Bouphe and Mum Play Games! 20/08/19

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This is definitely my favourite Yogscast video of the year!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Beartaco24 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

This is adorable! Bouphe's new hair is rad too.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Elastichedgehog šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™m pretty sure that was Bouphe from the future, not her mom.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Noob_DM šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
there now we're a muted 30min you fail hello everybody welcome to a stream with my mama shall I move the birds I know but we might have to sorry hang on I'm not leaving him there is covering your face it's a blessing in disguise hang on stress leave oh no I know we mess around we don't we're doing very well no we don't really know I never know what I'm doing in life in life this is the to two girls one CPU Street oh I've seen that video no I haven't what do you know yes yes that's a reference to yes she's in German they've all gone to Germany that depends desperation without that we don't we don't have anyone else um so never mind well sorry everyone sorry sorry everyone sorry this is my mobile you have a t-shirt yeah it's cute in it thank you is Grace it is young Janka yin and yang can egg down and ice we've got very 70s retro hotels yeah and it's great but it's 370 see there's a long go mean where you where people get beans down the show I mean when they mess something up yeah everything I've also had to make the twitch chat what what let me see how big this twitch chat is it's something like 200 percent the glasses are very very thick lenses yeah you're quite blind without having to it's got a bit faster God blow me hey mom yes hello yeah bombs they're nice if we talk louder ya Xiao it's not so mom's brought herself something to do cuz I thought three hours of sitting here playing a video game isn't really me I don't even know what I'm gonna play if I've got something I think the last video game I played was sermon Galaxian it's quite a long time ago yeah I didn't make you play Vice City oh you have crashed so I brought my own game you brought your own game to play what do you what you brought so show-and-tell it's a it's a velvet velvet you can listen you come pretty cool it she's pretty colored it but you've not done very well down here [Music] yeah give me a round crit yeah so what it was you on it and then you put a make a terrible mess with the glitter on let me just move this so I think it I'm awake see what what colors have you got here oh you've got lovely brown you put gold on it's right is that polish yeah little yellow apparently well I've read the instructions read their instructions cuz it's very difficult all the way yes it says it make sure you time to decorate the colored picture with glitter it up the Texas I did say use the right color to the right color all right use any wide areas when you could apply the glue comfortable without touching the black velvet approximately 5 millimeters which 5 foot we're providing pour some glitter the matching color of the glue whilst told to get flat in one on tap the picture gently from underneath causing the unstop listen to bounce across the blues area the glues yes felt wrong shake it off any excess glitter onto this in brackets 3 this is 4 this is part of this this is part of it oh dear say what to difficult oh yeah look no it doesn't reckless from red oh yes blue on blue green on green on so forth orange glitter matches orange and light brown areas you didn't even read it right yes put glitter in brown orange glitter and orange oh yeah we don't even have any transparent blitzer no nothing I'll have to pretend just cry just cry do you have a well I've got something to do for you've got something to do I can I can play games if I want to if if chat wants me to I was thinking of plane and spiral I don't know whether people what ten quit they'll be both glycerin Brenner at the end of the day that on the picture yeah I think Brenda's gone out I don't know Brenda went out but she actually has approved she has approved of it I'll show the picture yeah she's been peddling on it and sitting on it and where's my phone said she likes it here we go so you shall be a picture of Brenda approving improving the the PR and bring her out there she I'll just cover lady up there she is much nice much nice so she loves it there's somebody's at the door shall I go he's yeah texting let's just text he's alright the book was doing it the butler the dachshund is it the plumber is the plumber come round the Goblin the Goblin it's not the Goblin the different it's a different goblin signed today so mom I've given mom let me show you what I've given you here this cook that I obtained from York on what did you what did you say that this I said where did you get your toy story cook from and I said what toy story this one this toy story with the drunk was like yeah this is drunk Buzz Lightyear there and woody I actually thought you did he's proving that she's very blind mistaken it's indistinct so you would say this very suit I mean get you one to be fair Lewis does almost look like hey is your mom single [Music] your foot needs cocoa okay I see we're all gay we're all getting phone calls been really busy today we keep nearly possible ugly we need more some double-glazed e by accident as you do as you do where's I'm just trying to work out this hang on a second it will be fine we can do twitch singing we will do three hours of singing cuz we will die the neighbors oh yeah yeah bill died but what we will do I'll play a little bit of Spyro and you could do some coloring in and then we'll do some twitch things oh yeah definitely do that as a thing because Mike just because my cold is not that it's not unhappy enough I just need to do some we need some soft suggestions a lot to single yeah people what I mean I only know that certain but there is a place born a person really she took what songs do you like anything in yeah happy birthday now your birthday say yes I can't believe I forgot people day to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear internauts people of today to you right there lies hates the light and also we're getting really crazy burning calories so yeah I can always set big big damn this is never gonna let you back I met him once Louis yes yeah you met him I've met them they haven't met Simon no I've seen him a lot on I've seen him a lot on YouTube 2015 i Hey yeah you were going oh my god you work on awesome outfit he went to another comic-con and you just as a Poliwhirl we get to bring you Mon to work and we'll take you to my work oh look it's always if she's in the chat all my Rosie Rosie and that's my sister in chat and your daughter yes I'm your two clones of myself yes I'm figuring things out as a good hey you trying to Doc's yourself oxy dachshund is where you get your information away oh dear no once no my goodness city dogs everybody Qing me what all this is about yeah monster you've never been on Twitter before you've watched on Twitch a bit oh yeah and I watch a lot of videos i watch a lot of videos on the YouTube on the yoga so there is this thing that I wanted to discuss with you and other people wanted to know about you because I didn't mention this about you it was a dream a while up here the Paul McCartney I went past his grave today I'd love to come spruces yeah hardly well he can YouTube it you know when he apparently 1968 yeah Paul McCartney was in a very fatal very fatal car very fatal just a little bit afraid very fake is he all right no oh is that came off is that came off please no and we should laugh about please a public out if you watching I'm really sorry continue in this story I well it is a conspiracy and the might be the yeah someone looking at with a sniper out of the window actually anyway no I'm black but he's buried in late and cemetery apparently she's just across the road from you so thanks for duck CB oh sorry I don't know what that is I don't even know what they Doc's again don't ask me any more questions anyway apparently he is these day I'm doing yeah please dead he's dead he's dead and he's buried in a cleanest cemetery somewhere far away from everyone in the street stop gonna use that to be second anyway yes well you see the rest of us to cover it up yeah the rest of them the rest of them than beetle team people apparently about to Kirill because they I'm trying to think why there had to get another beef well there was mass hysteria on the cat who died they'd all be really really good why did they not bring your money back he actually got shot so you're saying that he did not happen there no it's just that cuz every young girl in 1960s but like we love Paul McCartney and yeah so the Cobra box they've got a guy called Billy shears right okay who is also mentioned in magic pepper and every album cover and every song that your reverse has got hints about day not being buried or there's all sorts if you look at the album cooked well currently look at the album cover of Sergeant Pepper so there you go oh no you know yeah yeah he's he's he's dead sooo played for the wings it was Billy shears alright I reckon I don't even know who knows we're going deep chat what's Lulu say I want to let you know you wanted most amazing people around a glad you're part of the old castle they make me and many of the smiling laughter thank you so much well she is and if it weren't for me she won't be here yeah we've got a blend we're gonna blend this trainwreck of a human oh my god take that oh alright open the window time to take is a very small room looks are deceptive no it's big it's huge studio Wow tell me the pros and get right tell me the rules what I shouldn't you do it's not real no swearing don't say the C word oh no you can say all the words it was like Bo Selecta yeah just don't say the C word ger no feet not Theon Street your feet no daxing all right yeah I forgot about that one no rules we've had a 35 month reset from Rooney violets oh so people can subscribe to channels babies they can use it Moors and stuff oh you don't flashy tips all right you know if people said that I do everything you say I shouldn't do I do I know that's the problem no nipples no animal abuse no party on any cakes no threats of no sleep no promoting alcoholism