BOXY-BOO Custom Plush DIY | Project Playtime

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hey you follow me on Instagram okay enjoy okay [Music] yo guys Sly by here and today I'm going to be showing you how to make this boxy boo puppet plush thing from poppy playtime this is gonna be a pretty long tutorial and it's a little bit pricey so if you want to follow along then go ahead if you just want to watch the video then go ahead but yeah we're gonna get straight into this let's do this all right so to start us off here these are the materials I'm using I got these from Joann's uh I got a blue fabric for the Box a pink for the inner mouth a red I got this crafting foam and this gold for the shapes all right so to start off here I already cut out the feet and the hands and then I got the mouth right here all I did was take my scissors and my fingers and pick out and carve out the inside of this foam and then I glued in the pink fabric just like this and then I cut the edges obviously so I'm going to show you how to do that um with putting the pink Fabric in and stuff like that it's super easy guys seriously all I did was carve it out with my fingers and some scissors and then for the uh feet I just split the fabric in half and same for the hands but I'm going to put those on the side for now and uh yeah so we're just gonna work on the head first so I glued in the inside and it looks like a mouth that's all chunky and nasty and all that stuff and by the way guys the way I carved this out is I just drew on layers and put the darker ones as the deeper layer and whatnot and then I um sorry I'm getting the camera to focus and then I uh just took the scissors and started cutting it out and then took my fingers and just ripped pieces out so I just have like a ton of foam everywhere so that's how I did it that's why it looks all nasty and mouth-like inside and all that so yeah now I need to glue these on so I'll show that all right so all I'm doing here is gluing the fabric to the edges of the foam uh and this is going to give it a nice flush look then I will cut the excess fabric on the end after I'm done with that um and so it's a very very simple process guys and it's this whole project none of this takes sewing this is literally all glue just glue there's no sewing in this entire video here's the idea yeah yeah you get it cool so yeah this is the inside of the mouth I gotta put the teeth on here yeah that's the idea all right so now I'm just cutting the edges to the fabric and getting rid of them and making it look nice and flush and super super nice this is super super easy guys just follow this step by step and I promise you will be able to make something that looks equivalent to mine I'm just putting hot glue in these tiny little spaces that I want to be closed off just to make this thing nice and flush with the foam all right here's an example of what this is supposed to look like here's the function of the mouth okay cool moving on all right so now I cut out a piece of the red fabric and I'm going to be tracing it with my red Sharpie like this along the edge this part's super simple all you have to do is Trace around the edges that way you get the exact size and shape of the pattern you need for the red and do this for all sides this will allow us to flushly glue everything on and just make it look like it's nice and sewed and perfect but the fabric is so hairy that it doesn't matter you won't even see the glue or the seams or the edges really it'll kind of just blend in with the whole look of the plush and yeah it just looks super good overall all you have to do is cut these squares out after you've uh traced them out and then glue them on just like this guys I'm going to be gluing all of these sides on with hot glue and just make sure they're nice and flush on up against each other and then down towards where the gums are I'm going to be trimming the fabric and I have to trim all the sides because we over trace the line which is what you're supposed to do and then we're just folding the fabric over towards the lip and we are just gluing it down onto the gums that way it looks like it does in the game and that should be good all right moving on all right so this is all glued in no sewing was needed for this and it is looking really really good uh this is the mouth I gotta get the eyes and the teeth in and I also got to do the bottom jaw but it's getting pretty light so I'm gonna head to sleep and I'm gonna finish this another time and yeah I'll see you guys then but before I go I'm going to have to get a new Huggy because this one is going bye bye all right so now I need to take these apart and put the Eyes on there yeah all right so I got the head all together it looks pretty good it opens like this um I tried gluing the eyes on just for a test and uh this I noticed that in the pictures the top section of the head it's actually larger than the bottom so what I'm going to do to fix that is I'm going to take these four pieces of felt and add an extra layer up here it'll probably go up about this much like half an inch and then I'll redo adding the red fabric around it so hopefully that'll make the head look a little bit more like an overbite so yeah okay so I made this piece of felt that I'm going to stick on the top of here and I'm just going to re-wrap this in the red fabric and