Borax Wagons Boxes are Assembled to the Gear Assembly | Supersized Wagons!

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now that we have the boxes assembled and we have them sprayed with oil the next thing I want to do is take the boxes and set them down on the running gears both the front and the rear axle and the reason I want to do this is the iron work that is left has to be incorporating both the box and the gear the brake assembly as it goes on has to interact between the two so we want to set these down on the gear you see I have a framework that sets up over the top of these boxes I use it for coaches and carriages and buggies where I can lift these bodies up and slide the gears underneath and that's what I'm going to do with these borax boxes also it allows me to put four come-alongs connected with a pipe underneath the bodies and so going from corner to corner I can pick these bodies up and free them from the stands or the dollies or whatever in this case they're sitting on sawhorses and I can free them from the sawhorses this will allow to give us free access to rolled undercarriages Unger so this is a time consuming process just bit by bit lifting these bodies up I have measured the standards on the axles and have determined how high I have to lift these up for these axles to clear after having reached that height the first one we're going to bring out to set under the box is the rear axle since we are going from the front to the back this rear axle has to go the complete length underneath this body so we're gonna bring it out and just kind of chalk it under position now you'll notice on the sawhorses underneath the body I have them set on blocks so that they aren't sitting there just kind of blowing in the wind so to speak until I get the running gear kind of in positioned where it can start to go under the box but as I get it kind of positioned a little bit the sawhorse is going to be in the way so I have to lift the box up again just gently to where these will be free from the blocks and then I can take the sawhorse out of the way that will give access to roll the undercarriage underneath the box this is always kind of a nerve-wracking time because everything is hanging on the come-alongs at this point so this is a just kind of an inch by inch time-consuming process I don't want to bump the body I don't want to create any kind of a wreck or any kind of a problem here so it's just piece by piece inch by inch positioning this gear underneath the body now because the brake arm is so tall it has to go off to one side it needs to clear the framework where the water barrels are gonna sit so I'm pushing it out around the water barrel framework and then I'm going to push it back underneath in this correct position so I have enough room here I really like to have for safety sake something underneath these boxes if anything was ever to happen I've never had one drop I've never had a problem that I'm always pretty cautious as soon as I can I like to have as much support under these bodies as possible so I'll set it down just enough to where it's not wiggling in the wind anymore and I can do a little bit of adjusting as I need to in the back if that's this is hairy now the back axle is kind of in place I need to bring out the front axle and you'll notice it's up on a pretty high stand this is where we built it well I need to get it down onto the dolly itself and I don't show all that because it's kind of a slow process to do that I jack it up I put pillars of blocks underneath and then piece by piece I leave it and bring it down to the dolly and it's kind of a boring process but here you can see that I've got it down on the dolly and I can begin to position it into place to line up with the back axle so in order to attach the back axle to the front axle I need to pull the kingpin so I've taken off the front bolster and I'm going to remove the kingpin that will allow me to couple the two together well in order to bring the front axle back to where it can meet the reach on the back axle I have to get sawhorse out of out of the way so I'm going to remove my blocks and again this box is gonna be just hanging on the sawhorses or on the come-alongs rather so I can get this sawhorse out of the way and couple the front axle to the rear axle now if you watch the building of the front axle on the back actually you can see how the two come together and they're pinned together with the kingpin so when that's together and before I put the bolster back on now's a good time I'm going to put a little grease on the fifth wheel place then I can reassemble the front bolster over the kingpin and that's where the front of the box will set down between those standards so now we can inch it into place get it a little closer to the correct position when I get it into position again I like to have support so I'm gonna put blocks underneath it to stabilize it so one end is stable while I'm lowering the the back end I'll take it out and I'll lower one block at a time each block is a is a 2 by 6 so inch and a half at a time well on the back axle there's a cleat that saddles the bolster and this is bolted to the box this is what keeps the box from shifting so these before I drop the Box down on to the rear bolster these cleats have to be put into position and you see how it just saddled over the rear axle on the rear bolster there's one on each side so then the box can sit down onto these cleats and be bolted into position then the box will no longer shift front to back so once I have this down on the axles all the blocks are taken out and go ahead and remove to come along the sand the bars underneath and this is what it looks like when it's set down on the axle the second box will actually go in this the other direction will move from the rear forward so we put both axles together and then Calvin here is is helping and we can move this underneath and it's the same process of getting in position putting in our blocks making sure it's stable and then setting it down on the axle just an inch and a half at a time until it's finally down so this is what it looks like when the box is setting down on the gears and we can go ahead and start to do some of the finish iron work thanks for watching
Channel: EngelsCoachShop
Views: 89,684
Rating: 4.9714117 out of 5
Keywords: 20 mule team Borax, Borax wagons, Bobby Tanner, Dave Engel, Engels Coach Shop, blacksmithing, wheelwright, wagon building
Id: 9ai1919pTAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2017
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