BOUPHE & LEO - Taiko No Tatsujin! - 12/09/19

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hello hello texting who are you texting yeah I see no I'm still check just see me you don't need to take my life to text her la look at this background I love this is Joe's new thing it's beautiful it is beautiful how you dancing good how are you good are you excited for some bread stick and you know I am so booth in her hotel room has a box of breadsticks do I have to I was like I really fancy for some reason I really fancy breadsticks I wonder why so I think they don't like cheese strings I think I'm a breadstick like that really solid they are so lately you could knock someone out with this so you try maybe if we hit a donation of $1 that I suspect we've got it beaten to death with a breadstick it's gonna work out really well oh boy so we both bought the drum kits we did because we're just insane and yesterday we practiced so hard that I was too tired to stream on my own channel so it better be worth it with I think it is I I haven't played very much I've played I've paid a lot we had a practice you play the loads you played so much I hit my hundred song the other day I can't stop vaguely look I've got muscles she's actually got muscles now oh wait this maps got drum martial Olleh Olleh go to next to rob this is Major what could I go hey hey boof can I lend you a hand you do the horns I'll just carry on doing that first a bang the Jeong but she banged the drum you know bang the pun and she banged the women it's not too late I have got a little present for you well it's more of an learn hello and they're having I'm on a being loan something and I'm how would you like to wear a Japanese so acutely I thought you'd never ask I saw you'd never ask they already proved it with this is it's too tall for me and if you come here if I stand next to Leo um I'm quite a little bit taller so this is going to try oh nice oh I'm not allowed to move once I put this on so what's a chassis you can't move it okay that's fine I can shuffle I can move I don't to be responsible for the death of booth she does really there everybody wants to be responsible for the death they could dressing-gown or hairdressers coat here we go oh yeah did I put my arm through the wrong hole you're pretty hard to be outfit i like this double blue faction double blue faction where is the on horses there and then you taught me how to do this grab it here and then bring your right hand to your left hip and then I'm just gonna untangle and then I brought you a little bow I'm just I'm in a dressing gown basically I love it I'm so happy it's not too big it's perfect I didn't really think this through so good luck jamming well this is on oh they said we'll hear a little bow but I'm not sure how we're gonna like apply this I tell you how you're gonna fly this put that I hold that say like bring it round over having it round bring it around town Oh ring it around town nice or is this a child's boat maybe but it works it works and then I myself have got the purple one my own dress see I know if it works oh you look adorable look at you I am so happy do you need a hand getting yours off I might I'm so happy what are we doing if this wasn't like three feet too long then it'd be fantastic oh yes beautiful thank you the cities were gifts from my Japanese pen pal you mean your company's family yeah oh they seem to think I'm really tall yeah you've done the same thing help oh you're in the wrong place for adults my dear I've noticed they have used pockets and the sleeves so you can keep a kitten in there a little sex no snacks cause little snack homes alright so my snack horse hates nickels these nickels okay so I might need help getting the belt on it's kind of a two-man job I do feel like I'm wearing a Jessica so this ties around twice right so it's do you start at the front of the back I don't know I've been asked that question before well wing it just sort of questions your life choices no never all the time so then and then it ties this is a little bow all right thank you very welcome does this go in the front or the back back good but for the sake of the stream I might all here on your own just see where it goes so it like sits on there I'm just gonna tie it on the for him yeah I wouldn't check to see it hey he's a very beautiful bow what'd you think of my bow I sent you my bow please respond I like it on the front I think it's very very cute thank you it's so cute it's so hard to like attach their meters bow because I am you know I'm a guy to know Joey I don't know how to tie bows obviously I don't have to tie bows anyway anyway what can you explain what we're doing today well they struggle with this boat so Leo came across this game it was released last year it's kind of old I'm a bit late to the party but it was released last year and it's called taiko no tatsujin drum people have done this wrong and what it is is it's a switch game but you can control it Wow is it it's a switch go and you control it's basically a rhythm game and that's big in Japanese arcades yes we this Bo did you play out in Japan did and it was actually frequent who was like there's a switch version and also I was just saying it was this Oh soo awesome oh yeah which if there is a taiko no tatsujin version of so yeah it's basically a rhythm game yeah I don't think this is right I don't think it's very good but it works you know we'll just leave it like that so they just not bother to face yo it stays there my phone's busted so we haven't ready tried it with two switches because the dock didn't work is no it's so this is gonna be is kind of like a first play session with nearby players of a local Wireless easy 2 to 4 now listen then dose which brother Dolf says I pay this gamer an arcade in Amsterdam it was a great experience this is like one of the most fun games I've ever played and I'm addicted to it I've been playing it every day it gets really cool so I'm just gonna go at play with us Watterson drum roll support balloons for Leslie fastest okay this bow is in the way I'm gonna undo it I'm sorry I'm waiting down the weeps we need to tie it to my hair that will work oh it's beautiful is this too much check I feel like this is too much I think it's perfect I'm gonna go in with Don oh yeah I'm gonna have to get more switch noise in my ears definitely I don't know how to like tie it on oh it's very heavy I think we either put it on the back or not at all that's the not at all alright let's do some drumming so if you join you can find my room okay do I need to sink it first or do I I think I should sink it should we all sink it yeah this is gonna be fun so we're famous through a capture card so there's a slight delay so it's gonna be interesting to see if it's from inside oh my god I need sign ups in the room what I think I'm thinking I'm sinking my knees I'm too old for this I don't know how to squat yeah I'm too old for this what am I doing with my life watching tweet it holy company of your didn't call yourself a streamer alright I'm ready to drum oh why are we doing this I basically said to move I want a face or name you're the craziest person a Doge order join me she was like okay horse I've said of course I fir calibration is that what I do calibration Oh simple simple Oh what oh yeah so I will assume that you'll see for this last night and I've unlocked oh my god say it very who did I had luck it's at SUNY Miku yeah same setting and then go to the top bomb okay sorry guys we'll be with you in a sec Louis elidio will let hog in the room so he'd have a chance to set up your hog an awful lot of stuff buggers what oh how control control type settings oh why is just different to mine good weapon I'm sorry I don't know why it says that if I win it's just late game settings and then you click simple simple mmm I do not have simple see your simple Oh a simple calibration manual calibration controls how weird maybe I don't need to maybe it's fine we'll find out I'll be fine do you want to create a room and there how weird sorry guys maybe you need to have your thetan again any songs you know how he is I have no idea I'll just join you in a in a local room oh you need to update the game apparently oh I thought I did shaking my head boof alright guys should IV justö players you're the chase of turvy let's do a weekend or a pair of sticks a