Boost Oxygen Builder with plugins to add functionality

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in this video we're going to see how we can add functionality to our oxygen website builder so as the oxygen community grows up as you can see here we have reached in the time that this video is recording 10,000 and 500 subs and it's great to see that the oxygen community is growing it gets better more people are coming to those that are already are a member of and the Builder keeps becoming better better so among other things we have other members and other groups and companies that will create plugins to add functionality for WordPress so in this video I'm going to discuss about some of those plugins that you can buy I'm not going to talk about the free plugins I'm just going to talk about the things that you can invest some money at this moment and get some functionality added only I'm only going to talk about the plugins that are specific for oxygen I'm not going to talk about other plugins that like lyft or LMS or rank math or any other things that are compatible with oxygen and or other builders so hi my name is shadows and I'm constantly producing video about oxygen builder among other stuff so please subscribe to my channel or if you want videos like that so everything that I will discuss now is my opinion I'm not going to hopefully I'm not going to offend anyone and I don't want to offend anyone and I'm not get paid or don't go going to promote anything other than what I personally like I will explain everything that I have already used and let's start let's go first to the Trello board of the oxygen builder resources this is not the official trailer board it's made but by some person but it's constantly it's constantly updated with my new stuff so it's a very good starting point now in the moment that I have I'm creating this video we have some plugins but everyday you not everyday but you get the point then maybe it will be added some more plugins that I'm not mentioning here of course oh and there are also a possibility that some plugins will stop the evolution the production or something sadly but there are always that possibility so if you just go in search you can just go and read everything from here but here you will find this one WordPress plug-in repository now WordPress let's go and see which one is it plugins made for oxygen this is the one now this is constantly updated so be sure to check this out see full description here and you can see that there are quite enough also you can see that there from github or other from the WordPress repository so there are also free plugins here they're not all they're not all paid ones but I'm not I'm not going to talk about the free here so the first one that I'm going to talk and this is randomly it's not first second or anything else it's the oxy power pack I have already created video about that I have already bought that the price is still 50 bucks $79 and as you can see it will go up as it says here and now it not not here but it says that it will go up now oxy power pack is I think the only plug-in that will add other elements inside your oxygen other plugins may add functionality they will add some features they will add something that will help you create the flow and have a better flow speed or something else help you build the website faster but oxy power pack will add functionality to your oxygen builder it will add blocks it will act sorry not blocks elements if we go to features here we will see that we have the pop over until the which is another element we will have the text rotator we have the not pre-made let's go to features and let's go to how the homepage and see we have the pricing boxes we have the what else we have I'm trying to think from the usage that I have made in this plugin they also have the testimonials and they have also a timer here as you can see so they will add some elements in your oxygen builder for me it's good plug-in that you could spend some dollars here and of course it's 50 bucks lifetime lifetime license at this moment it will go up now the problem that I have with the oxygen Pao the oxy power pack not a problem but we're not getting the updates that he promises in time so let's go to features now let's go here that says sorry news okay and we'll see that in March 18 he said that it will change the how this plugins works he will add two other plugins the one is the oxy design pack and the other is the oxy bootstrap which I'm looking forward to and the oxy power pack will continue as it is we will have all of those in the same price but he said it will be in the march of the 4th of March I think and then when the 4th of Matt's arrived he said I will need some time then he went to 16 of March then he went to 20 of Mars now we're still waiting and the the updates are not here now of course I will have to give him some slack because of the corona virus and everything that is happening in the world I'm not specific and I'm not just say you promise something kuvira to us I understand you will need some time I see that he has done it quite some time he's only one person and he's working hard I know that for sure and I know that I have sent him some emails and he have respond to me he listens and he wants to create something good so just to be aware that if you buy this you have to be patient and you have to just wait for the updates of course it's not that you shouldn't buy for me it's something that I bought and I'm not regretting that I did so let's go to the next one which is the editor enhancer now this was first a free plugin inside the WordPress repository it was the editor enhancer then he created the pro and he said to the community that he's stopping developing the free one and he want to continue with the pro so he built this one the editor enhancer which adds some features in the oxygen again I think the only plug-in that adds elements is the oxy power pack so everything else add functionality so we have the class companion which will copy the ID to a class which is a must for oxygen then we have some session snapshots so you can revert to any previous saved session also something great a class speakers so you can copy everything from a class and then continue from there it's it's good stuff okay handy text this is I can't remember what it is okay if you delete something as says here and you cannot find word the text is okay I remember the text is you will have you will have something