Brad Pitt - All movies

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[Music] hello my friends welcome to all movies today i would like to speak about brad pitt two times oscar and the sexiest man alive winner he started his career as an extra seated in a beach chair in blue and white striped shorts who taught you to dribble like that well you shouldn't have a cane man young brat appeared on two episodes it was his first speaking role on tv ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen this is pitt's feature film debut as a fancy party waiter with a mullet hairdo he was paid 38 for his uncredited cameo appearance that's no problem sir i promise i hope you won't be doing any drinking no sir i'd never do that all right you have a party from what i hear not a great party a party won but he doesn't invite his buddies this hurts yes sir he does we gotta go please mom i'm sorry brad's first credited movie role not guilty [Applause] stop it it's enough brad and co-star cheryl pollock would reunite a year later in 1989 again playing boyfriend and girlfriend on season three of 30 something and his dad comes in and he wraps his strong arms around him and he begins telling the story of a marathon race and he goes on to say that many will enter and you may be behind the whole race but it doesn't matter i am a laid-back kind of guy ah yeah now don't get me wrong school is cool it passes the time life is short um and can we be honest we are on this planet to party we're gonna live our own lives i'm just not as sure as you are and you can go back and you can live in your little goldfish but i don't care but not me maybe we can walk to school together sometimes well i i usually ride the bus or my brother takes me we could do that you know this has been a pretty good first day at my new school your father's little bigger than i am but of course a much bigger way really counts you're gonna do homework well i ain't got no basketball scholarship pit once flashed a passing car while taking a break between scenes the police showed up to the set to question him when the driver reported the indecent exposure he met jill sholin on this film and they eventually became engaged though they never got married now do you see how all of your attentions were drawn to her [Music] guys guys delight brad and juliet lewis started dating while shooting this film in 1989. lewis was 16 years old while he was 26 when their relationship began billy that's ridiculous so what so i'm glad you're here okay oh yeah james who saint paul same problem oh you're sick no absolutely you know it's so nice and neither are you no but you're still just as scared but they've never needed each other more [ __ ] darling are you all right yeah you okay that caused that no i'm sorry no you're okay ladies gentlemen let's see when surprised keeping her cool simon says everybody down on the floor now nobody lose their head gina davis was the one who picked brad to do the part for the more raunchy sex scenes between them ridley scott had assumed that a body double would be needed for her shortly after he'd begun auditioning prospective doubles davis learned of scott's intentions and insisted that no doubles were needed in those [Music] scenes and director tom disillo insisted on casting the relatively unknown pit over the objections of the producer who wanted him to consider timothy hutton ironically disillo was ultimately dissatisfied with pitt's portrayal of johnny as being slow or stupid instead of just [Music] [Applause] childish don't piss me off wood you go on that roof you screw us all i'm not messing around here christ there's nothing up there let's just go home director ralph bakshi wanted brad to play jack deebs brad said he wanted the same but paramount pictures disagreed maybe you and me i can't have that in the real world i can't live without you but i can't be with you right what do you think about me spending the night with you and the folks we come back here tomorrow pitt auditioned twice for this role the first time he thought that his performance was really terrible so he insisted in sending a tape performing another scene and that scene convinced the director he trained himself to fly fish for four weeks prior to shooting since he was not near any river in los angeles he trained on top of a building [Music] during the movie his character sports a chip tooth he visited a dentist to have the tooth chipped for the role the locations where the serial killer events take place are related to the names of the actors in the movie for instance bradbury textile warehouse in pittsburgh for brad pitt no well they were here and they said that they were going to go there and they went yeah yeah safari safari motel safari hotel hey you wanna watch some tv or something they might be back here pith found a hat he is wearing in the kitchen sequence on the boardwalk in venice california he took it washed it and wore it for the film he improvised most of his lines this is making me crazy i mean what makes her think she's alone in this that she's out there somewhere right now in the city walking around with a piece of me inside of him and it's not even mine ah peter if you were me would you still want her cause i can't help it i'm flesh and blood but not human i haven't been human for 200 years do you find this beautiful brad later revealed that he had a miserable experience while making this film he recalled