pair of sticks why do you what I'm seeing I'm seeing some Kirby's and some weaker well I had to pay for me cuz I feel like I should make the most of it all right see if you couldn't join my room now yeah ah repair sticks I identify as a pair of sentient sticks what's that hi we're on yogscast i was like what's the thick I don't know right you control with the use of drum control I hope there's a bird character - I hope so - I'm locking things aren't you not you unlock mom I don't know I played a lot of this game I've owned your Lots like curvy and the sticks um are you you're at SUNY Monaco because it's easier timing don't know why I like this so much because I'm really bad at rhythm in general yeah nice easy P okay we haven't tried this before so let's see how this goes oh you have to move I don't know [Music] the join a group what is this I'm trying to match my how can once everyone is joining this how can all this right so press the plus button okay from the home menu from the home menu I just wanna play drums select software update match version okay and then join join groups or create group I'm gonna create you create group I joined group will get there a many dollars to Rufus thank you thank you so much it started yet thank you oh excuse me I didn't even know it to scare this game existed before Saturday but this is now my most anticipated stream in a while I feel there's something missing though you need to cool rafts and game on Cisco you will kill us it'll be great how to ruin your friendships in one simple step ah am i like sending you memes six minutes remaining working I sent you my software update right I mean I say what I'm gonna do is respond do you want to plug your drum into my switch no okay it's downloading my software update you can play the game can't you now I hope so room dis bandits taehwa I'll do a little pre to do a pre drum while I do this alright sure what do you want well boof updates the game what song would you like please don't say the ABC girl because I'm going to kill as you can tell we really just prepared qrx it all to you Zhen Zhen Zhen Zhen Zhen is a good song do bad stop asking for the ABC song I hate you now i know my abc i should show you the DRC I bought so we have over here yeah I approve it was a fun jubblies we bought we bought let it go [Music] oh oh look I'm Anatomy and will you look beautiful you look beautiful oh we could stick it to the YouTube song yeah that's have you heard the eat chips on yet it's a great song it's a great song I I don't think I have heard the YouTube song well can you hear it it's coming out now you've got she can't even hear the u-turn and ah Sam's gone or you're gonna hear is some faint slapping [Music] oh yeah oh it's such a bomb proof did you know YouTube had a theme song I didn't know is that you wonder where this is from cuz I just been playing except some news how's my slapping sound [Music] [Music] oh no I missed one [Music] I just wondered like what the all the time you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it's still going you're missing out with some hot pots beats I don't know every since don't be ABC song now i know my abc thank you may come and wrong with me thank you thank you look it's nearly done all right you see that thanks god save us from the YouTube song oh there you go chat that's how you play this game I will play it myself in a minute and see if I can I say like shout out to booth with Stanley I'm standing today and I my legs hurt my legs hurt are you ready to like have those muscles burn I watched sorry I'm so tiny bit sick I would selfie ok is hair ever but without the jumps this is amazing it's so much fun there's something really satisfying about just slapping often you know it's like all of my anger we start the software team you know I'm such an angry festival you are and I I just had a great idea yeah oh my gosh new stories you can keep your breadsticks this is great how do i first of does this game have speed metal that's a good question we should have a go at the end at the end at level 10 extreme so there's different modes you can try I'll have a little show you so you can see that doesn't make sense but you know what I mean I get really nervous when I'm on my channel all right so we got Tiger mode will you just play the drum we got battle where you fight your opponent we hope you have a go it's really blood and this party games which I haven't really looked no but they are really good fun we're gonna try some so we're doing all right we'll do all of them all of the kids so I think like as soon as I'm in we start a local wireless session so if you want to oh I'll start it I've got it can you do me a flavor can you mark oh we had four dollars from Declan who was there for Lewiston Lydia I don't know if they read it out but I'll do it for you have the 18th birthday Sam have a good day from Leo and foofy birthday ayyyy head says says not gonna ask the alphabet please do bad apple and Sharla for the week I love butter good so good thank you handsome oh my god Slipknot sorry done right are you ready I hope this works means we couldn't get it to work very good motion control practices yeah Ridge Racer is in the game we did you ever play that sorry the donkey Bongo game yeah Longo's so I found out this works with your hands it hurts a lot but you can't but it does that's really good okay so if I I love my drum friends then our new best friends did you know them oh they are so cute who knew a charm could be cute I always knew those ones are like with this work as a party game yes but like but can you imagine going to a party and they let come oguys put your headphones I'll get your drums out come on boys get you drums drums out for the loads ah we're in boo friend can I get some more volumes extend that oh hey Sam I can't hear anything there we go what songs you want chefs we do bad effort yeah hell yeah all right what level are you feeling I'm feeling I'm gonna start easy all right I've gotta go right in there so good cop session I'm very excited I'm not quite extreme yet not quite one day chat one day so last time I played this yeah good luck talking or drumming it's so hard oh my god my brain all right bye-bye teller - enough of this you're so much nicer I've had to BlueTEC the drums to the table because I get a little bit enthusiastic yeah I think this might be too hard for me I do like I'll be able to see you yes [Music] like how the corner of my eyes is so weird that was so good I know I lost I lost my timing a little bit oh you got a better score than me I lost my timing a bit but I did get 122 max combo girl holy so that was a little bit easy all right I felt I felt good with that one that was that was an easy one I liked how look there's good spring as much new song available nice what you want to find out sure all right all right Rosen she's thinking what I'm thinking did you know that frozen is an anime I didn't know oh you do now oh no it's not I'm sorry Milano is what is it okay I thought it was a it's an orange one there's it out it is out of me here's anime where is it wait it's my deal see not here why would it not be here where's my dear I see because I don't have the DLC in store no that's so sad Jonah do peddle yeah all right sorry Sam you made a beautiful overlay just tapes are there any songs out both in twitch sings and this German sing at the same time oh my god let it go let it go Joey you try it but it's in Japanese and yeah I can't do it I can't I can't speak Japanese Leo I can't speak Japanese well what the you playing this game for them see this is like my oh wait you have to click to Mike right I will unplug my sorry Sam the way we've got it I'm sweating already this ah yes yes you are both so cute in those calves and watching how much you enjoy this game is infectious will it reach I can get a an extent look I can like where is it it might just make it actually she's everyone round and do it Sam do I just realized I can't actually walk in this yeah we're kind of stuck I don't want to tread on there is it long enough yeah I can always move it a little bit if I need to feel like you know in like movies where like Cinderella hikes a dress up to go downstairs like oh except they have to hike it up like to my thighs so we can get Leo's screen mirrored onto my man sorry Sam we realized that now it doesn't really work how we