here a box like element or if you have wor with alimentar that you can write at the left of your page in the text so you can write directly there because if you delete the text and you still have the text element you cannot find it now this the price of this I think is $79 yeah one time I'm only talking about the lifetime agreements here and as you can see it says eliminate websites and access to all extension all the updates that will come now I want also to say some things that I don't like of this plug-in I have tried to contact him for over a month and I have never get a response for of him so if you go here to contact you will get here you will not get here ok this is the contact information the content form I have added here quite some times the form and I have tried to reach him but I didn't get any respond then I go I went to the project roadmap and the feature request let's go to the project roadmap and we will see that it says that the version 1 0 3 with fixes was released where is it where is the date I think some were here was the date but I can't find ok this is the 2nd of March that he added this car to the changelog so he released the version 1 0 3 so I saw that and I said are you going to work with this plug-in do you offer some trial or a money-back guarantee do you over something do you accept any ideas do you want to improve basis based on some ideas that I have or something else he never responded let's go back to the feature request and this is also Trello board and if I go here you will see for from me that I said him sorry for writing here but I'm trying to contact you and this is what those was the 18 of Mar March and we have the 19 of Mars the next day he said that he hasn't checked his emails for a few days but he didn't get back to me then I wrote back 21st then 25th and then 6 of April April 6th of April but he's not responded to me then I went back here and to go to the troubleshooting guide and then I saw here that he has write some words somehow strange his email max at Oh hoo-wee dot-com so I send an email here but nothing came back so the plug-in is still producing and updating I have bought it it's the version 2.0 3 I think or something something like that and it has some bugs and I really wanted to send him my feedback and say to him improve this improve that'll do this and do that but I cannot get any information of him I hope he's okay I have written that in the Trello board and man I'm hope you're ok you don't have anything you're not sick or anything but I can't get any response so if you want to buy this and I'm not saying please don't buy it or anything be sure that maybe you will not get the response that you want maybe you will not get support I don't know if you were going to get support it doesn't say anything he is not going to answer me so this is all in for you be sure to check it out be sure to see I will make a video for this I will make a video for all the plugins that I have bought and I will show you what i mean when i say bugs and everything else what i want to improve and anything that you might want you add in the comments you can add it here hopefully someday will get a response ok let's continue enough with that let's go to the oxygen plugins now the oxygen plugins are made from the sweetheart hopefully I'm saying his name correctly which is big something great in the oxygen computer community oxygen community he had support the oxygen community huh he had helped us with amazing plugins and websites and everything else and of course we have here the gag on which was former developer in the oxygen builder and they are creating some plugins here of course since we're talking for two person that have served us in the oxygen community we are talking about something good here I haven't bought it and I'm not going to and I will tell you why but if you want to check this plugin the first that they produced was the oxy class act which basically will copy the ID and paste it to the class so you can continue working without the need of going back to the IDE delete everything and then recreate them in the class if you have used oxygen you know what I'm talking about and if you go to here and says elect read more you will see that it has already been updated quite a few times I think it's about 10 times or something 12 15 times they are constantly make this plug-in better what I don't like is the price model so if I go and buy this plug-in let's see where is the price let's go for the checkout of the oxy class act remember these are three plugins that they have the oxy plugins where is the the price okay read more okay this is the 20 bucks for the undo let's go back and this is the oxy cleaner and this is 40 bucks so 60 in total 60 bucks in total and let's go back again and let's go to the next which is the oxy class and this it doesn't say price for some reason doesn't say price now before it said something I think they have removed it for some reason but I think it was about $60 or something through if you added that you will end up with in an amount what that is pretty close to the oxygen builder itself if we go to the oxygen builder website and let's go to get oxygen get it now we will see that the basic feature is 99 bucks and the agency at this point is 169 if you pay for three plugins 120 or something I think that it's not a good idea to add those things to three separate plugins I believe it's a better thing to do to create one plug-in with all three functionality not separate this those three into three separate plugins and I have wrote that to cidar and he's told me that he's going he is planning to add those in one plugin so hopefully this plug-in will be less expensive and you shouldn't pay more than the oxygen the builder itself to add functionality to that of course by all means you can buy everything this is a very good plugin and if you want to see how it works I haven't bought it you can see in the perma slug Channel of Jonathan and he has already bought it and he has used it and he says that it's a great plugin and I do believe him Jonathan knows what he's talking about so yeah this is something that I haven't bought because I have other plugins that will do the same with less money not all of those but the oxy class act okay let's go to the next one which is the oxy transfer and here they we have two separate plugins inside here we have the oxy cop copy and paste and we have the oxy transfer pro so I think there are two separate