Brad Paisley - I'm Gonna Miss Her
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Views: 31,050,562
Rating: 4.8442316 out of 5
Keywords: brad paisley i'm gonna miss her, gospel songs, brad paisley live, i'm gonna miss her, little moments, acoustic, the fishin' song, music, instrumental, bradpaisleyvevo, brad paisley songs, vevo, brad paisley lyrics, whiskey lullaby, official, download, crushin it, she's everything, brad paisley official, karaoke, remix, lyrics, audio, official video, cover, brad paisley vevo, Sony, brad paisley i'm gonna miss her lyrics, music video, the world
Id: WwRrKaq0IyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2009
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Brad Paisley
artist pic 844,858 listeners, 11,976,671 plays
tags: country, modern country, brad paisley, singer-songwriter, male vocalists
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