intended it to work it's my bread stick my Rose my bread stick oh yeah you can't see my screen there it's good now if I got it all right do you want to do a battle Oh should we just start off with taiko okay we'll work our way up I am so excited all right who do you want to be I'm gonna be buns Robby buns you can be Leo to my leg what are we bonds leg do you want to be my leg I had to punch the controller assault exam yes okay more as you can tell a very imaginative I can never have children this is my child leg I wanna be my son ass I've never played a squid Chevy Lydia EB Lydia I'm gonna be cook bacon just because I love you cook be Captain Kirk wait for the british james t kirk baby alright what are you doing let it go yeah yeah here is my dlc bitch all right I'm going in hard I'm going in the stream is it too early in the stream to go Hicks she may be she's gonna she's gonna she's gonna she's gonna just do it she's doing it this might be a really bad idea did that sound like someone dying to you Chet or is it just us it might just be as he goes get your lighters out oh yes just how frozen was intended to be played with plastic sounds [Music] the tips of my eye [Music] say look at my tears [Music] [Music] this is an extreme [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't work out in time or I think this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the cold never bothered me anyway but jump set off its attention we've been hitting it really hard extreme that was slightly dreamlike yeah I'll be practicing alright let's do this dear we got this we're gonna be fine all right I've really stuck my drum you've stuck your drum oh don't say to the gym well that go anyway I know exactly this is my do I reach yet what do you want what song interests you we've got anime we've got good Vocaloid oh yeah we do have welcome Chella you put we've got you chubu you can hear YouTube Malcolm [Music] such a Bop we've got the alphabet so we I think we should save that to last at some point look at the extremist Nevison I know at level 7 of extremity we've got a bit bit bops yeah and then flight of the bumblebee as well all right I'm gonna I'm doing I'm doing normal on this one as well because it's 5 stars I feel like I've been overdoing yeah I've been overdoing it I will do cruel angels thesis as well that's nice that's a Bop you'll know it oh you wonder if we like knocking out all the cables under the table look at your couple girl I lost it [Music] did you see much from living chat [Music] Oh [Music] it is like a symphony it's like it okay we'd like him yoke's ourselves on here barbershop the mine redress segment that would be so good I wanna try how did we get someone from bands oh oh oh ten ball milk in cutter a alright what is it one sec I want to change to Kirby thank you you trying new he's it's easier timing and I really bet no Jupiter chip chip chip to be having a Pokemon there is one is the summit with Sun Moon there is I need to play the Kirby medley like yes of course we should do that Kirby's yes [Music] thanks so oh I hear like exhausted or is it yes chipper chips I'm going hard on this one oh go home I'm not going home you can't go home it's too far away and I'll have to go home are you like staying in the basement yeah mmm it's good down there isn't it it's really good I think cool the damp and all them at the spiders it's alright and there's also um Daffy lives down there as well hmm oops cats got a restraining order yeah it is alright whatever we doing this I'm gonna do hard yeah let's do it I think we can do hard oh hang on let's put drum sounds on okay look at the little pixel boy there's so much detail in this game just for a drumming game it's mental wife a beats a though and you could play we believe I know exactly I can play beat saber to listen yeah alright what you want with drum kit tambourine conga 8-bit drum yes for this one and we can change it to something like a cats and dogs one which is horrible but we have to do that for the alphabet song on extreme oh boy alright here we go [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh My gods I'm so sorry I'm feeling like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I hate it I hate it [Music] [Laughter] all right rainy like burn that was horrible I didn't know what was going on half the time it was here and I don't think a blue TextWrangler holy the difference of determination is so clearly visible on their face what do you mean to turn on this car oh my god you know I said my shoulder don't take a break no put some of this on the back feet as well I put mine on all four feet a double and my own feet I'm BlueTEC to the flooring let me do some poker but I won't go hard yet I think I need some batch or practice it's came two days and I've barely played it [Music] reeks like you may judge you know like don't get breaks it Romney holy booth I'm dying so you can buy it and it works with motion controls as well as the drum so the drum is like extra oh it's on sale right now the game is on sale right now not that where we get any cut from this we're just doing this because we like having a laugh so every time I push on the drama teach the song I'm sorry okay hopefully all right check what we do in chela they want to build us or do you want to do the Pokemon one we'll do both I do like the rim hey shallower it's normal I have the perfect drum sound for this yeah wait wait wait wait wait perfect ah this is for you check little dispute Chad [Music] I'm not ready oh my god that is so annoying sweet it's so annoying it goes up to this [Music] dr. pot pot PSPs p.m. yes real we're gonna do it we should do [Music] [Music] oh my god I'm lost that was really hard but it's so good so we get this thing where because it's moving that way all the time as soon as you take your eyes off the draw it's moving it moves backwards I thought that was just me but now do you want to do what was the song I suggested hell Ola oh so I did play Pokemon Sun and Moon but I got fed off of it oh yeah Oh care for what you say how come because it got to the end of doing everything we got to the end of every everything I've got all the crystals and then it was like God do it again oh and I was like no what's the most in yes yes you should have this one I'm gonna use a cannon alright nice app - and then press right and then you can get because of coats that'll be the worst thing ever every donor no it's gonna be a cacophony of shits now hey thank you absolute Chavez now this is a stream you go for sleep - boo sleep having a great time both nice are you ready chat this is gonna be so annoying [Music] do you like Mike [Music] it's a great cabin this is the worst thing ever [Music] [Music] I love the little terrified tech sounds that make cannon I'm actually getting cab [Music] we call a stimulus car did we yeah look oh you beat me did I beat you did oh you has gone it's cuz I'm hitting cats and dogs I'm like you animals piece of little like a cat I can't it was the worst thing ever cats and Families all right what do you watch at what do you want should we have a go at the alphabet song and then move on some fighting yes yeah all right chef if we're doing the alphabet song we're gonna put on the most annoying drops house are we going harder extreme do you want to extreme it I know I can't do extreme I know that you need your pack man [Music] what's your except you want a good rendition or do you want me to so I'm having the cheers all right I'm gonna use motorcycle you that's why I'm using the motorcycle I've gone hard but only because I don't know what I'm doing in the alphabet cuz I don't know the alphabet yet okay do you know traipse I know triangle my mom said it's a good business expense oh my god that's so annoying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man okay [Applause] [Music] I'm so sorry [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I can't even hear the song anymore it's just motorcycles [Applause] that motorbike is thine own stats I get my phone with my drumsticks Rome it's fine it sounds a drummer and he's probably just crying and pain is there a crying one is it a crying drumkit noise ah no that's just me commentator she just battle alright what do you think chat are you you still sure you want this stream that's a bit supper yeah get Sam to do it Sam your drummer you want to go