Boy Continuously Screams To Get His Own Way | Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance | Real Families

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don't kiss it for because you may have spoiled your crazy friend confine yourself this is power play this stops here now the nation's favorite no-nonsense nanny is back do what you're supposed to do as a parent stop copy now a third of UK parents think they're doing a really bad job I don't think it's that bad I just think a lot of parents are stop reaching out but for in collisions because no justice support everybody King everyone's doing a better job behind closed doors and quite rightfully with all the favor to normal unwell for long honestly seriously jo Frost is lifting the lid on Britain's parenting woes by getting mums and out coke at 8:00 p.m. [Music] in this series she's investigating the big issues facing today parents kids get enough exercise which one do you like my one one is its superior as well as tackling some of the most extreme problems she's ever seen you're going to end up with a child who could die before you do he's on a mission to make us all better parents but has she taken on modern one woman can handle I'm conscious just not easy [Music] this week Joel tackled a child who is uncontrollable behavior he's driving his parents home I'd say yes because you asked me they asked independence she reveals the shocking truth about what lack of sleep is doing to our children this week we're going to do something about it we're going to make sure that every boy and girl gets the sleep that they need and we find out what's happened to two of Joe's toughest cases from the series you don't want to do I don't qualify through all alone we surveyed mums and dads across the nation and it's clear that many parents of strong views on discipline I was smashed as a kid and Adeline is anything wrong with it no in my day you [Music] could slap them for instance you can't you can't slap them now when I hit fire - if you do not get ready to do not get dressed and ready for school in the next five minutes you will go to school in your pajamas well I like my pajamas so I'll just put them in their bedrooms and shut the door because it works best then they can't you ow got to the end of the street diversity just sort of I can will get dressed but what happens when mom and dad can't agree on how to discipline their child meet let's me car and Surinder Singh who live in Birmingham with their children 7 month old Manisha 4 year old Michael I think my god Michael totally rules the roost with his constant Tantrums now wife this is what he does all day every day constantly let's go out crying or just you know Michaels you shut up like I don't want to always be shining but I find I fall on do with him even when they're out let's mean surrender have no control over Michael's antisocial behavior they're even afraid to let him play with other children if you don't get anywhere you don't get quite dialogue that you speak both things punch kick pull for too demanding to pull in why are you doing that why are you doing that dad has a more indulgent attitude for parenting so let's me gets a little help with discipline I feel as if I'm battling here on my own because he just dipped in I think don't those your mother lay down let Martha walk alone the more Michael misbehaves the more lettering surrender and divided as a couple basically the most thing is up to as well to listen to you we not say anything is it no though I become my duty no but the Sudan is enough I'm going to see to parents who are not disciplining their child and it's a shame when two parents don't understand the importance of doing that because what happens is the child's behavior it really insulates out of control and then the parents feel very helpless and powerless to be able to change that let's mean surrender married five years ago when that surrender came over from India I know how are you I know you I'm right Joe hi oh so nice to meet you so that one here is that Indonesia hi Malaysia yeah what's your name hi Michael how you doing buddy you good yeah how old do you then you're four so what does Michael think about his behavior do you behave naughty now I don't be naughty I be good now a good boy a little kid mommy and what are the things that you don't like listening to mommy and daddy about I see I guess what we all want I want it you want it want it so when you want something you don't want to listen to mommy and daddy and how do you behave show me show me what you do what does your face look like when you get cross thank you yeah Joel wants to know how let's meet surrender handle Michael's tantrums okay so let's now skip to you and your partner okay are you on the same page no not at all why he says that he can't see Michael crying and I just assumed that if when Mark was crying and how many Tenten is like he's putting wax through some pain or something so he thought that whatever he's asking for he should have do you have boundaries and rules with Michael does he know that there are certain things we don't so you know you don't know you're shaking your head and you're saying no the reason why he doesn't have that it's because you guys don't agree on anything Joe once dad to see why it's so important to mean what he says it Michael have you ever said to him no and just walked off say that hundreds I'm no no no but I'm gonna walk to class oh so Michael you'll give any mixed messages because you say no but you do yes so it's very confusing and if you're confused which often is he's very confused really what Sean out was the fact that they didn't have any boundaries or rules and they weren't