Boss RC-505 Loop Station Basic Cable Setup & Live Looping Tips

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alright guys so finally here's the video that I've been promising you guys of how I will be connecting my setup using the boss 45505 astral main loop station and if you're a multi-instrumentalist like me this is the place to be so I'm gonna show you from the basics of how you connect it all hope you enjoy [Music] alright so starting with the basics connecting guitar so you've got two options you can go into a mixer and then to the Loop Station or you can just go straight to the Loop Station so the difference between using a mixer and just or just going straight into the Loop Station is the preamps on a mixer is fantastic depending on the mixer and the preamps on the boss RC 505 is okay it's not that great so I would recommend using a mixer especially if you're using multiple instruments like I am I'm using a cello guitar I'm using a microphone I'm using a didgeridoo and many other instruments so for me using a mixer is crucial it's not other way around it you can plug three things three different things into the Loop Station but it's just not that the clarity is not that great so and you don't have that much control over your instruments so using a mixer I do recommend going for a Yamaha make sure that they are cheap they are durable and they sound great and they have good reverb overall I've used many different mixers in the past and this thing just keeps on going it never dies and it just sounds great so I'm using a mg one 0xu with a fix and this model they go for around I guess about two hundred dollars I can be wrong but the links are in the description below you can just purchase it there it's direct links to Amazon and you can find it all there so let's start with the basics guitar let's go out from the guitar I'm using a normal jack - Jack like that and then it goes Zoop straight in to the mixer that is it then you do your EQ on the mixer according to your song and then another instrument goes in so for instance if you use a cello you go also check to Jack to the mixer jack into the mixer boom then microphone same thing didgeridoo Mike same thing all your instruments same thing goes straight into the mixer and then out from the mixer II go check out or you can use XLR but I'm using Jack out so left and right you can see two cables left and right check out as you can see hang up um out of the mixer then we go into whatever device you're using like for this I'm using a timeline so I'm on timeline alright so I'm going left and right into the Strymon timeline with a normal Jack - Jack boom and boom and then we're going left and right out from the Strymon timeline whatever device you're using can be anything same applies to anything left and right out and this goes to this becomes an aux cable so let's go and find the input of the loop station so this is a normal oops cable so that left and right out from the Strymon becomes this aux cable it becomes this jack here the small little one you all used to it from your phones and whatever device small devices that you are using I'm using the aux input but all my instruments can you believe it goes through that little thing okay just to quickly recap so instruments goes into the mixer and from the mixer it goes to whatever other effects pedals that you're using like I'm using the timeline delay and then from the timeline delay it goes straight into the loop station aux in you've got inputs mics but using orbs in and the reason for that are finally to sound better and comment below if you think I am delusional or whatever but I believe it sounds better can be just my unit but it's up to you guys to decide hopefully that will help you so aux-in and then we are going left and right outputs stereo out from the output source stereo out we go boom to your speaker or recorder for if you want to record an album you go straight into your recording box like for instance the left and right output of the loop station goes into the zoom h6 mobile recorder that I'm using for this video and then this thing records all the sound and this is what you're hearing at the moment and then from the zoom h6 you can also send it to a speaker or if you if you don't have a recorder and you're not recording then just go straight to your speaker from the Loop Station or di box or whatever you want sound engineer whichever so that is a quick explanation of me setting up the basics and then one more thing if you guys want to find out more about the Medi sync capabilities off the loop station I linking this video right here so if you click I think here or there you'll see that pops up the little thing in there if you click there will direct you to the video of me explaining the MIDI setup of this all set up so do check it out and one last thing the control expression out but I'm using to control of my feet so if you look here this thing looks super old and taping it and it's falling apart because I've stomped it to pieces for many many years but this thing is a beast it works always just been working it's amazing so I use this cable it's a stereo TRS cable super important must be TRS and then all the knobs are put to the left as you can see they're all put to the left and then you plug it in the middle boom no settings required and you just set it up whatever you need to be whatever you want it to be triggered on a and B I've set it up so that a triggers let me just quickly show you guys what it does so a triggers start all or stop all loops and be triggers record loop - and over there play loop - and if all the loops are stopped and I press this one it only plays a loop - and that's pretty much how I've set it up alright guys so I'm just quickly going to show you guys how to put all the multiple instruments together via the boss RC 5 of 5 as I explained using the mixer and then going through all the other pedals so starting with the mixer going through the sidechain into the loop station up to your speaker so got something like this so usually start with a beat box just to keep timing you can use the click track off the loop but I use beat boxing just gives me more freedom so something like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so that's just a quick example of how the multiple instruments come together from the mixer to the looper to you guys I hope you enjoyed thank you watching yeah that's pretty much it for the basic setup of what you guys been asking for and if you guys like the video please comment like share subscribe all that jazz really appreciate it and if you guys want to find out info about these equipment the gear that I'm using check out the link below in the description you'll find it all there and yeah thanks a lot for watching guys god bless you bye
Channel: Reinhardt Buhr
Views: 70,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boss rc-505, loop station, live looping, tips and tricks, how to, rig rundown, gear, reinhardt buhr, loopers, electric cello, spanish guitar, edm track, trance, instrumental edm, gopro, heroblack 7, vlog, vlogging, episode1
Id: _V5YoJWbHhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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