Sam wanna go this sorry it's a little bit sweet yeah Sam can flip the drum stick around yeah do you have any like real drumsticks what you want to use my little cheese strings got to live up to now yes do you want to go mine on who's Chet who do you watch play with Sam Sam wants to play with Sam Sam cheese strings sound play with cheese strings how about Sam you take one your phone I have one on me alright we'll have one of me so go on that one okay I can't have a game on this one Oh No oh he's got to fix it you pressed the ball out and I'll just duck do you want to do a Tyco with just set where does he sound should do it on a cell no no no give us a wrist it's great you take I'll take blues you take ribs all right yeah yeah yeah that's good at not only can do this walk a little bit yes I hit it good you know no idea it's cable so blue is the rim and ready please the rim red slogan you can hit whichever one you want to big big big yes both of them okay I'll figure it out what do have a bad apple will do normal as well okay all right I believe yo I'm ready I'm stunning this way oh we didn't change the sounds back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well we have items now I didn't explain these I'm so sorry [Music] [Music] I'm getting on the right [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] the joints across oh all right bones yeah people really want us to change the sounds oh oh I'll be there oh that's you realistic Steve in sticks right now we'll pick our own drums no whatever anything shall we do that Nutcracker yeah cuz I feel like Simon over oh I'm scared to put my finger near you don't need fingers right you don't need fingers to drum right nuts sure okay press + and then you can change your sound so you go back to banging the drum what do you want done right what do we want to do heart x3 oh my god so Sam for your difficulty yeah what do you want oh let's just get out okay we'll go hard then okay I mean I won't go well I hope give it a go extreme oh my god that's worse oh my god maybe we should change to the sticks then it all the beats are the same [Music] [Music] hey my right arm is killing me it's closely I'm having a lie-down amazing it's a lot easier when you know the song yeah when you know the rhythm yeah five bucks from booth please spit on me maybe maybe you were supposed to read that out please fill me and I'm like no Lee I don't wanna spit oh he's a bit on my stick for the last note I had an idea why don't we switch to the six and then but yeah so the same and then it doesn't matter which one of us hits what okay exhausted oh sure just think really easy sure what you watch it okay you ready yeah so I know we don't know if you don't know it you'll know it having it easy is Foster easiest four stars I had already been on here for an hour sounds good what so worn out yes all right how do we do this I think we just hit when we want to oh my god this whole time I do think Sam's track now wonder I was failing so badly I'm sorry [Music] listen to it if we both hit it one of us is bound to get right I don't think it penalizes use a double hit it doesn't [Music] listen to him but Depp you don't know this one as well you still be enough oh sorry [Music] I love the tambourine sounds very nice soothing nice 69 combo you ended on there nice so let's Sam you thinking of getting this yourself oh yeah yeah go get it right now we did much better when Leo knew which track she was that you she was playing your track yeah you thought oh oops why is she so I wonder what the party games my legs yeah it's weird that I didn't know my life cuz we're but they are like they definitely are you have to run it like I don't know what you thought you know what three hours of this we can do this it's because Leo says like she's there I don't do it it just like yeah this gray yeah you're motivated me to keep going you know I think it's making it worse is that I'm squatting so I got like my thighs are getting a workout who do you want to beat so there's Don catsuit llamo Goomer oh don't chat gets a tag curly cut the thong Nanami Cassie Chan will be all right we've got a silver a griddle honey that looks so Keisha never played it no it's right out that looks so cute do you think this is gonna be really hard because we've got um hmm maybe do you want to go and then we'll swap oh well I can swap back out and you can take over yeah yeah you're a legend you are a legend Sir thank you very much see damn it I might have to get some water in a minute really shoot up a break after this what time is it is quote past can you keep going 15 minutes yeah we can do this well alright honey we just gonna strap love it I'm just gonna let some air flow these are quite cold Sam wasn't even sweatin some doesn't sweat what do we do okay which one am I on the blue one oh my god this is so good Amy Amy honey do like that I don't know what I'm doing maybe we should have watched that I got it Oriol so you gotta steal the honey from the flower oh when the honey comes up okay I got it I got it okay got it oh now blow bee Oh Oh boof it's the final round ah hold it blue blue bitch I'm a bloody big one we it 3-1 look up look up follows green boy feels bad killed himself because of that when that was a lot easier this is leo you've got a new character oh so oh no you want to go down - she puts me out there we go what else we got cold runner full right this is like flat cards jump at the right time to get food from the food store fight yeah be sure to look at how high up the item is before deciding whether to jump ok ok how hard can it be oh sorry music I'm not very good at this [Music] I don't know whether I'm 70 I love it [Music] [Music] that was so hard sweetest little game who won who won I can't just look about what I was white point one point was second at one point behind of how close it was holy that was really good that music was so I I didn't know that this was a thing look at his little face you can do an expert and I get expert I'm good hopscotch oh look at his little legs this makes me so happy [Music] I'm even starting to like this why are you doing this to us I've got a hop skip and jump your time of the rhythm there's only one hoop hit any of the red frames I'm not sure I understand me neither Chris any of the red frame bunnies hop skip and the press any of the red button alright so there were two oh that's right together so you got a one two one one I see so it's like hopscotching with your hands yeah alright he goes [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not working for me oh god what I've had it and I've lost it it's not working for me I'm hitting at the same time as you I had it it's gone maybe I hit it one beautiful I picked it off at the end because I was just smacking it I don't know what part you're supposed to get it out like when you hop off for like a few the night learned like you know when like he's supposed to like do it like that's just after that are you supposed to go like do a little hops he's house to go done that but that are you supposed to go like dad dad dad okay we don't have to play it anymore I just I don't really understand it okay it's okay that computer kick both of ours I know but I just want to understand it oh hello I would just love to understand the game me too RL drill robell notable oh yes yes s new turbos alright so keep the rhythm and slip the noodles right as they go in the bowls make sure to slip the same number of times as there are noodle bowls okay I am very impressed that they've come up with party games for this you know if Robin instead blow on it four times one two three four how do you blow well booth tell me how to play are you ready yeah I'm gonna eat some noobs look at them dancing I don't get it me neither I'm blowing I think for two people I'm not doing it all right no I don't get it maybe the booth just I just want to eat no no he's just yelling at the noodles [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's yellow there we I'm not getting it I don't get it I don't get it one two three four I got the noodles he looks so angry when he doesn't give his news [Music] right [Music] okay there you go really badly I'm not sure I understand [Music] shout thing to understand don't you sick I can you ain't alone notes ours a Hungry Girl I really like these games and I want to keep playing on them