10년 노숙생활의 충격반전, 검은 얼굴의 사나이┃10 Years of Sleeping on the Streets, a Man With Black Face

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A man with black paint on his face, wandering around the subway What did you put on your face? Can you speak Korean? Is he chased by someone...? He continues to look around I'm scared.. Who is he.. and what has happened to him..? We received a report of a man with black paint on his face and found him on a subway After having a short conversation with a woman next to him, they got out together We tried to talk to him but -What did you apply on your face? -I don't know -Did you apply sth? Or is it a medicine? - I don't know His skin condition doesn't seem okay at all His whole face is covered with scab Not only his face, but also his hands were covered, too -Who is she? -My sister -Your sister? -Yes -Are you his sister? -Um um um um -What is on his face? - Ugh, I don't know Don't talk to me, I don't want to hear you -Do you know your name? -I don't -How about your age? - I don't know They soon depart again after replying to us And stood in front of the clothing bin A... jacket.. -Did you come here because you're cold? -Yes He wasn't even wearing a jacket in winter Failing to find a jacket and they arrived at free meal place to have a late lunch Since when did they start this life? He was like this even 10 years ago. He has been the same for 10 years. As he has been like this for 10 years, there are countless rumors about him, too I've heard from someone that he applies tar on his face Tar...? -Did you apply sth on your face? Or were you like this when you were young, too? I was born like this What...? As if something's uncomfortable, he continues to tap on his face -Why did you just tap on your face? -Because my face hurts -It hurts? -Yes The face covered with black thing was giving him itchiness and pain And suddenly he went to a convenient store and came back with sth A shoe polish...? After applying the shoe polish on his hands, he starts to apply it on his face, too -Why did you apply that on your hands? -Just because -You said it hurts -I just applied it. Why on earth is he applying the shoe polish on his face despite the pain? He remained silent We decided to wait THEN A drunk man suddenly approached to him Hey, coal! Come over here. You there, come here right now. He leaves the place as the drunk man gets loud Production Crew intervened to calm him down Though the situation got better, he seemed to be very frightened. I'm scared.. Were you scared? Yes... But they didn't leave the station and just lied down on the bench The weather is too cold for them to sleep in here.. (4º) -Are you gonna sleep here today? -Yes -Aren't you cold? I am....well... it's okay.. We sleep together all the time. Even in summer. Let's go together. We'll get you a room No, I don't want to go. I can sleep here -But it's dangerous and cold in here -It's okay Though we tried to convince them, they refused to follow us Then just wear this. It's too cold here We'll be next to you today, so just tell us if you're cold. They fell asleep so fast as if they are used to sleep on the bench After a few hours.. 4:50 AM She woke him up and they departed again As soon as he sees the production crew, he takes off the jacket and returns I have another one. Just wear this, it's cold today. It's not mine. He returned the jacket no matter how cold it was Why on earth are they wandering around the streets? We can't let them wander anymore With their agreement, we decided to check their identity Who is he... and why is his face covered with shoe polish...? What is going on in his life...? We found his identity. Really? He's 37 years old and his name is Young Heo They said your name is Young Heo. Is it correct? -Then what's your name? - It's right. My sister's name is Hyunwook Heo He knows his and her names. We even checked their family information, too They have parents and one older brother. And they are twins. TWINS? Surprisingly, they are twins They said you're twins, is it right? -Yes. -Are you binovular twins? -Yes They are identified as binovular twins Why on earth did they end up on a street even when they have parents, too? We decided to visit their family But she started to cry and scream as if something's scary What's wrong? I'm gonna run away She refuses to go home So we had to return to the station We followed them Please don't film us anymore Please don't follow us and suddenly started to run and got on the train they left all of a sudden To find out why they refused to go home, we visited their family They aren't smart so they left home often When one left, another followed so What's their disability grade? All of them on their 2nd grade Maybe because they were together even from their mother's womb, they have been a great sibling For many years, they depended on each other I'm an Agent Orange victim who participated in Vietnam war and their mother also has 4th grade mental disability We tried so many ways but they escaped no matter what There was no reason but they just continued to escape To find the twins, their