Boy Unlocks Fortune System To Become A Billionaire But Can Only Earn Money By Losing It

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The Story begins as we see a boy named pay who rushes to get to work we learn he's just an average guy who got a normal job after graduating from college but he finds his boss to be toxic he makes it to the train station and the doors are about to close but he charges in and manages to get on just in time we see that it's 1 minute to 9 but pay dashes through and he manages to sign in at the last moment the morning goes by and pay starts thinking about what he should order for lunch but he has to compare all the different discounts to get the best deal since he's broke after he eats his lunch he starts playing a game to relax but when he notices his boss he quickly tabs to a different screen the Boss watches from behind him but doesn't notice anything pay continues with his game but his boss constantly tries to catch him trying to sneak up on him at 6 p.m. pay is the first to log off preparing to get home as soon as possible but he's stopped by his boss his boss asks for a cop copy of his presentation but pay notes that the deadline is a week away his boss insists on getting it today but pay refuses telling his boss off his boss threatens to fire him but he doesn't care telling his boss not to forget his Severance or else he will sue but we see this was just all his imagination as he agrees to work overtime to get the presentation done we see pay working until he's the last one in the office when the light goes out and he suddenly gets a message he sees that his friend sent him a quiz to see his fortune but he accidentally drops his phone into his bin as he goes to pick it up he sees the screen that promises to reveal his fortune and there's suddenly a voice that says the fortune conversion system will be activated his phone bursts with light and countless talismans suddenly appear circling around him he gets sucked up in the air and thrown into his bin causing him to disappear he gets woken up by his friend Yang who tells him to get up for the dean's class because attendance will be taken he's confused as he looks around and his roommates tell him to get up as they leave pay realizes he's in his old college dorm and he's gone back to when he was a freshman he wonders what's going on and he thinks about going to his class but he remembers that the dean never actually took attendance in his class while there was another teacher who always acted friendly saying attendance didn't matter but at the end of the semester failed everyone that didn't attend he thinks about how to get back to the future but realizes that this is his chance to change his life so he doesn't end up working a dead- end job he's suddenly about to fall but his fortun conversion system activates the system comes to life and introduces itself as Richie it explains that the system will give him a startup fund to help him get rich he's given 50,000 to begin with and he instantly thinks about the things he can buy Richie goes on to explain that the system will give him money at regular intervals which he can use to run a company and based on his profit to loss conversion rate he can earn money for himself pay gets excited about getting rich and Richie generates his profit to loss conversion rate but it doesn't go as expected because his loss ratio is higher than his profit rate so losing money is actually more profitable he gets excited thinking it will be easier to lose money than earn it so he celebrates how lucky he is Richie tells him the next step is to register a company so he wonders what kind of field he should get into thinking of a shortcut but Richie mentions a bunch of rules and restrictions so he realizes he needs to have a legitimate company he asks for some time to think and he looks for some ideas as he checks his phone he realizes that the Gams industry would be perfect to lose his money since it's hard to actually become successful he tells Richie his decision but accidentally names his company something ridiculous but doesn't care since he doesn't plan to be successful Richie goes on to warn him that he can't tell anyone about the system or else he will face a punishment Richie wishes him the best of luck and a 14-day timer appears pay panics as he wonders how he can develop a game in only 14 days and yang returns to the dorm pay asks him if it's possible to make a game in only 2 weeks and yang says it's actually easy revealing a platform filled with templates and resources that make it possible to make a game without even knowing how to code we see pay looking over the platform in the library realizing it's not the best but thinks it's perfect for just making a bad game he spends 20,000 on driving simulator template paying 15,000 for background assets and he adds some other basic features managing to spend all his money he thinks about what the game play should be like and he decides to make the most boring game possible he creates the course for the game and he ends up making it over 8 hours long thinking the players will hate it he thinks it's perfect calling the game The Lonely desert road and he decides to sell it for only one you on so he can have the lowest profit in case anyone buys it he sees that nobody is buying his game so he becomes happy thinking he's going to make a profit their neighbors enter the dorm inviting them to play video games but pay tells them that he won't be playing because he wasn't able to sleep the previous night his roommates play against their neighbors but they realize that they're all noobs and they end up losing the match as they continue playing pay rests on his bed as Yang wanders if they're bothering him but he reveals that he's enjoying the moment we learned that after he started working he bought all the games he wanted but he wasn't able to play them because he was too busy with his tasks but he knows that everything's going to be different because he just needs to lose money to earn profit thinking he'll never need to work again so he can live the life he always dreamed of we meet the content creator chow and we learned that he's popular for covering bad games in his channel but he's struggling to make money because he can't f find a sponsor he looks for a game to cover for his next video and he finds the lonely desert road he reads the introduction which mentions that the game will make him reflect on his life he finds it interesting so he decides to play it and he's surprised to learn that it has no story whatsoever he starts driving in the desert but he becomes distracted so he ends up crashing causing him to lose the game but he uses his controller and he spends hours trying to complete it but he starts to feel drowsy so he tries to pause the game but he realizes that he can't and he ends up crashing again causing him to become angry he becomes determined to finish the game Thinking his gaming skills are being tested so he decides to play it with everything he has but he still struggles to clear it and he's now frustrated thinking about giving up but a notification mentions that there's something waiting for him at the finish line so he becomes curious and he continues playing for hours as he starts reflecting on his life thinking he has achieved Enlightenment he finally reaches the finish line but the game congratulates him for wasting 8 hours of his life so he becomes angry calling it a scam we see pay in his classroom as Richie shows him his data informing him that he has 11 days before the next closing date he thinks he's about to make a fortune because nobody's downloading his game but at that moment he hears his classmates talking about it realizing it has gone viral so he rushes back home home wondering why people are buying it and he checks his laptop realizing that it has