look you're sorry okay no food no twerking no also technical difficulties just make it proper to girls men CPUs dream I always have trouble what's up me I always have trouble doing what does that mean what's up food we've had six hundred bits it's a bit some type of currency yes yes yes yes yes I was happy to that to pay a lot of electricity bill apparently she was getting bits from my it was it all right yeah yeah yeah it was mining Bitcoin yeah that's different we haven't got anybody got Bitcoin we'd be very rich but you're the only guy you Bitcoin mind you we've had 601 bits from the legend return about a tenor from better dog yeah kind of boots mom MVP I think ever worth it said this is all [Music] oh yes yeah what there is Christmas the whole of December yeah yeah the whole of December Louis gets this deal advent calendar and honey drinks the whole thing but let me get sick do it one all industry yeah I do the same but it's a shock nice cuz you don't drink much I don't drink it all you're a good girl Lord matters 37th Street but 50 months morning morning morning 20 months for 21 months from Edwin M more double Bergstrom thank you so much Union kittens were from Dallas in flim has given us 19 months soaps 19 for me just you know what I'm impressed I don't know what that means but I know thank you we've got five dollars from Baku thigh-high booth in Malibu thank you for giving us such a wonderful woman thank you very welcome everybody know I gave you thank you me all right producing you and I don't know how I did it I thought they're thanking me for being ringing you I think it's in any way whatever it is is straight thank you very much for clarifying we've got another boo-boo then we've got three dollars from Mobius TS hi ladies looks like we have another booth to convert to the cult of Claude Claude is a puss your mother must be aware of the wonder that is the plan to push booth know dazzle her by the way do you know if slash when the 50-foot woman poster will be listed on the store I have no idea but I showed moment I like it it's nice innit libya's very glamorous chic very glam I'm beautiful wish she was listening the car crash she's left the car in five shops the community thank you so much harder yay clapping hands who's Lydia but there's Lydia she's making faces into not as given as 20 we're eight months it's my birthday today happy birthday or not we did we did a sing well 41 months recent from five bobert Thank You Bartha nor is Rhys up Thank You Parthenon 11 month research from drusus bombs Dave raving tton I like that oh I like that Dave raving should thank you very much and then at 10 bucks from in flim so spiral touch things take my mommy all right a drag star who gave me the book that we've had to kill oh he's upside down yeah booth mommy's best mom for a bit no no it was an accident actually that you actually turned out as good as you did you were just doing it online was that cold will you let our secrets of oxy oxy dachshund again noxee dachshund and then 32 month free stuff from movie where K and JP is researched Dave mountain thank you so much $5.00 from Kade say hello to that Mad Catz next do you see yes oh this is never going didn't watch that mouth care I love madcap but goodnight recur if I have sleep basic spiral and how tolling shrinking you smell to that age now where you old ladies shrink apparently are you at that age it starts ringing small you start going backwards you end up like it the tide was high this is the tallest I'm gonna get so I'm not I'm not in any yeah my you it's like a tap pull again that's kind of nice I like it I like it not nervous though is it when you drink you get older and shrink when you drink so you lose apparently you lose eat it well I'm not gonna lose me too you could def you've already gone blind yes I've been like that for years five dollars from twitch chats hi booth mom now we know where booth gets a good look oh that's flattery that is what do you want what do you want to chat yeah enjoy be sub thank you so much Joey B I'm 4 foot 11 so you're you offer you a 5 foot 2 the last time I checked oh yeah but then they got measured to have some sort of weird procedure to me like lengthen lengthen it didn't work the way you're 5 foot one and a half now yeah she took some off shake me down what was it the TWiT were they where she kept adding length to the their husbands walking stick so I thought you were shrinking that's amazing I was a bull no any watch films it's a good one so she actually lengthen these walkies maybe that's what everyone else is doing lady hockey-stick have a walking alright maybe the point Missy further back in Macau yeah that's the accident we've had a beautiful smooth marine as given us $6 17 Wow mom I wouldn't mind that if this stream was just a few hours of this beautiful talk and banter so here comes some all he does to make it was all the way from Australia they went through the tubes all the way from Australia all through the tubes that's amazing combined boof and mum and Lois and dad stream confirms English I think poor dabbler is confused as I am he's more confused than you heart colorino moving in with the he's felt he's fairly confused about what he's actually pretty good yeah it was doing a like a fighting fantasy you know like where you choose your element there's tries to teach me to play games will you try that with me I do try it with you and you just go and then pray for my internet connection not shooting itself have fun you two thank you friend it's give me a pretty little pretty well I'll pray if I'm gonna play a game that I need to set it off I haven't done anything today really ruined it never mind well no you have me were busy I was vegetable yet to see slept in and I snoozed my alarm for half an hour and you've got the attic home I have a comb now I am I had a dream where they did they did my car up like that the front had fallen up so they put like this big plastic front on the car and Empyrean flax was there for some reason and he was telling me off I don't know he tells me off is he working it quickly period yes he's in China right now everybody see everybody's gone that's why you have to scrape the bottom of the barrel yeah so I got to tell you think again we're talking was scraping the bottle the barrel is this is this gonna be a tell you some it's a nympho pub in where we are stayin yeah they know I live in black oh well fair enough it's a little pub and it's on the North Pier right and I really want to dis this pub but I went in called Murray England Mary oh he stopped the carpets and it stank we're in Blackpool logics but jeez it's been a lifetime ambition it's like then at the Metropole Hotel I always wanted to stay there as well and I did that and it's staff where else mustard wherever the most ink I'm just here now it's Sibelius this is quite nice this is Annie bananas new cat has joined you and if you've got a car and he's nice Uncle Albert the only fills and horses there's a new Albert in obsession yes it's Albert in the wine in it or is that something both misses so the music a bit loud I can turn it down sorry well yeah these are some places are frequented in the past 24 hours just because you pop crawl and you get this and I'll show you what like oh I'll skip over to this this no it's this scene look at look at this I don't think that the tripod goes any higher up to be honest alright you don't really want to see any more of this dear no look at this look at the gorgeous artwork well this is when I was self doing nothing last night in the hotel yeah there was nothing else to do but this and played out played out to do this yes how marvelous what does this tram have tips on the front these are figs why is there a Star of David avatar I don't know I I do just the self that you ask yourself is really cheap it was dark nips on Twitch wasn't there a big Jewish community in Blackpool at some point there's a big everything community black pools and that's great not really it's multicultural it's multicultural of two cultures there's two entire cultures that you get here yeah both shit well them stop by they in by the pier with the bottles and yeah and just get nice yeah it's a special brew in it so special special brew that's what the curse that's the special oh dear oh dear oh dear want you to do God knows no suggestions yes people can give us suggestions what to do because I do have spyro why am i have I cut you off inside of here and they say you don't want to do it beyond don't talk shit oh we could do geoguessr as well well that's pretty good so it's where they there's a map mmm oh yeah and it drops you in a place on Google Maps oh wow yeah you got a guess guess where do that and then we'll do some things cooler in later in later we don't have to do that but we'll do some G okay so definitely set it I will set it to work dude you will do you know what's what's really weird what seemed to delay me I mean that is really close to the Internet that's freaking me out more than anything like it I'm scared Oh Internet he's like let's get let's get G I guess I need to set it going pretty big reason bother you keep reading check the good very quickly a lot of people out there there is need my lips if you want to know how many there are I know because it will freak me out again five least five people's alright if there's five people I'm happy in a second if I just do you think people been awful to nothing no no nobody's been off that's alright you're lovely nobody could be horrible to a paranoid don't be paranoid oh dear right well while you're doing that mm-hmm got another story yeah yeah I love story what about that party I had when I was five oh this is a classic mom story yeah well I had to think about him to tell you yeah it was just a son sub time for me so mom know you could you do the basics of our Lully I've had a great childhood I can move this man we don't need this alright I might do it well I mean you can yeah you could all do it I'm gonna tell people you tell people Charlie's a bird yes to do the glue they just like anyway wanna scrape her no I'll just push it around push it with this bushel in the glitter it's the golden glitter yes when I was five my sister had a Halloween party yeah and I was sad a little individual she was a lot older than I was and she wouldn't invite me to her amazing party that she was organizing with her friends yeah so what did you do if you didn't gain rights and ease rest