Box and Edge Modeling a Character (Autodesk 3ds Max)

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I like to take you back to the class I just thought that would be fun all right its tutorial time we're going to be doing box modeling box modeling is I think good is an intro to doing 3d characters there's definitely a lot of things to take away from it but really whenever you get into modeling I think edge modeling is going to be the way to go but I think this is going to be a good kind of look over doing some stuff in 3d as far as making a kind of simple character and this is just the way I go about it and it's fairly simple and we do a bit of a thunderstorm going on so hopefully we won't pick the mic won't pick that up too much but um so I've got this character I don't know what his name is some red and blue guy with a spider on him not sure what that's all about but what we're going to do is we're going to start with a box because it's box modeling so I'm just starting with a small box kind of like that the first thing I'm going to do before I get anywhere is I'm going to go with move and I'm going to right click on each one of my spinners here which will set this to zero and Zinner zero and let's not have gray because that would be kind tricky to see so we'll just go with purple and I want to make sure that my box is set up for one by one by one segments and typically I try to make sure that all of these are the same although it's not really necessary but let's just go with we'll say 4 by 4 by 4 I'll see if I can make this file available to download see if I've got a way to do that and have a link included to share that so I've got my segment set up there so I'm going to right click convert to editable poly so the reason I move this down is just so that I know that my model is centered in the origin and things should line up nicely with the reference that we have here obviously this is spider-man and Marvel stuff so hopefully I don't get sued for that but we've converted to editable poly and now I'm going to go into element mode if you don't know element mode allows me to select my entire object as long as it's sharing at the very least one edge so if I hold shift and drag I can copy that element and I've got two elements that are within the same object which is called box zero zero one let's go ahead and give us a name of spider-man you know what let's insect I don't want to get sued insect man guy there we go insect guy that's got to not be taken all right so anyway I can select individual elements that make up this entire object here which is insect guy I'm going to get rid of the second one you don't have to follow that part but I'm starting off with this and what you'll notice is if I take this element and let's say I drag it out here as an element my pivot point is going to remain at zero zero zero select that's because I didn't move the object I moved one of the elements within the object so just want to be very clear on terminology here so I'm going to take this and move this up to his neck and start moving around some of these vertices so let's move these just to kind of line up where his neck is just to kind of start with like I said this is the way I go about it doesn't mean the best way ever it's just the way that I like to kind of work if I'm going to be box modeling so technically I'm going to be doing some edge modeling here as well just to make this a little bit faster so one thing to keep in mind is when you're working with your reference I move things in one view so if I ended up moving this in these two directions here if I hit f4 my front view I've only got to move it inward here I don't have to do this because I've already moved it in two of those directions so I only need to move it in the one last direction so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select the vertices that make up this section here which as I go in the front view can see I selected here and here I'm going to hit alt X just to see through my object here and I'm going to point pull these in just a little bit and do the same here in the back now the reason I'm scaling is so I can move both of these the same amount in the same direction like that come back in to the left ones back here move those out just a little the ones on the bottom here and pull those in just a little bit so speed this up typically when you're box modeling you're going to be messing around with three basic tools so if I go on to face polygon whatever you want to call this quad mode it labels it as polygon mode if I go into polygon mode I've got some editable poly functions here that I can go through the main ones are going to be extrude bevel and inset so to kind of figure out what these are doing extrude I'm going to use the settings next to here so what extrude does is it takes that face and it extrudes it out ten units now I can extrude by group which is the default or by local normal which means in the direction the polygon is facing or by polygon which means if I had multiple selected it would do each one in the direction those polygons are facing but not connecting them together okay close out of that so I didn't do anything so that was extrude inset is extruding without height or it's kind of like creating a new polygon inside of the polygon without giving it any height so basically I'm just extruding inward and then bevel is kind of a combination of the two what bevel does is it combines a height amount for the extrude and it puts it as an outline but basically an inset so what it's doing is if I put this zero and get rid of my height you can see this is now working like inset and if I set this to zero this is working like extrude and I put them together and I get