Bosch 18 SEER Heat Pump 🆚 The Daikin Fit | 2024 Review 🔥

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in this video we're going to be doing a head-to-head matchup between the Bosch 18 sear system and the dyin fit and we're going to be talking about some of the other Bosch product lines that are available we're going to be talking about why the Bosch 18 Seer system is so revolutionary we're going to talk about the rebates and the tax credits that it qualifies for and at the end of this video there'll be a link to several other videos about some other Bosch products that are available on the market as well as the Dy fit and a few other videos that YouTube thinks you should watch so make sure you check those out at the end if you haven't done so already and before we get started if you haven't done so already please consider subscribing to the channel if this is your first time tuning in it takes a lot of time and energy to put out content like this especially these videos we do get pretty technical I did do a lot of research and dive into the cop ratings and things like that so we're going to break down what those actually are and what that means but the bottom line is it takes a lot of energy and time to put out videos like this and your support is much appreciated and all a great way that you can show support is just by subscribing to the channel or smashing that like button if you find this content helpful I won't twist your arm to do it but it's much appreciated so if you do find this enjoyable please consider subscribing now first off let's talk about the cop ratings now these actually will vary and fluctuate so at the end of this video I'm going to actually when we do the head-to-head comparison between the Bosch 18 sear system and the Dyan fit we'll actually have the some screen recordings of the actual manuals and charts so we can show you what some of those cop ratings are and how you can calculate that but the bottom line is that the cop of this system qualifies it as a cold climate heat pump and this this is true not just for how it functions but from the perspective qualifying for the heat pump tax credit that is currently available in the amount of $2,000 now that's a federal tax credit we talk about this a lot in other videos if you're curious about how that tax credit works I'll make sure to link a video at the end that breaks it down but the bottom line is it qualifies for that rebate and it also is one of the few heat pumps that qualifies in Excel territory in Denver Colorado which is one state where we have a branch and that particular territory happens to be very difficult to qualify for re Ates because the eer rating requirements is 11.7 in order to qualify a heat pump for their rebate but in Excel territory it actually qualifies so it qualifies for that additional $1,700 rebate this is going to vary by the tonnage so I know for a fact the two ton and the 4 ton system do qualify but this is going to vary across the board because every system qualifies in the Phoenix Metro be in SRP territory because they meet the requirements for the top tier rebate and SRP territory this is also true for a lot of other metros in Texas it's really going to vary but the bottom line is that this is a very efficient system and so I want to talk about the se2 ratings we're going to talk a little bit about the hspf ratings and then we're going to do the head-to-head comparison between the Dy and fit and I'm going to give you a little bit of background on some of the other features that Bosch has that makes this system rather unique when compared to its other inverter counterparts now the sear 2 rating is up to 18.5 like I mentioned earlier this actual sear rating is going to vary depending on the Ahri matchup and which air handler or furnace the system is paired with that's going to affect its overall efficiency and efficiency rating but that sear rating is 18.5 and the hspf rating or the hspf 2 rating is 9.5 so this is a very efficient system and it's also an inverter-driven system now if you're not familiar with what an inverter is and how they work if you're comparing an inverter to a car ver and you were comparing it to a single stage system or a two-stage system the difference is that an inverter ramps up and down along a Continuum now most of the Bosch products like for example this system it starts off it can go as low as 26% capacity all the way up to 130% capacity the 15 Seer system actually only goes up to 110% capacity in terms of its operating bandwidth and its output that does not mean that the 5 tons system can then you know provide 7 tons of cooling so I wouldn't read into it like that because at higher ambient temperatures it will start to derate this is true for all systems not just the Bosch product line so and same thing in low ambient temperatures as it gets colder it derates in terms of its effective heating output so when I say it can go from 30% you know to 130% don't take that as that you're going to get a little bit bigger system because that's not exactly how it hands out you're going to just want to if it is calculated as a 5 tonon system you're going to want