Orange you glad I made this video on ORANGE LIQUEURS? Triple Sec vs Curaçao

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welcome back friends it's Anders today we are discussing orange liqueurs orange liqueurs are essential behind your bar because they are called for in a number of drinks the problem with orange liqueurs is that there are so many different kinds different Expressions you have words like Curacao Triple Sec and then there are some that don't claim to be either you know like Grand Marnier Cointreau which we have here we're going to talk about so what what does it all mean what are the differences are they interchangeable and if not when do you use one and not the other we are going to discuss it I'm going to show you the bottles that I have behind my bar we're going to taste it we'll talk about it I'm going to give you my honest opinion on what you need behind your bar so if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button for more sips tips and recipes and let's talk orange liqueurs to the bar today's video is brought to you by bright sellers bright sellers is a monthly wine subscription that delivers wine right to your door I love a good bottle of wine as much as I love a tasty cocktail but I don't always have the time to find that perfect bottle for me because a lot of trial and error involved choosing the wine and I'm clearly a busy guy bright sellers makes it super simple just go online fill out a quick seven question taste quiz then sit back relax and before long bright tellers will match you up with your first box of wine based on your answers each box comes with educational info cards explaining everything about the bottles you get like the varietal where it's from tasty notes food pairings there's even a QR code you can scan to rate your bottles that way the algorithm can further fine tune your next box to your liking I've gotten a number of boxes from these guys so far and each time I discover a new bottle let's see what we have this time Bush Telly Bush Telly Shiraz giraffes it's Sarah we've got Plum Cherry black pepper chocolate which is gonna go good in my belly what do you think Freya hmm oh I like that soft little peppery really nice oh and do you want to tell them the good news or shall I for a limited time use my discount link below and get up to a hundred dollars off your first four boxes thank you bright sellers back to the video so orange liqueurs orange liqueurs are called for in a number of classic cocktails however they predate a lot of those cocktails there are two main Styles you have your French Triple Sec and then you have your Dutch Curacao both of them date back to the 1800s originally these orange liqueurs were meant to be enjoyed on their own sipped as cordials maybe a little after dinner drink something sweet something Zippy orangey fresh and they were really tasty so by the late 1800s when cocktails became pretty common orange liqueurs became a common ingredient in those drinks so a lot of those old cocktail recipes have orange liqueurs as I mentioned there were the two Styles and back then they were definitively different you had the French Triple Sec and the Dutch Curacao now those are still considered the two main categories of orange Accords today however neither of them have legal definitions as to what they are so there's a lot of crossover in fact there are some brands that will list both Curacao and triple sec on the bottle but in general the triple secs tend to be lighter in body and brighter in flavor that's because most of them use a neutral Spirit like vodka as the base now this is a good thing because what it does is it allows the bright flavor of the orange to shine through on the other side of the spectrum we have the Bolder richer curacaos which usually have a brandy base older curacaos used rum too but what I'm trying to get at is that they weren't using a vodka base they had something with a bit more flavor and complexity so the end product had more complexity it was deeper in flavor it was richer and that's also really good it's just different now it does also make the liqueur darker in color but don't judge or Curacao by the color you can get curious out in any color of the rainbow blue curacao being the most popular in fact there are a number of tropical drinks that call for Blue Curacao I do not have a blue curacao because I have yet to find one that I like so uh yeah so this is what we have these are the five that I have behind my bar currently I'm not saying that these are the five that you need to go out and get I'm not saying that they are the absolute best but I will tell you why I like using these bottles in my drinks so first I'm gonna pour and then I will talk about each how's that sound sounds good all right let's do that the first two are the triple sex clearly there is no color in either one of these very light so this is aesthetically a nice thing if you want to maintain the color in your cocktail think of the pinkness in a cosmo then the curacaos they get a little bit darker and these actually vary let's start all the way on my right your left this is going to be the least sweet this is the Cointreau quantro is in the triple sec style however it does not say Triple Sec on the bottle some people might say contro is its own thing it's not Triple Sec and that's because quantro wants you to think that years ago they took Triple Sec off the label because they wanted to differentiate themselves from all the other triple secs that were being made cuatro said no no no we are quantro and it worked because quancho is seen as a premium orange liqueur it's seen everywhere and classic Cocktails A lot of them call specifically for Cointreau on the nose bright orange and you do get some of that uh ethanol you know that it's alcoholic it's 40 percent it's really good I think personally I like drinking Cointreau on its own more than I enjoy it in a cocktail it is sweet but it's not overly sweet so if you want a little pop of orange it's really good in there but we're gonna move on because the next one is also a triple sec which is the luxardo Triple M Triple Sec I've used this one in a number of cocktails cheers I would say on the nose I probably prefer the Cointreau yeah so this one is a bit sweeter you can actually feel the viscosity and notice it's thicker than the Cointreau on their own I like the brightness the Simplicity almost of the Cointreau but when mixing into a cocktail I like the added