working together so there's some groundwork that needs to be done Joe frost is on a mission to make it a nation of better parents and that means answering some of the big questions facing mums and dads today I remember feeling so tired that Casilla tensed failing I couldn't hear from anymore I could see you properly anymore I'm so tired I haven't slept properly since she was born and after almost a year ago now I actually can't remember the last time I had a full night's sleep and I don't know when she was coming if ever I feel very guilty about this but we used to give them a medicine which was for travel sickness or two children the chickenpox that had something in it that had like a sedative in it so we used to do a lot with that and then go to bed and get a really good night's sleep so how much sleep is the right amount probably the worst people to ask are the kids themselves if it was a school night and you could choose the time you went to bed what time would it be most of these eight-year-olds picked a bedtime of 9:00 p.m. or later what an incredible 20% of them would opt to stay off as later than midnight any half of all parents don't know what time their kids should be going to bed do you know how much sleep your kids need does it matter and does losing out on sleep have any real impacts on kids beyond them feeling a bit tired to find out Joe's putting this group of eight to 11 year olds through a unique scientific experiment to discover if sleeping hours affect their mental abilities [Music] dr. Kathy Hill is a leading expert in pediatric sleep disorders and she believes that sleep should be a hot topic for all parents I think that it's important everybody understands is that sleep is important for just about everything for children it's important for physical growth it's important for their learning it's important for their behavior it's important for their development generally dr. hill is working with child development neuropsychologist dr Dagmara an Allender team at Middlesex University they've devised a series of tests to expose any damage that can be inflicted by sleep loss on children's mental performance unfortunately we know that over the past twenty years there is there is some evidence of children getting longer than they were so does this modern pattern of diminishing sleep oh the threat to our children's future development the nine children taking part currently have an average bedtime of 9:00 p.m. this gives them the recommended amount of sleep of 10 hours a night three of the families of let our cameras into their homes and all the parents have agreed to follow whatever bedtime Josette's I bought two girls joke here have you ever felt really sleepy at school so sleepy that you can't do math you can't do English and you can't answer any of the teachers question well we're going to try and find out why for the next 6 nights Sunday to Friday you can go to bed anytime you want you can go out you can play football you can play the computer games watch TV this is your chance to set the bedtime rules so make the most of it you choose what time you want to go to bed as long as it's no later than 11 o'clock if you're still not in bed then parents you step in and get into bed oh one more rule I need you to get out of bed in morning for school mums and dads make sure you have your long [ __ ] set no sleeping in and no being late staying up till 11 p.m. on a school night is a first for all the children doesn't cook at night hum and get up at 7:00 ah they'll be grumpy definitely and do you think you'll last to live in the caucus if you want mm-hmm and get your homework done two extra hours to film about that time most of the children to stimulating activities that keep them awake [Music] he's running I now will be clean experiments it is clean football something like PlayStation is amazing play the jokes I'm basically and I'll leave them to it your eyes are heavy as well just said to Callum you can't go to bed if you wanna see them do you want to go play yeah and 11 o'clock approaches all of the kids have chosen to stay up as late as around [Music] and rather than winding down the later it gets the more overactive they become [Music] find out later how the kids are affected by a week late nights earlier in the program gel met foyer of Michael's parents who can't agree on how to discipline and in the confusion Michael's taking charge why are you doing that I'm baking sometimes you mother lay down let walk the walk alone Joe's first step would let me in surrender is to get them to agree on some basic house rules for Michael it's the perfect opportunity for an ice cream break no my fault [Music] are you doing wonderful but I just didn't know it's a chance for Jo to show ledge me how to deliver a clear message stop and think before you even do that mommy's told you know so I would like you to listen and give me the ice cream back please come down to his level and I contact if he refuses to give it to you really all right you're still going to grab the ice cream from him Michael give me the ice cream please if you do not listen to mummy and give me back the ice cream you will be going into timeout on the step if you do not listen to mummy and give the ice cream then I'm going to put you on this on the timeout step you're still opening it now leaving I'm going to make its mind up what do you want to do give me the ice cream I'll go on the timeout dick Michael so what's he doing the anymore phone that's correct so you take the ice cream muffin and then you'll place them on some Stefan will go through technique you can use them too mommy you don't need to extend any ice cream come on it's no talking I'll just