father spent so much time on the streets Though he tried hard with his sick body, their continuous disappearance tired him But finding the twins was the most important thing Sometimes they disappeared for 5-6 months 5-6 months...? To avoid the worst situation, production crew ransacked the subway then found the man on the other side of the subway we must meet them Thankfully, we could meet them agian She said we have to run away -Why? -I don't know We could find out the reason why she wanted to leave after a long conversation Did you run away because we were heading to your home? Yes -Because you thought we were going to your house? -Yes -You don't want to go home? -No -Why? -She doesn't wanna go My older brother hit me. I can't go there. -Your older brother hit you before? -Yes. -Are you afraid of your brother too? -No, I'm not but I am. She refused to go home because of the trauma But as he worried about his twin sister who was alone outside, he followed her to the subway And we were able to find out a new information -You stayed at 'protective facility'? -Yes. -How about your sister? - She wasn't there. How did he stay in the protective facility alone? We found his acquaintance to find out more about him He was a very nice man. He doesn't know how to harm others. He's an angel . He got along with others very well and received many love in the facility. Then why did he leave this facility? His sister used to call him and make him leave Do they depend on each other a lot? They are very special to each other Guess it's a twin thing. They always find each other. He came with us to talk to Young Heo. Young, do you remember me? Gwak su sa (singing) I love you Am I pretty? (yes!) My name is Young Heo, Gabriel (baptismal name) You still remember it~ Do you like this? No Then why did you apply it? As he helped us to open their heart, he followed us to the hospital Checking his skin condition Sore oozing through the black polish Is it okay if I remove the polish? No, it hurts Does it hurt? Yes I can't anymore. It hurts He refuses any further treatment due to the pain A sore oozes because of contact dermatitis and as sore and shoe polish dry together, it got thicker it's very serious. He must remove the polish as soon as possible Production Crew followed him for 10 days to convince him He suddenly gets another meal while having his meal Are you hungry? No. Have this. Who? me..!??!?! He got another meal for the production crew. It's more delicious because you gave it to me Thank you! As he opened his heart even more, we could offer them a warm bed, too I love it!! >< And he also continued to help us convince the twins Do you think you're ready to wash your face? Yes Are you sure? Yes! He stood in front of the sink and decided to wash his face The start was tough but soon he begins to wash thoroughly Washing off the shoe polish Can't imagine the pain and tiredness that he has gone through The moment of gratitude Do you like it? Yes! Him without the black shoe polish!!! The flower is bloomed. Can't stop smiling Am I pretty? I am Young Heo Gabriel - You washed off everything! -Yes, I did - Does it hurt? -No, it's itchy -Is it itchy? - A lot The toxic chemical of shoe polish.... We gave him the ointment for a quick treatment Promise us that you won't apply the shoe polish from now on~ Hope you have a nice dream in his warm place` The night of gratitude Next day, they visited hospital to have a health check with psychological counselling, too Someone beat me in the subway Told me to apply the shoe polish Who? some people told me to pick up the shoe polish and apply it on me Told you to pick it up and apply on you? Yes.. As people beat him to apply the shoe ointment on his face, and as he said it did it in order to protect himself from them, it is clear that he put it on his face to protect himself from the danger and from the people who wanted to harm him After a long counselling, Is it okay to go home now? Yes Do you think you can stay at home? Yes we can Finally, the twins headed home where their parents were waiting Their father welcoming them as soon as he sees them His heart aches looking at his son's red face Thank you for helping me to find my kids I will do my best so that they don't leave the house They finally returned to their home. Promise me that you will only sleep in this house!~ We will not sleep anywhere else. Promise us~ Brother who covered his face with shoe polish in order to protect himself and his sister We pray that their painful memory gets cured in this warm house We pray that they live a heartwarming life from now on We pray that they stay safe
Channel: 우와한 비디오
Views: 5,051,857
Rating: 4.9396496 out of 5
Keywords: SBS, 세상에이런일이, 순간포착, 순간포착 세상에 이런 일이, 우와한비디오, 역대급, 놀라운 능력, 놀라운 이야기, 놀라운 사연, what on earth, wowvideo, how in the world, shook, OMG, amazing story, amazing human, talented, talented human, amazing people, dope video, unusual, unique, 지하철, 분당선, 노숙생활, 충격, 반전, 실종, 실종자, 실종신고, 꽃동네, 꽃
Id: EJyU0x0A4XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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