bevel okay now if I hit the checkmark that means I'll finish out and I'll bevel if I hit the plus though it'll allow me to do extrude and inset this the amount that I want and then I'll let me go again so if a plus it's going to do another one plus it'll do another one if I check it's just going to finish that out now I don't want to do that because I look weird here but the reason I show you that is because I can extrude the sections of the body here downward to the groin but that's not the way I really like to work I find coming over and using these they're fine but there are some faster ways that I can kind of manipulate without doing this so I'll show you that so I'm going to delete the polygon that's on the bottom here so that's going to give me an open face so the faces or the polygons that I'm seeing here actually the back faces and they don't actually render so if I come in here and hit render these back faces we don't see we just see the ones that are facing outward these are their normal facing direction so if I right-click come to object properties I can turn off my back faces I can call I can turn on basically back face call this means do not show the back face in the viewport so it doesn't draw them so now we can see that so border only allows me to select border edges this means areas that border a hole in our mesh since I deleted this one on the bottom there's a hole in my mesh I'm allowed to select it here or I can come to edge which will allow me to select any edge and that is a line that's drawn between two vertices or you could say a line that's going around a polygon and then our vertex are our points our vertices for plural so I'm going to come to border edge I'm going to select this again so in max if I want to duplicate things or if I want to make loans of things or things of that nature I can hold shift and if I hold shift and I move I'll drag out new faces which is basically like extruding and I can do this as many times as I want like this and make new ones I find this to be faster than coming up here and clicking on things and putting in numbers so it's nice about this is I'm going to be extruding down and creating part of the geometry here now I want to keep certain things in mind I want to keep in mind edge loops and basically building geometry in a way that allows me to extrude out other objects and I do this in a smart way I don't want to sit here and extrude down a little bit and scale this out so it fits and then down a little bit like this and I don't want to do this I'm making things way harder myself if I do that so let's work easy instead so I know that whenever I create this arm I like to work in a way that it will give me six polygons that I can extrude out to make the arm the reason I do that is because anytime I model a hand I always end up with six polygons for the end of where the hand is so that makes it easy to connect these together and I always work that way and I know that if I always work that way that I'm not going to have a problem where I have more polygons in the hand than I do in the arm and things like that so it's good to kind of think ahead a little bit also I'm extruding down here I'm mostly going to be working in the side view for this first section I'm going to be extruding out here and then I'll take some faces that are here and extrude out to get this section in this section and I really only need to worry about modeling one half of this character because when I do that I can use some modifiers to create the other half without having to model the other half so again that's another example of just kind of working smarter so just starting out here I'm going to hold shift I'm going to drag down and I'm going to come like halfway down the arm where the arm is going to come out here so I'm just going to line this up with back here and I can always pull these in later because I'm going to end up needing needing to do that and these are going to come out to about the chest and the back probably doesn't come out this far so like I said I'll probably end up moving some of us around after just based on what I know I'm going to end up wanting all right so that's that section I'll come down to about where the bottom of the armpit is going to be and again I'm taking these and I'll just drag this down to about where the bottom of the pecs here are and I come in just a little bit here I'm just going to continue working this way now if I'm in border mode I'm going to select that whole easily but while I go to edge mode it's still going to have those edges that make up the border also so I'm going to come halfway down the abdomen and pull these in because I'm guessing these fairly good shape here trying to make sure that things look okay here and to fix that that's okay and then I'm going to come down to basically where his hips are going to be here and I'm going to leave that just like that for now and drag this down yet again now I'm going to go into the front view just to see roughly where this is so okay with this so I'm going to drag down two more times just to kind of bring this down and around where the bottom of the groin is here so and I'll end up kind of fixing these things so this should actually come out a little bit now the reference that we're working with here which was created by people at marble this reference isn't really showing the back in the butt so we kind of have to just go a little bit off of area what do we know about human anatomy so I know the back kind of curves in and the but obviously he's going to come out a little bit come out a little bit all right so we've come about halfway down the groin and I'm just going to bring this down to about here I'm also going to scale this in