become incredibly popular because Chow covered it in his channel pay watches his video as he tells his viewers not to play lonely desert road calling it the most boring game in history and he mentions that it congratulated him for wasting his time but this made people curious so they started buying the game Yang invites pay to play it saying they should give it a try but he refuses and he notes that the situation is bad because he wants his game to flop so he changes its description trying to convince the players to ask for a refund but they tell him that the procedure is tedious so they decide to let him keep the money a few days later we learned that Yang has been playing the game but he wonders how it became viral saying it's terrible but people can't stop playing it pay mentions that it wasn't meant to be played and he falls into despair knowing he's going to earn less we cut to a man named Lee who is the owner of a large gaming company his assistant informs him about lonely desert road saying it's becoming popular but she mentions that it only costs one you on saying it isn't worth buying because they won't make a profit but he reveals that he doesn't care about money because his goal is to monopolize the gaming industry and he fires her for not sharing his vision pay searches the internet wanting to learn how to lose money but he can't find an answer because nobody's interested in that topic the closing date arrives and he realizes that his game earns 70,000 Yuan but because of the conversion rate he only receives 700 Richie congratulates him for creating a successful game but he isn't happy because he wanted to earn more money Richie tells him that he will have 300,000 Yuan for the second round revealing that he has 30 days until the next closing date but he wonders how he's supposed to spend the money because it can only be used to start a business pay returns home and yang invites him to play real realizing he's in a bad mood he agrees to this so Yang informs their roommates that he's going to join them thinking they can finally get revenge on their neighbors pay carries the team but they still end up losing because Yang is a terrible player so everyone blames him for the result he tells pay that he should have done a better job so he becomes upset calling Yang a burden but he suddenly comes up with an idea that evening pay thinks about Yang thinking he's the key to losing all of his money pay approached es him as he sleeps but he sees pay so he panics alerting everyone in the building the next day pay continues to follow Yang so he becomes upset asking pay what he wants he mentions that he wants Yang so everyone gets the wrong idea and he tries to run away but Pace stops him saying he needs help developing a game but Yang is against this thinking they won't succeed and he's about to walk away but pay reveals that he has already made 300,000 Yuan because he's the creator of lonely desert road Yang is surprised to hear this calling him a genius and yang agrees to work with him saying he will find books about the topic back in the dorm we see that Yang bought books about programming and pay thinks they're going to fail because he isn't being practical pay reminds him that they don't need to write codes because they already have the online platform to make the job easier so Yang wonders what he should do with the books he tries reading them anyways but he immediately falls asleep sleep and pay is happy to see this thinking his plan is going to work the next day pay thinks about the game they should make knowing his company is popular because of a driving game so he needs to think of something different because people will download the game if it's similar to lonely desert road he considers spending all of his funds to create a bigger game and intentionally failed to launch it but Richie warns him that he will receive a penalty so he ultimately decides against it he realizes that mobile players aren't famili amiliar with his company so he plans to create a mobile game he knows that card games are popular but most of them fail because they try to copy the number one game called the Three Kingdoms instead of coming up with a new idea so he decides to make the worst card game in the world telling Yang that they're going to hire artists to help them with the design Yang tells him that there's a cheaper way to do it but he's determined to lose all of his money so he tells Yang that he's going to invest everything he has to create the best card game Poss possible they eat at a restaurant as pay tells Yang to rewrite the stories of the characters but he becomes worried thinking it's going to ruin the game but pay tells him that they must not be afraid to innovate saying he should let his imagination run wild he thinks about turning the characters into strange creatures and pay calls him a genius he decides to hire Yang telling him that he will receive 3,000 Yuan per month and he's Overjoyed to hear this meanwhile Lee's new assistant tells him that Three Kingdoms is losing players because it's difficult to obtain rare cards but he explains that the game won't be addictive if they change this saying card games are on the decline so they should just let it be Lee's assistant confirms this and he mentions that pay's company is planning to copy Three Kingdoms saying there's no creativity whatsoever but Lee reveals that he was the one who picked the theme for their game Thinking his assistant is questioning his creativity so he decides to fire him we return to pay as he laughs at Yang's ideas thinking their game is going to be ridiculous he checks his laptop wanting to hire a rookie artist to create ugly designs and he finds someone interesting thinking he's going to help them fail the next day Yang suggests turning the characters into girls but pay rejects the idea thinking it could make their game successful so he explains that he doesn't want the characters to lose their uniqueness and yang believes him as he notes that Yang is an idiot they ride a boat as p tells Yang that they must prioritize the concept design So He suggests hiring a great artist but pay is against this because he doesn't want them to succeed he believes that pay doesn't want the artist to steal the spotlight thinking pay wants him to shine so he mentions that they should prioritize gameplay over design he offers to do the drawing but pay is against this because he wants to waste money on a rookie artist they have a heated argument but the boat becomes unstable causing it to capsize as they realize that their guide is drowning so they decide to save him but he tells them to leave blaming them for what happened pay tells Yang about the artist he found and we see that he draws chiby characters pay convinces Yang that hiring him would be a good idea saying it will create a unique style that will make their gam Stand Out Yang asks for his contact details so pay reveals that his name is JY and they decide to have a meeting with him during the video call Yang tells JY about their plan as pay explains that they need him to design the 50 characters in the game saying he can have full artistic freedom but they don't want him to draw chibies he wonders why they want to hire him because he specializes in drawing chibies so pay tells him that they see potential in him he agrees to do it but he mentions that his price is 2,000 Yuan for each character Yang becomes upset thinking it's too expensive but pay tells him that the price is too low saying they're willing to pay him 3,500 Yuan for his unique art style he's surprised to hear this thinking it's more than enough but Richie warns pay that unreasonably increasing the price is against the rules so he tells Jen that it will include the amendment fees and jyn agrees to this as Richie withdraws the warning thinking the price is reasonable but we