to assume hey this is a 5ton system but the bottom line is that the Bosch system it's an inverter and so rather than being on or off like a traditional single stage system it ramps up and down along a Continuum and the reason this is such a a much better technology when it comes to HVAC in terms of both comfort and efficiency is number one imagine if every time you turned on your car it just sped up to 100 m an hour as fast as possible well that's what happens when you have a single stage system but when you have an inverter system like this when it first kicks on it basically ramps up slowly kind of like how your car works right you give it a little bit of gas and it starts to accelerate and so that's why the Bosch product line or just any inverter system is going to be a better system compared to a single stage because they ramp up and down along a Continuum so this means it's uh much more efficient but in addition it's actually a lot quieter now I'll make sure to link Bosch's site in the description so that way you have a link to their products and you can check it out for themselves but if you look at the decel ratings that they advertised they have uh decel ratings as low as 55 DB on some of the units as high as you know 60 on some of the units so the bottom line is that is a very efficient system to give you a comparison a traditional single stage system maybe something that's 10 years old it's probably 70 maybe 75 DB depending on which one you installed whether or not it has a compressor sound blanket and things like that so it's definitely a lot quieter um it's very noticeable like when we're outside and it's running you know it could be 10 ft away and you would hear it but it's going to be a minor hum by comparison so this comes in great if you do a lot of barbecuing outside in the summer and the air condition conditioner still running people are going in and out of the house you don't hear the AC as much and so that's great feature it's one of our favorite things about inverter technology and this is one of the reasons we sold a lot of Dy and fits and we still sell a lot of Dy and fits it's our our bestselling product because it's so quiet it's also an inverter driven product that quiet Factor makes it a lot more comfortable to where people really enjoy it now one of the benefits of the system is that by comparison with the Dyan fit is who has a Dy fit knows that it requires you to have a proprietary thermostat which is the Dyan one or the dyin one touch and some people don't like this because instead of getting the choice to have an ecobe or a nest or some other type of Wi-Fi thermostat maybe you have a specific thermostat that integrates with a smart home system or some type of you know Wi-Fi integration with your security system unfortunately the dyin 1 even though it will integrate um with a lot of you know home automation it doesn't integrate with everything and so some people want to be able to pick and choose their thermostat and with the Dyan fit system you can't however with the Bosch system because it's a non-communicating system that means you can put in basically any thermostat that you choose so you can put in a nest thermostat you can put in a Bosch thermostat although you don't need to you can put and they even tell us that they say you know you don't need the Bosch thermostat by any means you can put in an eccoe you can put in a variety of different thermostats but the big thing is that the BOS system qualifies with a variety of thermostats they actually prefer dumb thermostats so a basic like onoff thermostat or a basic programmable because if you have learning features turned on on your nest or your ecobe that can cause issues with the inverter in terms of how it functions it's better to just allow it to ramp up and then ramp Down based on how it's receiving you know the signal from the thermostat and it's set up to like I said function as a non-communicating system and we explain how a communicating system works differently in the Dy and fit video so I'll make sure to link that at the end so you can watch that video but the bottom line is that this is actually a very nice feature to have because you have a variety of thermostats that you can choose from in case there's one that uh you had your mindset on now you can use that thermostat with this system so now that we've talked about some of the comparisons between the two systems I want to talk about one thing that I do prefer from the Bosch uh before we jump to the cop charts where I actually go through the efficiency ratings of the two systems so you can actually see the difference between how these systems operate at varying temperatures because this will be kind of an eye opener and show you the difference between the two systems but one thing that I I love about the Bosch system I mentioned it earlier but it qualifies for some of the rebates that the Dy fit system does not qualify for because it has those higher eer ratings right now let's go ahead and I'll grab my laptop and I'll show you these charts and we can dive into the cop ratings between the Bosch 18 Seer system and compare those with the Dyan fit