then uh that way it'll make it have more of an overbite and look more accurate to the game and then I'll go ahead and start making the teeth alright so I fixed the head I re-wrapped it it looks all good now I'm going to use my thread remover I'm going to poke holes in the fabric and I'm going to stick the eyes in there once the eyes are in there I'm going to hot glue them in and then we can move on all right so there we go I got the eyes on now I just have to put another layer of red fabric on the back of the head to cover up this black piece and then the head will be practically done but yeah this looks really really good all right so that is the head done this is the back it's on there looks pretty good folds properly and yeah so now his head looks a lot more accurate to the game and he can do some chomping action and I'll fix his jaw and all that stuff later but I'm going to move on to the feet and do the teeth later when I do all of the clay casting so yeah that's gonna stay there for now so for the feet it's going to be extremely easy all I'm doing is cutting out red pieces of fabric and just wrapping this um it's literally the easiest thing in the world I just need to wrap this the only thing else I'll need to do for the feet will be the claws but I will do that later when I do the teeth and the claws for the hands and stuff like that so yeah I'm gonna start by wrapping the feet [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay now I have the feet cut out and I would like to move on to the hands but I do want to take a break from this fabric wrapping stuff because it is really bothering my fingers so I'm going to take a little bit of a break and I'm going to check out some of the clay so I'll film that for you guys so yeah foreign [Music] so I used my air dry clay and I made little casts for the claws for the toes I'm going to be doing different ones for the fingers but it was really really simple let me show you guys I literally just shaped them out and then used something I actually use my de-sewing tool to put in these like cracks and ridges that he has and then I took my paint and I painted it this iconic yellowy color that he has for his claws along with his teeth and I think they look pretty pretty pretty freaking close to the actual thing but yeah those look really cool alright guys so I used the clay and made the claws they look really nice like really really nice they turned out well yeah now you're gonna watch me suffer through and glue all of these claws into the feet foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign that is both of the feet done they look absolutely amazing they're terrifying they're sharp they can hurt people they could penetrate and yeah no so this guy looks absolutely amazing so far this is what they sound like when they walk around they look like McDonald's french fries just notice that but yeah no these look absolutely amazing and now we are going to move on to the hands alright so here's the idea for the hands you if you know boxy boo then you know what I'm gonna do but basically I have these two little boxes I may consider making these bigger but for now they're fine uh and then I'm going to be using these individual pieces of foam to make the fingers and so I'm basically just going to take my scissors and cut around them until they are the size of the fingers but yeah so that's what I'm going to do all right so I made one of the hands off camera it looks absolutely phenomenal like this looks exactly like boxy boot in game and I'm going to show you exactly how I did that I did a lot of trial and error um these were my first fingers and then this was my second finger and started way too big started and then I made it wrong it was just kind of not the right size it was still a little too big and then I got down to this and previously I had been making circular shapes I did realize that his his fingers are actually more of a rounded Square so I did this shape and now I'm going to show you guys exactly how I made this hand so you guys can do it yourself it's extremely easy all you need is hot glue and clay and fabric foam and this wire wire is super easy to find you can buy it anywhere it's not expensive either but it's like all right so let me run you guys through how we're going to make this so I have this nasty old uh White felt that I never used um I typically wouldn't use this stuff but since this is going to be covered up this is going to be covered up it doesn't matter if it's stained or nasty or anything like that and all we're gonna do is use this uh you guys can use anything else but I'm gonna use this to solve this issue see how it's not completely flat we want that to be flat we want it to match this side but since we cut it you know it's kind of hard to get that flat shape uh you guys can come up with your own solution but this is how I came up with mine I'm just going to line it up like this so I line the piece of foam up and then I take my scissors and I just cut along the edges of my foam and like so so now I have this piece of felt what I'm going to do with that piece of felt is I'm not going to worry about it being a perfect shape right now for now I'm just going to get it onto this piece of foam put that on there really stamp it in any of these edges that are still sticking out like how you can see that edge is still