take a motor set okay will do you're placing on to the spec yes and you will explain in a firm voice life is fair okay mommy see you on the tip we cool mommy said you can't have ice cream but you still took it out the freezer is not listening household you did not listen to mummy you didn't listen to know me so now you're going to stay here because you didn't listen carefully don't say yeah because you're asking them again you ain't asking you telling him we must be age you're dealing with discipline Michael is amused his parents meaning what they say so mom has to go and fetch him back from his room has ice cream no talking to him it is back on that step and you're smiling you've got to stop the smiling with you it's like you're not taking it seriously do you mean business on earth if you mean it then you mean it okay and you show it by your actions so he's got up your game you'll bring him straight back down and put it back on that step your mean business okay sorry mummy sorry mummy hey give me a kiss and Huggy but can soft-hearted dad be as firm as mum mummy wants a bit here you go and play over there no you go play over there mighty No please go play over this Michael look at me Michael Michael look at me how are you doing that so watch let's turn him around say look at me I'm talking to you Michael look at me go play over there and if you know play over they are put the toys in the box okay all right yeah please looking at you Mikey are you listening to me if if your child is not going to listen to one thing that you're going to ask they're not going to listen to 10 things you're going to ask you in the day you can say Michael stop doing that but if there is no consequence then how would he learn surrender can't bear to punish Michael for bad behavior but it's vital of both parents present a unified front we've never worked together that's the thing we've always done separate things so that causes oddments between us to see you know one of us is giving in or one of us is just sitting to have what he wants and you know we're not understandable you need to be able to agree and if you don't agree but literally you know so why you feel something's important the breakdown in communication here is causing the mixed messages over there the kids are in the first wave of Joe's special sleep experiment they're about to find out if staying up late within hair their learning abilities or week they've chosen to go to bed at 11:00 [Music] but they still have to get up to school at 7:00 that means they can only get a maximum of eight hours sleep - less than the recommended 10 hours per kid with outrage in a funny PlayStation DVD and I think sit in there yawning I've seen entire we do need an early night so unfair bit trouble now go for the rope breaking point they just caught under the NomCom you're on in the classroom a more than just an irritation to the teachers to dr. hill he's a warning signs of an underlying problem that could have serious consequences in the future if you're tired everything is just harder work to dress up days were then learning every day we're learning new tasks they may be learning to ride a bike load delay the pianos and if you're trying to do that what you're tired you're at a disadvantage and the next child who had a good night's sleep is going to do better than you are to discover the real consequences of a week of restricted sleep Joe has sent the kids to Middlesex University here dr. Dagmara announcing their team will test if their learning abilities in the short-term have been affected starting the mental performance of each child will be measured using a series of psychological and cognitive tests okay watermelon next up is nine-year-old Sydney what we're looking at here is service 23 how many fruits she can move in a minute are you reading that now even before the results are in dr. hill can spot the signs of a child with restricted sleep sleep deprived children quite unlike adults are more likely to appear overactive observing a third innate it's constantly pedaling a legs this is a body's way of keeping the brain engaged only when they've been really tired usually do you notice the obvious signs of time mess like yawning rubbing eyes etc the commoner signs of a fidgety child Sydney only manages to think of 11 words in a minute continual Gigi do any better than shorthand okay so you ready there's many different fruits that you can think of go each week off [Music] he's really struggling he's really struggling I'm interested in he looked tired before he even started and he came out I think with about three words only stops you've got a whole minute to fill don't worry is really well okay well done told time is for all nine children show signs that they're failing to be as fluent with words as they should be and don't look now for the eye tracker which measures how easily the kids can be distracted from a simple task one of the important skills that you learn as you go through childhood it to maintain your focus on one task and you can think how important that is in a real-world setting like a classroom for example the charm needs to be able to stay on focus do you need a bit of break someone is flowing asleep here this is the first time that dr. anarse has tried this test on children here god Saoirse it's a rather unusual that that she couldn't hurry out for this this task in fact 80% of the children struggle to even complete the test across the range of ten a week of late nights have seen the kids average mental age declined from ten to seven years sleep deprivation long-term isn't just about how they perform the next day even if sleep improve it may have a long-term effect on some children