maybe some of them are better than others I think I'm once I get the hang of how to I'm pretty good at honeybee can you go back to Tokyo I would have even world let's do a take off woman all right we'll do one woman yeah we'll take a quick break all right fight or take tiger fight all right bring it out unlock the worm oh hey bones please oh that's too much information my job seems to be light soon Doraemon Oh dad a dad dad a dad oh why are we wicked can we only be those two yeah in fight mode oh my god bumblebee but I have water here what the oh my handy huh what about it there is one over here but it might have been copped on by Lewis Olivia I thought you were still drinking out this one it looks at it looks new that it does would you like this slightly warm water enjoy just slept picture are you alright this is quite strenuous I got this we got oh hell yeah there he is oh we're Matt what's he do fastest all go to Balu support but he's really cute right let me go over here you've got masks kids I'm gonna do him oh he's that cute look thank you boys alright chat what song are we doing dirty money oh yeah where is he where is he wait no that was Darius Oh sounds no sounds 1/2 inch binder orange [Music] Oh is there a bowl oh it's yours is it mine I'm shaking my head why why does anyone care the people rip the really people really care they don't know alright come on mr. worm me [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh y'all y'all said it took one word man I said I did all right [Applause] I'm proud of that Oh yo y'all what is this game the best game of my life all right do you want a break we can do one more one more all right chat well if you got what do you want I'm gonna have a look you want vocaloids let it have we done let it go you know your little fishy you missing what if we got Moana Totoro what is hard one star but no mystery something huh oh yeah I think we did that last time oh yeah I wanted these I like the else yeah [Music] a few seconds late Oh [Music] every dance [Music] [Music] I didn't do too badly y'all y'all who's wearing oh I guess the word can't speak English all my son is such a good boy there's having an episode because the worm is too cute let's have a break yeah thanks I delight in you hold it up okay I love it I love it so I have this random what do we get I can play listen break oh sorry thank you very much choice you so far we're gonna go die in a hole you were just so far to tell me my god it out loud it does I'm outta here thank you guys we'll be back in five ish minutes Leo is the worm she has become the word now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello I'm sat down now I'm a lazy bitch you're not lazy or some lazy bitch full of full lazy bitch now we had saw waddle out into the kitchen to get my drinks and then I was sharing proof how if I score I get a nice like fries because it's really hot in these red walls Oscars looking good I was like hi babe a little squats ago this is how I get a brief look at my brief I'll see you breathe it's good that the camera stops here because under it's a mess it's what is going on down there leo it's just an absolute travesty down there oh my god I nearly went slightly over to you it's like looking into the Sun oh girl I can show you the moon if you like Oh Chet you have any such suggestion yeah we will do more party games I think I really like I like the honeybee one at Patricius is given those three books that says listening to two ladies we relentlessly banging in the background has been most excellent keep up the great work girls and Sam thank you thank you so much I have dislodged the drum oh Johnny stick no I've got I've got a lot of Blues we've had two BlueTEC the drums to the table because Legion we're very ferocious at drumming the bank far too hard ah so everyone we asks do you want to join us every single person went yeah you good except for Sam who is Sam a dad Oh Sam's a job but you see he's like this is easy right Sam is a drummer and a legend I want to be I'm gonna be done I'm gonna be cutter cutter these are the beautiful so we did noodle bowls yeah right oh my god this so there's a little chick you'll be able to unlock him no doubt you'll be able to unlock that chick I'll get it right Oh watch how the chick dances and copy it when the squid has the drummer's yogi oh when the chick jumps it left and right together when it lands make sure it has flowers in both I'm sure we'll figure it out I look I'm so happy with this but imagine this game but with drum pedals oh yes okay I'm topless oh my god um your top right oh oh I see we're copying his hair flip I love this oh it's like my emo phase all over again oh my god that's really hard I love I love you don't have such a beautiful ball he isn't he wearing the same outfit and everything oh my god you met who won you all I'm yellow no yellow you didn't know what you were doing good you know I love it song that's adorable holy we made this yeah her bait [Music] captain Shaq see fire whoops yeah let's try this sounds fun tetra track C all right hit the switch in time with the rhythm to launch fireworks into the night sky pay attention to how many fireworks are in the container I'm so happy surely this should be easy it sounds easy surely we have a little celebration calibration right [Music] I'm not very good at this I keep blowing up in my face say alright it's not doing it even when I do even when I tell it to just like my leg feels it's not doing what I want it to I definitely blew up my fingers yeah yeah you know I mean why would they trust a drum with this why would they trust a drum with this the computer one I came forth because I didn't I died maybe I died I need to go to the hospital I'm moving on this one sounded so easy make me take me to the hospital okay double a most batting Center let's find out although he's our first performance team versus coal joint coal now I want to divert like I like he was so few right so once you've learned through London eel sushi rhythm order sushi to the rhythm will watch out for the squid ink obstructing the rhythm while there's Lidia's just being a little way to this in my sushi [Music] why is it not working for me maybe I need to sink it but oh Sam yeah it's not working very well do you want to do it now all right err be back oh yeah it's not working all right I don't know Wyatt is it is it because I'm too sat down because it was doing the system hmm do you hang on I think there's a practice modes so like a practice it's simple calibration can you do it from your drum see oppress it's not doing it okay hang on hold up such exciting content doo doo doo doo all right drum speakers recommended everything click I love it oh I'm scared that's quite a difference I'm sure is fine did you want to use my address no no it's fine I'm gonna I'm gonna carry on I think it's it might be because I'm sitting down let me know if this is better I figured out a way around it I moved the table down clever it's like I'm standing up you're a genius my head hurts it's to lift I'll be fine have you seen that okay never mind a meme I haven't seen I mean you haven't seen this listen it's um it's it's it's a sips me oh see I really want to watch everyone's channels but I'm just too lazy all right I will be yellow I'll be katsu I'll show you don't try this again so we're to show you it yeah go for it [Music] we're sorry switch out the switch go six that's an old reference oh I don't want you booth I'm an absolutely exhausting yes I'm right here we go sit this is like hard as a Vega but it's exhausting popular don'twe we're too lazy to watch their channel twos I'm too lazy to watch my own streams everybody else yeah [Music] it might be a of all time it's a very good clip is it twitch six yeah what a that such my variance of a grips big ribs have you seen a new t-shirt yes so good it's adorable [Music] come on I'm trying to find them my head shake my damn head sips is plain vanilla yuck yeah is everyone still doing hardcore yeah I want to get on the meat but the problem is I'm not very good at games you put it like if it's your own game it's like it doesn't matter people know what to expect from you right that's true I mean they see me charming foot passed out take your headphones off [Music] I his laugh is the best I like it the chat I just getting this this noise so dudes it's amazing