sticking out once this is fully dry of course we can just snip it so just snip those edges out of exist and snitch anything that's coming off like of the side like if you have any pieces sticking out here or anything like that just snip them and make sure it's nice and flush and now we have this perfectly shaped Cube or not Cube uh rectangular Cube and we are going to now wrap this in the mink so we're going to take our red mink and we're going to lay it down on the table like this I'm going to take the hand and this is how I did everything by the way how I did the head how I did the feet this is how I did everything but I decided you know I might as well run down with you guys because some of you guys might not understand how to do this so I'm going to do is I'm going to make sure this is completely flat and I'm going to not trace the edges exactly but about half an inch outside of the edges so it's it's kind of hard to tell on camera but I drew the line from the actual foam and that gives us a lot of breathing room to glue this thing on because the problem with a lot with hot gluing things on is you need a lot of space to be able to cut off and make mistakes because you make a mistake with hot glue it's practically permanent and that is not what you want all right I have both sides glued on looks like a nice Ice Cream Sandwich a Christmas Ice Cream Sandwich if you guys remember if you guys have any questions make sure you ask me in the comment section down below I always answer my comments as long as they aren't spam garbage and are genuine questions or you can join the Discord server and get a hold of me directly it's very easy I'm very active on there Link in the description for that but I I will respond on there so if you want to guarantee respond join the Discord server and just ask me the question and I will tell you exactly how I did it I do q and A's on there all the time and I'm also just active in chat so you can ask me whenever you'd like I'm always on there alright so we're gonna go on and glue this part of the hand in these are this is just the side kind of bringing this all together making it look very clean and flush what's really good with this type of mink and if you're following along I'm not sure because you know Joanne's is very in every fabric store is very unpredictable with what kind of fabrics they'll have in stock but if you have a very similar or identical type of mink what's very good about this one is it's extremely hairy and fuzzy just like boxy and it hides all of these hot glue seams and non-sewed in seam lines very very nicely which makes this plush making process 10 times easier now we are going to take our piece of foam that we use for the fingers we need to make three more more of these I exactly the same shape try and make sure that you get the closest shape possible to this one or else your fingers are going to look all whack okay so make sure you get the closest shape possible and make sure they're not too big you will be surprised once you add the fabric around these little fingers they will grow exponentially in size they will look a lot bigger than when you cut them so make sure you cut them down about half of what you think of what you want the finger to look like so as you can see these fingers are a lot bigger than this little piece of foam they are a lot puffier and a lot hairier so give yourself that room and make it so you don't have to do it four times like I did so yeah give yourself that room and just take your time with it all right it shouldn't take you very long took me about three minutes to make all these fingers with trial and error it might take up to 20. but this looks good and just to test the size like I said this will change once you add in the fabric but this looks about good alright so again we're going to take our mink here and we're going to do the exact same thing we did with that we are going to get the top and the bottom we're going to put those on first and then we're going to wrap it luckily the wrapping piece will be a lot smaller this time so we will use a lot less fabric but we are just going to go around just a tiny bit outside of how just a tiny bit over how big this is supposed to be and then we are going to flip this around both sides will not be perfect unless you have proper cutting tools for foam I do not but that is fine I make do now we have those two pieces now we are going to see how much piece and how much fabric it's going to take to wrap this guy let's go a little bit over this time it'll take till about here okay so I'm going to need about this much fabric okay all right so you have your three pieces cut out and now we need to get these glued on so we're going to start with this side and we are going to do like we did before [Music] and just like that that is one finger done and ready and so now we can just see how that would look and looks pretty perfect now you just gotta do three more so yeah like I said very time consuming all right now we are done with all the fingers and before we poke any holes or do anything to the palm and the fingers and stuff like that we're going to do the fingernails and that is going to be using air or oven dry clay whatever works for you I prefer air dry it dries quicker it's faster um oven dry is more controllable and better quality clay breaks less easy but you know