Boruto RETURNS! Sasuke VS Code And Shinju Explained! Boruto Chapter 85 Spoilers

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guys we finally have the full spoilers of chapter 5 of boruta tuue Vortex and let's just say that everything we predicted came true in this chapter and just to quickly summarize we have boruto finally returning to the Village we have SASE versus code and we also find out something very interesting about the motivations of boruto's new Tales enemy so I really want to get to that part but as usual we're going to start from the top so as per usual we first have the cover page which Now features SAS and he's very very important in this chapter so the wording or the subtext on the cover itself says even doubting himself what he believes is and then it says after the big change what happened between boruto and Sasuke now before we continue as you guys know these are spoiler panels so I can't show them in full on the channel or they're going to get copyright stried right so I'm just going to show portions of them so you guys can get a brief understanding of what's going on so the first panel shows this old boruto with his hair grown out training with Sasuke so obviously some time has passed since what happened in chapter 80 of the original manga we then see Boro and Sasuke sitting around a campfire with Boro joking about his new uchia style which of course is refering to his clothing and based on the additional translations we received it seems like Sasuke is telling boto that he has nothing left to tell him or teach him but that doesn't mean that bto's training is completely over he still needs to master what Sasuke has taught him now you guys can read the entire dialog if you want to but that's just a summary of what it's saying here now we then switch to Sasuke versus code and just to be clear it doesn't show the entire battle itself we just saw glimpses of it so in this portion we see that Cod has already lost his left eye and he attributes it to Sasuke he then says damn you oia how dare you take my eyes and then we have boruto standing behind Sasuke and Sasuke is saying to him what are you doing boruto hurry and run but boruto is saying that he can't leave his master so him replied saying there's no way we can win against him which means they can't defeat code for now so run no matter what you need to survive and then he said that he'll leave sarda in B's hand and that's when you see Sasuke caught his sword in shidori and ran towards Cod and just to clarify again we didn't see exactly what happened so I'm not leaving out any panels he just didn't show it but we did come back to the end of what happened with Sasuke now being a tree whilst also being surrounded by the additional CLA rmes he defeated and that's when the perspective of the chapter switch back to present day now just to clarify one thing or address one thing this is really weird because it seems like Sasuke was able to put up a fight against unlimited code I need you guys to understand that this isn't limited code this is unlimited code who's supposedly above Chen right now I just wanted to say code isn't using his karma seal of course though you'd have to assume that code at some point activated his karma seal since he was in that that state and even when we get to the end of it we see that Sasuke is still alive he didn't die it seems like he was caught off guard by a claw Grime so I don't know what to say I need some more information on what exactly transpired in the battle before I come to a concrete conclusion but based on what we're seen here either code isn't as strong as we thought he was or Sasuke within one year caught up to Jan Level Threats now of course huk couldn't defeat code so he's obviously below him in power but code is significant iFly stronger than Jen so Sasuke at least became a Jen level threat okay so this part is very interesting but we're going to leave it for the actual full translations the accurate ones and then I'll make an accurate conclusion but yeah let's get to the other stuff so we then switch over to the hidden Lea Village where it shows that moagi has been transformed into a tree and we see Team 10 looking on to Moi looking all sad and stuff and Kor is also there as well now what's interesting here is that they pledged to like take down the tentel and get revenge on code as well and this part is very interesting because I actually made a video explaining everything called the Shinju gods and in that video I explained that the female Shinju is indeed Moi because of the earth style Jutsu and also how she looks I also explained that the SAS looking Shinju is Sasuke the jigan looking Shinju is jigan and of course you know the bug looking Shinju is bug now of course I explained why that's the case because of the deep utki DNA Within These individuals so if you guys want to learn more about that you guys can go watch that video it should be on screen right now and it will be linked at the end of this video but yeah some people believe that it was Delta some people believe that it was Ada but as predicted it was indeed Moi now what's also interesting is that the tenil entities themel are also aware of this so