Boss Fired an entire IT Department, She Didn't Realize I Deleted All Passwords and Quit r/ProRevenge

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welcome to r reddit revenge this is a story of someone getting back at someone with revenge after being wronged and today we have three great stories so subscribe hit the like button and let's begin the first story co-worker was fired after situation with police the second story firm administrator hires outside company for all it fires internal i.t we take what info we learned over the years while there and delete it the third story i didn't hire a former co-worker in my company today's first story is not my fault you can't be bothered to do your job to be honest i never thought this would go as far as it did and i probably wouldn't have done it if i had known what would have happened oh well though it was epping awesome so i used to work at an entertainment park when i was 17. it was minimum wage zero hour contract and only seasonal but i lived in a severely deprived area with very high levels of underemployment so i was thrilled to have a job at all specifically i worked in the soft play center which was also attached to other activities around the park such as the bouncy castle face paint station and the people who walk around with those enormous bundles of overpriced balloons despite it being a kick in the throat that selling one balloon would pay for my hour's wage it was my favorite job and i was good at it you got to wander around the park talk to customers and in general it was just more pleasant than being stuck in a smelly child's play area with their bratty parents since i regularly top sales in this department i was always written in to sell balloons on any day where the weather allowed it i was living the life there was this woman i'll call her k who really didn't like this she had always liked being on balloons but after becoming pregnant they decided it would be best for her to just stay within the soft play area she would use her pregnancy to try and get away with everything if you needed to get past her and she refused to move the second you tried to get past her at the slightest nudge she was being barged into which would damage the baby and she refused to do parties because they were too stressful her parents were very wealthy one of the reasons i don't feel so guilty for what i did and would pay to come in to see her she would then use that as a way to get out of doing anything for an hour or more whilst they chatted a few weeks into the season our manager injured himself and was unable to come back into work as a result a manager from a separate department was put in charge and he wasn't aware of kay's ban of balloons one day i was in the back room filling up balloons with healing him and tying them off it's annoying since you have to keep a hold of them all and it takes a lot of fiddling eventually i prepared maybe 50 balloons and was getting ready to head out into the park i knew that it wasn't very busy so that bundle would probably last me the day and i would be able to have a nice calm day unfortunately however before i got to the exit i was swiftly overtaken by kaye who ripped the balloons from my hands and ordered me back into the kitchen i was left stunned and could only trundle back to the soft play area's kitchen where i was swiftly put to work doing pots this continued for the next three weeks and i was sick of it then it started getting busier instead of what lot of balloons lasting a day they had to be replenished when stocks ran low i noticed the k would never come in to get any more balloons which seemed odd to me i brought it up to the substitute manager who also became concerned it turns out that she didn't actually like blowing up the balloons so once she had sold out she would just spend the rest of her shift walking around and enjoying the sunshine she was ordered that the moment she got down to two or three balloons she had to come in and get more i think the only reason she wasn't fired was because she was pregnant the day after this happened she burst into the kitchen about midday and told me to take over balloons before going on her lunch i gladly agreed glad to get out of the soft play area and began to fill up the balloons and tie them off it was really frustrating and took about 40 minutes but eventually i was finished and stood back to admire my work almost immediately after i'd tied off the bunch waltzed in and to the balloons shoeing me back to the kitchen i frowned and told her that she had told me that i would be taking over balloons she laughed and said that she had just decided she wanted to do it again it clicked right away that all she wanted was for someone to fill up the balloons for her while she goofed off for a bit i stormed back into the kitchen completely peeved off the manager imminently called me over and asked me where i'd been for the last 40 minutes i told him i'd been in the back filling up balloons for k which he didn't like as it meant k had been skipping work again he radioed her to ask if this was true she of course denied it and i lost an hour's pay i was furious with her i had spent the last few weeks cooped up in a grimy disgusting kitchen being yelled at by entitled parents and idiotic kids while she got to do my job without any of the hard bits that night i went home seething and covered head to toe in ketchup that a five-year-old had squirted all over my one company shirt they were very stingy now comes the good bit the next day she went out on balloons as usual having got a member of the early morning staff to fill up some balloons for her and left me in the kitchen i was ridiculously busy and very hot i would have given anything to be outdoors on a day like this once again at midday she came in to ask me to take over from balloons somehow thinking i was dumb enough to make this mistake twice i had however concocted a plan and went to do so when i was first being trained i had been told numerous times to only fill up the balloons as little as possible since the gas could expand if it was hope and they would pop since she had treated me like sh and i knew she wouldn't check i decided to overfill each balloon just so it was on the verge of full capacity when she predictably came back and took them off me i waved her off with a smile i figured all that would happen was maybe one would pop and give her a fright maybe if i was lucky one of the guests would complain and i get my favorite job back oh how much better it was a few hours later we got a call through the park to evacuate everyone was ushered out and multiple swat teams poured into the park the country was currently on high terrorist alert and given that this was a high risk area everyone was pretty on edge all the customers were sent home and we were glad to hear that there had been no casualties and no damage had been done at all it was just a false alarm since we had to refund all the customers and the park was cleared for the next few days the economic impact of this event had been around 300 000 pounds so quite a lot after an investigation it turned out that one of k's balloons had popped in the heat causing those around it to pop these were those enormous foil balloons and they made quite a noise when they burst several members of the public had panicked and called the police telling them that there had been a bombing kaye was confronted and asked why she allowed the balloons to be so overfilled she tried to tell the managers and police that it was me who had filled him up but since she had changed her name on the ship planner so that it was she on balloons