here and scale in this direction as well and that's going to just kind of finish up the torso all right so now I'm going to extrude out from here from these polygons and create this section of the body and while I'm at it let's see I guess I'll scale just to keep this even just kind of scaling some of this in because the part that I extrude out is going to kind of make up this other section here I'm not really liking if I double-click on one of these edges it's going to select all the ones that go around that's that's called an edge loop it's going to bring this up a little bit just to where the top where these code trap trapezoids trap of something Anatomy folks you got to learn it okay so it's about that let's bring this section in again double click to select all of them around here and just kind of see I've come in a little too far here all right another thing that's going to happen is whenever I do symmetry I'm going to get an edge that runs down the center here and that's going to be good and very important for a number of reasons one it allow me to pull some of these edges in mainly all right now I'm going to select just this section here I'm not going to worry about the other side for now so I can't hold shift and drag these actually I can but what I'm going to doing is making a copy of those polygons and I'm not going to delete them and extrude out because that would be kind of a waste of time so in this case I'm just going to use extrude and I kind of show you quickly the difference between let me bring this in to about somewhere in there so this is group that's local that's by polygon so you can see how the polygons split apart group comes straight out local kind of tries to move in the directions the polygons are face and and averages out I kind of like the way that looks a little better so I'm gonna use that so now I've gone to edge mode here I'm just going to drag this down to where the arm is about to come out and middle the arm armpit you come just a little bit further out here it's going to bring that down again I'm trying to at the most part just work in one direction because I've already kind of moved things around a little okay and then we have this last part here and this is going to come up this way this is where a leg will end up coming out which will give me nice polygons that kind of work their way up and back down the other leg same idea with this one okay so kind of like that now what I'll probably have to do is scale some of this in because these vertices here should be near where the arm is going to come out so if I come back into the left view and hit alt X I kind of see through my geometry enough to see okay my arm is somewhere here so I'm just going to drag this back to about where my arm is and again there this one comes back in a little bit and here's that hexagon shape that I was talking about so I should have six edges that run around here pull that in move that up I'm trying to keep this very round sort of shape the reason being is I don't want to pull this in because then my arms kind of a dip in it I don't want that okay so there's that and then some of these other ones can get pulled back actually I'm just going to take the edges along the side here just scale them in a little bit alright here we go so we end up having here ok so this area here is being pulled in I'm not that worried about it because I'm building this character so is a loan off polycount that I will be editing a turbosmooth after this and that will give me some more polygons or if I'm looking to keep my poly count really low I can go in and add in more edges as I need to to pull this out so I'd be able to go in and basically cut in edges around here and kind of even this out a little bit but I'm not going to worry about that just now these edges in the back can I don't mind where those are pull these ones out a little bit just a little like that all right so let's take a look at what the symmetry is going to look like of this I'm just so I can get an idea and actually we'll work this way so what I'll do is I'm going to go into element mode and select this whole thing and I'm going to turn on a slice plane so the slice plane is basically going to slice apart or divide polygons that I have selected so I'm going to rotate this 90 degrees so I want to turn on this angle snap toggle this will allow me to rotate if we look down in the y-direction here if I rotate around we can see that it's snapping to every 5 degrees so it'll make it easier to make it 90 let off of there I'm going to go to move and I know the center of my character is 0 based on where I'd started the character so I want this slice plane to be at 0 so if I move that there you see I'm gonna get this slice happening directly down the center of my character so to finish that out I'm going to hit slice hit slice and now what I can do is go into the front view and select all the polygons on this side and delete so what that allows me to do and actually might pull these back out a little bit just because I don't like where they're kind of lining now that I have these ones that run down the center so let me go ahead and do that real quick I'm just going to split the difference between here and here kind of like that yeah that's okay who kind of want there to be another subdivision there but I'm just going to leave that for now until I see how this looks so here's what I can do now that I have this 1/2 I'm going to mirror the other half over so I'm going to go to mirror and mirror is going to obviously mirror the other side but I want to do an instance so what that means is whatever I end up doing to one half of my model will happen to the other half and vice versa so this part here is a separate