the only reason why I'm doing air dry to be honest is because I bought it on accident instead of puff and try but yeah so we're gonna be doing the claws uh and yeah so we're we'll we'll poke holes and and do all that stuff while the claws are drying because they're gonna dry and then they have to we gotta paint them and then the paint has to dry and then we gotta do a second coat and then paint us to dry again so it's a whole process all right so first before you get your clay out you just want to make sure you have four of these little copper wires you will stick these into the clay uh nails that way they can stick into the foam and and I have a harder time falling out uh and just keep them more sturdy in there we'll just you know hot glue them in so yeah we're gonna put these off to the side and then we are going to move everything out of our way especially our Fabric and pieces this hot this clay will ruin all of our pieces and all of our progress so we need to make sure it is out of the way we're going to make sure our space is clean so take the time if your space is messy clean your space all right we are going to take big old big old blob of this clay close up the rest of this all right using this blob we are going to make the nails and how we are going to do that you may ask we're going to take off about this much okay and then we are slowly just going to and you can do alternative ways this isn't the only way you can make nails you don't have to make them out of clay but I want to make them look super accurate you can sew them or do whatever you want be creative with it but I'm just going to take my time and slowly just make this shape that I want to for the nails like I did on the other hand and yeah I'm just going to be copying the boxy boo picture off the Internet and just trying to replicate his shape and his nails to the best of my ability and as you can see I'm doing a pretty good job making the shape so far um and yeah it's very very very simple you just you just got to take your time be patient [Music] foreign tool and you can use actual scope sculpting tools but these are the only tools I have and you're just going to lightly make little cracks and ridges in the claw to make it look very very realistic okay and now that we're done with one claw you're just going to leave it out to dry and then we're gonna paint it and while it's drying work on all of your other Claws and it should take about 30 minutes and then just let them dry and then we'll do the painting process all right now that we got all of our claws kind of dried we are going to just take some of this paint this is just some acrylic paint it's just like this yellowy creamy color and we're just going to put a little bit on our plate so now we're just gonna take out one Claw at a time and I made this little thing I just took some of my leftover uh clay and just made this pokes little holes in it and uh yeah so they can dry a lot better but just gonna take some paint dab it along my brush and I'm going to paint this on here foreign [Music] [Music] now once you're done with your second coat on your paint while it's drying and just getting it you know time to rest or if you haven't painted yet and you're just waiting for your clay to dry you're going to need these two tools I cannot stress how important a desewing tool is or a tool of this kind that is a sharp pointy uh kind of Impaler um we're gonna take this Sharpie and the um little tool here and we are going to take our fingers and our hand now what we are going to do and I've already done it already is Mark exactly where we want to place our fingers so as you can see I took the Sharpie and I marked these holes you need four of them all along there we go now you're going to do the exact same thing with the fingers so find which parts of the fingers are going to be your base usually the bigger part is the best option and then you're just going to Mark little holes there so you know exactly where you're going to be placing this wire now we're going to take our de-sewing tool and we are going to stick it inside how you're going to want to do it is like this let me show you you're going to want to put it in like so and then hook on like this see and cut don't do anything else or it'll ruin the entire hand and you'll have to restart which is a complete waste of fabric you should be able to pull off a little bit of foam right there a little foam out of there and then you'll be able to stick the the wire in there and that's all you need to do you just need to break this fabric wall kinda and it just opens it up and you'll be able to stick the wire in there easy peasy lemon squeezy foreign now we have all of our holes in our fingers and our hand and we can start sticking the wire so what we're going to do for the wire is you're going to need some sort of a wire cutting tool because scissors just aren't going to cut it so see if your dad or anyone you know has a wire cutting tool and we're going to cut about this long and we are going to do this four times cut cut cut now what we're going to do with these four wires so we're gonna take them we're gonna try and find the middle to the best of your ability just gonna bend them like this like that just bend them like that you're gonna need to do this angle a little bit longer right here and then a little bit shorter right