myself whipping a brownie outfit that wasn't mine all right and like this was it my sisters all right and a mask of made at school of an owl but it was all smudged in running and tied it round with elastic yeah and the army teddies and sat behind the settee not me on Patti was a great pie we've come to your part to be honest it was actually better than my sister's party look at how beautiful that is Wow and and there was another episode of yeah if you didn't like chocolate you just put it underneath the cat yeah cuz I really didn't like some chocolate bars in the 70s it was disgusting it was was it a picnic I love picnics it's the most horrendous thing ever and I was gonna get told off so I was gonna do with this bloody chocolate bear so I hid it under the cat was the cat I can't remember it was black and white wasn't my cat was a friend oh yeah oh yeah mums nickname is lady yeah I don't know what was it from Animaniacs that I have no idea thank you I think you just comb it cuz what to spin and the lady body cause you lady like when when you go on holiday they don't know your name instead of like Miss they call you lady sorry I'm such a nice scent cat pictures did you tweet the bunny maybe she did oh yeah yeah yeah Annie tweeted them I'm gonna show you them the glittery streets are caused by broken glass this is true why am i tougher why are you tougher yeah just um do that will had Chocolate Rain I typed yeah why you called tofu without me I don't know we just was like that I think it was he dad it's a be honest I think it was you dad yeah no idea nothing to do with the hood nothing to do with the tofu I don't know it's for her he said it's a sort of vegetarian thing the starters tofu is not a herb all right it's um you know soybean oh yeah oh yeah quick get that webcam over there Keith's on the floor as well herb like you'd say weed yeah he's come to rescue you recycled vegans is what tofu is I think you sat on a song I just wanted to put my socks on just want to show you socks off no I'm not showing me feet and blue to stop with them all I thought that you don't see my finger yeah he's not impressed he's not impressed ever it's cuz I need to sort of just like sit up like this alright so you don't want to show you feet I don't want to show me feet but sometimes it happens no one would want to see my feet you feel nice well yeah but occasionally the knee taking off look Conrad's gifting 25 subs to the Conrad thank you so much Conrad you amazing why don't you like that no why are you doing that a mental thank you so much you can have that veneer I've got one I've got I want that really look Pete I story cool you Toy Story Cup you're put in the dishwasher because you will marry nice from a CEO meeting lovely laughs he's a real awful that thank you yeah you'd love Simon yeah he looks nice city look it looks nice he looks awful as evil as he thinking it doesn't seem evil at all you know in fact none of y'all cats oh you better see a doctor he's got two cats hello Harry Harry's here - oh mama wolf is cute well thank you and so besides got to captain called meccans you mentioned cats I adopted from you that when you view Carl you've brought me this is Carl this is chunky Kyle's owner you know you owe every cat I own has two big chunk chunky I don't know why it's so chunky it is it's cuz I feed them too much no she was fat when you got her she's even fat that she's in fact what she has these things called chunky sticks but then snack sticks you know that you get well that's doggy from little she likes her then move it best the full of crap boss but the like long sticks that the two on and Lady cold the lady that showed me her pee in a jug oh yes Pee Dee show hi Stewie show Carl your pee no I live in Jersey six poor old cow she's a lovely cat though she's a knight I feel sorry for her but she surprised she's got this face that just goes because I memorized it said cover it first then my nobody to tell you what colors to do it auravie well it did give me a little map but that stuff improvised a bit who would heard of a red road it's not me it's a bit cross the border I mean that's not gonna do with this after my auction it off for charity well I did one of cars once I would anyone like to see that might bring some money with it when I'm really really famous looking at everybody she's a fucking genius a genius genius this genius you never so far we haven't actually got that much glitter lissa everywhere you've got beyond Eugene's simple ability your guys forever and ever not bad yeah I think I think we should we should let charity have this charity be instead will auction off for charity I'll just take it down you say yeah we vote you off for charity charity we do a lot for charity do it what you do know the wall oh I do a lot for the RSPCA yeah they do too and then give them all the shit out look at the house pretty in the car I give him money oh you give money all you ask your friend oh yeah I do that as well but also when do good work good work for the old cats oh is that is that the stray cat that was all you've had a nice cat room the stray cat that had an injury on his back and they helped him so sad yeah but the glitter under the cat he yes always a little boys get a puppy Jingle Jam auction oh yes someone's gonna be so lucky to get this masterpiece Oh such coloring is as big deep-ando sir this and what about the abscess what glitter color do you want to do that I'm Nydia is in Blackpool there is trotted about up and down you've got a sign this afternoon all right I'll sign it I am in pajamas because you buddy just go lovely me yeah I wake Otis it's like there's a in Elvira in the film it's like she's she has a dream and she's she's asleep just woken up she's old glamorous laid there in bed that's me but then she wakes up and she's she's facemask on earth mrs. Doubtfire yeah I said that's what you were like yeah plastic oh yeah oh that's my favorite a teaspoon I was gonna say what is he favorite film Freaky Friday the freaky the original Freaky Friday yeah I aspire to that lady on that film she's great which one of them um the mom the mom but yeah because it's Jodie Foster isn't it Jodie Foster's and a bearable yeah but the zone is absolutely she's cool yeah she's skateboard she could do any good it takes to be cool yo odds she hits on about right yeah I'm so sorry Boris he's cold Boris Oh play as a guess I'm just looking at geoguessr you have to disable adblock I'm very upset your alter you go blah be out you I never liked nobody like yes hello you me blobby one awful be sorry in that suit cut from you I don't know it won't know leg wound no cuz he's on the outside of the seat he's blobbies goods with a tinky-winky inside yeah it was Gordon the girl for inside tinky-winky it's like it's just a missile just like yeah there was a no Bobby who swallowed a telly sorry perhaps he'll die I wish he died so this geo thing do you I guess also said it going here yes alone Evo's mm-hmm down here that made me dizzy so you don't have to look at it just moving so quick I could have put the green screen up oh this guy's Keith Keith scared of the green screen he's gone anyway yeah we don't some what would we have on the green screen well yeah we'd be we'd we'll see around there we this would all be gone yeah so is that Fran I reckon it's frankly that's from yes looks like rock in the door yeah we go towards this castle and see beautiful isn't it see what's down here I was gonna say it just look it's very Europeans very French that grass looks Australian honestly yeah we can one can we tell from this man he's it does it just look kind of French those good friends it's like Valley I would love it I would love it if there was a guy that was taking pictures don't think it's France at least not the staff of France because that's where I live and it looks nothing like is in the UK someone's metal I like to medieval for the new UK we're actually still but what all right he's you started here oh yeah it's very cold wherever he is mm-hmm Romania yeah definitely it's wander up this way down this way or we can go up here let's go up here and go through the tube me man asking for direction blocked by logs that's actually yeah is that storm maybe it was like a lintel of the castle yeah all right we can tell you could be oh you said no been through many oh there's a sign what does the car okay boss we don't have doors in the UK Charlie no left-hand drive you see right is its its right-hand drive look see the drive yeah it's not so these right-hand drive do Australians drive on the right this doesn't look like a really it's on the left a little bit this noise keeps falling over all right oh look okay we can zoom in a little bit here he's in the middle of the road I can't zoom in but that lamppost f11 all right let's do f11 what's that dude does this makes it big yeah we can see that now no we got no we can't so we can't even go down this way girls you see that's a good [Music] so it's haunted it's haunted I can't go further down this way we could only go up here though because it won't let us should we go for somewhere like Romania I think it's roomy it must be all right hopefully Romania we open up the map mm-hmm down here it's a ghost of Paul McCartney it's the public our egos where is Romania I don't know it's by Turkey by Turkey right go down by turkey right right right right right there's Greece Albania look other is by turn by turkey by turkey leg polar bisexual except I already more than one Turkey shall we put it it's reporting it's sort of just like yeah yeah yeah just make a wild guess all right and if you're wrong you are right it was wherever this is we want Ukraine youvery near I put it in Romania and it was in Ukraine that's amazing that's somewhere I've never been I think our music stopped got some more music on pretty close I checked myself before I wreck myself two seconds let's find so we've got retro II what about we go for said it was wicks I'm Hawaii some Hawaiian music oh that's not that doesn't sound like very good big girl biceps we'll have to laughter like that you like that one see mom's actually a fan of the yogscast turns out you knew who fucking you see let you know these things wrong thing you haven't made any progress oh no no no all right next stop we're in we're inside a car now this does not bode well look at this nice I'm driving we can't even we can't even look around Fiji everyone say hi oh it looks Fijian could