she couldn't wriggle her way out of it from what i know she was promptly fired and charged a significant fine by the police kay was not fine because the police were called she was fine because she gave statements that went against evidence provided by the park and refused to cooperate as under the circumstances it was not her that actually called the police i knew her parents would be able to support her financially so it didn't bother me that much that i got her fired she deserved it really a few days later i went back to selling balloons and my sanity made a dramatic comeback i never meant for it to happen but i couldn't have been happier with the result the next story is getting rid of the i.t department this happened just about one year ago i worked for a mid-sized law firm as the it manager we were a small group myself the it director a help desk guy and a system admin we all put in many hours over and above the normal 40-hour work week we were paid but we never complained one week we were hit with ransomware and ended up working over 55 hours straight we were all on call 24 7 and not a week went by that we didn't get a call on the weekend from the firm administrator she would call on the weekend asking for someone to drive to one of our remote offices and set up a monitor at 8 pm on a sunday again we gritted our teeth bit our tongues and went along with it never a single complaint one afternoon the it director came to my office to talk about bringing in a company to assist with some security issues we had found during the ransomware attack since it was such a difficult time i agreed the company came in and immediately began talking about taking over all the it functions we pumped the brakes and told them we were only interested in the security side the security company requested a private meeting with the firm administrator fast forward two months and the security company now has half our servers on their cloud network and will be taking all the servers to their network in the next couple of months we began having real issues with the network servers becoming unreachable software not working properly etc the firm administrator blamed us the local i.t group we took the flak for the security company screw-up after a while my i.t director had enough and turned in her resignation i was in line for her position and had been doing most of her work for anyway so the day came when they would announce the new it director position i was called into the firm admins office she sat me down and told me the firm would be going a different direction and they were going to be going with an outside company to handle all their i.t issues moving forward i was told they would be firing my two employees immediately but asked me to stay on for two weeks to help the transition i.e train the new company on how to do my job apparently a totally different company swooped in and solder on their company basically all the internal i.t and the security company were let go i agreed to stay on for the two weeks after the meeting i watched as the firm admin and security walked out of my team i immediately went to our internal wiki help documents that i set up and removed every single document that myself or my team put on there we had a new software installed a few weeks prior and i was the only one that knew how to service it and how it was set up the instructions were in the wiki there was also a new office being set up the following monday i had been working every day for a month to get everything in line for it including setting up all the pcs with specialized software i removed the password entries in our password manager for those pcs i then cleaned out my desk handed my desk plans to some friends said goodbye and left without telling the firm administrator the next morning around 9 00 am i sent my resignation to the firm administrator she was left completely empty-handed as the new company was set to train with me that day we're not ready to take over full control the firm admin called me begging me to come back and said she would bring me on as the i.t director where i could oversee the outside company i politely declined she called the old it director and both my employees asking for one of us to come in and help we all declined i get phone calls from time to time from employees that are still there that say the network's always down user accounts are frequently deleted without any reason given and that the new office has just been set up nearly a year later as for the software that only i knew about they've hired two people to manage it and from what i'm told it's frequently down and rarely works right moral of the story employers treat your i.t department with respect if you don't need them they're doing a great job and the grass is rarely ever greener and the last story is sh talk me okay i won't hire you so i worked at a company that had serious problems with appropriate authority in our office the office manager would routinely say terrible things about the company encourage the text to quit and leave etc when i was hired she was looking for another job and was letting the techs do whatever they wanted i was hired as a supervisor and discovered several ethical violations and the quality of work from the text was extremely poor we had one tech who was just flat out nasty she was bigger and tried to physically intimidate another supervisor who was very short by standing up over her and getting into her personal space because the supervisor called her out on trying to punish someone else basically they all got peeved because they were allowed for who knows how long to do whatever they wanted and when i showed up and said you have to do your jobs they didn't like me so one day the next level supervisor decides that we have to fill out a rubric on how well the techs are doing their jobs of course i get stuck with the nasty bee i do my job fill it out give it to her to sign she signs it but acts like i took a giant sh in her cereal definitely how dare you tell me how to do my job sort of situation she begins saying really nasty things about me to corporate saying i'm terrible and mean to her saying i'm not providing enough supervision never mind she was constantly cancelling so i would show up and she wouldn't be there change schedules with clients which she didn't have the authority to do i got her in trouble for that before i left she was a loudmouth to someone who didn't like her told me all about how she was sh talking me tired of all the bs i just said effort i quit and started my own company i've been very happy since cue revenge a year later i'm hiring for my company as i'm expanding and guess who applies to work for me yup nasty bee i can't tell you how much pleasure i got out of declining her application and clicking that she was unqualified to apply don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications if you enjoy the video have a good day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 126,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/prorevenge, prorevenge, malicious compliance, reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, comedy, funny reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, reddit cringe, /Start, malicious, compliance, reddit story, funny reddit stories, reddit top post, r/ProRevenge New Boss, r/ProRevenge Boss, r/ProRevenge Ask Boss, boss, r/prorevenge manager, r/MaliciousCompliance boss, Manager Didn't realize, Boss didn't realize, manager, pro revenge, slash start, IT Department, quit
Id: Xo9HKMeGqlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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