here you're gonna do that four times and there we have it four of our wires and now we are going to stick it into our hand all right now we have all the wires in now all we are going to do is go around and attach all the fingers by sticking them in looks really good and if I like it then I'm just going to pull them back out and do this glue however before we glue these back in we are going to flip them over to the opposite side aside without the circles on them and we are going to make more circles do not get these confused do this one at a time that way you do not get them confused and we're just going to draw the circle tear and now we have our hot glue gun ready you're going to take our now dried painted fingernails and we're just going to hot glue this inside Area I'm going to stick this in here real quick now we're going to stick our gun inside of here fill the inside the wire should keep the hot glue from heating or from drying super fast so don't worry about that and now we are going to stick it in make sure this bottom seam right here is on the bottom so the claw is facing like where the point is facing down needs to be the bottom of the seam oh you don't see that ugly seam on top you are going to do that three more times and then we are going to put these fingers on the hand all right now that you have gotten all of your wonderful looking fingers done you are just going to hot glue these puppies on by first putting your hot glue gun in the hole you already placed then we are going to hot glue the bottom right here make sure it's the side with the seam on the bottom then we are going to stick the finger on the hand and make sure to glue it in place now once you are done with all of that you will have your hand and you can go ahead and make your second hand and that will make two hands and they can clap like this so I haven't really touch the head since the beginning of this video but now it is really important that we put in our teeth so I'm going to look at a picture of boxy Boo for you guys and figure out the placement of these teeth and you guys can just follow along all right now using my Sharpie I got all the placement for my teeth and you guys can use this as reference I just used a picture of boxy Boo and now I'm going to use my clay to make those teeth all right now before we move on to the clay molding part of the teeth you're going to need to cut out 25 copper wires that is how many teeth he has and you will need each one of these to stick inside of clay so they actually go into the mouth properly and stay in there alright so I'm gonna do most of this off camera but as you can see here this is the general idea for the teeth super super simple just a skinnier longer version of the claws like we did before except less markings and gashes through them making them more teeth looking um but yeah so that's the general idea and that's what I'm going to be doing alright and just like that all the teeth are painted and now I'm going to go ahead and glue this top row in and then get started on the bottom row alright so now when all the teeth are all said and done and glued in it should look something like this let me see if I can get some good lighting the top rod looks absolutely phenomenal it looks fantastic looks great now I just got to do the bottom row and the head will almost be completely done all I need to do after that is add in the bolts on each side and I also wanted to add in wires in the the back here which I'll have to figure out how to do because this head is going to be too heavy to be able to stand up on its own so it'll need the support of wires to open and be posable so yeah let's do this alright so I went on Project play time and I got screenshots of boxy boo uh doing an email and I was able to get these shapes so I photoshopped them cropped them out determine the pngs and then I printed them out and I'm not going to use these don't worry I'm just using these for perfect pattern reference so I can cut out my gold fabric like that and then uh glue it onto the box but yeah so I'm going to start working on the box now the mouth is all done we saw that cool cool cool mouth all all done all good and so yeah we're gonna move on to the box and then uh I got the uh piping for the arms the ribbed piping that I'm going to be using and I'll show you guys what that looks like in a little bit after we're done with the box but yeah let's move on to the Box all right guys so we have one two three well those that was two together four five six uh seven eight nine and ten pieces of cardboard all I'm going to be doing is making the box and how I'm going to do that is I'm going to put two together hot glue them together do that every single time it's gonna have I'm gonna you're gonna have to do that six times so just put two together you're gonna hot glue them together and then we are going to make the cube shape is on each side it is five and a half inches long on each side so if you want to do a little comparison five and a half inches long on each side all right so I got the box cut out and all uh glued together other and I'm just focusing on cutting out these side pieces now I took the uh the uh shapes that I cut out and I will link them down in the description if you guys want to print them yourself I just took the shapes and centered them with my ruler um using my measurements