you pitchin beautiful we can't Caribbean Caribbean yeah you think I reckon there's a spliff good and carrot there's a spliff good in the Caribbean oh I want to see some illegal activity on on Google Maps with that because the body oh there's a body and a ticket in the wheels a dead body there's a ticket in the windscreen right there that's saying it everyone say Fiji Fiji oh this was an armchair yesterday ah where the fuck is Fiji that specific specific specific I'm just put in the Pacific I wrecked me is it near Australia like down here no New Zealand all right let's zoom right in is it this tiny thing here hello no that's oh and OH Wenger maybe like over here well there it is yeah yeah but is that where it is yeah yeah is Fiji we were only nine point one miles from the correct location that's brilliant you haven't played that many games if you're not online but we in Fiji again I'm not again what but this is some kind of bullshit some kind of fucking same one broken mega broken on the right right place though yes that's quite there we go yeah we got it right 3.1 miles I'm the great location that's pretty good thanks for help yeah thanks everybody I was sure it was Caribbean its Fiji together I don't know what it is we're in different colors we're in a different car so let's see what this sign says richlip heavy vehicle bridge limits so this is an english-speaking country but it is also in kilometres an hour so it's not miles an hour so it's not England well we're gonna go on a Centon England [Music] village it could be like Hawaii or like New Zealand Bristol Mill Kings means not enough roundabouts or concrete counters think you should drop it onto Milton Keynes just we'd love to see that place but no I don't choose where it goes if I chose very wrong map if I'd if I dropped the pin it wouldn't be much of a game would it I don't know why is American they don't use them it looks a lot like Bradford we don't have those polls in in Australia Oh someone's go through New Zealand - then someone says not so Florida so Florida I haven't ventured out of the English is the official language of fees I'm not finished up the EU yet you haven't no I've always got an old either the EU yeah you have no it's not that's voice Johnson my guys get a visa forest Johnson likes to tell it's our horse and I want to missus janasya it is a horse I will ask him for directions I'm luckily he's great it's probably Fiji again should we go for Fiji again yeah because they don't even have proper fucking Google Maps cars in Fiji I can't look at the whole so just do it on me I wonder if I if I turn around does it you can reverse there he is by heart there he goes so is my side in the front of the car with a camera yeah and a man sat in the back of the carry the camera but no they seem out with them but they just go backwards and forwards go backwards it boys I will not join I want my job I know you do just driving around filming hello how do I apply to be a Google Maps driver the Google Maps private but be very limited oh my fucking god it is Fiji gave me five trains Bee Gees in a road ready I've been then we can pet the horses geoguessr yes play next round we're fucking for the day again what is this do you get your Fiji Edition promoting Fiji it's obviously really good place would you like to visit Fiji we've already done it and it all looks the same doesn't it it's really don't like it I hate it looks very much like don't know where nothing London no it doesn't right we've had five four rounds of Fiji view summary everything's in fucking Fiji and one in Ukraine we like Jonah do you want to do the English one always that yeah okay yes I've troubled extensively around the UK I was a mystery shopper why do you need to spend money to go to the to do the UK one not spending morning I might have to you have to pay do famous places famous but I thought all of these like throw one but they're all probably a popular element I wonder if if I spend money on it will Louis give me the money back is it a petty cash petty cash Betty picked if you lose when the spoons geoguessr Edition pubs around Blackpool and I'll tell you where they are so we can't you can only do this one you'd only do the world one okay but the other one but then it's all Fiji and Ukraine not even much Ukraine it's not even a lot for you create let's see if we're getting more Fiji's okay one just try again it's fucking Fiji sorry make you spend all morning I've actually jinxed it this is how they make you spend more money you're the feed you dish in Fiji and if in Fiji edition what the fuck we're not feed you monopolies like hey love it but you know that you get all different towns are we gonna get a full round of Fiji here we've landed on a brown brown future yeah okay rode a PG yes oh we were right it was VG yeah oh no it's against Fiji again look fucking Fiji believe this I can't believe it what did you get to get so shocked this is the same one that we've done the horse what is the best bit was the horse was the best bit I pick a place you have to guess you pick a place I don't see it you can see it [Music] different they can't use Google Maps Street View anymore cost too much oh I see oh he's so wise Jake I said like shit now who's that man anyway anyone know him no nobody knows the man I want to know him we want to know that man The Bachelor he's in the bag Lee only boss only books it might not be Fuji but then again it might be Fuji who knows feed your city it's the city of Fuji is if it costs so much is that why that do you get Google Maps in the paid versions do you think no probably not I wouldn't ask me Google Maps is brie useful look well said alright let's have a look if you're going some way can preview it see know where you going it's a somewhere with books University Press books the says it it's South America it's left hand drive left under I'm trying to get closes the chains of music some different nonde not how this works fairly sure right let's see it's left-hand drive yeah walking okay sure I think they've come out of you it's like university or school it is it so as a university friends look Oh God got up so bright mmm Bancroft way Bancroft is yeah this is not Milton Keynes is it no it's somewhere in the US okay I I'm looking well guess it's South America you think this is South America well Florida so South eteri Canada Canada absolute Canada South America Florida's not South America yeah but it's super-new mouth of North America yeah southern so then it might be Texas Tech fish got Lube accent hey Xiao de da hey Eddie bear Loomis Loomis people saying cam yeah that's how Holden is deaf Australia Oh Middle America Pasadena everyone just reading names that oh I can't read that it's done career my countrymen sure I know you can't read it Australia hungry so somewhere warm mmm it's not CLE thoughts you won't like any karai sir yeah yeah I love I really still because then track see I usually wall asleep watching treasure hunt - it was the best it was a tracksuits she used to run away from them and they always filmed her ass so she ran away was he supposed to feel I mean you try running with a big heft in camera but always focused on the ass so just got her ass running outside for Anika I love that yeah she's really good yeah it was good it's a good program it was a good there was that one and there was the that used to really unlike my strike it lucky that's good bullseye bullseye that's definitely and and I remember all the kids programs I actually watched did you bring up videos well I didn't forget just thought it was a little high school didn't forget just could be ah there was a remember the wild house yes does anyone out there I'm a world house I love that yeah it was good and then there was round the twist that was an Australian woman out like that and that mummy one about me it was strange programs actually to be learned and you know you can go visit the place we can I think it's illegal to visit where Teletubbies were filmed it's illegal to visit where Teletubbies little films it's in I've seen still comfortable trade stock on trend he's somewhere down but since stoke-on-trent this is where tell me something's worth filming it was we've now filled it no it's not I'm thinking wearing Berkeley California well we're going to California all right we'll say that I love the wave just pot we've left these poor people we've left left you just California's like this California no it's on the west coast by Los Angeles oh yeah we're a bit slow down there's California I'm good you know what I'm really good on geography you can you can tell South America for it isn't Santa Maria no way dude don't Shakespeare rice where was he living down in Shakespeare that's you know TV I've actually watched videos of people going around their house the tots TV house yeah yeah but it's cool what tots TVs creepy oh no they're just going around their house yeah but it's derelict Stratford upon it for that thank you yes I knew it was really silly Gabby this Teletubbies and tops TV we're all in the same place yeah but it's someone's private one yes rag doll what's Red Dog remember rental studios is that why they did some fees go and face God dries the yeah oh it was there Berkeley Oh someone said it was perfect yes I wasn't paying attention I don't know it was it said that they did 30 book Rafi gee I don't know where we are Eastbourne Eastbourne Eastbourne it's nice I think you should change the music I was trying to go in their house here it's nice that we need look at this that's somewhere in California look at that crap house Shrugged shrubbery it's Australia Hawaii the eg through it's not crew I think a fairly shorts there's all these names I got there was a in a chemist there was loads nail violations and they all had really posh fancy names like London and well that's not that posh Fiji they had to have names of all these like cities and stuff in in Europe and across the world and they've got the one that was called Glasgow yes it's very nice house number 19 they're trying it down to the address the exactly we'll all go what's it go I can't quite zoom in it doesn't really work zooming in just it's not happy Oh for Oh we google it it's loud I think Google's cheating isn't it oh fuck gum trees West Ham Ossie street signs so is it Australian I guess exhaust we can't dachshund wouldn't it be weird if you got with your house on it conducts me I'm I'm not relaxing you know shopping your fucking house