six months ago Joe frost sent out to help Britain's parents help each other by sharing what they know one of the toughest challenges was for Karen and her parents avid interfere Kevin there's only so much someone like you know Joe had just two days to tackle Kieran's refusal to eat anything other than sugary snacks the malnourishment have become so bad she even been hospitalized I swear count dodging one and a half two year old clothes wish away with three to five gold coins because of her underused mouth muscle even care and speech development was suffering you know if that's what that's what a baby doesn't like you know 40 months you're asking my daughter so where she is now because of no husband support love just flattened off to help Sofia Joe had three clear principles that any parent can use to put a stop to their child's fussy eating that she has three meals a day alright and in between she's not going to have a snack the first rule is to give your child no alternative to the food on the plate good job kiddo [Music] secondly relaxed about mealtimes by taking the attention away from eating [Music] that you'll make Wow thirdly eat properly at the dining table he's been eating your dinner on the table in the share your feet if big wild cheering legend following Joe's rule so a rapid change in Karen's diet we had fish pie and vegetables and she finished all that and also Joe she asked the second portion of the vegetables and I'm so proud of you I really am six months on the effect on Kieran has been life-changing [Music] and we're gonna love a spoon and a healthier appetite means that Kieran's growing faster than ever it has come it can new outfits are outgrown and a lot of a younger Claud [Music] that was that sugar panda later yeah girl six months ago four year old Kieran was so thin she wore clothes for children half her age she's finally catching up putting getting shabadu the plug-in chabela you know say thank you to mommy for buying that thank you you're welcome so the hell [ __ ] put on Google on a sense that her cheeks over it brightens come two years I'll see with puzzles and juice like specific personal battles and also look good I'll get a club record [Music] but for Sofia the most remarkable development is in cure and speech and find special even better she can think on script longer is my mind you did you said moving good morning he come yet up before Joachim like killing cooktop but she used to just like a little child and you love finger point and do baby acting and since you're left be just one throw it away I'm really proud of that what's up hey girl well so today I decided one two three five six seven [Music] earlier in the program jo Mex for Michael whose constant tantrums are made worse because his parents can't agree on discipline lets me is so ashamed of his behavior she never wants to take him out get worried because I know that he's the way he's going to act he's gonna have tantrums and then people can look at us a lot I've got me a control their child and things like that so I feel this like you know feel embarrassed Jose taking them to the local activity center she's convinced that his mum and dad stay on the same page they can all start to enjoy being together when we go in applies set up some expectations I want you to pull him over to come down and tell in the behavior that you expect from him before we go in there let me go in there when you play you'd be a good boy look at me and you listen to mummy and daddy when you don't be naughty [Music] the door Michael become the handful this is dad's cute stop indulging him and back up mom's methods but this is what I want to see happen okay long time and we're here all right okay mommy baby clear you call the day if you want to play play nicely normally let beeps Michael away from other children because he gets aggressive if he doesn't get his own way but today Joe wants them to see how clear boundaries and allow them to alike my husband over a month you know parents are and he's been given the expectations basically how it behaved happy as Larry in there humor me on sanctions on Jacqueline in solitaire coming lovely night Boyd cookies in there with other kids them it's a long overdue break for ledge min surrender spending time with each other of a couple have become a distant memory to do I've got to really recognize that what comes first here is your communication and being on the same page and making sure that you raise your kid together [Music] before Joe goes she wants to leave some targets to keep them pulling together as parents this one it color her homework for the pair of you okay permit to work toward and as you can see here it says get out three times a week it's really important whether it's a walk in the park just to get some fresh air take Michael somewhere where there are other children let's get out give yourself a breather and keep your children a breather committee please pick up this is my thanks thank the family are on their own from now on so Jose convinced they can do it if they can actually pull through would be very difficult for themselves they're going to see dramatic changes very very quickly I'm talking within days they're going to see a plastic different back in North London Joe's investigation into sleep continues she now wants to find out what will happen if the kids get more sleep than they normally do hello boys and girls its Joe again how are we feeling if you've been doing what I think you've been doing for the last week you might be feeling pretty sleepy by now especially in the mornings so this week we're going to do something about it we're going to make sure that every boy and girl gets the sleep that