learn that he doesn't plan to ask for amendments he tells Jen that he can do whatever he wants with the art style because they believe in him saying he has 2 weeks to complete the task after the meeting Yang comments that he doesn't like J in because he has a bad attitude but pay explains that he could be an introvert pay tells Yang to handle the art designs while he works on the game play saying they will be busy in the coming days but we learned that he ordered Yang to monitor Jen because he wants the drawing to be as ugly as possible thinking they won't work well together he thinks about making the players hate the game by making it cost 10 Yuan which is two times the price of the Three Kingdoms and he considers setting up a lifelong membership that gives them unlim draws thinking the players will get bored because he knows that they enjoy grinding to obtain rare cards he searches for the worst template he can find and he sees a failed project from another company which tried to copy the Three Kingdoms he realizes that it looks horrible thinking nobody would want to play it so he decides to buy it we cut to Jen as he meets up with his team telling them about the job but they think the game is going to suck because the character descriptions don't make sense they can consider abandoning the project thinking the job is a scam but jyn tells them that the client has already paid the deposit he mentions that they have full artistic Freedom thinking this is their chance to make a name for themselves so everyone decides to give it their best shot He suggests sticking to the style he invented thinking it's going to make the character shine but they explain that they aren't familiar with it so he tells them that he will handle the designs and they can add the finishing touches saying they must come up with the best result possible possible they start working on the project giving it everything they have and they're able to finish it before the deadline we return to the dorm as Yang realizes that JY has already finished the designs asking pay if he wants to see it but he doesn't care telling Yang to put it into the game if he has no issues with this he wonders what they should name the project so pay tells him that they should call it the Phantom General and he goes to sleep the next day Yang tells pay that he didn't find any bugs in the game wondering if they should release it pay realizes that it's the launch date so he tells Yang to upload it saying they should Market it as an ordinary card game Yang thinks he's trying to use reverse psychology but he doesn't really care and he just wants to lose all of his money to make as much profit as possible we see Yang getting beat up by his roommates because they lost another game and they blame him for the result calling him useless pay suddenly arrives pulling him away and asks him why the concept design of the game is so deep detailed pay accuses him of stealing the design from others but he explains that Jin created it and pay is surprised to hear this because he thought that Jen is a terrible artist Yang is happy with the design but pay becomes upset saying it looks excellent but Yang wers why he's complaining because jyn did a great job he claims that it's because he's underpaying jyn but we learn that it's because he wanted jyn to make ugly designs so that his game would fail Yang leaves him wondering what's wrong with him and he reveals that he regrets hiring jyn thinking his game is going to become successful because of the brilliant design but he thinks about the other games that flopped realizing that they also have beautiful designs so he thinks his game can still fail later that day Yang tells pay that 100 users have downloaded the Phantom General but he realizes that they all left negative reviews pay is happy to hear this thinking the game is going to fail but Yang thinks that someone hired trolls to attack them paper pretends that it's bothering him but he's grateful to the trolls and yang thinks about responding to their reviews but pay tells him to forget it saying it isn't worth it because there's too many of them and yang thinks he's a great person because he's able to maintain his composure despite what's happening after some time we see Yang playing the lonely desert road and he has a conversation with Jen who wonders if they have issues with the design he tells jyn that he did an amazing job and they start talking about the game as jy's friends approach him saying they're lucky to have such a kind-hearted client because they were paid more than enough he checks the game and he sees that it isn't performing well wondering why they haven't seen ads about it he realizes that it was made by the same company which created lonely desert road and his friends are surprised to hear this because everyone knows about the game they wonder why the Phantom General didn't go through a testing period thinking the company doesn't know what it's doing and jyn decides to play the game he notes that the game play is basic and he's astonished by his own design thinking it's making the game stand out he realizes that special effects were added to his artwork and he's happy to see this because he thinks it looks perfect he's able to obtain rare cards and he continues to play the game but he notices something strange so he decides to call Yang asking him why there's only one item for sale and it's an extremely cheap lifelong membership he wonders if they will be adding more items to the game shop but Yang reveals that they won't because pay wants the players to enjoy the game JY is surprised to hear this thinking the company can't make profit because the item only costs stir you on but Yang explains that pay doesn't prioritize making profits and jyn thinks he's a great person saying he doesn't want pay to fail Yang starts crying telling him that pay spent all his money in the game so he's already broke thinking this is the reason why he's been acting strange lately so jyn wants to help and he ends the call but we learned that Yang was just pretending to be sad Jin meets up with his team and they're surprised to learn that pay doesn't prioritize making profits they think he's amazing because he's nothing like the other game developers who only think about money so they decide to help him we return to pay who thinks his game has already failed so he starts thinking about the 300,000 Yuan he's going to receive but Yang suddenly clings to him telling him that their game has gone viral he's surprised to hear this wondering how the players learned about the game because he didn't spend money on marketing he checks his phone and he realizes that the game has been flooded with positive reviews so he wonders why it's performing well he realizes that the customers like the concept design so he decides to call jyn asking him if he promoted the game on the internet we learned that jyn shared it with other artists who thought his designs are impressive and he's surprised that the experts loved his artwork but he wants to help advertise the game his friends Wonder why he wants to do this knowing he hates socializing with people so he tells them that he wants pay to succeed because he's an amazing person so jyn tells everyone about the game telling them that it was created by a kind-hearted person so they decide to support it leaving positive reviews and causing it to go viral pay wonders why he did this because he wasn't paid to advertise the game but he explains that he really wants pay to succeed he becomes sad realizing that he's going to earn less but he thanks Jin for helping him anyway jyn feels good thinking pay is really happy because his game is successful but Yang thinks about the negative reviews wondering who hired the internet trolls we cut to Lee as his new assistant informs him that the Phantom General is about