice that would completely alter his future before Brad became a big star he was already quite impressive he was practically born to be a movie star with his irresistible charm imagine being the fortunate person in charge of finding attractive college students for a calendar talk about a fun job so here's the Scoop that's exactly what went down Brad Pit with his stunningly beautiful hair and a jawline that could cut through glass made it into the school calendar wow finding gold is like hitting the jackpot what a day for the photographer they stumbled upon this perfect package of charm and Charisma let's take a plunge into the captivating realm of celebrities where we uncover a tapestry of intriguing personal stories and surprising Journeys Brad Pitt's Journey from a regular guy to a superstar is like a real life fairy tale it just goes to to show that amazing things can happen when you follow your dreams and seize the right chances this story teaches us to enjoy life surprises appreciate the beauty of the unexpected and keep looking for Hidden Treasures during a fun chat with Oprah Winfrey Brad Pit spilled the beans on his top pick for a tasty treat Twizzlers Winfrey was quite intrigued by the unexpected answer as she was anticipating something more ordinary but pit didn't stop there he spilled the beans on his favorite cereal which happens to be Frosted Flakes and his ultimate comfort food drum roll please Pizza forget about pizza being just a snack Pit's love for it is off the charts oh Brad Pit is way more than just an actor hidden beneath his many movie characters is a genuine love for the behindthescenes magic actually pit admitted that he gets a lot of Joy from making stuff and being on the team that brings stories to life he absolutely loves working together with others finding it even more exciting than performing alone let's not forget how awesome pit is both on and off the screen he's got Charisma for days the actor really loves making stories come alive through his production work it shows how much he truly cares about his craft just like a lot of actors and actresses they love working with a team to create something amazing together Brad is a fascinating guy who loves telling stories and he's really good at it people all over the world can't get enough of him whether he's on screen or working hard behind the scenes Pit's talent and passion always shine making him a true icon of the entertainment world life isn't always a walk in the park even for the Rich and Famous this guy hit a major roadblock when he couldn't get into China believe it or not it all started with his Movie 7 Years in Tibet from 1997 the Chinese government didn't like it because they thought it showed too much support for the DOL llama and made China look bad in 2016 after waiting for almost 20 years pit finally got the chance to visit China again he saw this as the perfect opportunity to promote his new movie Allied all over the country in the midst of his hardships a surprising and friendly helper appeared none other than Melissa eidge the famous singer and songwriter imagine this Brad Pit the Superstar we all know and love started his journey in Hollywood as a struggling and unknown actor hard to believe right he only had a measly $300 to his name luckily Destiny stepped in and Melissa ethd kindly let him crash on her couch as he set off on his Adventure into acting she even showed him the ropes of fly fishing in her pool getting him ready for his big audition in A River Runs Through It pit and eage were truly devoted friends who would do anything for each other no matter what they became really good friends during those tough times and it made a big impact on their lives now here's a fun story for you Brad Pit and Jennifer Aniston actually met in Hollywood of all places it's like a real life romantic comedy When Brad and Jennifer got together they became a super famous and loved couple in Showbiz they were so charming and beautiful that they won the hearts of millions becoming one of Hollywood's most powerful couples but their paths didn't cross on a movie set or by chance it was their agents who set up their meeting which had a hint of romance in Hollywood agents are like the superheroes of the entertainment industry they have the power to open doors and make dreams come true but this Hollywood Love Story took a surprising turn when they called it quits after seven years together five of which were as a married couple he's completely clueless like trying to decipher Greek Brad really wanted to get along with his in-laws especially Jennifer Aniston's dad who was a famous actor on Days of Our Lives and had Greek Roots he put in a lot of effort to build a good relationship with them Brad decided to dive into learning Greek a tough task that he hoped would impress Jen maybe in his determined Quest he somehow Charmed her with his genuine love for her Greek roots today he might even know a few Greek words which shows how dedicated he is celebrity parents often worry about how their kids see them because of what they read in the media it's a big deal as their little ones mature their sense of wonder expands Brad Pit and Angelina Jolie had to protect their kids from nosy people Brad was totally upfront about using parental controls to keep