going to do that it's alright I don't look the dog pretend them out all the time I know you do is when I turn up yeah oh fuck I know it looks lovely I like it do not docks booths mum that's alright I could dock someone else docks wraps wraps cottage I would like just a fucking dead end you know how do you don't live in a house because I'm painting your house and let live in tots TV I'm just gonna plunk it in Australia actually right fucking there it was over there yeah that's nowhere to be it's the way near South Africa actually it's very nice it's not Lea Durban looking further round I can't see where Durban is least I don't know no I'm not good at geography because I don't let Durban oh yeah there's well I like their names around here put the cold Emacs Emacs SC bene oh yeah wacker I like that loon doubloon doodoo I'd love to live in wacker I know you would it's really cool we have families yeah we do we did have more we did oh we have family but they're all dead I want to go to Lady Fred oh what be shocked no this bedford a bit late have you noticed that in like america in that they've got place called birmingham yes and your new york we've got your and there's all sorts of weird places that are named after is sure is so i rather funny or should be that's I want to do were doing I think I paint along with Nancy lein about that and she was great she was a bit like funny comic it's funny credit but an artist I wanted to do that yeah I watched it that was really good she is good really good paint along with funny hey tell mommy she was doing easier funny strange names like all these like I want to go to hanky I wanna go to hanky came to Nam soon we do one more quick round of this before brick yeah before you throw me away from the other we know we're doing to you oh yeah yeah you happy to do that I'm happy to do absolutely anything what like so sure as we know from our friends our dead friends from our dead family they always said life's too short enjoy Oh oops you boost well that could be absolutely bloody anyway oh and then what's the actual fuck Oh UFO I have that wait wait wait that is boys like that yeah like that I'm impressed you were actually in the right key more or less yeah I guess I was I was thinking of Close Encounters I've got three buttons there's a countess yeah [Laughter] [Music] scooby-doo's come around again scooby doo dee balan what was he's doing that for and what was he doing now yeah film was a home improvement Oh fair enough another dead end this is shit green house I must grow their own veg so it's a place where the yeah don't have is that piping I do it every day should not be heating Keith there's a heating pipe for global warming let's just scroll this way press it again it's nighttime Russian family the Russian gas pump all they had they had a common across Russia did they all use back was it common to meet you you can't use adblock with this fucking sucks Oh God this map is fucking trash right I'm just gonna get over it yes oh yeah Oh 915 looks closer than it is but I didn't just go in it Russia big it's fairly big let's view our summary you did it well day we've been to Fiji but to Fiji most of the time we've been to California South Africa shafilea rich oh he's at the rallies yeah did they live in Durban yeah he died when he fell off a ladder doing here was Navy on his 90th birthday poor guy his mother uncle my uncle uncle Arthur yeah it was a pilot in the RAF and he kept crashing planes and survived every plane crash he ever did and he saw he was causing the plane he did he actually did took people couldn't had a fly around didn't loop the loops and aerobatic in he fell off the ladder fell off a ladder at his 90th birthday and died which is quite sad really but yeah if he's if any relatives are watching out there another not it TV round they're not at all nobody watches this that's a good job really in it yeah I think I think I've dropped you viewing figures I don't know my dad yeah go on let's see how much we're dropping right because we go for a brick anywhere T and we wake up T anything to eat he puts on this great oh no oh that's quite a lot of people yeah it's not as many as you usually get I think I'm scared no some power oh is that yeah we'll forgive you our legs everybody not switching off everybody Cooper we we already do the we do we I'll set some adverts going you can subscribe if you don't want to watch out first but you you've got to watch them you've got to do it just go think that this is still going how many how many more we've got a few no no I'm just figuring out where I am on the playlist I can't I can't tell peace of mind by tiki-tiki I'm it maybe it's called tiki-tiki Lydia looks attractive to death that way I thank you yeah thank you oh we're here okay no that's fine we're gonna go for a break get them penguins out cookies downstairs penguins cookies crisps and it's chicken sandwich from his tickets out from yesterday yeah bit of Salmonella we got 300 bits from spooky bike oh the wholesomeness twitch needs have fun today ladies Thank You Sookie I like that philanthropy is giving us 400 bit I like their booth and sister booth oh I have ordered it exciting I'm ready for this come the creepy coupe the creepy coupe you ever seen this did you like that fan that bubble which did amazing really really nervous to get I know they're gonna be nervous not you can start getting nervous doing well the duck legs if it nervous and I play something adult life it rings right puts you off your lane I was thinking right I think that somebody got rid somebody might have just let them go because they stopped laying yeah probably we got one that way did you it was just wandering around on the road he ended up in the school so you could say ended up in a high we took it in as a friend yeah well that's what we're never would but I think twos nice cuz yeah well you herding and herding animals they herd animals are tickets and they big cock to so apparently when they start getting naughty you put a cock in with them and the eggshells yeah they do weird we have five dollars from Lord Quincy mama boo for nickel booth retro games on Jingle Jam hello from all the miles away in Liverpool bright pull the Vegas oven or did you get some chips and gravy not yet not yesterday some treat fatigue hmm black itch says it's giving us five dollars hey Billy turns out my American bank doesn't like these international donations I've had to phone up a third party buy gift cards convert that into Bitcoin then wire that money to an offshore bank oh well I hope you ever love this too thank you black it thank you do it all that $50 50 $50 mama look it looks the oldest dead yes kidding me dude cuz of bouffes mummies awesome just mental men men oh thank you we got a 40 ma threesome from jealous boy [Music] and we've got a thousand bits from tacit ron so that's $10 so you see each bit is a cent I get you Simon and lady putting together Legos three would break the youngest do you wanna bells for Lego is Simon I'd love that excitement if you're up for it she really liked that stream I really enjoyed that but I'm video every Monday have you seen love to do it from hope my home yeah just on my face even cuter every Simon Says join me I'll join you if he seemed that it's Simon and Nina and they have been getting a little Japanese Spitz beautiful she's very very clever could she she can he pulls a house amazing David's board as good as three hundred bits great three thank you thirteen month Risa from chaos koala and dude kazoo is giving us four hundred bits oh it's 4:00 a.m. in my neck of the woods and I am so in love with your accents is that real specific to Blackpool specific we're specific to West Yorkshire I Keithley Keithley West York we never go there no shit yeah it's a bum all of the North strip of Jesus is given as a four monthly so welcome to G I guess a proper Yorkshire addition we go for a cup of Tetley's tea Texas we don't have your auction - no but you know what that's it we should be sponsored by tea I'd be quite happy about that of T through the post you'd be happy but I love that I'd have to have all decaf cider sponsored by Simon and I just put a plug in for Strongbow yeah it's not your use not your size of choice Lucas period drinks matches gold yeah that's nice Tom drinks what was cited as Tom drink Tom's a cider it's late a drinker he's not he's not summer's end someone's there Kingston press is perfect II haven't so other sizes are available sounds like that's just too so they're like that touches I'm happy with any yes just as long as it's got an alcohol content and there's something buys me the other night came back with more money than I went out with I don't happen I have no idea I went down the pub did a bit of karaoke maybe thought I was buzzed on the floor fucking good three books from blackness a helping out the feed you get $5 from someone saying oh you are lovely you did love you know the do love you Apple snaps useful is cider a sport it's a bit sour mm-hmm you like a live Rosie don't you a little woozy yeah let anything sort of scrumpy and nice but it's unfortunately very fattening is it many many calories inside and that's I would be a little hell of a lot of energy for you drink this much okay I'll get you on with Tom for a cider drink history all right so drinking tournament tournament it's a Lego we build Tom's a good drinker I know you were but that's the thing yeah my doctor's not watching this specialization they would deliver sauna I fucking Donna happy say all this time of not drink I'm not drink sorry clattering apples - as resub thank you 17 months from imperial falcon lovely stream so thank you Yoda Shaymin 10 more threesome hello booth and creator oh that's cute I'm great thank you dead me act - 18 more 3 sub thank you and then crab lava is from Essex South Africa a6 South Africa you see there are these strange places in the world s6 s6 Fenwick's b is also for month recent and then was that with it it's a 300 bits this is getting out of hand now though there are two we're breeding there were three of clubs we're at clones dish yes exactly like us as well we're clones yes we are for it cuz i really need to have a week okay Emily you let me thanks very much mother so we'll be back in about five minutes so sir yes um we'll wrestle our way out of this tiny studio Lewis is from Essex weird it's porcini now this posh now he's very pop where did he come from did he we didn't come