and I love it oh my god my hand is oh that's great let's do this again okay I just made my day thank you you're very welcome me Matt good oh ma good Kappa Maki cheese sandwich sausage and beeps how's that kind of works I still fell over miss hit it harder I'm tuna Rudy man that bitch bought an epi tap oh no I'm still not getting it I got one I think I took a witch what are you blue yeah sure oh don't worry don't worry oh oh oh my god [Music] it's so hard I'm hitting it hit it harder Oh taco what time every it's not registering I'm sorry up up up up up up same thing I'm hitting it you can hear me hits again maybe we just suck that [Music] bad back buh-buh-buh-buh-buh yeah it's not working for me at all interesting I don't know what it is but it's not let's just get better at the game that's justified getting better have you tried getting juiced have you tried getting good because it didn't didn't I yes I know I'm calibrates it doesn't work yeah we tried mmm she want to go back to just playing music but now I [Music] we do it a little bit this is a co-op one anyway yeah jump rope or beach ball [Music] let's try a bit for the people one toss the beach balls at the right time and keep the rally going watch for Don Chan to get ready right before the ball comes in that's your cue okay well change up number sorry we don't need a tutorial no hagas oh look at that beautiful dog how am I going one a my yellow I think I am I'm that I'm always IDEs with both sides that's me oh my god oh I mean why watch the Olympics beach ball when you've got this they just eat little sixty swimsuits always had a watermelon well I think it I think it needs calibrating realness how's it feel I'm hitting it it's not doing it we're hitting at the same time yeah it definitely these calibrate on this drug well will it make a difference Crisco 100 you got 44 what happened it was working for well it is not registering when I'm hitting the drum in the right time how weird so I need to swap drops no it's just something to do with calibrating right you go back to local Wireless and then you can calibrate your own calafate to calibrate your own drum and your Swedish hang on how do I go how do I depressing beep oh yeah see if you can calibrate press yes see if you can calibrate from your drop yeah so in the reviews for this game it said get it on ps4 because the calibration is too hard on switch can you do it down so if you go to game settings is there a manual a manual yes good idea calibration just doodle all right I see you mother's done Co let me take effect when the control type is set to type for playtests me Priscus no you can't calibrate this one this way marriage calibration go back it's really weird what do we do Jeff do you want to go back to two switches and then you can calibrate that job on that switch I will do that let me grab sorry Sam Sam needs to come in and help me because for some reason it's really pick the other ones there are two calibrations oh what a vote up modes but we're in TV mode see that only works if you are not using the drum controller this is for touchscreen so that won't make a difference but thank you for the suggestion thanks al thanks Sam all right mine is that one this design is so that's my HDMI sorry guys it's so weird basta happy ah hi Lisa gives us a like a little rest so ya left there's a little bellboy bellboy what's going on with his own oh hello proportions soul thanks buddy so disk completely disconnect them both simple calibrate so um undo yours I don't know I don't know what what do we use two switches and then we can calibrate our own job to me it might be the Shogun because we're playing it through a capture card which yes necessary that's true actually it's probably it it's out of sync because we're using a capture card instead of just playing like yeah if you were like on a TV it'd be different yeah so there's a lot more stuff that goes into it have you tried turning it off and on a kid if you try have you tried but I like the Help button is going it's got a little exclamation mark on it going you'll need help [Music] Lydia found hide I'm sorry Lydia found two hidden Kappas at her house Oh what in her house yeah whereabouts I don't know if they said they were hidden so they could have been like like trapped up in a in a Christmas tree like in a Christmas present hidden gems is really viola hidden gems ooh thank you very much you need your drum I need my drum hang on I got it fungus fungus Pincus and bankís Thank You some fungus thank us boggers dudududu I'll drag it oh whoa okay I have to pull it up so high to be returned all right that you carry yours yeah I've got a lot of flickery lines but it's not showing up on stream so look oh yeah wild it's weird all right and then we'll do a widest oh we could do this check other she cuts as they are you kept us there are your little wings where I can store snacks it's good fish toy players chat should be the cat and spoon Oh harder timing no thanks oh I could be the water balloon or the mast kid or the worm would you want chat you want the worm right bitch I did it the concentration was beautiful all right I sent you my worm please response looks like you have a lot of late hits Oh use headphones plug directly into your Nintendo switch console set the instrument menu to silent trial out of East Bay speakers trailer silent one because otherwise it will just confuse you because otherwise when you hit it the jump set you delayed in your ear it's really weird how do you want timing to work I just used to record perfect timing when inputs I hit the border perfect timing one hit sorry chat this game is very finicky really weird I thought it was off you've got a lot of late the hint I guess is because it's going through tinder for my late hits hell yeah sorry I'm not gonna savory like if it works a bit better okay hit harder said harder bucket yeah I've got really late hits for some reason hopefully maybe I just have delay maybe I have a faulty drum oh no if we broke it not because it's always been like this like from when I started using it it's like really weird how strange it's really big Caterpie should big hits big fun alright here we go so I'm not bad guys it's really okay alright I sent you my worm please alright let's respond to the worm press the wrong button oh my god it feels as though my brain has been underneath this drumstick like are you alright yeah I'm exhausted like I never realize how much neck as you're out like wow I'm having so much fun though I wish I could do it it's alright you know we're just here for a laugh we don't really give a alright here we go we'll use easier timing as well because alright maybe I should have done that oh well no yeah you were me was you responded to my worm thank you I sent you my Kirby oh I'm a sucking bitch alright what's are we doing we should don't random spot Rhonda alright like we don't know Lou oh my goodness um I've got a feet oh that how you feeling yeah some like rap I'm gonna do normal you haven't say I can't see you on yours but of course I can't see it oh yeah I'm on my switch look at his little hair are you ready yes I'm sorry about the Camry [Music] better no really have you considered maybe you let me is not hitting them [Music] I think my drums falsest that's so sad complain to fanbase excuse me I bang too hard service [Music] it's not hitting them asshole oh I'm so sorry what can we do I can't do anything [Music] I'm just happy to hear a bit later though [Music] how's curious it's absolutely mad folks try my drum I want to find out your room okay but can I be bothered I can't reach my USB all right I'll get it thank you I'll plug it in for you as well pain gonna plug in my from oh holy yep their reviews for this game would definitely like watch out the calibration is I'm sending it back if it's gonna be shrimp thank you gonna have to unplug this that way thanks buddy exact just want to drum with my friends Eddie takes it too much to ask [Music] this is going about as well as thank you all right [Music] there you go buddy all right I'm gonna try it Oh stood on my coat we try calibrate it see how are you gonna feel if it if it works and I'll be very very happy all right let's recalibrate and shake him I'm so sorry chat with trade of is just a bit it's ridiculous it's amazing to wanna maybe we should just get rid of the game I just bang