basically separate model on its own but it refers back to the original another thing and I don't really know what's causing that because this didn't used to happen in machs but when I mirror over things I can see that my edge is here and we hide this one we're actually being shown on the inside of the mesh and there's a way to fix that but right now I'm just treating this one as a duplicate and I'm even going to change the color just so I know so I can remember it's a separate object so unhide my model here so let's see like pull beads in just slightly now that I have them to kind of move around a little bit that way my chest kind of comes out comes back in out back in okay so now I'm going to extrude my arm there's a couple of different ways I can go about doing this a different way to create the arm and I haven't really found a major problem with the way I'm about to do this so I'm going to do extrude and I'm only going to extrude this about half way and hit okay and now we'll do bevel and I'm going to come out to where the arm basically comes out through here and I'm going to finish that off I'm also going to go to my edges here I'm going to pull this out just a little bit more so if I had the arm and a tee pose which means the arm was basically coming out so it looks like a letter T I could extrude this all the way down but my arms coming down this way and I've kind of started doing this and I don't know whether or not it's the best idea but if I can extrude the arm from here down I'm not certain to if this is a bad idea for the topology because once the arms moved up this is going to cause the geometry here if I were to animate this to move up basically so I'm going to well one I'm going to move some stuff around here a little bit because right now the shoulders here this is coming out a bit too far so I'm just going to pull that in and I'm going to pull this in a little bit and but I haven't yet really found that this causes a major problem with starting to animate the character moving around if you find it to be a problem the easy way to fix it is just basically delete the upper shoulder area here or detach the bottom part and connect it back here it's really gonna be that simple typically we want the topology to work in the direction that the muscles that we have are working so the muscles that we have here let me hide my character are coming up this direction up into this muscle so they kind of come up and around and then these work their way down the arm so i don't know i mean i don't really have a major problem with doing it the way I'm doing it and typically want to modeling this uh I won't be doing the box modeling technique because I've modeled for a long time but for beginners I don't find a major problem with doing this if somebody tells you otherwise then go ahead and fix that for them so now I've got these six polygons again on the bottom that I can start extruding the rest of the arm out from so what I try to do is when I'm extruding I do it based on what I call peaks and valleys so my peak here if I was to draw a line from here down to the bottom of the wrist and have these areas that come out and back in out and back in and then areas that have like my elbow here I want to have more polygons around here because this is going to bend so areas that are going to bend or twist you want more polygons in those areas same with the wrist same with the where the legs meet the hips the knees the ankles so I'm going to extrude this out I'm just going to hit the check mark here the reason I'm only hitting the check I don't need to put in a number there because I'm just going to move this anyway so again I'm going to draw this basically down I'm rotating this just slightly because I feel like it might apology if it runs almost perpendicular to the lines running this direction it works a little bit better so that's the reason I do that move this out a little and you can see how on the other side it's a basically matching up with whatever I create and I'm going to move this back just so it meets up with the art that we have same idea here and just pull this back a little bit skill this out okay and then I can just kind of keep working this way so for now I'm just going to extrude down to and if I use bevel it's not going to really matter it's going to be the same idea because I can scale this down if that tends to mess me up but what I'm trying to keep in mind while I'm doing this is I don't know I was going with that sense I don't think that's where I wanted to start it I'll put in the elbow after so right now I'm just extruding to the middle section here or where the elbow is I can always add what's called an edge loop in as needed I'll do that as part of this something else I'm going to do is double click on the edge loop that runs around the arm here and I'm going to constrain the movements of my vertices and edges to the edges that already exist so what's this mean means that as I move this it's going to only follow the edges that actually are here so that as you can see if I go to no constraint second move this anywhere I want okay another thing I want to check before I get too far is that this is remaining kind of this hexagonal shape and I don't have any areas that are kind of being pulled in oops pulled in like that so we're still good on the shape that we have here so again I'm going to attach I don't want to attach extrude check and I'm going to move this half way down here roughly scale this out a little extrude I will actually come part way down here instead of just going all the way down to the wrist scale this down rotate and want to make sure that this is still kind of matching up with my arm here just double-click the edge loop