all right so right now I've got our performance charts pulled up for the Bosch system and the Dyan fit system this is for the Bosch 18 Seer as well as uh the Dyan fit and don't worry I'm going to explain what all that gibberish on the screen u means in a second I'm going to go ahead and Link this website this is Bosch's you know Home Comfort website that breaks down all the models uh but it goes through this 18 Seer heat pump provides all the details if you're interested in you know learning more about the product or you haven't visited their website yet I'll make sure to link that in the description but that being said let's go ahead and pull up the manual for the Bosch system so you can see what we're looking at in terms of efficiency you know how this thing actually Stacks up compared to the Dyan fit now one thing I want to do first is just explain kind of this chart so at the top here you can see the model this looks like a 3ton system but that's actually because the Bosch the 18 sear and the 20 Seer they actually only come in a 3 ton and a 5 ton in terms of size for the condenser and then when you pair it with the the indoor air handler or the furnace or whatever you pair it with inside is when you actually set the capacity so if it's a 2ton you're actually going to be using a 3ton condenser and then if it's a 4 tonon you're actually using a 5ton condenser and that's just how the system is designed and then on the top here these numbers are actually your outdoor ambient temperatures so if you're heating when it's 5° outside and this is in Fahrenheit versus if you're heating when it's 86° outside which again I don't know anyone who eats their house when it's 86° outside but to give you an Apples to Apples comparison what we're going to do is we're going to compare the performance of the Bosch system and the dyin fit system at uh 47° f as well as 5° fah this is going to give you an idea of the range of the cops and which is your you know coefficient of performance at various temperatures and five is an important uh number because five is actually the temperature at which a system qualifies for the cold climate heat pump tax credit which currently in order to qualify for that there's a few things you have to do we talk about it in a lot of other videos so but I'll touch on it briefly you basically have to maintain 75% capacity and you also have to maintain in order to qualify for a cold climate heat pump uh or or for that title you have to maintain 75% capacity at 5° F and so that means you know if it's a 2 ton system it has to be heating at least you know providing 1 and 1/2 tons for example of heat at 5° fight in order to qualify as a cold climate heat pump in addition it has to maintain a cop of 1.75 which will show you how this system does that now on the left side of this chart over here this is all you know 550 620 680 this is all the airflow and CFM so that's cubic feet per minute and so right here where it says you know 720 CFM if we look at what that means is that at 720 CFM that's the power that this system consumes so that's why all this you know these numbers look might look like gibberish to you but I I'll break it down here in a second and then for each of these airflow settings you have the indoor temperature set point of 60 70 75 or 80 depending on how high you're heating to again I don't know anyone that heats their house to 80° but um we're going to be using 70 just to have kind of a neutral set point and then when we scroll over here and we look at given you know kilowatt rating in a in TC this is a total capacity in BTUs we're going to actually have to convert this number so 19.2 actually means 19,200 BTUs per hour you know heat output we're actually going to have to uh convert that to kilowatts of heat energy and we do that by multiplying that by 93 which I'll explain in a second and then this kilowatt is the kilowatt consumption of the system at a given temperature so as you can see you know when it's 72° outside this thing you know the power consumption is much less then when uh it's 5° outside hey the heat pump starts pulling more power in order to put out less heat and that's because they become less efficient at colder temperatures but doesn't mean they still can't qualify and as you can see these numbers very widely because even at 5 Dees here the output can be substantially higher depending on what the indoor set point is and so that's what we're going to talk about in terms of you know how the system works from a heating capacity perspective so 720 CFM is what we're using just to keep it Apples to Apples and if we scroll down to this column for 47 which is right here you can see that there's a couple things now are notable number one is that this 18c heat pump does not drate at 47° so it's basically 100% you know output this is 24,000 BTUs so 2 tons of heating at that 47° technically it looks like Max output you know up here is at 24.9 so maybe Dres a little bit but it's basically at 2 tons of heating and then that requires 2.2 Kow of power so we take this number this 24 we multiply this 24 by 2 point or 293 and that gives us that converts that from BTUs to