Borax Wagon's First Complete Appearance at 50th Anniversary of Bishop Mule Days!

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At the beginning of this water wagon project this is the wagon gear I showed you still left on display at Furnace Creek and this is the wagon we ended up with when we were finished. And when the day came to load it on the trailer to head for California, we were cloudy, rainy, overcast and dreary. But by about four o'clock that afternoon we finally had a break in the weather so we made a run for it and we put it on the trailer. Well, by now you know I must be a pretty good con artist, cause Calvin Roorda, who helped me with the big Borax wagons and his son Riley, showed up and I snagged them into helping load. And also Dan Nemecheck offered to help. And it turns out that I get to run the remote control on the winch while Calvin and Dan do the steering and directing. Well, back in the day when these wagons were pulled through the Mohave Desert There are some pictures around that shows that sometimes these water wagons were hooked and pulled individually Maybe it was to catch up water when they were running short, so they weren't always hooked to the other two wagons, thought most of the times they were. So these pointer hooks you saw me make, these mules are gonna to hook to these pointer hooks and Bobby and Garon Stutzman, who's driving, is gonna give this wagon a little test run. Well, it seems that everybody's gonna live to tell about it So, we're gonna do a practice drive for a couple of days before the parade so they need to hook all the wagons together. Well, even though these mules are accustomed to pulling these wagons, and they've done it for a number of years, it's always good to have a practice day before actually is parade day. Well, all the time and effort it takes to put this whole hitch together, all has to come apart. So we're gonna get that done and this is the fiftieth anniversary this year of the Bishop Mule Days, so we're gonna head to the fairgrounds and kinda see what's happening. Well, the little town of Bishop sets right up against the Sierra Nevada mountains. and this day, for parade day, turned out to be a really beautiful day. Well, this has been the debut parade for all three wagons at the fiftieth anniversary celebration of Bishop Mule Days. and after their final showing in the arena at the fairgrounds, these wagons go to the Law's Museum, where they're on public display for all to come see. Well, if you ever find yourself out in the west coast and in the area of the Death Valley National Park you might stop at Furnace Creek, and just north of Furnace Creek is the Harmony Mine were the original old wagons are still setting. And then not too far north, just about three hours, you can find the little town of Bishop. And about four miles outside of Bishop is the little town called Laws. Here is where the Laws Museum is. They would love to have ya and they would sure tell you more about the wagons if you asked them. So thanks for following through on the series and once again, thanks for watching!
Channel: EngelsCoachShop
Views: 844,672
Rating: 4.8653688 out of 5
Keywords: 20 mule team borax, borax wagons, death valley conservancy, engles coach, engels coach, Montana wagon builder, mule driving, draft horses, Pacific Coast Borax Co, Death Valley National Park, Mohave CA
Id: nPq3m7ueP8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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