Bourbon Sweet Tea (and peach!) - bless its heart

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welcome back friends it's Anders today we are making bourbon sweet tea this is a recipe that's fun easy going it's going to be perfect for hanging out with your friends sitting on the porch enjoying the summer there's big flavors of bourbon tea obviously uh peach and then we're gonna toss in a little Amaro because why not if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button for more sips tips and recipes and let's go make bourbon sweet tea to the bar today's video is brought to you by original grain they make watches and accessories from reclaimed wood and other unique materials original grain has partnered with Brands like Taylor Guitars Indian Motorcycles Toyota TRD and even Buffalo Trace bourbon like this watch I'm wearing right here I love this watch because it looks like a bottle of Buffalo Trace bourbon minus the bourbon inside it has that nice dark green color brings out my eyes my eyes are kind of gray but it looks good with my eyes and if you like whiskey they have a whole collection of whiskey barrel watches I personally have two this is the whiskey espresso watch also super versatile makes you on time but if you are not into to Whiskey that's okay because they also make watches from reclaimed beer barrels reclaimed tequila barrels depending on what resonates with you or perhaps your dad because Father's Day is right around the corner an original grain is running a Father's Day special 20 off select Styles plus if you use the code Andres at checkout you get an additional 10 off for a grand total of 30 off you are ready for Father's Day or you are ready to have your own watch and start being on time for once once you're done with this video head on over to honors use the code Anders that's a-n-d-e-r-s looks like Anders but it's Anders 30 off select styles thank you original Grain on to the film all right the bourbon sweet tea this cocktail has zero sweet tea in it if you're not familiar sweet tea is a big deal in the American South and my understanding is that to make it you start with hot tea you add lots and lots of sugar and then you serve it chilled I'm not doing that I am keeping the tea and the sugar separate so that I can balance it the way that I like however that's not to say you can't use real sweet tea in this recipe in fact if you do let me know in the comments down below I not much to say history here I came up with this recipe about a week ago so let's jump right into it for this recipe we will need bourbon Amaro [ __ ] liqueur lemon juice simple syrup and black tea the bourbon I'm using is a higher proof bourbon because there are a lot of other components here and we're going to add a good amount of tea so that dilutes the drink so I want that bourbon flavor to come through another good option for a bourbon would be a high Rye bourbon this one old Granddad happens to be both this is a higher proof high-rise bourbon so it's perfect for this drink but you know pick a good bourbon one that you like onto the Amaro this is my secret ingredient it is not from the American South or of any flavor that's like the American South but it's a yummy Italian flavor I am specifically using Amaro no nino which is a very light Amaro I really do like the Amaro no nino in this recipe number one there aren't many cocktails that call for this Amaro a paper plane is the most popular one so if you're a big fan of the paper plane you might have a bottle of this at home and you're probably thinking what else can I use this for and it works really well with the peach now the peach liqueur number one it's going to give it a little bit of sweetness we do want that sweetness for the sweet tea but also Peach is a Great Southern flavor that goes really well with bourbon lemon juice freshly squeezed this is going to help brighten up the drink and then the simple syrup this is semi-rich one and a half part sugar to one part water it's gonna add sweetness obviously but also a little bit of texture and then the tea this is black tea I would recommend that you make this ahead of time and let it chill boom boom boom what else do I want to say as always they're available in my collection at curiata all right let's build okay we're gonna shake this up I'm gonna be serving this in a mason jar seemed appropriate but you can serve it in whatever glass you want if you want to get this chilled go right ahead I'm not chilling it because I don't have room in my freezer into the shaking tin let's start with the base the bourbon one and a half ounces of bourbon to that we will add one ounce of the Amaro nonino it sounds like a good amount of Amaro but the flavor is actually pretty soft and it's going to be an accent along with the peach which we will do next so half an ounce of the peach liqueur if you end up getting the liqueur on the bottle clean it up right away or it becomes a sticky mess we are onto the simple syrup I'm gonna do half an ounce of the simple syrup half an ounce of the fresh lemon juice and then four ounces of your chilled black tea this probably wasn't the smartest idea because I don't know how well it's gonna pour but a little sloppy that's okay clean up an aisle Anders shake this up with ice not for very long we just want to add a little bit of air combine all the ingredients we're not looking to overly dilute it right now there is a lot of liquid in this shaking tin so carefully add ice and Shake about five or six seconds now add some ice to your your glass your mason jar whatever you're using I'm going to double strain this to catch all the ice chips but it's not necessary if you want those ice chips in there go right ahead and single strain but today double strain because we are Posh you get that nice foam on top uh for garnish I'm gonna do a sprig of mint I just go right over to my garden here and grab my fresh mint wake your mint up smells really good drop it right in there all pretty like there we have the bourbon sweet tea cheers Oz coming over okay Bourbon sweet tea oh man what up fam hey great hat thank you yeah here we go this is a much needed drink by the way today's been a all day what is it wrong too it's really good look at the chat it's fine and I will say this does work without the Amaro but I do like it better with a little bit of the immoral really subtle herbal notes even the peach is kind of subtle I get the peach yeah for sure I get the peach okay so I did try it with the the ice chips in there with the not the double the single strain version and I thought it was kind of fun like if you like to chew on little pieces of ice whatever you know whatever either way it's all good do it how you want to make it I approved I would drink this on a porch on a sweet sweet summer Eve maybe a swing yeah maybe on a swing like a porch swing or whatever whatever you guys do in the South we don't have that luxury here all right we're on a [ __ ] alley and Chicago dirty garbage alley with you know everywhere and rats and stuff let's just drink this and think about the beautiful mother nature that you're enjoying uh thank you for watching be good to your neighbor don't forget to floss and I will see you next time cheers goodbye I lived in the South for a very short amount of time I lived in Virginia you did where where in Virginia well I was in Winchester Virginia for a short period of time and then I was in Blacksburg Virginia for school Virginia Tech Virginia Tech cookies [Music]
Channel: Anders Erickson
Views: 111,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bourbon and tea sweet, summer tea whiskey, easy summer drinks home at, fun summer drink party, bourbon warm weather, summer drink idea, sweet tea bourbon, sweet tea whiskey, sweet tea drink, bourbon hot outside, summer party drink, bourbon and sweet tea drink, whiskey sweet tea, whiskey tea, summer whiskey drink, sweet tea peach, tea and bourbon, tea with bourbon, sweet summer tea, summer sweet tea, bourbon sweet tea, summer bourbon, sweet tea, peach bourbon tea, bourbon
Id: 1b4nHX4RjdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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