kilowatts of heat because remember Watts or kilowatts can also be a measure of heat not just energy consumption and then we take that and we divide that by the kilowatts used which is 2.2 so this is the amount of energy the system's using that spits out a cop of 3.19 at 47 de F so this right here we'll call that a cop of 3.2 now to compare that to the Dyan fit we'll take a quick peek and I'll show you what this looks like so the 2ton system here by comparison has a cop of 3.4 so the Dyan fits slightly more efficient but basically you know they're neck and neck it's not that big of a difference Dy fits basically neck and neck with the system so this is at 47° um what about at cold climate capacity so we go over here to when it's you know at 5° Fahrenheit we can see that the output drops to 18.7 in terms of BTUs per hour we times that by. 293 and then we take that number and divide that by our kilowatt used which is 2.64 that gives us a cop of 2.07 at 5° fah which when we compare it to the Dyan fit system you can see that at 5° fit our cop is right at 2.0 so it's technically this system this 18 Seer is technically more more efficient at 5° as a cold climate heat pump at these given parameters at the 2ton model but basically they're pretty much neck and neck and so my my point in going through this is that the systems are almost neck and neck and and identical in terms of their actual performance their cop their sear ratings vary a little bit where the Bosch system really stands apart and and kind of sets itself apart as you can see is the fact that the eer rating is higher because if you do look at the eer rating if you go in here and look at some of the matchups you can see that um the erer ratings are basically enough to qualify it for a lot of those not just the tax credits but it actually some of the systems for example in the Denver Market the 2ton and the 4 ton system both qualify for the uh cold climate heat pump rebate which is a $1,700 rebate in the Denver metropolitan area which is a very well any anywhere you're in Excel territory in you know the Denver metro erator which Excel covers a lot of areas but that's a you know a great rebate to be able to take advantage of and so that's really the advantage of the Bosch system is that as you can see the performance is almost neck and neck the decel ratings are almost identical if you're I talk more about the Dyan fit in another video but 56 DB are basically identical one thing that you will notice obviously by comparing the Bosch versus the Dyan fit is that you know the Bosch is this you know nice big box that sits outside it's still not massive but it is you know a bigger system whereas the Dy fit is a nice side discharge system so for properties with tight lot lines it is a better system in terms of you know it can fit in tighter places but they're both going to be quiet they're both going to be efficient and one benefit that the Bosch has at least in Denver is that it does qualify for that rebate and therefore it comes uh out to be a little bit more cost-effective Solution by comparison with the Dyan fit however the Dyan fit does qualify for um some rebates that they have internally and again here's a picture of the Dy fit so you can see what that looks like that nice side discharge system but the bottom line is that's you know it for our head-to-head review of the uh Dyan fit system versus the Bosch 18 Seer system so we hope you enjoyed that if you did find this content helpful please make sure you smash that like button and consider subscribing to the channel and if you happen to be in one of the areas we service like Denver Colorado or Phoenix Arizona you can actually schedule an appointment with us for free we come out for free for all first-time customers whether that's for a service call or annual maintenance or if you're just looking for an estimate for system replacement and there's actually a link in the description below where you can actually schedule online at your convenience as well as an upto-date list of the cities and states that we service so you can stay up to dat when we start servicing your Metro so we hope you found that content helpful and if you did uh please make sure you smash that like button and consider subscribing to the channel if you haven't done so already and as mentioned earlier there's a few videos popping up on the screen right now so make sure you check those out if you haven't done so already and we'll catch you on the next episode
Channel: The HVAC Dope Show
Views: 8,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bosch Heat pump, Daikin fit, Daikin fit enhanced heat pump, Bosch 18 seer Heat pump, Bosch 20 seer Heat pump, Bosch ids plus, Bosch ids premium, Cold climate heat pumps, Cold weather heat pumps, Xcel heat pump rebates, Denver heat pump contractor, Phoenix heat pump contractor, Denver Daikin dealer, Phoenix Daikin dealer, Scottsdale Bosch dealer, Tempe Az hvac, Phoenix Az air conditioning install, Heat pump tax credits, Colorado heat pump tax credits, Chandler AZ hvac
Id: 2V6RB31tCC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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