to surpass the Three Kingdoms we learned that he was the one who hired the internet trolls and Lee thinks that pay chose to copy the Three Kingdoms because he wants to prove that he's better than Lee he thinks he's being targeted so he wants to acquire Pace comp company saying it's time to proceed with their plan we see pay in the restroom making sure that no one is watching him and he calls the customer service representative telling her that he wants his game to be removed from the recommended list she explains that this is a strange request saying she needs to talk to her superiors but Richie suddenly appears telling him he's breaking the rules so he ends the call pay becomes sad and he starts walking around but a screen appears on the ground as he realizes that the closing date has arrived Richie appears and it starts tallying revealing that pay made a net income of over 500,000 so he falls into despair wondering why the game is so profitable because it was made to flop and Richie tells him he's going to earn 5,000 Yu on because of the conversion rate Richie reveals that the next closing date will arrive in 90 days and he thinks about how profitable his games have become realizing that he's struggling to lose money he hates Richie for increasing the starting fund but Richie tells him that he already has enough for the next round so they won't be increasing it at that moment he receives an additional 1,000 Yuan as Richie reminds him that his games are still earning money we return to Lee as he tells his assistant that pay's company has grabbed his attention so he's willing to spend money to acquire it pay is watching a soccer game when he suddenly receives a call from Yang who tells him that Lee wants to buy their company so he becomes overjoyed thinking about accepting it but he receives a warning because he isn't allowed to sell his company so he's forced to reject the offer but Yang tells him that Lee is offering millions of Yuan to buy their company and he becomes devastated but he still tells Yang to refuse it Lee offers to invest in their company but pay explains that he doesn't need it because he has more than enough money at his disposal asking Yang if he can invest in Lee's company instead Lee learns about this so he becomes upset thinking pay is trying to humiliate him and he starts seeing pay as his rival we see pay and yang eating in a restaurant as Yang wonders why pay isn't in a mood reminding him that his Gams are profitable he refuses to talk about it but we learn that it's because his Gams have earned 6 million Yuan wondering how he can spend all of it in 3 months Yang says he's going to pay the bills and he calls the waitress as pay realizes that Y is richer than him Yang is surprised to see the bill thinking it's too expensive so he asks pay if he can get reimbursed for the meal and pay comes up with an idea so he tells Yang to wait for him and he leaves the restaurant pay calls Richie wondering if he can file the meal as a company team building exercise and Richie tells him that he can because it doesn't go against the rules so he becomes happy wondering if he can also file a claim for his daily expenses but Richie tells him it's prohibited he returns to Yang saying he's going to pay for the meal and they watch the news as the reporter announced that a new integrated system has been invented Yang realizes that the technology is advancing thinking they should make a more complex game in the future but pay thingss they can't do it because they lack the knowledge but this gives him an idea saying they should hire more people and he becomes excited thinking it will cost him a fortune to pay for them he admits that he doesn't know how to run a company so they think it's time to hire an assistant moments later pay suggests going to a head hunting agency to recruit someone and and yang hopes that their company can become the leader in the industry we see a large company called the fiery Sky Studio as its producer Joe checks the performance of the employees he realizes that an employee named Lynn is about to be laid off but he calls his subordinate saying she should be allowed to stay in the company at that moment Lynn enters the room telling him that she wants to resign so he becomes sad wondering why she's doing this she explains that she wants to achieve her dreams and the company isn't the right place for her but she thanks him for looking after her after she leaves he calls his client saying he just completed his task and he assures his client that L will stop dreaming of making gains we see pay and yang in a head hunting agency as they meet a man named Lawrence saying they want to hire someone but he thinks they are worth his time telling them that his services are expensive but pay reveals that he's willing to pay his assistant 400,000 y on a year so Lawrence immediately decides to entertain them he starts asking for the details and pay explains that he wants a female secretary who can help him with trivial matters because he wants someone pretty to brighten up his mood Lawrence shows him the resume of a girl named Lulu saying she has an impressive background but Yang wonders why she left her job so Lawrence explains that she doesn't want to work under a man but he thinks that she will agree to work with pay because he's nothing like her past employers and he immediately decides to hire her as they're about to leave the building they see Lynn watching news about the Phantom General but pay tells her that the game is trash so she becomes upset saying it wasn't created for profit as she mentions that it's a good game he explains that the design is terrible but she tells him that he knows nothing pay leaves the building and Lawrence asks Lynn if she's looking for a job so she tells him that she wants to work for the company that created the Phantom General he tells her that pay is the owner of the company so she immediately runs after him but she isn't able to catch up to him and she realizes she just missed her chance to land her dream job we see pay waiting in a cafe and Lulu approaches him for her interview so he tells her to take a seat she reveals that Lawrence already told her about his company saying she's impressed that he was able to achieve something as a startup thinking he's a capable young man she thinks she's the best candidate for the job and she starts bragging about her skill set asking him if he has any questions but he realizes that he's supposed to be the one giving the interview because she's going to be working for him so he explains that he's satisfied with her qualifications telling her that she should only give him advice when he asks for her help she accepts his terms saying she can start working immediately but he tells her that he doesn't have an office yet which surprises her so they visit a tower where they are shown around and told that they can rent it out pay asks Lulu if it's the most expensive office building in the city and she confirms this so he tells the man that he wants to rent the entire floor and the agent is excited about this calling him a generous person Lulu reveals that the area is about 3,000 square m and the price for renting it is 360,000 Yuan per month but the man explains that he can have it for a cheaper price if he rents the entire floor saying he won't find a better deal in the city but he thinks it's too cheap and the agent is surprised but pay tells him that life isn't easy so he should shouldn't lower his price to satisfy his customers we learned that pay is thinking about the Phantom General because it's still selling like hot cakes so he wants to get rid of as much of his profits the man is Overjoyed to hear this and pay tells him to draft the contract as he thinks about how much he has spent for the first month thinking his move is brilliant moments later Lulu tells pay