from Chelmsford did it he'd come from like the pot bit yeah okay right right bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello welcome back hello hello welcome back hello hello well hello hi back wicked biscuits we're both eating cookies now we've got cookies and I've got a cup of gravy call me chip Brenda's had some biscuits a sandwich things mmm yum I have to do everything [Music] right mmm what's his twitch things so Twitter seems like it's a just like karaoke okay I'll show you shabba-doo room so I'll show you an example it's just karaoke it's just hurry up [Music] dick you're a big girl cuz he needs you munch on your hands don't bin around your waist that's yes you know alright so let me pause this I like this tube these toons are good so slowly I've done some some duets with with people here we go okay cool and then so what I need to do we're just loading some assholes no because we do this hang on I'm getting it I'm fixing it are you excited about it's too excited you too excited too excited help I'm too excited okay so now we can be on that you see is that yeah yeah so we're going to be like on screen yeah but like this now we're going to be on screen on on switch things oh I see PC so what we do is party technically it's very technical it is short some classic rock well we'll figure out I'll show you like the requests so we can people will want us to do it with sips do you know who citizen yes that well I've heard him you've heard well now you get to see sips as well you get to hear such thing Oh is very good at this oh I should change the thing hang on a second guys hang on gang I will fix this I just need to do some some wiggling around of things for example change it to twitch sings twitch this guy sings join reading all your little coming over here so we got five dollars from dude kazoo I've got to say cider and or Lego competition with either of you ladies sounds sexier than I can handle but you don't do cider no but I can do like her but I could certainly show my colors mama booth wink small and appropriate amount of tongue sticking out I think he likes yeah I think he likes me he's into you who is this kazoo ya know personally please just give me five dollars all right I don't know a good competition yet I fellas is there I'm just having to sleep there yeah five dollars is all it takes this hard work this is actually really hard work yeah you told jack and how fucking hard it is to string it's really really difficult streaming it really I'm like oh my god I prefer at least at work I can go and um you have a nap don't you tell everybody my secrets famous you text me say oh absolutely lock it up at my desk to the office Karen uh but now I have to have a sleep in the car because if you don't hmm you get tired yeah I have absolutely famous look I am there's a lot of bands were at work yeah but I'm just moving up now okay that's it okay we've also got us up from DJ SC 94 thank you so much for summing up and 30 30-month Risa from The Annoying fairy says this dream has made waking up so early for work truly work oh that's so nice we should be here more often a good question here just do you like the Triforce podcast I've never seen oh you've got to listen to the Triforce alright so what it is is its Lewis mm-hmm sips and period oh yeah and they talk like us yeah but like it's boys then it's boys and something funnier because not shit you like you like I like that I'll have to watch this because cuz their room the doorbell the door it's not the doorbell so oh no they're gonna fire me and hire you instead Simon loves what you say thank you thank you sermon voice what are you confirmed exactly yeah it's true that is true boys awfully than girls Garth is also something with bright thank you so much you could also be on this chilly Minotti what's that so you know on Friday evening but but what about me job what do you mean he's not that shit yes I have to I have to say how good it is really is working for the NHS oh I've spilt glitter everywhere Oh for fuck's my god it is very good bye job I'm not gonna slug it off because it pays my wages she's just felt red glitter all over my bed and it pairs me it's great innit chess and that you have to slug it off because I get told off if I slide the NHS off yeah so I get taller for slightly yogscast oh yeah well you have to do it if it's a big royal royal servant and we all have to look the same we're not allowed to see you yet with corporate looking now and you can't have your own on your computer have your own screen servers anymore we still dragon it was beautiful and was he doing IT it was just a toon dragon he was there's pockets it's tiny yeah and for some reason someone in IT got too big for the boots and told her through the day hmm I've changed the rules on the email I was mad about office yeah yeah and I got told off by email because I wanted me emails fold into my home you owe me an email and they told me off and I said you can't do it you know not allowed to do someone emails you saying what about my my results Yeah right there dude all the time forwarded to my own email address too much to ask so yeah I'm just a bit mmm you get told off quite a lot for doing nothing so if I do get told up and someone back me up on this today for just to mention the NHS is it by the way good looks after me in the past in the past if only I did that for a job that would be amazing now would be more fun I don't think it would be grim when he gets them right what urologist mmm no that's not a nice job is it there's some very very bad bad jobs bad jobs jobs yeah imagine having to undress people in it yes or the you know like some of them have to look at women's busts no depends on the women that's personal look at women's books yeah just the busts but yes my job isn't too bad at all hmm at least I get asleep at lunchtime that's me care of a nap we got a subway oh yeah we like to say that yeah doesn't again oh no I'm advertising again oh no no no all right meeting meum mm-hmm I've eaten me yeah depends on people's hygiene I agree yeah I've got this thing I mean to be honest not enough ways it should be showered before they actually come into the hospital and an oblique insanity contamination tank yeah everybody should have that because I do have to have the air freshener that's Hammond yes yes moving on moving on swiftly mm-hmm so we're gonna do some twitch things I guess I can feel it coming so I'm gonna I'm gonna search for sips and we can do it you wet okay start with because sips is a good what kind of this 21 opened us that he's done I don't know why people a bit NY genius divert that's the most grim job you know that dentist weird and she she was really bad and she just kept filling on random teeth and she said I didn't really want to be a dentist I work for the airman M&E Emily Mme no music magazine NME yeah she went for that she went for enemy and then she became a dentist yeah she was strange Marella Marilyn and you were good out and you would cry - up don't be so soft and you bite your lip it was just so fucking painful she made me hemorrhage jets gonna have lots of injections stopped bleeding she's a strange woman dentist you pick a song fees that like scroll down a bit as well okay oh look do you like Christmas yeah but catgut matter get out of the chat so then we've got okay dreams love shots good yeah no no it's good it is good you can choose whatever you want spoonful of sugar but we know the different words to that dirt way that medicine spoon that used to have it was great it helped you medicine go down it's horrible why just gross what so what song do you fancy singing anything anything you can choose I'm just gonna go along no no no you have to choose oh what's having is good right Copacabana oh yeah Love Shack well these are from sips you see we're doing a g6 if you leave me now you know that one I like that ghost there's a ghost get out of the secret chat whose people are in my chat why because they're naughty boys Cooper said someone say Copacabana 90 sexy mmm no no I love shack out Cooper love shack or copper or both or both fuck about Copacabana cuz it's good old Barry Manilow in it yeah yeah alright it's alright ki just make it up so this is what sips is done mmm it was happy to the group we're just gonna sing party this is the thing we have to look at what we do is we it'll tell us which parts to sing okay yeah that's fine and so we sing like perhaps can I do how many's you can do so we got to choose a venue I could banner of course to do oh yeah I like the theater rock castle castle it's cool the castle this is my avatar it looks like me I love her she talks when you do die ba ba ba ba ba ba huh why he green I don't know so we're gonna be dramatic or smooth smooth yeah that's great she's lovely lady okay so okay sing part two so it's it's gonna be singing along yeah okay so we sing the are inducing and then little together we also sing the pink bits look we're on screen you can happen she looks big policy okay at the Copa Copacabana nose of Havana at the Copa Copacabana music and passion were always the fashion at the Copa his name was Rico he wore a diamonds he was escorting to his charity so NOLA taxi there and when she finished he called a rover paprika went a bit too far Tony sailed across the bar and then the punch is blue and chairs were smashed into gunshot butchers who shot at the Copa Copacabana the hottest banner at the Copa Copacabana music and passion were always the fashion at the Copa [Music] [Music] bless you [Music] come back [Music] music but not hundreds themself line she lost she lost to me now she's lost her mind I think over Copacabana the heart is for north of the van BG Copacabana music and passion we're always the fashion [Music] note falling [Music] [Music] nice going home it never ends never ends Copacabana Copacabana banana banana below cool climb to the buzzer [Music] oh it's really getting applause what is the sound of one man clapping six here he slips it using these coopered sips is watching oh oh sorry so sorry where is it sits really sorry why do you have to we don't have to oh my god I don't whatever watch that I have to watch it do you want to do another one with sips oh if you want yes do you want to do that's the publish that's the publish how can that be publish it's dreadful have you got Elton John yeah and Kiki Dee I'll have a look you got all you want to do charming man everyone wants us to do charming man