along to YouTube videos we don't need the game bang alone alright game Oh sexy that's just a beeps boom [Laughter] [Music] is line I got yeah same calibration same number same number okay how are you gonna feel if it's not the drum boys is working fine now oh okay house tune the drum controllers calibrations a little bit late but yeah really strange I'm glad P well not there's any game it didn't complain about the late hits weird very strange I told you that it's something to do with that drum how weird I want to see how it plays we'll see how it plays now just remember that you've got my drum and I've got your traffic you'd always switch to it which thinks you don't want it everyone will be really mad at me then both shut up I mean it's gotta be better than this right plug and unplug worked maybe it was just unplugging it and plugging it back in maybe it was oh my god we didn't try that my amoral I mean don't answer that but yeah oh alright let's do a song we know what do we know do you know do you know I don't I'll go along with anything that you all choose [Music] yeah have we done this yet no cool I haven't heard this why I don't know this song but I'm going for I go for it you know what this so really needed yeah plastic slapping sounds how's it feel down better same actually [Music] sassette I love hearing it in Japanese [Music] [Music] in time all right well as well as in time as I can be this song but how she walk [Music] something just felt I know I'm really sorry [Music] [Music] oh my god worked though like I was out of time that the drum wasn't drummers hitting it awesome oh god we got that working sorry about the fur bath well the thing is I like we unplugged it from yours plug into - doesn't work pulls it back into yours [Music] do you know have we done this yet yeah we have we have we done - $10 - Patti please LF you shout laughs I love it do it do it oh I'm going for hard you know I'm absolutely knackered I still haven't changed my job sorry thanks - I mean apologize a chat don't apologize to me [Music] [Music] I'm not doing very well with this I lost it my eyes are just wandering all over [Music] [Music] [Music] hard hard I love you shall laugh don't be sad I have like you know the previous we've experienced also you've been playing this near constantly since you got it yeah and hand man's March yes why is extreme early one star I'm gonna do it I'm gonna watch the screen and see what it's like if it's extreme like extreme but like not very extreme yeah [Music] [Music] I'm a bit extreme I mean it's not nice it's easier the alphabet [Music] [Music] but I beat it but because it takes you higher to covers it is so it was extremely it was just extremely extreme see there the one the one star at 3:00 there you go is that if that makes sense yes mildly extreme doing on like a child's roller coaster it's like you feel it but you don't need to put your arm sir I like that that's my kind of thing Jojo dad - dad better hey do you want to do the alphabet on extreme in a bit not not straight after you can't do it say I don't want this dude I mean I kind of want to do fight of the bumblebee as well should we work our way up Sooey yes we do like flight of the bumblebee uneasy then normal then heart then extry yeah yeah are you ready I'm ready alright I've got a gold crown and easy so prepare to get your ass hopped it's gonna be served to me on a platter what a great start yeah yeah [Music] okay not so bad so fast how you feel it's good [Music] Oh Oh my job sounds I promise next time I bet I can do this club hand behind my back definitely I say in fact I don't really use two hands it off-- using my left hand [Music] Don Oh Kobe's right in the stop do you think we can be in a back no making this my hopes and dreams advantages to drugs yeah we're not a band of two drums yeah it's like a tale of two brothers a banner to drum look at that pretty good it's so cute my eyes are moving yeah is it like scrolling yeah it's wild so look at the screen or like like it's not showing up on there I get boobs got some like glitchy going on everything's going wrong for booth down here Bob oh you're in all the normal man you know hey this is actually pretty good for actually massaging the back oh yeah okay normal he goes not a bag back all week yeah nice innit double up in there oh that's a little bit harder now [Music] just using some more cars so someone asks what the difference is between the modes Reds we hit the middle of the tune blue is in the science [Music] but the big ones if you look under where my capo is you can see the drop it lights up I hit it you can see why I'm banner yet that helps prove have you tried this on extremely it's no use it's so ridiculous [Music] we're a cult yeah how do you worship my drum applause I love it [Music] I'm ready for hard I'm ready for them that was we did really really both got a hundred percent on the cage yeah I'm loving it ah I see can't you say ASIS oops is further on yes yes all right now we're going up to seven stars seven stars how would you feel about sin my mom hopes of him I feel I can do this I feel I'm gonna go just absolutely the audio legitimately broke that time are you all right yeah I'm fine the audio legitimately broke oh oh my god what everyone does [Music] [Music] my god [Music] oh my god [Music] Samaki the baby [Music] show you what it takes three years I always know the end bit I'm always good at the end bit mate I did great I got 54% 54% 54 oh ok that's above halfway alright that's great for me oh it's my screen twice no because it said oh wait I'm tough on both result screens right they can't see your result they can see my result I'm gonna have to read it off right I'm still confused all right are you sure yes I'm stuns yes she doesn't know what she said okay yes Lilia next a bottle of vodka I all search she wanted it [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] might not see us [Music] [Applause] [Music] right ready I got 0% but a score of 174 eight eight zero yeah you also got zero percent but I tried so hard I will be looking half the time okay I got 238 goods oh max come back fourteen I did 14 in a row Leo did you see that your arms akley right here your shoulder I was winning it halfway apparently really then I just thought like what there was a point where I was like why am I trying I just started hitting both yeah yeah I've been doing oh my gosh be the one what's be the one be the one is it which way I don't know someone oh sorry I thought you read it out be the one I'll come in writer a cause oh I went hard or go home Sam please could kill to peace but he looks away at this point all right [Music] this is such a grump [Music] ppp's I like the Beast I love you oh she's giving up give it up she's having a lie-down now that was fun ah this gave us so much fun I love I turned how funny is there what I don't know how funny as to watch Oh have you seen your name what we seen your name the middle my name have you seen poof have you seen your name the movie your neck no I haven't seen ah it's a great song I discovered whatever anybody wants really have you seen my life have I seen my name or prophecy written it down before let's see my movie both movie where is it equal there it is see it's a bomb it's a bomb it's a bomb such a good luck keep the song you don't know yeah well I don't know the last deliver and I don't know any songs on this I just make it up as I go along [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm really confused [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh maybe that's why my joke eh what's that covering yeah yeah yeah I think that might be okay why am I so registry maybe that's why things aren't helping very oh $12 35 here in philanthropy I personally I've been traveling so anyway I'm such a bit extreme but looks like you've had some exhausting I'm sweaty need to go but I do now it's like PDR but like just you're insane it's like arm day I want to try more party games you know let's do it I'm gonna plug in put the drum all right I wish that fit a felon strook got it imma read this ah okay let's get a bit of air down there in my place can i yes I can we should buy um DK bongo kid you can play like a retro version of this you reckon like are they USB could you plug in the bunker would it work ah damn that'd be amazing I'm so glad that guys [Music] all right