sugar of the Triple M so I usually gravitate towards that triple sec for my cocktails but both very comparable do I need to have both probably not but again I like to recreate classic Cocktails so I want to know what the original recipe calls for and then I can adjust from there so that's why I like to have a couple options now on to the curacaos the curacaos are a bit more varied this is the Pierre faran dry Curacao this specific product is not all that old it was created in collaboration with drink historian David wondrich it's made with a cognac base it's become very popular and for good reason it's very delicious you've seen me use this one a lot let's taste it we have some color here it's like a a pale gold Hue of the three curacaos that I have this one is the lightest the nose is less Punchy you get a little bit of the cognac which is really nice and it's actually very different than the triple sec the dry Curacao is much more complex it has spice there's like vanilla there's like creamsicle quality to it it is sweeter also 40 but you don't notice the alcohol quite as much on to the next one Marie brizard orange Curacao I think they make a blue curacao I've never seen it on the shelves uh I would love to taste it because I do like their orange Curacao very much I do love the dry Curacao but I tend to reach for the Marie brazard orange Curacao if I want a richer orange flavor I will use this in sour style cocktails where I don't want to add any other sweetener looking at the color this one is darker it's also a little bit more viscous clings to the side of the glass let's taste Sweet Orange oh these smell like orange this one much closer to being a syrup almost much heavier considerably sweeter this one is lower proof this is 30 ABV and it adds a lot more texture to the drink my Margaritas I love this orange Curacao in it because it does give me that body that I want onto the last bottle the Grand Marnier this is really popular also considered a premium orange liqueur and it's kind of also considered its own thing but it does fall in the Curacao style it is cognac based and they add spices to it it's best enjoyed on its own I would say can you mix with it absolutely will you taste it in a cocktail absolutely also darker in color very close to the Marie brazard but less viscous than the Marie brazard let's taste it this has a really Pleasant nose that's really really tasty it's very balanced so this is something that you can drink on its own good in a number of drinks you are going to notice its presence in a cocktail if you want just a little pop of orange maybe go for something lighter than the Grand Marnier because throw in the Grand Marnier and it's going to be bold now when to use what bottles do you have to have five bottles behind your bar let's talk about that now application I like to use Triple Sec in sour style cocktails that also call for a little extra sugar whether it's simple syrup or grenadine but I'm relying on something else as the sweetening agent rules are meant to be broken but this is a general guideline that I like to use when I reach for a bottle of Triple Sec also for the most part they're all clear so if you do want to maintain the color the aesthetic of a cocktail and still have that orange flavor Triple Sec is a good option now when to use curacaos I'll grab these two I'm gonna set this one aside for now because that's another beast but I really like to use curacaos in Tiki drinks tropical drinks that use crushed ice there's a lot of extra dilution there and the curacaos with their richer flavor hold up to that dilution and you get enough of that orange flavor that comes through in fact a lot of uh traditional Tiki drinks call specifically for Curacao I will also use Curacao in sour style cocktails where I don't want to have to add any extra sugar like when I make a margarita or um pegu Club so with that said if you were to go out to the store and you're looking to stock your bar with an orange liqueur and you only want to buy one bottle then I would probably look at this lineup and pick the one in the middle something similar to the Pierre Faron dry Curacao it has the richness of Curacao but it's not overly sweet and you still have a bright orange e-ness that you could use in place of triple sec rather easily so that's the I can only buy one bottle of orange liqueur honors this is the one that I would recommend to you now if you were to only get two and I would recommend if you do have the budget and the space behind your bar get two orange Liquors because they do vary quite a bit in which case I would get one Triple Sec and one Curacao perhaps I would recommend grabbing the luxardo triplum triple sec and maybe a heavier Curacao like the Marie brazard or you could do the dry Curacao say you want to get three bottles of orange liqueur in that case I would if it were me I would get one Triple Sec and two curacaos because I find that curacao's vary more within the Curacao group than triple sex vary within the triple sec group pick a good Triple Sec and grab two curacaos maybe a lighter style Curacao and a heavier Curacao like the Marie brazard just some ideas you can yes if a recipe calls for triple sec you can use Curacao it's gonna be a little bit richer you'll have to balance it out but there's nothing wrong with that so there we are in conclusion orange liqueurs are fun I'll probably leave a couple other bottles that I would recommend checking out in the description down below what are some of your favorite orange liqueurs I hope that you learned something I hope you got some ideas of things to pick out at the store and that will do so thank you for watching like And subscribe be good to your neighbor I'll see you next time cheers [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Anders Erickson
Views: 222,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: orange liqueurs video, orange liqueurs guide, orange liqueurs best, triple sec, curaçao, differences orange liqueur, orange liqueurs explained, orange liqueurs compare, orange liqueurs brief guide, orange liqueurs intro, orange liqueurs choosing, orange liqueurs pick, orange liqueurs decide how to, orange liqueurs use, orange liqueurs good, orange liqueurs difference, orange liqueurs discuss, orange liqueurs understanding, orange liqueurs, what is triple sec, what is curacao
Id: dntZiMM7Bvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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