the discomfort of the makeup colored contacts and particularly filming in an enclosed dark indoor area he said at one point he called producer and begged him for a way out learning that it would cost 40 million dollars he toughed it out for the remaining months you are good at everything you try to do i'm sure it'll be the same with [ __ ] i'm planning to be with her i recommend [ __ ] pitt said he underwent makeup tests to play tristan as an old man in the epilogue but the results were unconvincing old tristan is played by doug seuss bart the bear's trainer the only man who could safely wrestle with him brad and julia ormond lived in the same house while shooting pit recalled that it added to the sexual tension and he would leave it at that ah come on i knew it this is not my first assignment you dick it's too soon for him hey man you know i'm right here you can say that [ __ ] to my face captain it's too soon for you brad fell while filming the chase in the rain his arm went through a car windshield requiring surgery the accident was worked into the script coincidentally the original script called for mills to be injured during the sequence he bought his own ties for the movie as he wanted mills to have poor fashion sense wrath tell me she's all right i i guess they give you some chemical restraints huh drugs what did they give you dorsey dog how much how much learn your drugs know your dose they've been leaping colonics for everyone this is payback time look john and tommy started this it's begun it's messy it's not how i had it planned but here it is did you hear the shots brad is not fond of his performance on the movie he thinks he was a disservice to it as this was the period where he really started getting confused and discombobulated because his career started blowing up and a lot of people started to tell him what he should or shouldn't do so hey whatever you're in the usa look at the steady yeah yeah girls blaze it's called stuff pit wanted to leave the production but was threatened by a lawsuit he later called the film a disaster and said that it was the most irresponsible bit of filmmaking if you can even call it that that he has ever seen the original script was discarded and there were at least seven subsequent rewrites the script that i had loved was gone he later said give me two shoppers i can make him six by the night oh my gosh tomorrow we are going down now ever [Music] because of their roles in the movie he and david fulis were banned from entering china brad did visit china in 2016 to promote a movie the real heinrich horror joked that brad pitt was a terrible choice to play him since he was much better looking at that age so you and i if we were married no for example okay if you and i were married i would want to give you what you need that's all i'm talking about taking care of each other the best you can uh what's wrong with taking care of a woman enough what i know is what i want and what i want is susan and i will have her and she will have me and that's the way it's going to be you an irs agent nothing was impossible for john and maxine in the early days the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club second rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club in the short scene when brad and edward norton are drunk and hitting golf balls they really were drunk and the golf balls are sailing directly into the side of the catering truck he spent three days with helena bonham carter recording orgasmic sounds for their unseen sex scenes he wasn't overly interested in making the film until david fincher talked him into it over a beer [Music] [ __ ] me look at this how big are you hey kids how big is he a big man that's for sure hey man come on look at the size of this fella [ __ ] your back's a little concert ah brad approached guy richie and asked for a role in this film when richie found he couldn't master a london accent he gave him the role of mickey the gypsy when richie told him that he would play a boxer pitt became concerned because he had just finished fight club and did not want to play the similar role again he took the role anyway because he wanted to work with richie so badly now if anyone anyone is being selfish oh now you blame shift would you you are blam shifting you started at various points in production stars like ben stiller and meg ryan and directors like kevin reynolds and david fincher were all attached because of the unusual nature of the script gore verbinski was able to attract julia roberts and brad to the project for the bargain basement amount of 15 million dollars you know i i don't know what it takes i'm new in the [ __ ] you business you tell me mr margulies what does it take pip turned down the lead role in the bourne identity in order to star in this film filming was hemmed in by pitts dates and tony scott acknowledged there was a stopwatch on them all the time in real life pitt is an avid photographer and always has a camera with him on set after seeing the photos he took on set tony scott said he has a future as a director no make sure you're doing it for the right reasons yeah i'm done with your reasons nathan i'm done with you i'm not ending up like you rachel and dream god i hate it roster how's the game going longest hour of my life [Music] running away with your wife the cast did gamble during off hours while there's disagreement between who won the most clooney says matt