they Brisas these Smiths yeah it's really low it's all right we can just like do it being a holy castle in she would be in a haunted castle yeah it's beautiful we're gonna change our personality to fierce hell yeah fearsome hot lovely skirt there thank you hmm mm-hmm all my best girls from there I don't remember this at all this chubby mr. Morrisey butchered bicycle Bertie I shall do my Morrissey impression before this however I have the job and lost my job it's me mercy very good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I would go out to my but I haven't got a speech through where this man is said it's person of someone so handsome shooter [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] had a job and then I lost my job I've got my Gladio rise [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I don't know hurry I look it's nearly finished very good that was incredible I think we I think we did great let's read a few things you just wanna do you just wanna stop singing I don't know one I know I already know Morrissey very well anyway so if I go here what we say now from John Elton John and Kiki dude don't go breaking my heart life don't go breaking my heart I know this one I like the sound of honky count yeah he saw someone being sick yeah don't go breaking my heart right so we don't have the one that you wanted yeah yeah a break in my house it's not the one you wanted yeah he's my karaoke song but you have to be Elton John I'll be Alton John so we'll sing it solo and do it both of us eventing well yeah what we do is that we can both you know to me when it's my bit whoa because I don't know I'm Elton John you know that be your key key Joe I think you should give me all the way around no al Ahmar Elton John than you do Tommy I couldn't if I knew be I'll be don't go breaking my heart okay ready oh there's another mid-late yeah a big Midway big midlane yeah don't go breaking my heart I couldn't if I tried oh honey if I get restless baby you're not the kind don't go breaking my heart you take the weight off of me oh honey when you knock on my door oh I give you my key nobody knows it when I was down I was your clown nobody knows it right from the start I give you my heart oh oh I give you my heart [Music] so don't go breaking my heart I won't go break in your hearts don't do it don't dawdle break in my heart I think that's I don't I don't I don't know I'm making some cuz nobody shown us and now it's up to us baby oh I think we can make it so don't misunderstand me you put the light in my life I put up this box to explain I gotta hide in my size to carry deeper cargo nobody knows it when I was down I was your clown nobody knows it right from the start I gave you my heart oh I give you my heart so don't go breaking my heart I won't go break in your heart don't go breaking my don't go breaking my butt don't go breaking my heart [Music] this is you mid-late oh this is a middle-aged yep I think he's more like a middle-aged rich man reached middle age this is the middle-aged spreads when I was down I was you clown right from the start I give you my heart oh I give you my heart so don't go break it by heart I will go breaking your heart don't go breaking my don't go breaking my heart will go breaking my don't go breaking my don't go breaking my heart so go breaking my heart I won't go breaking your heart don't come pick up my heart I want to break in your heart so go breaking my heart [Music] Stoke up break it by heart this goes on forever don't go breaking my heart well it was wonderful don't go breaking my heart don't go breaking my heart don't go breaking my heart [Music] wonderful so 40 minutes okay yeah we still got 40 minutes to go oh no don't go break my heart oh we got wouldn't stop to stir oh that's not bad that's very good oh that's very good that's very is that use is that good yes oh wow who's Benny and the Jets don't know any any in the job I need the job big bad job Hanny in the job nice on the we don't we could do the diversion goodbye we can listen to penny in the days look we'll have a listen anyone know what people know I got electric foods that I am quite huge boobs I've got electric boobs don't touch him we can do all we can go like here and we can just choose like a playlist ya know I tried to watch it but someone else [Music] yeah mother knows best oh that woman she does actually Sophie knows better than me you have more sensible advice do you want to do you like do you work with someone else okay I felt a bit high up there yeah I wouldn't be small like you I my feet touch the floor on this I'm gonna be small like you I don't really know this mother knows best yeah music you want to go outside huh why Rapunzel look at you oh god you're as fragile still a little sapling just a sprout you know why we stay up with this tower I don't know there's oh it's a good song when you get into it that's right keep step down did sound dear yes yes I always knew this day was coming she left it around the tower that I'd soon but not yet Shh just be best Sophie knows best best listen to your mother it's scary world out there mother knows best another something we'll go Road I swear ruffians dogs poison-ivy quakes and Pamela snakes the playerbase books will stop with mothers right here mother will protect you darling there's what I suggest skip the drama I don't know this fucking is terrible in that song I don't know the song I like the sentiment but I don't know maybe this is not a good idea we just talked their way through this I only built and changed and raised you nurse do you go ahead and leave me I deserve it how do I quit this fucking let me die alone he is sad about this escape thank you I think that's it that's a non publish that's an that's not a publish that's no one I know I've ever seen I've seen that film once yeah we like because we like Flynn Rider go on you choose one you must know some of these I do know I think we both know hmm king of the swingers is that he's out here Jim jiminy Jim we could do Mary Poppins I think chim chiminey was it revs that did chim chiminey hmm what's the Arabian Nights won by Arabian Nights you know yes I've never sung get there I liked seeing that one we watched a film and it was backwards the played it backwards it was a beauty the base but the played gasps song that's a good film gasps you wanna same gasps ah yeah yeah song not Gaston Gaston it was there it was there bibbidi-bobbidi-boo that's a good one what have you got baby - Baba - boy I'm not worried you lose that it's a child outside joining in they're requesting something what's he want well he came round the other it came around the other side cue because they needed a can opener and Grandma what I need a wee thank you grandma no fair enough because I was very nice do a lot love is an open door just friend like me from oh yeah you ain't never had a friend never had friend you know fucks like no just don't know himself in the face like Gaston Gaston that's not why we could do this or we could do a proper son I'm quite happy with Disney with Disney Gaston is that not a song this is a proper song I mean it's a purposeful okay at least we kind of know this right who does she think she is ready who does she think she is that girl is tangled with the wrong man no one says no to Gaston right dismissed protected publicly humiliated two birds more I could burn no beer what for nothing else I'm disgraced oh you never Gaston you got a point okay no it's two people that I discussed all right looking so down in their dumps every guy he'd love to be you cast on even when taking your lumps there's no man in town as admired as you you're everyone's favorite guy everyone's or and inspired by you and it's not very hard to see why I know no one's slick-ass don't know as quick as yes don't know where the neck is incredibly thick as gaston for there's no money tight houses maddie perfect up you are gone you can ask any Tom because dolly and that's tell you to never to be on be like a pain like Gaston the words garlic left on his ass like act on as a specimen yes I'm intimidated on is the best of the rest is all dreamy 5:5 Gaston douses lights like Gaston in a wrestling match nobody bites like a star no one is fully and brawny me as you see I've got biceps to spare not opens - swag Lior scrawny the right side every last inch of meas covered with him like after in a spitting knife blubber these peas like Gaston I'm especially good and expectorating - yeah when I was a lad I ate four eggs every morning to help me enlarge I know that i'm grown i five dozen eggs i roughly ah shoosh it's like Tom does boots like that there goes it romping around or anything but I guess not I use antlers in all of my decorating significant amount of catches [Music] and his name is G a s to get get I gave gasps - gasps Gaston Oh clap I can't see here very good it was very good oh dear haha melons are up to this I know you have Paulie yeah did well alright I should have really in sick this morning [Music] no one says no to Gaston let's do it open lady do it oh do you gotta do it Oh what what song would you like to sing next singing oh my goodness would you like to have a break I'll just time sit down you covered in glitter it's it's amazing it's the salami effect the llama is a bit like the Mandela effect understand though I do not go that's another one Mandela go on look we got oh dear we don't have what about okay if I go mm-hmm easy female but we are easy for you yeah but I don't know any of these love visa losing it no I don't any white house I don't know I don't know she was great Bernie Michael Jackson these out yet but they're all lady someone's yeah there's no Michael Jackson really easy male fuck oh yeah at least be good we are meant mom and ladies aren't we thought would be happy know the distance kick you like that song it's not a very good singing song uh not really I sure the reef I shot the Sara Lee what about I'm just kind of scrolling down I didn't know his primal to that was on here oh I'm adding that's my Employee List because that's amazing I don't know no agent looks like you are Norwegian words Norwegian words the Beatles I don't know it all right oh we good and we can just do anything needs Oh 18 black hole Sun yeah that's why Sun via the other day so what we got 80s we just like many Oh Nik Kershaw [Music] small-town boy lady in red girls just wanna have fun you spin me right round don't I will I know it's not that was not