that the rental procedure has been completed so they need to purchase the office supplies she shows him the list of items they need to buy but he tells her that they need to promote a good working environment for the team saying the items are too cheap she asks him about their budget so he tells her that he's willing to spend 2 million Yuan but Richie warns him that he's going against the rules so he lowers it to 800,000 instead Lulu thinks it's more than enough and he tells her to buy the best office supplies she can find saying they need to give their employees the best experience possible but she asks him about his office so he tells her to spare no cost and she decides to rent a unit for him giving him the key card to access it he realizes that this is a great idea because he won't be able to return to his dorm if he works overtime and Richie thinks this is reasonable so he starts relaxing in his unit Lulu shows him the recruitment policy but he thinks it's too strict telling her to change it because he wants to attract the most useless employees in the world but she warns him that they could end up hiring people who can't make games and he realizes that his plan is flawed because he'll be going against the rules if the employees can't produce a game so he tells her that he's going to hire the game developers himself but she advises him to change the way he looks and he asks her if he can file a claim for his clothes so she explains that he can saying a proper suit is necessary for business meetings so he decides to buy the most expensive suits he can find and he realizes that he's doing great thinking he's going to lose all of his money at this rate he decides to hire another person without talent and he thinks about hiring the laziest person in his school he goes to a computer shop where we see a boy named Bell who is a gaming addict and we learned that he was expelled from his school because of his poor academic performance pay thinks it's reasonable to recruit a veteran gamer so he approaches B saying he wants to hire him as a game designer and B looks at him thinking he's a scammer so B tells him to go away but he gives B Money saying he can have it as a salary advance and this makes him interested pay tells him that they have excellent computers in the company saying he can play there during his free time but B reveals that he doesn't know how to develop games so pay explains that he has faith in B's gaming experience asking him if he wants to develop the greatest game in the world B accepts his offer so he tells B to report in two days and he becomes Overjoyed because he always wanted to be a game developer the next day pay meets a man named Hong who is practicing for the interview so pay approaches him asking him if he's going to apply for the company pay pretends that he's also an applicant asking how long why he's late for the interview so he reveals that he's currently employed and he thought about applying during his lunch break because he isn't happy with his job the elevator opens and he meets his Superior named Lou who thinks he isn't going to make it because pay's company has strict requirements he enters the elevator with pay and they start talking about Lou so B reveals that he's the lead game designer thinking his background is impressive so B thinks he isn't going to get the job but as they reach the office the employees greet pay causing B to become surprised and he starts interviewing Bell revealing that he's the CEO of the company he tells B that he's the person they're looking for asking him about his expected salary so he explains that he isn't getting paid much saying 2,000 Yuan per month should be enough but pay reminds him that the cost of living is expensive explaining that $2,000 you on isn't enough to cover his expenses so pay offers to pay him double the amount and he's Overjoyed to hear this saying he will sacrifice everything for the company later that day Lulu approaches him telling him that a girl wants to see him and we see that it's Len as she asks him if his goal is to make money but he denies this so she thinks he's perfect thinking he's doing this for passion and he asks Lulu about her so she reveals that she was a terrible employee at her last company but this makes him decide to hire her back in the dorm P's roommates wonder where he is because they haven't seen him for days they ask Yang if he's going to return and yang tells them he's working so he must have rented a place outside we see hang working in Pay company but he wonders why they aren't doing anything productive because they're getting paid to play video games everyone starts questioning pay's goals so Lin explains that he wants them to keep playing so that they can identify the problems in video games long realizes that ba has reached the max level in the games they're playing and he thinks this is what pay wants them to do but Lynn thinks he wants them to feel guilty so that they will work harder when the next task arrives everyone wonders where pay is because he never shows up in the office and we see him sitting on his couch realizing that it will be difficult to control his employees he's worried that his next game isn't going to flop but he sees an action movie and he comes up with an idea the bell rings and everyone's ordered to go home but they wonder why they aren't doing anything for the company at that moment pay appears saying he's been absent because he's been thinking about the company's future he informs everyone that they're going to be working on a firstperson shooter saying their goal is to become a leader in the gaming industry everyone starts doubting themselves but he explains that he rejected the experts and picked them as the members in his team because he believes in their creativity he tells them that they're the future of the gaming industry saying all is a Hidden Gem because he performs his work diligently and Bell is the master of games because his gaming skills are unrivaled pay thinks their team is Invincible saying they're going to make a great game and he explains that he's going to give General directions in the early stages saying he will leave everything to Bal and hang they head to the meeting room where pay gives Bal and hang instructions saying the game needs to have beginner friendly controls and the story needs to be incredibly long he adds that the weapons must look cool so that the players will want to buy them and he ends the meeting thinking his demands are going to ruin the game but hang thinks the players will complain if the controls are too simple and this story won't be interesting if they don't keep it short he adds that their company's reputation will be affected because they started a trend of zero in-game purchases but they're going against it by listing guns for sale pay knows he has a point but he tells hang to believe in himself saying he can overcome the problems pay appoints hang as the lead designer and B as the game moderator saying they need to come up with a draft in one week after the meeting pay celebrates thinking his game is going to fail and he realizes that it's time to go home so he leaves the office and he sees B playing a game biding him fairwell we learn that he's the only employee allowed to work overtime but Hanan thanks B for helping him hide saying he wants to do his best for the company so he decides to work overtime they discuss the project as B mentions that pay was was able to achieve the best results with minimum resources thinking they should follow his example B thinks about spending money only on the important features of the game and they enter B's imagination as he explains that he wants the game to start on the ocean where the players are going to find an abandoned oil platform hang asks him about the enemies and at that moment a mummy suddenly attacks