his and Jolie's identities a secret from their kids online searches he went all out to make sure they were protected guess what there's something super cool that you probably didn't know about before they want to protect their kids from all the juicy gossip that fills those trashy magazines well kids will be kids and it's no secret that their Pals probably have free reain on the internet so these safeguards can only do so much being a parent is tough but we always strive to keep our kids safe in this crazy connected World early relationships Brad Pit has had quite the Romantic history dating some seriously famous ladies along the way before Brad Pit tied the knot with Jennifer Aniston and later Angelina Jolie he was rumored to have dated a bunch of other famous ladies like Gina Davis fandy Newton Robin given and gwith paltro quite the Romantic huh but wait in the midst of all those famous ladies there was one not so famous lady named jitka pudova believe it or not Brad Pit actually dated her way back in 1994 jitka pudilova was a not so famous actress with just a few small roles while while Brad Pit rocked a unique flattened and blonde hippie style guess what Gwyneth ptro who used to date Brad Pit ended up having a similar fate as jitka pudova how crazy is that nobody knows what happened to paltro after their relationship it's a mystery even Brad Pit the famous actor had his very first onscreen smooch actors often say that what we see on screen isn't as lovey-dovey as it seems but real life romance that's a whole different ball game it's all about those private spontaneous and personal moments but on a film set everything is carefully planned rehearsed and acted out in front of a much bigger crowd than you'd like back in the day Brad Pitt showed up on the famous show Dallas and had his very first onscreen smooch with Charlene Tilton talk about a memorable moment Brad Pit made a few guest appearances on the show but then he skyrocketed to fame did you know that Brad Pit and Juliet Lewis were actually a couple back in 1989 yeah I know quite a surprising match considering their age difference Brad's divorce from Angelina Jolie was even tougher than his split from Jennifer Aniston back in 2014 talk about a rocky road Brad and Angelina tied the knot in 2012 after a long time of being together and having six kids Unfortunately they couldn't work things out and ended up getting divorced in 2019 ever since Jolie has been giving Brad a hard time about his parenting skills in 19 95 Brad said his relationship with Juliet Lewis was one of his best ever and guess what he still thinks she's pretty awesome but now he's realized that dumping Jennifer for Angelina was a huge blunder Brad is head over heels for Jennifer Aniston they've become super close and Brad thinks she's the one for him forever and ever before Brad Pit became the famous heartthrob we all adore he had a bunch of early relationships that hinted at his romantic Destiny back in the'80s pit had a thing with the singer Sanita they were quite the item they were together then not then together again for almost 2 years Sita thought pit was drop dead gorgeous and had a killer bod she also thought he was a total sweetheart and a blast to be around pit and singer Sanita reportedly dated from 1986 to 1988 after his little romance with Sita pit started dating actress Jill scholen when they crossed paths on the set of the horror movie cutting class their love story got real serious and they decided to tie the knot in 1989 but the relationship fizzled out quickly ending only 8 months later when scholin supposedly caught feelings for a Hungarian director while shooting a movie abroad pit was totally caught off guard and devastated when she spilled the beans about falling for someone else pit showed his bounceback skills and quickly got connected to Christina Applegate in the late 80s this happened after him and his former roommate Jason Priestley started attending parties for the sitcom married with children on a regular basis back in 1989 he brought Applegate as his date to the MTV Movie Awards but guess what she left him hanging and went off with some other guy during the show talk about a plot twist Applegate was totally cool about the whole thing and made it clear that she and pit were never more than a one night thing in 1990 pit was was like okay I'm done with that and started dating Juliet Lewis his co-star and Too Young To Die even though there was a big age difference with Lewis being just 17 they started dating right away Pit's love affair lasted for three whole years and got him a whole lot of attention from the media when he was just starting out but they grew up differently and ended things in a friendly way in 1993 after a while pit looked back with a smile on the their strong bond during that important time in their careers while Lewis chose to leave the past in the dust although none of these early relationships led to long-term love they taught pit valuable lessons and set the stage for his star studded romantic Adventures he had some fun times with Applegate and a little romance with a young Lewis which got a lot of attention because he was becoming famous in the early 1990s pit became a super attractive Hollywood star ready for a bunch of famous romances