they need parents you're back in charge get the bedtime routine in place bath toothbrush story bed oh also no distractions so that means all computers and TVs must leave the bedroom maybe that way I'll get to see some bright eyes and bushy-tailed by the end of this week let's find out good luck sound good the same gift last week Linda got speed up to another note mama knows time yes but there's no point in sending kids to bed earlier if they can't sleep Joe's answer is to banish all the electronic gadgets that excite and over stimulate young minds all of them where is the PSP NUI time missus thank you girl it's awful when you think about how much they've got and the just now allows them to sit in a room on their own and just occupy themselves terrible over at the Kennedy household Sasha who almost fell asleep during the test saying goodbye to her impressive selection of gadgets clear and regal we're on hold I think this is a very rubbish idea and I don't know the only gadget these kids will need from now on is a clock joel has set dinnertime to six followed by wind down time at 7:00 so they can be ready for bed and quiet reading at 7:30 and lights out state this will give them 11 hours a night an hour more than is currently recommended tense wait but they can read another 10 minutes and I'm gonna got a night off please walk on those smoothly I'll get to you perhaps the no TV calm and perhaps is broken be both it's day one of the new regime of Michael no Jo has shown his parents why they need to agree on discipline look at me I'm talking to you but with Jo gone it's not long before Daddy tempted by Michaels behavior [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] despite Jo's advice Michael is sent off to the step without any warning Sidonia top started surrender doesn't leave Michael alone on the timeout step and when the crying get too much he even gives in come on do that okay it led me if not in fact just gave in to him earlier and was it like basically doing the follow through that he's supposed to do next time Michael doesn't listen he shows down how he's done because you're not listening you want the guinea you have it with training I'll taking you oh my gosh come here one minute just come on me when Michael continues to misbehave dad finally gets in line the arms assertive stance just be quiet sure you were going up never again before Michael just thought he could get away with anything and everything now he knows the old there's a change something's going on and he doesn't like it but obviously he's gonna have to learn or give in and say what they are my parents and I'll have to useful to what they're doing say Joe frost helped Michael's parents joined forces and agree on discipline after two months of Joe's new regime they've seen a huge difference in Michaels behavior never you fit the type of course Peter just comes over there now we have doing and that he would say to come hit the table can you done even trips out together have stopped being a source of stress and I starting to be fun before when I say more about you speak what nervous take you but whenever that now I'ma be community behavior before no can rather with mom and dad showing you United Front as parents everyone can enjoy a more normal family life there's not so stressful things were going out or we're taking more out but there's no now to deal with you anthem is nice to go to the family one two three the children in Joe's sleep experiment have now been getting 11 hours sleep a night for a week one hour more than they normally do joseline back to dr. hill and the team to be tested again I think of as many different animals that you can starting now last week 10 year-old vet she could only name 10 fruits during his verbal fluency test will its performance improve following 11 hours sleep a night last week we had a little boy he was clearly very tired he stretched and yawned this time he gets 23 that's there's no time hello Sydney's net hello stiff enough sandy stop my name I did I shouted an ass why now on nine year old Sydney was extremely fidgety during last week's test and appeared to be trying to keep herself awake this week she looks much brighter and more alert so words that begin with a letter T starting now Sydney virtually doubles her skull in last week I don't like a princess last week Sarah couldn't complete the eye tracker can she stay focused this time certainly in our switch with yawning and stretching and physically look tired and make [ __ ] well that sounds awful by the end of the test the children's performance is almost unrecognizable in week one a maximum of eight hours sleep a night rendered 80% of the kids incapable of even completing the eye tracker test but after 11 hours sleep every child completed the test to improve the speed and accuracy across the range of tests their mental age rose by two years to age 12 an enormous improvement on last week when just eight hours sleep saw their mental age drop two that was seven-year-old we genuinely were amazed behind result I think it's important to recognize that children don't make changes from week to week in these sort of tests normally normally we'd expect these sort of improvements to take place over months of a child's development there's a lot of parents that will actually spend extra money giving their children home tuition sending them off to classes and actually you know this is suggesting that if they could just go to bed a little bit earlier and have a better night's sleep these children could could improve in their day-to-day function fairly significantly have the parents seen enough to convince them to adopt an extra hours sleep a night within six we're