them so boss saves him and the mummy falls off the platform countless mummies appear as B explains that their model design is simple because they're wrapped in bandages B shoots one of them causing it to burn away but they realize that they're about to get surrounded so they start running away as B explains that they don't need to simplify the controls because they can just make the mummies easier to destroy but he runs out of bullets so they decide to retreat climbing up a ladder and they reach a safe spot where they discuss the story mode B thinks they need to add an important side character and a girl appears so hang tries talking to her but B reveals that she can't speak because creating a speaking character is expensive he explains that she'll be giving quests to her movements and she leads Han to a corner where he encounters a mummy so he runs away and B knocks it down but mummies swarm the area so the girl gives Hong a rifle and he uses it to defend himself B arrives in a helicopter and he helps them Escape saying the players will be invested in the story if they establish a bond with the characters they return to reality as h mentions that b is a genius but he thinks pay is smarter than him thinking he didn't say anything about the game because he wanted them to have fun creating it hang shares B's opinion and they think he's an amazing person calling him a Visionary they wonder what he meant by cool weapons and they think he wants them to add a legendary weapon into the game they continue working all night and the next day hang tells Bell that their game is going to be amazing saying he will do his best to make it perfect but at that moment Yang arrives greeting Bell but he's surprised to see hang realizing that he broke the rules that evening hang sneaks into the office and he starts working overtime but B tells him there's no need to rush the project so he doesn't need to do this every day but he explains that pay didn't give them enough time to test the game so he needs to go beyond his schedule he tells B that his proposal is almost done and he shows it to Bell asking for his opinion but he starts speaking in gibberish and Hong has no idea what he's saying he gives Hong his suggestions but we see Yang watching them and he thinks about reporting them to pay the next day we see p and yang in their classroom and pay receives a message from Wong who tells him that the game Design's framework is complete but he can't believe his employees are working so fast wondering why they aren't slacking off because he's giving them every reason to be lazy Yang tells him that Hong has been working overtime in secret and pay thinks this is a problem so he thinks about confronting hang but Yang tells him that hang was just playing games during his overtime so P changes his mind realizing that hang wasn't doing anything productive he looks through hang's proposal telling him he's doing a great job and pay tells Yang to ignore his behavior saying he isn't doing anything wrong because game developers are required to do research by playing games we return to the office as hang tells everyone that the proposal has been approved so they celebrate and they immediately start working on the project we see pay taking a bath as he realizes that he's still earning money with his past games so he becomes frustrated wondering how he's supposed to spend all of it Yang visits him telling him that all of his employees are going overtime to play games because hang inspired them with his behavior Yang thinks P shouldn't tolerate this but he decides to spend money on them telling Yang that they're sacrificing their health for the company so they need to be paid for working overtime Yang thinks an amazing person but he explains that he's just giving them what they deserve and he thinks they need to be treated better so he comes up with an idea the next day hang reports to pay giving him the project proposal but he realizes it's going to take ages to go through it so he tells Hong to take care of everything but he tells pay that he still needs to decide on the title of the game and at that moment he hears his employees ordering food but he tells Hong to stop them we see that pay has prepared food for everyone and yang explains that pay is going to provide them with free meals while they're working Lulu reveals that the company's gym is still under renovation but they have already hired professional trainers so everyone feels excited hang approaches Lyn telling her he doesn't understand pay because his kindness is unreal but she believes he's doing this to boost their efficiency and hang thinks they should repay his kindness by working harder they suddenly receive notifications and they can't believe they have been paid for working overtime Lynn talks to pay who tells her that the rules have changed saying everyone is now allowed to work overtime he tells her that they will be compensated for going beyond their schedule but she refuses to accept the payment so he asks her why she's rejecting it she says she doesn't want it but he explains that she deserves to be paid for working overtime telling her not to turn him down and she becomes flustered so she ends up accepting it everyone asks her if she turned him down but she says she can't do it and they start crying thinking they're lucky to have an incredible Boss B thinks pay didn't give them time to test the game because he believes in their capabilities so they're determined not to let him down pay wonders how he's supposed to spend all of his money and he shows B the materials they'll be buying for the project asking for his opinion we learned that they're going to spend 670,000 Yan for the game and B thinks it's reasonable saying it should be enough to cover everything they need but pay tells him they shouldn't cut cost costs reminding him about his dream to create the perfect game and he realizes that they need to spend more pay tells him to double the budget and He suggests buying a server which costs over 500,000 Yu on pay thinks it's a great idea and he tells B to focus on the game development saying they can buy the server after the game is released meanwhile Lee talks to Joe who asks him what they should do about pay seeing him as their common enemy so tells Joe to acquire pays employees thinking his company won't be able to survive without them Lee's assistant tells him that pay's employees are pathetic but he's willing to do anything it takes to destroy P's company so he decides to proceed with his plan anyway we see B watching a video about firstperson shooter games but hang interrupts him saying everyone is waiting for him to approve the documents they start asking him questions about the project and he tries to answer all of them but he ends up getting overwhelmed thinking he doesn't have what it takes to be a lead developer but hang decides to help him ordering everyone to do their part but they suddenly get interrupted as they receive phone calls one month later we see pay in his classroom but Yang is absent so pay wonders where he is he suddenly receives a call from Yang who tells him that the fiery Sky studio is poaching their employees and he can't believe this is happening so he rushes out of the class pay returns to the office and he realizes that it's empty thinking everyone abandoned his company so he fall falls into despair wondering how he's supposed to finish the game but he sees Hong and he realizes that they never left Ying asks them what happened so they revealed that the fiery Sky Studio tried to hire them but they decided to stay because they're happy and Pace company knowing they're being treated well Yang tells them that the fiery Sky studio is the legend of the industry but Lynn thinks pay is better and everyone agrees with her hang reveals that they were testing the game in the AV room and the