Boy Becomes Teenager (WK 236.6) | Bratayley

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you set me in a relaxed and Australian Wow fee that way you'll fight me mate he's a teenager but that teenager is in a week so let's wake him with a happy birthday thank you Matt I think it's really gonna be a mess okay show me show me your 13 year old face where is he oh that's not how you show a face happy birthday dude we're celebrating by taking you to breakfast we're gonna go to IHOP it's your favorite breakfast place I want to go with us you just stay here while we go celebrate your birthday you know it's like the time of the Haley is it like 10:00 in the morning 8:00 know what's later than that 9:00 he doesn't have a clock I have a cook I'm patiently waiting for my there we go over my camera to focus patiently okay it's time to go eat some pancake what when surgery we did what surgery I know but what did we do you wait it's time for why you like that it's saying crazy one day he'll wake up today and we'll see his face his birthday face he's not technically searching yet you heard me didn't he's not 13 what times he's art dean almost midnight dun dun dun he was almost born on the 14th how is he sleeping through all this is he just always either fluttering he's kind of awake okay well I'm sure he'll be up soon and we'll go take him to breakfast and look what the dogs dead they got a roll of toilet paper they are bad this is what's gonna hold our house up straddle a little help there we go help me Bailey maybe the two of you can get it huh hey where's my thing right there oh you picked all right let me see yours go ahead pick it up tell me your face happy birthday now that you're away what's wrong you don't want the banking on the bottom because it's uneven oh you have it even stack of pancakes either weirdo everyday not your son's birthday can we sing to him will that embarrass them let's something really long ready now we all sing loud we have a thing to you fine we won't sing to you it's his birthday breakfast said we he's got baseball tonight so we figured we'd come out for breakfast we always see you young but we don't want to embarrass actually happy birthday to you ready [Music] good ignoring you Caleb explaining mommy wrecked me no nah I said give you just got wrecked me that's all right you just got what wrecked me a wrecked me yes from Australia yeah it's like that's the kind of thing that someone just like yes George yeah drawing you back daddy he pulled me out of the car that was no Haley say the mommy just sister and then guy he walked back and I was talking to Daddy when I'd say get rekt me cuz Haley just told Haley Rex daddy yeah way to go Haley oh my god you love us no you love no I'm going somewhere also my birthday you can't where would you go home let's tally up all the things you got for your birthday Oh wonderful mother no you outshine your mother Jack got your birthday breakfast you got the baseball game Jack you got splatoon Lenny what's the ball game daddy took you to a baseball game you went to see dress on check so it's been a pretty good birthday weekend and I only got Mario Carly but that hasn't come in yet so let's come here because say lips Mario Kart video got leave game got messed up because the last five years yeah playing a new no games aren't supposed to be on the ground yeah get on my level Nate listen Bob a little late Oh Molly Molly Oh lolli isn't a word Haley speaking Austin Gillian I'd never hurt old always baby your probably does offended all the Australians in the world no they don't speak like a lollipop no use that Ollie for he needs to did an Australian arts it's hard to go to New York it just has made Oliver and his normal voice made me that's like an excuse hey Joe roll your window down and ask him do you say me in a relaxed and Australian Wow feet that way you'll fight me mate [Music] what do you think oh you said - - they stand it some Egyptian can you say the word cun destruction okay cun there you go so take a look hey we begin a new bathroom and closet because her drawers were very hard to open ready hey all the trim look all the baseboards have been taken up look how gigantic oh my gosh you're gonna have a major closet I took the mirrors down like the doors there's gonna be a door here a big boy I don't know what the size door it's gonna be but look all the trim around here is gone well let's go look it you want to go look at Annie yeah all her trim should be gone do they were busy busy busy today weren't they and any ever not abduction name it waddles yeah they did worse - hey look at that gone let's go you're on all day I do there's only a little bit more left in the day I got all of it oh are you happy or sad oh no he's comforting you okay you know okay let's hang me don't jump my little girl oh he fell asleep oh there's a boxer's okay did you have a happy birthday that's the question of the day oh yeah it was a good birthday we went in it - what theme park he went - we didn't know if he's inviting it in your dreams you wish you'd gone to a theme park okay onward to the question of the day all right it okay I could read I've been thinking good hey Chum boss tea ickle reading backwards Oh what's the best book you've ever read why did you like it so much like the Bible how'd you like party like it so much Ken this is dug up Ranger's Apprentice what why that's all you like because so guess or mmm that sounds right Caleb's alley yeah no did you say happy birthday to your brother happy bottle bummed that we didn't sing happy birthday to you nailed it alright so see you guys tomorrow oh wait no you do love her more she's my puppy right you better say that if I know I heard what he said code it got guys we'll see you tomorrow yeah yeah have a nice night Ted okay hey just through the question of the day look at mom Ted oh okay Beibei thanks for watching Britt Haley
Channel: Bratayley
Views: 2,164,496
Rating: 4.9485707 out of 5
Keywords: bratayley, family, reality, vlog, kid, vloggers, kids, funny, fun, silly, crazy, child, children, parents, parenting, daily, adventure, birthday, teenager, boy, caleb, ihop, breakfast, construction, demolition
Id: 73ZcmoQg8tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2015
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