Boy Gets ‘Pencil’ Stuck In Ear, Doctor Pulls Out Something Much Worse

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kids often capture the hearts of adults with their sense of wonder and delight but there can be times when that same wonder is questioned when they do some weird things this was the case of a particular boy who had something stuck in his ear but there's a strange plot twist hello wonderful people i'm jamie buck from wonderbot and here is boy gets pencil stuck in ear doctor pulls out something much worse before we begin make sure you smash the like button subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell for more amazing videos [Music] the young boy thought it wouldn't be a bad thing if he shoved a pencil in his ear and it inevitably got stuck in there but there's more to this than meets the eye plenty of small children will take random items and try to fit them in their noses ears or eyes just because they're curious the reason behind this is that children are learning about the world around them by experimenting through touch the boy with the pencil in his ear was louis king and he was not a toddler anymore so his poor grandmother was shocked to hear what he was going to tell her if a child is younger than four then it's common for them to put things in their mouths ears or eyes although most are younger than four some may keep the habit much longer like lewis the most common things to be shoved inside a nose or an ear is food nuts watermelon seeds or popcorn are good examples lewis choice was not food but rather the small stub of a pencil he found it pretty easy to shove the tiny thing into his ear but found it much harder to get it out as he was about to find out while lewis's mom had to work his granny sheila would look after him it was on a day with his granny that the situation took place the situation isn't entirely uncommon so sheila thought she could handle looking after her hyper grandson with relative ease she didn't know how out of control things could get with her watching him the scariest thoughts that run through a caretaker's head is that something happens to the child they are looking after when lewis told his granny what had happened she immediately froze and found that no words would leave her mouth it wasn't just the worry about what had happened to her grandson she knew she'd have to tell his parents about this she never wanted something to go wrong while she was watching him sheila's daughter wouldn't forgive her if something happened to lewis well he was on her watch of course something did happen to lewis while he was quietly playing with a coloring book in his bedroom she should have followed her intuition and checked up on him to see why he was so quiet if she had only watched him a bit more closely then it never would have happened but it's hard to keep your eye on a 10 year old the problem only came to shiloh's attention when her grandson complained about his ear being sore if lewis had kept quiet then there would have been much greater consequences sheila took a look at his ear but without any equipment she could only see darkness it was important that she acted quickly she gathered all her things and followed the emergency procedure for circumstances like these would she be fast enough lewis started crying and fiddling while sheila couldn't see anything sheila was in a panic and it rubbed off on the boy he now understood how severe it was having something stuck inside his head that shouldn't be there sheila nearly had to hold his wrists as he tried to hit his head to dislodge the object the panic only made it worse sheila understood that she would have to get her grandson to the hospital right now sheila entered through the doors to the hospital holding the boy's hand behind her at that point lewis was sobbing he didn't know what he had done to himself and what problems it would incur just how tense and serious everything was made him panic even more they didn't have to wait long until the doctor came out and had something to say the doctor to help them was philip russell after peering into lewis's ear he realized that his tools weren't going to cut it and he'd have to get more advanced ones lewis's ear was blocked off completely by the pencil lewis was still with fear which made it easier for the doctor to work on them it was taking a while and the doctor didn't have anything positive to say the pencil was lodged so deep in lewis's ear that it took a lot longer than anyone expected to get the tool around it but eventually dr russell managed the nearly impossible he told lewis to hold very still as he extracted the dangerous piece of wood in graphite from deep inside the boy's ear canal as the object reached the opening of the boy's ear everyone was stunned it looked nothing like a pencil at all you've done a good job of it i'll tell you that the doctor comments to lewis and the sheer depth of the object his granny looks on and shakes her head in dismay is that all of it or just part of it the doctor asks and louis responds with a decisive that's all of it i think yeah that's all of it but the doctor wasn't satisfied with just lewis's word let's have another look in your ear he said as he tiled the boy's head again to complete the search what he saw inside left the doctor feeling very uneasy a tiny round and rather wide object balances in the doctor's forceps lewis feeling some relief in his head turned as soon as it was out everyone in the room looked at the offending object and puzzled looks spread from doctor to granny and then they looked at louis he didn't seem too worried that the pencil in his ear was actually a whole battery that happens to look more like a watch battery to me dr russell questions the boy are you sure it was a pencil and suddenly lewis isn't sure anymore i don't think it actually was now having a pencil lodged inside your ear is dangerous enough and the risks are obvious as dr russell explains the worst case scenario is that he gets a deep rooted infection and that could affect his hearing balance coordination and if left long enough he could even go deaf with it it was a lucky thing that skilled doctor was able to find it and remove it entirely i can't see your eardrum which means it's gone it means you've made a hole in it now that can happen with things like this the doctor said addressing the upset granny we don't repair it or anything it will repair itself luckily for lewis the eardrum is much like skin and should grow back naturally within six weeks now a lucky break for granny too according to lewis the pencil was stuck into his ear not that day but a full week earlier he must have started getting a sore ear or just plain worried that his own attempts of getting it out were in fact only forcing it in deeper either way granny was in the clear since none of this happened on her watch where he would have got that from and how it's got in there i don't know she admits to the camera filming her it's not unusual for kids to stick things in their ears or noses or even other kids ears and noses but what is unusual is thinking you've stuck a pretty large object like a pencil in your ear when it turns out to be a battery and while a pencil sounds super pointy and stabby it's actually a far cry better than the danger of battery poses a battery left unchecked could leak acid which can really complicate things dr russell says it happens fairly often that kids stick things in their ears and noses the fact that he said it was a pencil and it turned out to be a watch battery i'll tell you that's pretty bizarre but we've seen this thing before recently a girl with a runny nose was discovered to have put a clothespin in there the grandmother and grandson duo were chosen to appear on bbc television series bizarre er before they even knew the strange twists that were coming up what was weird and a little concerning was that the boy thought a battery was a pencil so we have to ask ourselves were there other objects he'd put in his nose or in his ear and he'd managed to get out successfully by himself or was the poor little lewis just afraid he'd get into more trouble for a battery than a pencil it doesn't seem like he'll be telling any of his secrets anytime soon but we do hope he's learned a valuable lesson even if just for poor old granny's sake you
Channel: Wonderbot
Views: 1,441,731
Rating: 4.8108425 out of 5
Keywords: wonderbot, wonderbot stories, heartwarming stories, Boy, Gets, Pencil, Stuck, In, Ear, Doctor, Pulls, Out, Something, Much, Worse, wonder, bot, trend, trending, viral, story, stories, awsome, did, you, know, happy, sad, ending, animated story, life story
Id: C2nMLRjKIxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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