here pull that back and there as well okay we're not going to be putting on hands on him right now right now we're only worried about making the body I'll probably do a second part where I show making the hands and attaching it and the head is a whole other tutorial so we won't be doing that in this one okay so back to extrude I'm going to move this down to the bottom of the wrist I'm just trying to flatten this out a little bit we're starting to get a little bulgy there scale that down that direction and I'm basically just eyeballing here I can't really see the reference at this point and they have the hand cocked off this weird angle we're not going to be rotating like that for our hand all right so I'm going to call that as finished arm except for I'm going to add in my my loops I think in Maya it's called edge loop and then in Max the tool is called an object Swift loop so basically what this does is allows me to add loops in so I can come down here to the elbow and just put in two loops and double click these just so they're not perfectly straight lines here bulge this out a little and same I deal with this just slightly this will also allow me to just grab the vertex here in the back and pull it out a little bit for my elbow I'm just pulling it out ever so slightly okay so pretty happy with that if at any point you want to take a look and see what this looks like you delete the polygon here on the top just because that's why our heads going to get attached and I'm also going to scale down these two edges just slightly I'm going to turn on constrain to edge the reason I do that is just so I'm rounding out the neck hole I'm going to pull this out just a little bit - lets go in front view to make sure that still kind of matches up to my constraint off just so I can take a look here and I'm kind of modeling everything just slightly bigger than it is the reason being is when you go to turbosmooth this it pulls all of your pop your vertices in just a little bit alright so and kind of see how that looks I would probably also add in an edge loop here just because the area you're going to have the most problem with with modeling it this way is the armpit and you know that's where you would want to if this is going to be a big issue all I would really have to do is select these polygons and grow my selection and then I could just detach this I'm going to detach it as an element rotate it move this up some are about there I have to delete the polygons here you know we'll just do this just to kind of show some of the other functionality here so I'll delete these polygons delete select them hit delete and also show bridge so bridge oh yeah okay I'm going to select the polygons on this side the ones on this side now I click bridge it's going to bridge this gap across here and what I can also do is if I select this border and this border something always seems to happen when you're bordering or bridging two sections like this and also let me move this one polygon just away a little bit so I can see this work sounds like my daughter's out in the other room getting tickled so if you hear that that's what's happening I'm not hiding a child in the closet again so I'm going to actually do this I'm going to grow my selection and I move actually shrink it just a little move this this way a little just to line these up so what I'm going to do is I'm going to bridge between here and here so I'm going to select my two borders this one this one and I'm going to bridge but I'm expecting a problem to happen so let's do it happens at bridge and the problem didn't happen so that's good a little bit of kind of weirdness going on here which I can fix but every now and then this edge will try to bridge to here rather than to where it did it didn't happen this time so that's good so I'm going to just kind of fix my topology a little bit since this is now looking a little bit strange kind of fix this up so it doesn't look so bad always good when your perfectly silent doing during a tutorial that's coming out really far it's always good to get like really odd angles and things to just seen kind of see how this is looking okay and now basically your pectoral muscles kind of flow into these so I'm just going to kind of pull this up pull this down a little bit here go up here their own fun I don't know if that's being picked up but anyway just keep going here so a bit of twisting going on here this should be pulled out and kind of fix these so they're not so crooked should come up about done fixing that that looks a little bit better so ideally this is what you kind of want to see now I did my reference I'm working off of the reference here so I kind of went that way but this is more than likely going to give you the best case scenario for blending and stuff like that for your animation so it's good to kind of do that so let's see what this looks like again if I turbosmooth it now so I'm just adding this modifier okay now the idea is after I've done this I can convert this back to editable poly now I've got some other vertices so I can go in and kind of clean some of this up and add a little bit more detail still feel like I need some more edge loops here but I'm just going to leave this as is for now but what I'm looking at is there's a lot of stretching happening here so I could go in and I'm just going to go ahead and do this because it's bothering me and I'll grab these edges make sure my edge constrain is on here and just kind of fix that that's right I said bothering me alright pull this up slightly so these are kind of going to be where our pecks are maybe a little bit to pull this down to slightly I feel like this arm is kind of extended up a little high but now that we've kind