on the 16th page of this chapter we see that the female Shinu is saying that she can feel the despair of Ena chikao or the kids of Ena shikao which of course is referring to shikai Ena Jin and choo and she also say she can feel the pain of karmur as well and that's when The Jig and Shinju stepped up which we're going to get into later on because his specific desire is actually pretty interesting but he says here that this is proof of your sensitivity growing we are indeed biologically one but Matsuri the feeling you felt seems to be only inside you and then they actually confirmed what I predicted in my video about the fake renegon that I released last week where it said that the Shinju themselves are one biologically but they have different consciousnesses due to the people absorbed by the CLA GS themselves and they said that in this chapter and then they also confirmed that the purpose of eating an utsuki and also evolving doesn't change however something else is also there because he then went on to say that I don't know why I feel like this it's probably a desire from the instinct which is him referring to his desire of consuming Naruto Uzumaki now it seems that the other t s's entities were shocked because why would he want to eat Naruto and Naruto isn't otsutsuki and then he replied saying because we're already a Shinju and is evolving in different ways it seems like the Instinct moving us is changing as well he then tells the other entities to follow their Instinct and listen to the voice inside them then you should be able to see the target each of you got so it seems like each Shinju got individual targets that they need to take out and his Target for some reason is Naruto Uzumaki now before we address why that is the case let's get some insight from the other Shinju entities so the female Shinju who was just confirmed to have been created by absorbing Moi is saying that her Target is Sarat toi Konohamaru which is someone close to Moi and then we have the Sasuke Shinju whose name is Jura and it seems like he's somewhat confused as to what they are now this seems to be leading to a certain plot point with this guy maybe betraying the tales entities because he seems to be thinking more than he needs to be about what he is and what he needs to accomplish but then the Jan Shinju basically said that what you need to do is important the Instinct will tell you who your target is and then he basically confirmed this specific Shinju whose name is actually hidari not Jura so Jura is the name of the jigan looking Shinju which is very interesting Jura Jan but you know we're going to get to it and he then says that his identity is actually sas's and that's when the Sasuke lukin Shinju replied saying that his Target is sarda uchia now mind you this guy hasn't met sarda since he was created so he's accessing the memories of SAS oia to find someone closest to him so we have the Moi Shinju whose Target is someone close to Moi that of course being Konohamaru and then we have the Sasuke Shinju who targeted someone close to Sasuke that being sardan and now we have the bug Shinju who for for some reason was able to see aah while she was using her stemon so as we know as aah stated when she uses the stemon to view current events it's like she's transferring her Consciousness to that specific point so this chapter we see that the book Shinju saw when aah projected her Consciousness into the room and walked directly in front of her and looked directly into her eyes and said that she is his Target now aside from that being absolutely insane powerwise what's important to point out is that we you know that bug has a deep history with aah he actually took care of aah while she was locked up and he knew her before since he was affected by her charm ability so bug even though he wasn't as affected by code it seems he was still in love with aah so again the closest person to bug would have been aah so there is some connection there it seems to be linked to love Moi likely loved konah hamaru we know SAS loved sarda and we also know that bug loved aah now there's one thing that stands out though the jigan looking Shinju seems to be obsessed with eating Naruto why what relation does he have with Naruto specifically now some people were theorizing that this big bad who the obvious leader of the group was somehow the random dude that sarda didn't save now that was absolutely ridiculous right he has to be more important and I theorized that he was G he was created using the data within cod's Karma seal so if you guys want to learn more about that and it makes sense of course go watch the Shinju video and also while you're watching that I did release a video a few weeks ago explaining the entire Miki Arc in depth it's a 58 minute video that narrated the entire Arc itself so you guys can go watch it as well if you want to enjoy boro's first 10 chapters in narrated format of course but yeah getting back to this point here there seems to be some connection with this entity this Gan looking entity with Naruto which of course means that this isn't only due to love it seems to be due to Grudge as well so it could be just intense emotions towards a specific individual