office is a mess because they got too excited when they finished the project pay can't believe they have already completed the game and they show it to him revealing that it's called project oil rig and he can't believe his team was able to produce this thinking it has great potential hang explains that they still need to polish the game saying they have a month to fix everything but pay wants to stop them from working on the project thinking it's a good idea to have a team building activity because they'll be wasting time and money so he tells everyone about his plan but Lulu interrupts him and Lee's assistant appears everyone recognizes him and hang warns pay that he tried to poach them but he greets pay saying he learned about pay's greatness when he talked to the others he says he wants to leave Lee's company to join him so pay becomes confused because he thought Lee's assistant was working with the fiery Sky Studio but he explains that Lee is behind the mess saying he's doing everything in his power to bring pay down he thinks Lee might be able to help him fail but he notices that everyone 's upset so he decides to reject Lee's assistant we see everyone training in the gym and they start talking about the team building activity wondering where they're going Lynn mentions that she wants to visit the fiery Sky Studio because she wants them to meet pay thinking he's the real deal but he overhears this so he decides to Grant her wish saying they will visit her previous employer and their trip will have a budget of 450,000 yuan but we learned that he's doing this to demoralize his team no his company is no match for the fiery Sky Studio everyone has a meal together as pay tells them about the plan saying the company will pay for everything but he realizes that they won't be staying at a luxury hotel and he asks Lulu about this so she explains that Lynn told her that the budget is only 150,000 so he realizes that Len misheard him but he decides to stick with it thinking Richie might stop him if he increases the budget he tells Yang to ask questions in the fiery sky Studio saying he wants to know their past mistakes and yang agrees to do it we see Joe in his office as his assistant approaches him telling him that pay's company has arrived to visit them he doesn't want to meet pay thinking he's a fool but his assistant disagrees reminding Joe that he was able to create successful games so Joe tells her to let him in she allows PA's group to enter showing them around the company and they're Amazed by the facilities as pay realizes that it would cost millions of you on to build it pay meets Joe and they greet each other but Joe notes that pay is wearing an expensive suit realizing that he looks capable so Joe starts seeing him as a threat but all he can think about is wasting money thinking he should invite Joe to eat at an expensive restaurant Joe offers to show him around because the company is so big that he might get lost and Joe starts boasting about their facilities telling pay that he can learn from them he offers to give pay a limited edition doll and he checks his collection but pay's team arrives and they start insulting the studio thinking pay's company is better but they realize Joe is listening to them and he sees Lynn realizing she has decided to join pay he calls his employees and they have a meeting together as Yang asks Joe if he's giving his workers overtime pay because they're going beyond their schedule but he denies this and they are happy to hear this as y realizes that he isn't treating them well his assistant introduces them to pay team and she starts bragging about the games produced by their Studio saying Lynn was a bad employee so she never deserved to be in their company but pay explains that she's now working as his director and he orders her to tell everyone about their company so she explains that pay isn't like the other game developers saying lonely desert road went viral because it was able to do something other games weren't able to accomplish she explains that it was able to change people's lives while they were playing but Joe notes that she isn't making sense and pay totally agre agrees with him she adds that the Phantom General is successful because of pay's foresight saying he challenged the industry's taboo by making the purchasable items extremely cheap Joe admits that she has a point and she calls pay a genius before returning to her seat Joe delivers his speech saying all their games are Classics so there's no need to talk about them and he shows everyone the new game they're developing called bullet mark his assistant stops him saying they shouldn't tell P's team about it but he insist s thinking they're nothing compared to their Studio he tells everyone about the game and pay wants his team to listen so that they will get demoralize we learned that bullet Mark is a firstperson shooter and Joe reveals that they're going to make the weapons look as realistic as possible he knows that the players want to grind to improve their skills so he has decided to make the game free to play but mentions that the drop rate is so low that the players will want to buy the items in the shop hang realizes that bullet Mark is a br iant project thinking project oil rig is nothing compared to it so he falls into Despair and Joe knows that he has just demonstrated his company superiority so he starts looking down on pay's team but hang wonders why pay looks so confident thinking he must have a plan but we learn that he's actually rooting for bullet Mark hoping it's going to crush his game P's team returns to the office where Lulu reveals that pay is allowing them to go on vacation leave hang explains that he learned something during their team buil building activity saying bullet Mark is going to be launching on the same date as the game he knows that project oil rigs quality is nothing compared to Bullet Mark and they don't want Joe to succeed knowing he isn't treating his employees well hang implores everyone not to go on vacation because he wants to improve the quality of their game and they believe pay arranged the team building activity so that they will be aware of their competition they love their company and they want pay to succeed so they decide to do their best to surpass pass bullet Mark we see Joe calling Lee who is angry because Joe told pay's team about bullet Mark so he explains that he did it to crush their morale thinking they aren't a threat but Lee tells him not to underestimate pay because he's more dangerous than he looks so Joe promises to deal with him we return to the office where everyone works on improving the game th gives suggestions on how to enhance the gamep play but one of his co-workers tells him that project oil rig is already better than most games so Lynn explains that they shouldn't follow the trend because pay is a trailblazer in the gaming industry Lulu receives a call from pay who explains that he'll be busy for the entire week and she promises to take care of everything while he's gone Lynn thinks he's busy promoting the game and hang reveals that they're done with the project so they need to test it again B decides to do it and he has a pleasant experience thinking the game is perfect meanwhile pay has just finished his exams and Richie gives him a report which mentions that the next closing date is 25 days away and he still has 361,000 yuan in his account he knows he's doing well and he thinks about wasting all the money so that he can make a fortune so he calls Lulu telling her to arrange another team building activity and he promises that everyone's going to have fun saying they will spend 361,000 for the event we see the team in a private Cinema and they watch a movie together but it suddenly cuts to recording and pay realizes that the team has a surprise for him they tell him that