that one it something and I'm just translated out the wrong carried you and I'm not nuts my list open do it so that people can sing along with us oh yeah so what they do do they'll add to it yeah so it's like you know we did was six I get yes so what we do is we we start it off they can join us yet so then we oh yeah Kathleen Busche Kate Bush's on yes the bush a thorn bushes on we can frame yeah look look you see this bit here oh yeah yes see the light yes where we have to sit so we're both and also I have this so that you see this this program I've got here hmm we can put filters on our face yeah I think that's snapchat much nicer so that you want to be a cat or rabbit a rabbit anything cute and then I can click we can be deers maybe yes does it not work for you it just works for me I'm not really nice yeah it's really cute you put glasses on me for glasses in Italy I just made myself look like you look dogs goofy to people what the fuck shit that kind of almost works yes and now we've got ears okay that's much better okay we're gonna sing part one yeah that's cool so we sing so we sing the orange part mm-hmm and everybody else and we enjoy nice Oh orange and pink okay I can't remember the beginning bit should we have planned this better yeah don't matter though we don't have to time to plan is it happy yes should I listen that should we listen to the song but we should will fit through it will fit through hang on hang on right hang on I'm gonna listen to the song first no no I want to woof it through I know the chorus Cheeta it's cute years move on when you've only got 20 20 minutes of singing to do I got beat with the cellphones white resolute Jessie that is I Lucas I think I think should we just fucking wing it y'all just wing it we wing everything well wing it when you're flying it we are less sing part two because that means that we don't need to do that beginning bit oh yeah oh yeah it's way better these don't move much if you open your mouth in a read books ah it's ear injuries yes we can't fucking do you there's no no joking way we could do this we don't know it well enough I know all the Kate Bush go on is anymore there's nothing they even have any other Kate Bush John Jets even bet with I love rock and roll rock and roll dee dee put another thing in the jukebox baby what about love shot again I'm so excited this is just quoting songs now we're just quoted songs now but Mickey one what about I think we should do all I build up all that build up for nothing oh god I'm exhausted no I'm tired hello Nicky Nicky guy 55 fancies me oh good god I got a fan you've got one fan congratulations you've gained a fan thank you here we go come on you know this one which one relax my looks give it to my 9 now well don't do that hey dog but it's just not a good idea I can't but so sorry relax don't do it when you want to go to it relax don't do it when you wanna come actually likes don't do it where do you want to talk to it relax don't do it where do you want to go this is probably not when you want to come don't do it where do you want to go do it relax don't do it when you want to come relax don't do it when you wanna do it relax don't do it where do you wanna come ha ha ha come on no it's not [Music] I've given up we were better doing doing geoguessr what we just do lies dead we'll do one last one that we both know what geoguessr know be Fiji Fiji eg I like that yeah wait such a choice there's not a good choice what's me I'm not happy about these there either but you know you know I don't you I do what do we do SOS it's good do you I saw us no no no no no no I just think about film Mamma Mia it's just an awful film really bad yeah it's a really bad film Black Sabbath Waterloo ring rings good one do I have dancing oh look Espanola she would do it in Spanish Spanish I don't even know it she can keep adjusting the picture oh right is that better more changes like the picture I'm gonna go we'll do one more suppose it mummy is great I'm looking at classic rock okay oh but maybe like you can't take me anywhere I can't no that's okay classic rock is good is it well is it easy what's Groundhog Day with it I think I see I see very fucking funny twitch what's the mean do you want mean classic I mean classic what's all about we could draw a long one it's not here it's shame really there's Rick Astley though yeah Friday Friday you don't know it I don't know it what do rap I'm thinking easy male vocals is just sing yes did it look easy at all all the small things but could do that you know I belong don't you yeah will do over long should we do a starting up and do it yeah cancel and helpers please can someone helpful so as before we both know this song at least don't yeah yes it's good one so we sing the orange bits and it could have been a low voice though I sing it higher up hello also no stop now pretty hello [Music] I've waited here for you Everlong [Music] my to the night I throw myself into and out of the red another behead she sang [Music] little brute spoon I don't know and I wonder when I sing along with you if everything could ever feel this way forever if anything could ever be this good again the only thing I'll ever ask of you you gonna promise not to stop when I say when she sang that's the right banner and lows right there but then wrong I'm not wrong breathe oh you can join in it ah [Music] and I wonder when I sing along with you [Music] if everything could ever feel this real forever if anything could ever be this good again the only thing I'll ever ask of you you've gotta promise not to stop when I say when yo I'm asking you to marry me apparently [Laughter] and I wonder if everything could ever feel this real forever if anything could ever be this good again the only thing I'll ever ask of you you've gotta promise not to stop when I say we did I think I'm giving up once again here we giving up now yeah no just just in general I'm just give you know I wasn't born to sing no we wanted to be wild we did pretty good oh yeah have we lost viewers no I know I don't know I know I'm not watching news we'll publish that people can sing along with it yeah I think they should pause things hang on I've got one more Hollan arts its is it here she comes it's the rich girl mm-hmm do you wanna do you want to sing solo duet dude I don't know you can she's a rich girl okay since that's one of these open Oh like we could sing it with sit oh yeah if zips has one open nothing he has he has one does he doesn't know liar it's cuz I didn't wanna sing he doesn't have it open does he oh you're all liars they're all liars he did a duet with someone we've got one time for one more and then you cannot do it relieved of our presence though they'll be glad when Lydia comes along yeah ladies back next next next week thank goodness for you thank goodness figure you thank goodness you're a rich girl and you've gone too far cuz you know I don't matter anyway you can rely on the old man's money you can rely on the old man's money your ass bitch courage but it's gone too far cuz you know I don't matter anyway say money but it won't get you too far get you too far and all day long Twinkies I dig dogs on your own but you can get long if you try to be strong but you never be strong cuz you're a rich girl and you've gone too far cuz you know it don't matter anyway rich you can rely on the old man's money you can rely on your old man's money it's a bitch girl and it's gone too far cuz you know I don't matter anyway say money buddy won't get too far get you too far out of the rain it's so easy to hurt others when you can't feel pain don't know they're lovely grow Oh cuz it's too much to give cuz you'd rather live for the thrill of it all Oh your roommates girls can you've gone too far because you know I don't matter anyway you can rely on the old man's money you can rely on the old man's money it's the fifth girl it's Glen it's gone too far cuz you know I don't matter anyway say money buddy won't get you to forget you too far as where it won't get you too far say money buddy won't get you to forget you too far and you say oh you can rely on the old man's money you're a rich girl rich girl oh you rich girl rich rich girl you say money buddy won't get you too far get me somewhere I got confused I think I put you up good I think we did great well I'm glad we did we did amazing got two stars that's pretty good for us visit yeah well that's a lot well thank you absolutely I've been booth this has been my mum I'm sorry I thought is Hari I'm sorry I'm sorry that's all I get but I will be back next week I'll be streaming on my channel Thursday instead of Wednesday because I'm hanging out with you I think yeah when are you going Oh tomorrow you are going yeah you said says yeah bye Council denied I cannot stand to watch Blackpool fuck me alright fine I'll stream tomorrow night then oh that's that's fine by me as tell me that you leave me well because it was last minute thanks a reward I'm so sorry I do apologize I apologize it's been really good for any profanity said yeah there was been a lot of watch your performance $10 from Lord Quincy working in the NHS especially now is hard get yourself a pint on the strip of the north and me boost monuments the best the dogs Bali's thanks dogs Bali's I've got five dollars from in Flynn asked for an open duet got an opened you it perfect and then we've got some resource from in plush gaming spider ROG 88 from me and off on who's finished missing you're just a hat amazing thanks yan pocalypse dude kazoo I know I think I absolutely fancy your mum what's your name lady you can give your actual name I thought that was doing name's Angela and then poo Lena and elephant pollen thank you so much everyone calls me lady they have on Kazi lady that's fine well thank you so much you guys stay tuned I forgot what's next I think it's I've forgotten I'm going on the penny falls you will go on the pay-fors well I'm gonna build a chicken coop oh yeah you don't know the chicken coop then would I have any balls alright guys I will see you next time have fun everybody see you later
Channel: Yogscast Live
Views: 90,985
Rating: 4.4346795 out of 5
Keywords: Yogscast, The Yogscast, Livestream, twitch, stream, highlights, vod, Bouphe, Retro Games, Retro, Yogscast Retro
Id: mhJHpuOnDCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 3sec (9963 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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