and went around and cut the square and then that's where I'm going to put the circle and then the star and all that stuff so I'm just cutting this out and then I'm going to cut these in half and make them the flaps but yeah so I'm going to do that on the other side uh just using a box cutter you can do this before you glue all this together but uh I I wasn't thinking about it so doing it now and then after this we have to cut a hole in the bottom and then we can start gluing things on all right so the box is all done and together I cut the hole at the bottom for the legs and now I'm going to take my gold fabric along with my templates and I'm going to cut out the star and the two circles and the Heart with this gold fabric all right I will see you guys when I'm done with that and then we are going to wrap this sucker with blue fabric all right I have all four of my shapes cut out now I just need to get the blue fabric cut out to wrap this entire thing so yeah I'm going to do that all right so I got all of this cut out uh that's gonna go and wrap around this box here so I'm going to go ahead and cut out these two squares and then I'm going to hot glue this strip around the entire box then move on to the bottom and the lid all right so I got the whole box wrapped up but before I do anything else I'm going to take black paint and I'm going to paint the inside all black that way we don't see the inside and none of this crap is showing and it'll just make it look cleaner alright so I've completely wrapped the box in my Fabric and now I'm going to go through and and put on the star and the heart and then I will do the flaps where I will attach the circle before I cut them in half alright so now I cut out these little flaps and I am just cutting out these little fabric pieces along with them and gluing them on and then gluing them on to here to make the open box flaps that you see in the game and I will also obviously put these circles on there before gluing them on but yeah okay so I'm completely done making the flaps and now I'm just going to glue them in at about this angle so they're going to look like well it's just going to be an open Flap where the arms are going to come out alright so these flaps are all on everything's good let me move this over just a tiny bit so you guys can see that a little bit better uh I made the lid which I just uh cut another piece of cardboard out and then uh put these pieces of felt on there with hot glue and I'm going to attach it to the back using hot glue in this piece of blue fabric just like on boxy Boo in the game as you can see he's got that little piece back there and then we're gonna do the bolts so I'm gonna get those on and I'll see you guys then all right I made these two screws with gray Fabric and the Sharpie and now I'm going to glue it onto the hinge all right all done with the screws and the box is looking just about done uh I really like how it looks so far and yeah it seems like that's about it for the box and then we can move along to the arms and really assembling this thing all right so now that we have all the parts together I'm going to go ahead and start doing the limbs now I found this at Home Depot it was originally white but I took red spray paint to it and made it this perfect red color and I'm going to cut these out into sections and see how it looks as the limbs alright so I cut out all these different pieces uh for the limbs we have two shorter ones which which are for the legs we have two longer ones which are for the arms and then this very long one which is for the neck and you'll see why this one has to be longer now for all of these pieces I'm just going to cut out more pieces of cardboard and painted black and put it in there and I'm just going to carve a hole in the middle uh stick them through the hole and glue them in and they should stay pretty tight like that okay so I painted it and then I put the tubing through and it's looked like this I'm going to hot glue around the sides of the tubing but first I'm going to stuff a wire in there so I'm going to be using this piece of wire and all I'm going to do is I'm going to stick it inside and then on the ends right here I'm going to just hot glue it down just on the ends right here I'm going to hot glue that down and just let it sit for a little bit let it completely dry and that will make the inside of the arms flexible all right so I haven't glued the hand on but I put this through with the it's kind of hard to see guys sorry uh I glued the cardboard uh the black painted cardboard to the pipe and it looks fantastic and you know I got the wires in there and I cut a hole in this hand uh made this wire extra long on this side and stuck it in there I'm going to glue this uh once I have this glued in but yeah I'm just going to do that glue that in and it bends in it and it poses by the way and then I'm gonna move on to the other side all right the arms are attached and they are looking fantastic now with these sticking out pieces I cut little holes at the very bottom of each and right down here right at the very bottom and I'm just going to stick those pipes right in there and then hot glue them into place just like I did with the fingers and there we go both of the hands are attached along with the arms and it looks pretty good it's not a slinky but it's close enough I think