damon damon says pitt clooney managed to lose 25 hands of blackjack in a row can you please tell me what a girl is like who has never been on a date before and how you can tell you're rescuing me yes if that's what you want to call it but this gonna cost you another diamond rescues aren't part of the usual tourist package talking about frequent bar spend thanksgiving with them hoes man oh oh my you're the one who hired those strippers dang straight baby dang ol hopeless remaining we then were ordered by our commander to open the hatches and take out all the chests throw them overboard we immediately proceeded to execute disorders first pit trained for six months to get a body that looked like that of greek statues he and eric bona did not use stunned doubles for their epic duel they made a gentleman's agreement to pay for every accidental hit fifty dollars for each light blow and one hundred dollars for each hard blow pit ended up paying bona 750 and bonna didn't owe anything coincidentally brad tore his left achilles tendon during production but how many wives waited troy's gays for husbands i'll never see again perhaps your brother can comfort him i hear he's good at charming other men's [Music] wives a doctor who specializes in skin diseases will dream he has fallen asleep in front of the television later he will wake up in front of the television but not remember his dream who's the knight fox he did something to the eggs while on production in rome pitt and george clooney were not allowed back into the hotel because the doorman thought they were vagrants after the actors were caught in a rainstorm while jogging the necklace that he wears in the movie is a replica of his wedding ring that he wore while married to jennifer in istanbul you are the job [Music] he reportedly left the project after nicole kidman dropped out and her replacement had not yet been found once angelina jolie signed on he returned to the project he left in the middle of shooting for three months to shoot oceans 12. in order to get a wider pg-13 rating a very steamy sex scene with angelina was cute brad gave up one of the starring roles in the departed a film he co-produced in order to participate in this film as he's a longtime fan of alejandro in irido's films now i'm supposed to wait for a helicopter but [ __ ] do something [ __ ] you [ __ ] you if you'll just let me come in with my team and our gear for a few days no prove what i'm saying hey there is no way we are exposing our exclusive clientele to a bunch of scientists we wouldn't want that would we towards the end of the film when rusty and danny are in the airport they each mock each other danny tells rusty settle down and have a couple of kids which is a reference to brad and angelina's relationship and children you dropped these go ahead i got a plan to catch actually try this one it's been paying out ain't no hundred thousand dollars in here dick you down on your knees of all the films made about jesse james his descendants have claimed that this is the most accurate they were especially enthusiastic about brad and casey affleck's performances personal favorite movie that he has acted in highly classified [ __ ] found signals intelligent [ __ ] cia [ __ ] according to costume designer mary's offers even cheap suits look good on pit thus for the scene where his character chad wears a cheap suit she dressed him in a suit with a purposefully bad and ill-fitting cut and a hard-looking wool tie the coen brothers wrote the pits character with the actor in mind inspired by a commercial for which he suffered a similar haircut and died job a knife it's an my experience i should have called i thought brad's third collaboration with david fincher the first two being seven and fight club pitt stated that it took five hours each day to complete the makeup required for the roll each and every man under my command owes me 100 nancy scallops and i want my scalps and all y'all will get me 100 nazi scalps taken from the heads of 100 dead nazis about i got three men dead back there why don't you try telling us what the only movie pit made is a leading actor for the weinstein company he has said it had everything to do with wanting to work with quentin tarantino according to him the film was shot sequentially he can speak german in real life having learned the language and visited germany multiple times out of interest in his german ancestry ironically aldo never speaks german in the film do you really want to know really i'll tell you the greatest honor you've given me is letting me serve you to helpless people in metro city you sit next to me at the piano and i criticize where you turn the pages reach me my life keith ledger was originally stated to play mr o'brien after his death brad took over the role cover you're going to cover right okay come on nice nice harder nice that's a good ride let's see your left it's the most important thing okay the problem we're trying to solve is that there are rich teams and there are poor teams then there's 50 feet of crap dodger stadium was used to stand in for multiple different stadiums due to the limited budget roughly 700 extras were used for fans in the stadiums for the various baseball scenes brad and jonah hill's performances garnered critical acclaim and were nominated for academy award for best actor and best supporting actor respectively so this is all we are lunch to think we spend our whole