and it could be that Jan or Shiki had some intense feelings towards Naruto because as we know Naruto did put in some work on Jan and the Shiki okay so I would understand but of course it might be deeper than that so we have to wait until we get further information now what's also interesting here is that we see that a seems to be doubting omnipotence so he mentions that after Shiki Was Defeated he created a new Karma seal of his daughter's data and inserted it into kawaki's body of course kawaki in this instance I'm referring to the original kawaki but since he's affected by omnipotence he's saying that he put it into boruto he then also mentions that kawaki's body of course referring to kawaki was acting as Boro seems to be a scientific ninja tool but nobody knows when his body was modified nor do they know who modified his body which led to him saying that but the fact is that his body was obviously Modified by my hand hands he further went on to say that an artist leaves proof as to what job was done by them and based on the karma seen in kawaki's body the karma seal he himself created he knows that he created that Karma seal so why is that Karma seal in kawaki when he created it for boruto it just doesn't make sense he then went on to say that there are controversy in my memory but with the proofs we have in front of us the answer is pretty obvious part of my memory was overwritten that is the only conclusion I can come up with first of all memories are just vague Phantoms for me as a scientist there's nothing that beats actual proof and the actual proof he's refering to is the photos of boruto being another person and also the fact that the karma seal doesn't belong on this kawaki belongs on the other one so yeah it seems like a mod is able to see through the contradictions based on the Moun evidence that he seen so it's not just one thing he's a scientist who relies on proof so when he's seen multiple things contradicting what he remembers that's forcing him to reconsider omnipotence which is similar to what Sasuke did so it then says I don't know who did it but I can clearly say this what matters for me is the karma for my daughter and the one who has it is not boruto but kaaki and that's when he switched to page 34 and it seems that aad is being monitored by Shikamaru and Sai sa then ask Shikamaru how do you take it now initially when reading these spoilers I thought that the second portion of this was said by Shikamaru which led me to believe that Shikamaru wasn't affected by omnipotence or he found some way to break out of it but it seems that the person speaking here is actually sarda because sum is basically relating the information to her but I will say that Shikamaru is considering what sarda was saying before based on what a mod is saying now so we might see something go down but in summary it seems like summer is in complete this belief that this could possibly happen because omnipotence would prevent this from happening but sarda didn't reply saying yeah usually but Papa did which is refering to Sasuke so he was also able to counter omnipotence based on what he saw that's when Boro appeared out of nowhere probably using flying Thunder God saying nah my master trusted me doubting his memories he used his life to save me and also for you sarda so basically what Bor is saying here is that Sasuke didn't go against omnipotence based on some pictures or some things that he saw it's based on his feelings towards Boro and sarda we then see sarda rush over to boruto hugging him saying that you're late stupid boruto and then he says sorry I'm home now and that's where the chapter basically ends with sarda hugging boruto and sum looking a bit shocked but Stan Wars on Twitter they're going to say she was a bit displeased so that will be fun but yeah this chapter seems to be filled with information of course guys this is just the unofficial translation so everything I said take it with a grain of salt in regards to like specific dialogue okay now of course of course it would be mostly accurate you know but you need to get the full context so we're going to get into the actual official translation when the chapter drops in like 2 to 3 days and of course you guys should support the official material on Manga Plus or viz orever you read it right but yeah this chapter was great let me know your thoughts in the comment section drop a like if you like the video and subscribe for more boto Centric content and I'll see you guys on the next one peace [Music] out [Music] you
Channel: Kidomaki
Views: 63,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto two blue vortex, boruto vs kawaki, boruto, boruto timeskip, boruto chapter 85, boruto chapter 85leaks, boruto spoilers, boruto manga, boruto manga leaks, boruto two blue vortex spoilers, boruto leaks reddit, boruto timeskip spoilers, boruto rasengan, boruto new rasengan, boruto rinnegan, boruto sarada, boruto kenjutsu, boruto sword, Sasuke, sasuke death, sasuke dies, Naruto, naruto flying raijin, boruto time skip, boruto chapter 5 two blue vortex, Sasuke vs Code
Id: 8KLo3_mzM3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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