Gwyneth paltro becomes the defining Romance of Pit's youth Pit's love life took a big turn when he met Gwyneth paltro while filming the 1995 Movie 7 it was like a plot twist in a romantic comedy when they met on screen as a married couple they hit it off in real life too how cute is that in 1996 pit and paltro were like the ultimate power couple in Hollywood with so much potential for the future paltro and pit were like a power couple boosting each other's Fame they fell head over heels for each other and decided to get hitched they made it official in December that same year so get this pit goes to Argentina with paltro right and then out of nowhere he drops down on one knee and hands her this fancy schmancy diamond ring worth a whopping $85,000 can you believe it in a super sappy speech at the 1996 Golden Globes a totally smitten pit gave a shout out to his Angel paltro and declared her as the love of his life once upon a time it seemed like pit and paltro had a real life fairy tale love story in Hollywood but uh-oh it seems like there were some not so great things happening behind their perfect facade there were lots of rumors going around that the couple broke up because they couldn't agree on their careers and had different ways of living back in June 1997 they totally surprised their fans by dropping the bombshell that they were breaking up like out of nowhere right after getting engaged crazy right so basically paltro was like Yeah The Breakup was super rough it really messed me up I mean I was totally not ready for a serious relationship back then pit had a tough time getting over losing paltro for a long long time palro really made a lasting impression on him as his first love and long-term partner it's like she left a permanent mark on his mind after everything was over pit decided to take a break from Los Angeles he said he needed some time off from the crazy Hollywood scene especially after his intense relationship with paltro after the breakup pit felt lost in his personal and professional life for a while it was like he was floating Without a Paddle but hey guess what he and paltro managed to get over the Heartbreak and become buddies guess what pit actually showed up out of nowhere in Pal's 2010 country music movie Duets how unexpected Pit's love story with paltro had a big impact on him and played a major role in shaping him into the famous Hollywood star we all know and love today they had a super strong bond probably the strongest he's ever had in his early career and life even though it didn't last their time together showed that pit had what it takes to be a leading man both on and off the screen when pit fell in love and experienced heartbreak for the first time he realized that his love life would always be a big part of his Fame a fairy tale marriage to Jennifer Aniston captivates the world after breaking up with Gwyneth paltro pit skyrocketed to even more Fame by marrying TV Superstar Jennifer Aniston so get this pit and Aniston were totally set up on a blind date back in 1998 by their agents and guess what they hit it off big time and became Hollywood's hottest couple when Aniston was on friends which was super popular everyone got really interested in her and the media couldn't get enough it was like fate brought together this super attractive pair with their perfect looks and Charming personalities their super fancy wedding which cost a whopping 1 million took place on July 29 2000 it was like a royal event for all their fans held at a Malibu estate it included 200 guests a gospel choir fireworks and 50,000 flowers it was quite the spectacle they became the ultimate Hollywood power couple ruling the celebrity scene of their time as a married couple pit made surprise appearances on Friends while Aniston tagged along with him to fancy events and award shows so apparently they really wanted to have kids but their bodies were like nah not happening pit was a total rock star in movies like Fight Club Oceans 11 and Troy and Aniston was always there being an awesome supportive partner but uh-oh turns out their Perfect Image wasn't so perfect after all drama behind closed doors folks they totally crushed their fans Hearts when they announced their breakup together on January 7 2005 but then out of the blue pit was spotted with his Mr and Mrs Smith co-star Angelina Jolie and everyone started whispering about a possible Affair Aniston called it quits in March and the divorce was all wrapped up by October 2005 for fans who've been around for a while pit and Aniston's breakup felt like the end of a fairy tale poof they appeared to be the epitome of romance only to see it all fall apart in the blink of an eye even though the exes seem cool now they used to be married and it all went downhill pretty fast it was a big deal in pop culture Aniston is Pit's first wife which makes her a pretty special part of his love life she's the only one he divorced before Jolie came along before we continue guys it's time for our subscribers pick take a look at the picture on your screen you can see Brad Pit and Juliet Lewis the couple was a subject of public interest during the time they were together they dated for about 3 years in the early 1990s their youthful romance garnered attention and both have been asked about