lives not knowing the truth goodbye krill world obviously the hiatus that we've had is not anything that i would have hoped for but it may be appropriate that the case is coming to closing argument now june is after all the month for weddings he needed something done once dylan couldn't do it so i did it so he knows me i i don't know [ __ ] [ __ ] ass hoe it's no wonder you didn't die look i know i have to look i know what's going on i know what i got to do i got to find the right guy okay you're gonna remember now i know i know i dump the [ __ ] car and i don't go too fast and i wear my [ __ ] seat back [Applause] pitt's schedule conflicted with his commitment to starring in killing them softly and he also took time off to spend time with his family pushing production back even further he said of his involvement in the film that the whole thing started because he just wanted to do a film that his boys would like and they loved zombies world war z grossed 540 million dollars at the box office worldwide becoming his highest grossing picture what amused me just then was your concern for my well-being in this heat when quite frankly the condition of your laborers brad who played a cameo role as bass was originally approached for the michael fassbender part but turned it down the film received critical acclaim and was nominated for nine academy awards winning three including best picture for pitt as producer i think i told him he was not to take it personally but he should go [ __ ] himself blue eyed pit has brown eyes in the film he is one of the few people who had the opportunity to work with both ridley and tony scott before tony's death in 2012. pitt's breakthrough role was in ridley's thelma and louise as the sexy young cowboy who seduces one of the leads and steals her money his cowboy character here falls for a similar scam and is robbed of his savings that's your [ __ ] thought next german you see with a weapon you write the dog [ __ ] out of him i don't care if it's a baby with a butter knife in one hand a mama's hitting the other you chop me my sergeant the cast underwent a rigorous month-long course the final test was manning a real tank during a combat exercise brad who was much older than his cast mates made sure that he participated in all of the physical training alongside the other actors no rations no showers and we were sleeping in the rain it was miserable but we loved it he said later about shooting what are you doing don't pretend you don't know what i'm talking about what the [ __ ] you're talking about get off now you just woke me up this marks the first time that angelina jolie and brad have appeared together in a feature film in 10 years they previously starred together as a married couple in the major box office success mr and mrs smith filming took place during theirs honeymoon yeah and 90 a rated yes over 90 exactly it's incredible yeah i took a good hard look at the cdos you want to show it they're brilliant worthless total crap just when i start thinking you guys are clowns no one on the planet this was the second film based on a michael lewis book that pit produced and appeared the first was moneyball the film was nominated for five academy awards including best picture earning pitt his third academy award nomination as producer this hair hobart we're meeting tomorrow what can you tell me about him he's the ambassador's liaison we met in casablanca where together we assassinated the german ambassador for the limited french dialogue spoken by him mary and co tillard acted as his tutor message did you send it yes i want to pull everyone out of their offices i want to open this place up near the end of the movie glenn mcmahon says if you want to make an omelette you gotta break some eggs this is the same line tyler durden says in the fight club i want you to go sit your ass down wherever the [ __ ] your ass was officially designated to sit and i want you to tell body to bring his ass back over again maybe the wind can't blow it can't see [Music] anybody accidentally kills anybody in a fight they go to jail it's called manslaughter and i think all that lethal weapon horse [ __ ] is just an excuse so you dancers never have to get in a real fight leonardo dicaprio and brad got along so well during the production that they confirmed they would love to team up again tarantino described them as the most exciting star dynamic duo since redford and newman and considers himself one of the luckiest directors for being able to cast both of them at the same time for his performance in the film he received many awards for best supporting actor including the academy award in golden globe control i'm seeing a power surge on seatpost you getting that director james gray admitted he had to compromise with the studio on the ending of the movie to get the film green lit and even with a major star-like brad pitt on board they still struggled for years to get it made and that's all my friends thank you for watching and see you next time i'm taking you back
Channel: Snooper
Views: 4,797
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: Brad Pitt, Brad Pitt 2021, movies, all movies, filmography, all films, history, best films, Seven, Fight Club, Once Upon a time in hollywood, inglorious basterds, Tyler Durden, Angelina Jolie, Snooper
Id: IIhfwhunNj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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