of brought this out to the side it should be okay but anyway you can sit here messing around with the topology as much as you like I feel like it's easier to do it now while this is in a lower polygon state then you know if I tried to do this after I've smoothed everything out alright that's good enough so let's do the leg so the leg is going to be basically the same idea this time we're going to try something a little different though just as a another idea so I'm going to do extrude and it yeah check so this time what I'm going to do is bring this leg down rotate this kind of flatten it out so I'm using scale and I'm scaling it downward and I'm going to scale this down to about the size of our ankle so it's going to give me this now that's not going to work very good for animation especially since now I don't have any knees and the reason I'm doing this is just to show you another way to kind of go about making this come down just a little bit more here make sure everything's kind of lined up here before I get too far along okay so in this case what I would do is I've used swift loop which we just saw a second ago and I'm going to cut in polygons here for the knee so here I'm going to it's already going to be selected for me put this now basically where I want it to be so turn on x-ray here alt X is the shortcut for that kind of bring that end a little bit bigger since turbos me that's going to make it smaller for me okay and now I'll Swift loop and about where we see the boot here I can see here that we need to scale out Oh actually before I do that do too much there I want to make sure that this is lined up that wouldn't have caused too many issues but again it's better to make sure these things are kind of done now than later okay so again I'm going to Swift loop I'll put one in the middle of the upper thigh there or thigh and then one about midway down I'll move this over come up with it just a little bit you scale scale that out to about as wide as that is on my left view move this back a little bit scale this this way and like that the thigh one scale it up move forward come back in the front view scale it one direction here and actually going to turn on my edge here I'm trying to so I'm rotating these but they're going to keep their same shape that I basically have here based on the edge constraint with using that so I just had that so I could rotate that all just slightly so this is another way of going about this I've got my main sections now I want to cut in these are basically the major peaks and valleys but now I want to go in and add the ones around the knees ones around the shins so Swift loop here and this time I'm going to do this here I will do those ones just yet so I'll do the ones the top and bottom of the knee and the one halfway down the calf or shin or whatever you want to call that turn that back off and again doing the same thing moving to the left scaling down to the left view make sure this basically lines up volume here do this one I might end up adding in another edge loop here just so I can round out this muscle a little more grab this section don't really mind how that is what I might do though is turn on edge constrain and move these sections down a little closer to the knee these ones a little up closer to the knee and I'm just going to kind of move these in individually it's not really too far off move that one out a little bit and back maybe the same idea pull these down closer to the closer to the knee so turn on my edge constraint again all right and so I will Swift loop here here not so much down there double-click that I'm going to just scale out well turn off edge constrain sure I didn't bulge that out too far you would just get a little extra here just to kind of emphasize that a bit more all right and again double-click that edgeloop scale out I'm just moving these in just slightly tweaking that a little bit let's go in the front view make sure this looks okay so this can get pulled in grab both of those that's kind of okay run that out a little okay I don't think I'm going to add anything right here right now I don't think I moved anything there so let's go back to edge let's move that scale this out and my bums going to get a bit flat here so let's pull some of this out let's see again this will be something that we can fix at any point I have to worry about getting slightly flat there all right grab here pull this down just a little so this round kind of down that I'm okay with I think so I'm going to swift loop one more time just here for the thigh just to give another little area to allow any sort of stretching to happen want it to kind of minimalize that it's minimalize a word let's get a little bigger and it's also kind of helped with his lack of tuchus let's start I never closed this up here we just need a bridge so select the two vertices there and just click bridge close that up and that's basically it for the start of the character I'll do the foot really quick pull this in just a little like I said whenever I turbosmooth this I'm going to be able to fix areas like this so I won't have the weird butt thing happening pull in some sections of the back just to get a little bit of indentation alright so extrude down just to make a quick foot should also be more vertices down around the ankle here rotate this alright so I'm going to extrude twice so here's going to be the first one not like that and our foot is not going to follow this it's not going to go off this way he's not pointing his toes out I don't know many people that point their toes out that much but we will be following that perfectly we're going to kind of come straight out with the foot let's do it again this one's going to simply be on