gonna speak to the routine and we can't we have no TV at all this week and it's made a big difference to us I know they don't complaining that now they have to go to bed early but there is there they had fun going to bed late so I don't know if they've noticed it themselves but we have but as they've discovered and only a bedtime is little use without wine downtime well I think it's helped the fact that they're not playing in their bedroom I mean it all makes sense when you think of empathy but they're going to be tensed - I don't want to go to sleep I'm going to do this I'm going to do that we're obviously because they haven't been going into their bed to depart let's get changed and then go to bed I just think it's really work making sure your kids get enough sleep it's just about the best thing you can do for them so if you're going to do one thing make sure their bedroom isn't packed full of it tronic gadgets and games and things to get them all wound up [Music] and I love you guys [Music] earlier in the series Joe met Louise to tackle a problem that's worrying more and more mums and dads today her son Bailey's addiction to computer games was ruining family life he loved his breakfast news on sanity sat at the computer Thank You his schoolwork started to suffer feels worried that he's going to bed and he still can't switch off he'll write things down and plan things something about blood elves it's just basically taking over Bailey's life Joe had a three point plan which can help any parent tear their kids away from the screen I love your eye yeah the first thing to do is identify the real cause of the problem that Mommy do hide you know I'm tired with the stress of having the girls I haven't got no other help on hand I met Louise under the assumption that she had this son who was addicted to playing computer games and actually what I met was a mum who was feeling totally overwhelmed with raising three children and placing one on a computer so that technology would babysit him it kids need you to be able to do the best job for you to do it [Music] I'll go [ __ ] Joe I know I am no one that's how you're feeling because because you know that there is so much more that you can be doing right now right this is the chart we're going to use to wean you off that computer game Joe's second step is to draw up a structured timetable to gradually reduce hours spent on the computer Tim the next week on one the week after now mom in this box below it's going to write down the days that she is going through rain or shine get out for the whole family third and final job is for parents to show their kids that there are better ways to spend their time you don't want to do I don't want to crate you all out no right won't give me a wall I'm really tired I'm just really tired at first Louise was overwhelmed by the challenge but by not using the computer as a babysitter setting time limits getting out with the kids she surprised even herself I don't know motivated mole person so what we've been doing getting out and doing more stops Bailey's on an hour a day now with no moaning hurry joke on me I'll be myself next month on have we've been able to keep up the hard work today she's been asked to come in to Bailey's school to discuss his progress his teacher oh yeah how's he doing absolutely fantastic concentration why soft palm and even from the beginning for her on the guest him Ryan I'm not in LA Lee who sort of like today's work and he did get down to here I really really am shocked me there for him to be doing all that honestly a bit like office in a month that speaks volume comment oh yeah what you've been doing on with this work which is absolutely fantastic gotta mail really well I knew this is what you sniffle straight me I knew we had it in him knowing loving and true because I'm failing yeah so really around it so so all that those hours on the computer Bailey you only do in a little bit now as pay doesn't it so definitely because your school works come from down there to wait sorry am i interrupting you're doing well yeah apparently sorry he's now not okay to write on the computer she sees it just wants to get on they were learning on within work to do it so give you a big sloppy kiss baby yeah really impressed with at sales and it's not just Bailey school work that's been transformed back at home after spending his one hour on the computer Louise insist on quality family time of the I think what Wow look at that long whatever you put into your kids you get back you're more relaxed kids are more relaxed you want to play your kids are more interested they want to do you know and we are we're all a happy unit now [Music] phase-out students just twice a week with the football cheerleading and ballet and tap three times a week for the girls and I got thinking that it's cool for me I felt like Jo Ripken to me and I didn't like is you Jose but I tell you what Joe thank you very much he gave me my family back [Music]
Channel: Real Families
Views: 1,153,243
Rating: 4.820756 out of 5
Keywords: jo frost extreme parental guidance, jo frost extreme parental guidance season 1, jo frost extreme parental guidance full episode, jo frost, Little Boy Screams Until He Gets What He Wants, sleep deprivation in youngsters, how much sleep do children need, jo frost and micheal, parents have no control over kids, what to do if i have no control over my kids, help my kids control the house, four-year-old who has learnt to play his mother and father against each other
Id: F8FjHlUZ1S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 16sec (2776 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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