project oil rig has been completed and they're all looking forward to launching it right away but pay panics because he thinks it's going to do well if it's launched before bullet Mark so he tells everyone they shouldn't release the game yet but Richie warns him that he isn't allowed to delay the launch for no reason so he explains that they should celebrate before launching the game and they decide to have a party as pay asks Lulu about the vacation days he gave them but Yang tells him that they decided to work instead so they were able to finish the project ahead of schedule we see that b is already drunk and he sings a ridiculous song as everyone enjoys the party hoping the game becomes a hit Lynn notes that everyone in the company is being valued and she thinks pay is an excellent leader but she wonders why he looks worried thinking he must be pondering about their future but we learned that he's just thinking about how to lose all of his money and Bel tells everyone that he was just a loser before paying helped him discover his talent so he thanks pay for changing his life and everyone starts crying but they all end up getting drunk the next day they return to the office but they realize that they haven't published the game yet so they have no choice but to launch it immediately Lynn checks the download numbers and she realizes that project oil rig isn't performing well because bullet Mark launched on the same date but they think it's going to improve after they Market the game but they realize that pay didn't spend money on Market so they start to wonder if he even knows what he's doing but B tells them not to doubt pay reminding them that his previous games did well because he's a marketing genius Lynn believes he's trying to train their Endurance by testing them if they can perform under pressure and Hanan thinks they need to do something so they approach Lulu telling her they need a budget to work on the patches for the game B explains that they need players to test the game so that they can gather data to optimize the experience but they don't have a large player base So He suggests paying testers to give their feedback but Lulu reveals that pay didn't allocate a budget for this so they decide to pay the testers themselves Lynn mentions that she knows a professional gamer known as king and B recognizes him saying he's a legend in the Esports industry she reveals that she sent him the link to their game hoping he can help them promote it after he plays this we see King as he's about to download project oil rig thinking it must be a terrible game and he can't believe the legendary weapon costs 888 Yuan saying it's too expensive but he decides to try the game anyway he enters the game wondering what he's supposed to do because he wasn't given an introduction he looks around thinking the graphics are bad and he sees a girl who tells him she needs his help to escape but a mummy suddenly attacks her so he takes a weapon and uses it to shoot the Mummy he realizes that he needs to protect her to complete the stage and he sees more monsters approach ing but she gives him an assault rifle so he uses it to shoot them down as he notes that the controls are smooth thinking beginners won't struggle to learn the game he follows the girl who tells him she's too hungry to move so he gives her a candy and she starts entering the passcode to open a door but a swarm of mommies appear and he tries to take them down but he runs out of ammo so he decides to retreat with the girl but a mummy catches up to them and it easily overpowers him it starts eating him but the girl takes it out using her power to heal him the mummy gets back up but he's able to take it down and we see King at pay company as Lynn reveals that he begged her to bring him to their office he reveals that he finished the story mode by climbing the tower to reach the helicopter and he thinks the game is amazing saying he loves everything about it he thinks bullet Mark is overrated because it lacks originality thinking it's nothing compared to project oil rig they thank him for appreciating the game and Lynn offers to give him the legendary weapon called the Karen but he tells her he already bought it he mentions that it looks cool but he thinks the name sounds boring saying they should call it the mega holy gun but they think it sounds ridiculous he asks them why there's only one item for sale in the shop so they tell him it was pay's idea because he wanted to sell a legendary weapon in the game but they thought about the lower class weapons and pay didn't mention anything about them so the team decided to make the other weapons free l offers to pay him for testing the game but he refuses saying he wants their game to succeed so he's going to cover it in his live stream we see pay in his classroom as Yang tells him that project oil rig isn't doing well so he should return to their office after the exam he thinks everyone is depressed because the game failed thinking he needs to cheer them up when he returns but he's actually happy knowing he's going to make a fortune but Yang tells him that the game is gaining traction saying it could go viral so he becomes wor worried thinking his game is going to become successful again pay returns to the office and he notes that everyone appears to be on the edge thinking Yang must have lied to him but they suddenly surround him telling him that the game has gone viral and they congratulate him as they start celebrating their success he returns to his office and he wonders why the game didn't fail thinking his employees must have advertised it in secret hang gives him an analysis explaining that it contains the factors that contributed to the game's success so he reads it realizing that King promoted the game because he loved everything about it saying the controls are beginner friendly and it even has a great story mode but pay thinks this doesn't make sense because he came up with those Concepts thinking the players are going to hate it so he realizes that he's the reason why his game didn't fail P's team thinks he's brilliant because he decided the game's direction from the beginning and his ideas made the game Stand Out pay walks past them and he appears to be depressed but they think he's cool because he can stay calm and collected despite everything that's happening we see pay on a Terrace and we learn that he went through the comments of the players realizing that they all loved his game he reveals that he made 400,000 from the Karan alone and he knows that his game is still gaining traction so he could end up making millions before the next closing date he starts to feel depressed knowing he can't spend all of it but Lynn tells him to calm down saying he can talk to her if he isn't feeling well but he knows she will never understand what he's going through she thinks he feels bad that their game crushed bullet Mark and he can't handle project oil rig's success so she tells him to take a break saying his team will always be there to support him hearing this he realizes that he can get other people to spend the money for him thinking Richie is playing a game with him and he knows his pride is on the line so he's determined to come out on top but that's where this video ends remember to like And subscribe to the channel thank thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Recap-kun
Views: 586,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anicaps, animecaps, anime recaps, anime, anime movie recaps, horror anime recaps, best anime recaps, top anime recaps, fox anime recaps, anime recap, movie recap, aniplot, anime plot, anime summary, anime in minutes, defeating animes, recap, how to win anime, how to beat animes, mr recap
Id: MNAOInZu2oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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