feeling good feeling good all right so um I can look at this screen for now Sam's not even here so sorry oh it's gonna be stuck on yet but we'll get it we'll get it in a minute sorry Sam Sam's not here but I just had the door oh right sorry Sam what's a beach at I'm gonna be dawn got infinity infinity affinity with the yellow guy all right what do I do Oh cake tower climb the cake while keeping a rhythm in your team watch out the pace picks up the higher you climb all right all right so we're just probably like bah bah bah bah bah I have to face this way at the moment all right I'm on the right [Music] little little little poodle Oh a neck-and-neck group Oh oh I missed it I got it oh it's so close nope we don't put a photo photo photo [Music] [Music] I think you'll beat me I was so confused I dunno about you I don't know but I love it I really love it it's beautiful oh darn capsule we only got eight six wow I was so bad at that it was a difficult one that was a tall cake what I would eat all of that cake oh my god I would eat the entire cage so hungry dodo dodo pound what's she pounding it's about Doug that's your mallet to Don Chan's movements and pound the machi at the right time take turns Panda get together as okay which is Don Chan he was either thank yous the red one but I'm the red one [Music] that poor little dog I can hear some yelping [Music] I couldn't I couldn't tell which one I am and I got this one ppthe I'm just hitting both [Music] this is my pace yeah Sophie Sophie Sophie sewed up [Music] I didn't do very well at this one I didn't do very well at all yah yah yah yah yah yah yum-yum-yum-yum yum-yum-yum what I thought I did so well we want you to one like a three month 13 more points than now it's a huge badass like you know the computer is a computer leo the AI can like take over our job any day yeah do this stream look better how many extra you're an expert I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it hole called watermark code let's be water Michael John an oxen bloomer yeah Daruma all right press the button right when the hammer goes up to send it over McCoy hit the one with the same colors you in time with the rhythm all right right so press them press the button they mean hits the drum when the hammer goes up to send a broom flying hit the one with the same color as you and time with the rhythm okay got a snake some fools sometimes a bathes a rumor so we're gonna work together maybe we should be on a team am i red or blue because we've got a blue face in the red body you're lit and red it's all little guys what are they ever do wrong [Music] don't you [Music] oh there's so many games they were like what can we make a drum do it's amazing [Music] I'm so bad at those [Music] my supposed to hit both yeah oh not both of them but like just at the same time like now I missed that one I really like it we just smack you I think they did really well in figuring out different games I'm really bad at this you know about I have no sense of rhythm I'm here we're hitting more cheese I love it I'm gonna pound remote you you'll make a good sheep and yeah let's do machi pound there's time to pad some are cheap short expert no no just gonna do normal machi pounding oh yeah the truck wants to come in here and do this [Music] [Music] I could only do it if I hit both slope mochi hitting [Music] Oh but not much not [Music] watch me [Music] [Music] girl red step a small chain we won by beating the out of a dog on his dog much he's the nicest doggie she's a sweetheart she's absolutely just I love her she's amazing I love you papa girl she's not even here why am I talking to a picture of him a dog over there as well she's not even it's not even a picture of a dog here Oh God Rose Creed you wanna fry some let's fry some all right cook the food on the grill with Cora jackets please what's the food is all lined up make sure to match the number of flames to the food finish up by cooking a tuna yeah first it tastes just right you can't forgot to cook a CoroCoro comic or the food again I've done that before what does that mean I don't know but I've heard it's bad oh look at oh did you burn a comic maybe oh no I'm not doing it very well me neither [Music] why you burned his comics a little bit I don't know when it's done that's what it done we cooked it really good that was fun I like that one it was a little bit difficult but I liked mrs. chicken Oh Hayden come to know the higher he goes yeah I've got a hundred behind I'll go but you been in those comments it's cuz I get burned in those comics ma'am why is he Penny's comics on the bumper your comics on the barbecue a new black don't wanna do you want to get back to songs do bit more it's um oh it's knit with new time up well let's have a minute so Jonah do let's do one of these and then a song alright honey honey be off that full runner was really cute or I haven't got any new ones unlocked what what's that we haven't done that yet flare score is three used drum rolls to move forward well namaha gays sing that good or Dutch Jim but don't move when I asked me oh it's like grandma's with tips touch him to win oh I'm gonna touch you I gotta bang you excuse me oh no I saw me for me yeah you [Music] oh garlic powder is too good katsu since when he says Jim we need to stop hard at Shoji so check it yeah we can do it like now we know how do I know yeah joint second with zero points by Reiki zero says this that's how I feel that's some of it David a server is changed a lot alright now I know but he says Djinn [Music] garita ma Zhong is little blue bitch doesn't get it [Music] this is my best one so far this is amazing yes we've good at this at once I want one point no darou girl I'm like I'm sorry Prince that is intense zero points we will do one more drumming like a song yeah all right what songs yet oh I know yeah that's what we said we would do we said we would do the alphabet song we've had knocked down cold duncan double cup we've unlocked duncan amazing let's play it was that it was a only a matter of time fight or now it'll just you take her I think probably you got it but but I know here we go check well should we double dunk on it if I could do to put a dunk on it like then you said I better dunk on it what uh Oh how many characters II but oh my god look at this there he is harder time easier tiring yes oh wait only I am NOT Duncan I'm so sorry you were but only you could danke oh my god she's naughty more yeah maybe I should do a bit captain Shak see Oh Ramos I'll do you want it to be you should be the weird elephant what does that weird elephant oh yeah the weird guy but won't support level 2 mine is easier timing so maybe you should Kerby and then wait cool yeah go for it thunk oh she's beautiful seeing as we're going extreme I think we need to do we need oh god my thighs are so sweaty it's a swamp down there oh hey this is for you check check this is for you this is this is what Leo's chat always wanted alright ready [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the worst thing I've ever done [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yes you got 22% that was amazing oh my god thank you sir what the was this that was thank you so much for watching this absolutely rubric I've had a fantastic time I have to thank you thank you Leo for introducing me to this game oh so sweet I tell ya we need to lie down like a boss hey you guys it's really fun so Leo streams this on her own shadow I do that it's just as much for a night it's a it's an incredible trainwreck it's amazing thank you thank you but I will you'll be back Saturday yeah I'll be mall up here Saturday if you want to Louie you are always welcome what's coming back for a minute yeah a little bit on Fat Boy oh I love your cow Moos they really might break up six hours it's such a long stream holy on the side is it yeah it's such a long time to break this feels like it was six hours purely from the calorie-burning yeah Oh anyway thank you we'll see you soon see you guys [Music]
Channel: Yogscast Live
Views: 21,583
Rating: 4.9168401 out of 5
Keywords: Yogscast, The Yogscast, Livestream, twitch, stream, highlights, vod, Bouphe, Leo, Taiko No Tatsujin
Id: 1CWrIbWAEv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 35sec (9875 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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