the ground I'm just going to scale this flat region everybody's got a perfectly flat feet on the bottom right no and pull this out a little bit pull this out and I'm going to just hit extrude and I'm gonna Swift loop here so this is going to be the front of the foot let's pull some of these parts out a little bit you pull this down just a little to round out the foot all right Swift loop I'll probably do that again folks slightly twist it will have it come out us a little bit and this should actually come out more towards the front than the other section miss miss this piece and now just so our foot doesn't look completely messed up we'll twist it just slightly out word move that into place and then can swiftly again here if I need to you know add more to the arch or to the toes so we'll do both pull this section back that's better I want to have a nice kind of flow of my polygons here I don't want parts that come up and come down which makes it strange speaking a strange line needs up a bit better and pull these and just slightly so it's kind of the right foot curve here and then I can extrude it one more time here just to do the final tip there all I'm thinking about it let's Swift loop for my ankles bring this down little that down that more exaggerated this the more this will kind of the better this will look whenever I turbosmooth because even though this is looking really bulky and kind of far out whenever I am turbosmooth this it's going to you know smooth that out a lot more so just had the last little part here this is just going to be a bevel subtle bevel not quite that far I'm just going to bring down this so it's not completely coming to a point there I may end up relaxing this foot a little bit so do that sit grow just select everything here and do relax it's just going to help smooth things out smooth out our topology a little bit the check usually after I do that I have to scale just a little bit just because that kind of pulls everything in just a little it's not so bad all right that's that's basically it for the main part of the character here one thing you'll notice if I hit f4 which turns off my wireframe you can see that this guy is faceted that means that he has no smoothing between any of his vertices are between any of his polygons so let's fix that I'm going to select everything the whole element and I'm going to come down one I'm going to set his material IDs this is for something later but I'm just going to set them all currently to one so they all are the same these are my smoothing groups which means that some of the stuff is smoothing and some of the polygons aren't I'm going it clear all and I'm going to set all of them to one and we'll look at the difference that this makes so now everything is kind of smoothed out if I wanted any areas to kind of have a little more of a hard edge to them I could put them on a different smoothing group also get rid of the polygons on the hand there that's it that's the box modeling tutorial for the body the final part to wrap it up delete our instance because it's inside out basically it's normals are flipped and I'm going to do a symmetry modifier symmetry and you'll see everything disappears so we're going to set our X Direction here to the modifier to flip and it's going to flip before I do that though I'm going to turn off weld scene because I've had a lot of issues with symmetry adding in extra vertices that I don't want and it usually has to do with this weld scene so I'm going to turn that off and I'll turn off slice along mirror and because I've set mine up in a way that I don't have any polygons on this side so it shouldn't mess anything up and right-click and convert back to an editable poly making this one mesh but you'll see that I'm currently at two separate elements I have to weld everything here so I'm going to do is go to order hit ctrl a which will select all border edges so that's all these red areas that light up and then I'm going to convert our border selection to edges or yeah our border selection to vertex or vertices so I'm going to hold ctrl and click vertex and now everything that was selected as a border will be selected as vertices and now I just need to weld them so I'm going to go to the weld settings and I shouldn't have any issues here the issues I would want to watch for is if this threshold was set so high that other things started welding that I didn't want like that happening and it's set at point one and I don't have any vertices that are within a distance of 0.1 of each other besides the ones that are along the seam so I can just hit check and now this has been welded and now we can kind of see the final body I do plan on doing a hand tutorial and I will do that one and connect it to the body that will probably come out probably a couple days if not next week hopefully I reminded remember to do it so hopefully enjoyed this and found it very informative and learned a little something about modeling please like and subscribe leave comments let me know what you think of the videos what I could do better what you would like to see done give me suggestions and share the videos if you like them and you think other people would like them thanks so much for watching
Channel: CtrlAultDelTutorials
Views: 237,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds, max, 3d, autodesk, tutorial, tutorials, teaching, learning, modeling, texturing, animation, video, games, art, box modeling, edge modeling, character, character modeling, beginner, Autodesk 3ds Max (Software), 3D Modeling (Profession)
Id: 3ZuLmd9OSYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 57sec (3957 seconds)
Published: Wed May 28 2014
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