it looks pretty good and now all we need to do is do the legs and the neck and we will be done well and I gotta add this twisty thing and the bolts on the head but yeah then we'll be done all right now we're going to do the exact same thing with the feet we are just going to cut holes into here we're going to put pipe in here and glue it on the inside and then we're gonna poke this through one piece of cardboard that is going to go on the bottom right here we're gonna have to put two holes in that and make sure it's symmetrical and then yeah we'll just put them through the bottom and the feet will be just like the arms okay so I got the legs here I got the pipe or the wire is glued in and now I just need to put it through the top here let it go through the bottom and then I'll glue it in from there and then glue on the feet all right it is now time to attach the head but before we do that I'm going to do the same thing I did for the box I'm going to cut out circles with the gray uh like metallic Fabric and I'm going to put them right here for his little bolts and I'm also going to cut out yet another Square back here and I'm going to put wires inside so I'm going to glue the wires down first and then I'm going to put another piece of fabric over it then I will glue it on all right and I have the screws on he's got something on his head okay I got the screws on looking pretty good the wires are now in the back so if I go like oh it's kind of hard to do with one hand but if I were to pry his head open like this oh my God it will stay and now it looks super cool so I can pose them and put them in episodes like that and uh yeah and it they're pretty hidden back here and it looks it looks really good okay so it's all glued in like this it's just perfectly cut out and then I put these two pieces of cardboard these two pieces of cardboard on the walls of the inside of the box that way when I put this in it'll just rest perfectly on those walls like this and now all I'm gonna do is glue it in so I'm gonna first glue it onto those walls that I put on the side then I'm going to just glue the edges and paint them okay ladies and gentlemen it is now glued on there now all I need to do is get the head on and he will be all done all right and now the head is on and in place looks pretty good I'm not gonna lie it's completely done um and yeah this this looks absolutely phenomenal this is definitely one of the best custom plushies I've personally made and I really really really like how this guy turned out I'm gonna bring up his uh his mouth right now look at that he looks pretty sick there we go oh yeah he looks so good guys the only thing is he can't stand up by himself and if he falls he'll break a tooth but uh yeah no he he can't he can't stand up he does not have a center of gravity uh I feel like if I would have put uh the little uh pipe back a little bit more he may have had a center of gravity but that's still a hard maybe I might try doing it on the future because it's not too hard to remove this platform so I might try doing that in the future but for now he's just kind of goofy you just gotta hold him up by his head uh but yeah no he's pretty pretty cool and you can even laugh he looks so sick but yeah guys I hope you did enjoy this video if you did please smash the like button this video took so long to make this took at least three weeks and that's just just because I'm in the process of moving into an apartment so it's just a whole shebang I'm gonna put him down to bed he's sleeping um but yeah guys please please please smash the like button it does help me out a lot and it would be even more amazing if you'd consider subscribing because I do stuff like this all the time and I make tons of things like boxy boo really cool fun plushies and stuff like that and I make fun content so please do subscribe if you haven't already it really does help me out a lot and comment down below if you're making this plush alongside me uh I would love to see your guys's YouTube videos if you would follow the DIY and made this plush yourself uh definitely upload it to YouTube and I'll check it out I would love to see that stuff or just post a picture of it on Instagram I'll share it on my story and stuff like that maybe I'll make a compilation post but man guys this is a really really cool plush and I'm finally I'm so excited that I finally got this together and wow it just looks absolutely amazing like I I really outdid myself it looks phenomenal it looks so game accurate and I'm I'm really really proud of myself this is definitely one of the best plushies I have ever created personally but yeah guys I hope you did enjoy this video and I'll catch you next time boxy boo out yum [Music]
Channel: SLYP1E
Views: 158,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf plush, plush, five nights at freddys, five nights at freddys plush, funko fnaf plush, funko plush, funko fnaf, gabes world, mario muffet adventures, fnaf flix, sml, five nights at froakies, maso777, plush review, fnaf plush episode, slyp1e, slypie, plushies, plush video, fnaf ar, fnaf ar plush, fnaf security breach plush, custom plush, custom fnaf plush, scary plush video, super mario logan, fnaf plush tutorial, fnaf plush diy
Id: bAla7sX4Hb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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