it in various interviews over the years despite the 10-year age Gap they were often seen together and expressed their affection for each other in many interviews after their relationship ended Brad Pit confesses she was the love of his life describing her as a Real Genius but guys we would love to know your thoughts on their relationship drop your opinions and let us know what you think in the comments section below a tumultuous romance with Angelina Jolie plays out in public after his surprising breakup with Jennifer Aniston pit found himself in another attention-grabbing relationship with Angelina Jolie the two actors first felt a strong connection while shooting passionate scenes as married assassins in the movie Mr and Mrs Smith back in 2005 back then pit was still married to Aniston while Jolie had just adopted her son Maddox after pit filed for divorce his relationship with Jolie quickly became a hot topic for the media they started dating right when their family was growing like crazy in early 2005 Jolie officially became zahara's mom and pit joined in as a parent later on in May 2006 the couple had their first biological child a daughter named Shiloh how exciting pit and Jolie played lovebirds in the 2005 movie the Syrian bride all while building their own romantic Connection offscreen in 2006 they showed up as a couple on the red carpet for the first time at the premiere of Jolie's movie The Good Shepherd it was quite a sight their love story was later turned into a hilarious music video called brangelina in 2011 where they were portrayed as a famous power couple in the following years brangelina was all the rage Making Waves with their travels movie collaborations and growing brood pit officially became the parent of Jolie's kids Maddox and Zahara and the couple welcomed their son Pax from Vietnam in 2007 in 2008 Jolie became a mom to twins Knox and Vivien with three biological and three adopted children children her family grew quite a bit in 2012 after being together for a long time and having a bunch of kids pit and Jolie finally decided to tie the knot exciting stuff they tied the knot on August 23 2014 at their fancy Chateau miraval in France it was quite the Romantic Affair Jolie rocked a fancy dress covered in their kids masterpieces and they wrote their own super special promises but then out of of the blue Jolie shocked Everyone by filing for divorce saying they just couldn't work things out there was a big fight over who would get to keep the kids and they're still arguing about it after all this time pit declares the defining love of his life the actor dropped a bombshell by declaring that actress Juliet Lewis is the one who stole his heart during an interview in 2021 Brad Pit confesses she was the love of his life surprisingly a lot of people were sh shocked by his announcement because they thought Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie would be the ones with that title considering they're more famous pit really loved Lewis his co-star in the movie Too Young To Die they were together from 1990 to 1993 and had a special bond when lwis and pit first got together she was just 17 and he was 27 but let me tell you she left a lasting impression on him so this guy was doing some small parts in movies in the late ' 80s then he started dating lwis and suddenly became a big shot leading man in Hollywood after Thelma and Louise came out in 1991 talk about good timing when Pit and the other person hung out pit felt like they really got each other maybe even for the first time ever despite their significant age difference Lewis was known for her remarkable maturity while pit maintained a lively and Youthful demeanor pit believed they had a special bond that help them both chase their creative dreams together he thinks Lewis really inspired him to show off his acting skills and be taken seriously pit also mentioned that they got to witness the incredible rise of his career while still flying under the radar this time before pit became Super Famous was really special and important because it was full of innocence and Discovery according to him Lewis really opened up his heart and mind like nobody else ever has but unfortunately their age difference became a problem just like the media's obsession with their relationship pit admits that they had some pretty far-fetched hopes that their love could conquer all challenges even though their relationship is over pit will always remember how much Lewis meant to him as both a partner and a trusted friend thanks for watching stay tuned for more
Channel: Uncovered Files
Views: 922,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery, unexplained, mysterious, top 10, top 15, space, universe, science, techology, mystery, facts, interesting, discovery channel, discovery plus, scientists discovery, aliens, ufo, terrifying discoveries, top, they discovered, invention, future, galaxy, elon musk, business, entertainment, Uncovered Files, space news, universe news, Brad Pitt Confesses She Was the Love of His Life, rise, fame, Relationships, Romance, Fairytale Marriage, Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, juliette lewis
Id: uzaNwbdBFmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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