like games I haven't bought those either so please sorry if I made any mistakes be sure to take this out also and with this plug-in you can copy from one website with oxygen builder to another website with oxygen builder and element between those two websites so I think something grades you should have those features but I have found another plug-in that's they'll do the same with less money I don't know if it does exactly the same but it can copy and paste things so I haven't bought those also I haven't used it so I haven't a personal opinion about how the plugins works be sure to check it out if you want and please before try before bite please says and send them a message talk to them if they are going to offer support and everything else do not buy anything if you don't know more things about the person that is developing this is for everything not just for those plugins that I'm talking about let's go to the next one which is the live editor Pro I haven't bought that either this is something that if you're an agency and you're building websites for clients you may need something like that this will add the functionality that the client can go to the front-end and start editing the text without messing around anything else and you're not giving in any information about how the word the website is built so according to them because I haven't used it you can go and give him give the client access and he can go and type everything in the front end like if he's a member of course in the website and he can start changing the text and do changes of course I haven't used the plug-in as I said but I think oxygen will give you something not similar to that but something that you can do things like that with the Gutenberg if you have the agency packet you can create blocks that will can be added with Gutenberg and then you can say to your client go ahead and create what you want but these plugins will give him access to the page that you have already created with oxygen and they can go and change text if they want okay maybe they have text this text that they want to change every day or something and they can do it with this plug-in again I haven't used it let's go and see the price is 90 sub 7 unlimited okay 97 dollars a year okay it's not a lifetime deal and as you can see you can use it in unlimited sites now I don't know why this price is 97 dollars a month they will add all the current future plugins but I think it's way too expensive so let's go to the next one which is the agency tools this is also I think it's a new plugin it's $29 lifetime deal unlimited license and this will basically add some functionality to your CSS so with this you can add headings that will shrink whenever the page will shrink so you can go ahead and select in the global settings what you want and if you have the h1 which is maybe 60 40 pixels wide in the old screens you will want this in the turbulence tube in the tablet mode to be 30 pixels or 25 you can do that in every heading of the website and not just every time so if you're building website with oxygen this is something that you want now also they have some cable it's about global styling for colors and it says here that also some CSS variables with how they arrange those and this is what I said about the pixels of the the size wand and if you see here you will see that the this is the fluid that will be shrink as the page shrinks and as you can see here it changes the size and this is not changing the side because it's the original heading of oxygen builder and then we have the standard class library for the colors okay so this is what they offer this time they have they say that it's 29 bucks I have reached them and I have asked them if they are going to add some functionality other than that and the response there it says simply plug-in that does that and if you want something to be added please write back to us so they're going to hear you if you want if you have some ideas but I haven't bought it because I think personally that oxygen will soon add something like that of course if I had this plug-in I have already purchased this plug-in I will use it every day in every website because now I am going to every heading and go it's time to the mobile version and change the pixels and do everything if I had this plug-in I sure wouldn't so let's go to the next one which is the arrow pics not this is only the attribute okay let's go back because I know that they have two plugins okay this is the aerobics dot-com and they have two plugins at this moment the hydrogen Park and the oxygen attributes the oxygen are abused let's talk about that first it's a simple plugin that will add attributes in your oxygen okay this is how funny okay I just change the name you will you can add attributes in the HTML code so as you can see here you can add some class not class but other attributes and it's only 20 bucks now if you have already purchased the home the power pack you do not need this because they do the same not in the same way oxygen attributes can do more they have more dynamically they it's a little bit better like a plugin you can add some variants you can add stuff so if you're hardcore web designer and you do need to add attributes every everywhere or you want specific things you can buy this plug-in is very cheap it's 20 Doug it's 20 bucks only 20 bucks and I have used it I have bought it I have both these plugins for aerobics but if you only want to add once and while an attribute in the HTML you can do it with the oxy power pack and the next plug-in is the oxygen-hydrogen let's go back here let's close this and let's go to the hot rod gene power pack now this is something that I would encourage you to buy this is something that I already own I have tested out it's I think out in three weeks now and already has three updates ok the developer is pushing hard he wants to create something awesome at this moment they have it in 35 bucks and they will go up surely they will go up because he will add some stuff here and here as you can see you can right click so you have a duplicate copy and everything else that you see here on the guide I'm not going to read everything but you can right click here and speed your workflow you can delete more easily than just click and then go up here to delete and then we have the clipboard with the control-c control-v for Windows or command C command V for MUX and this is something great this is something that is for me here with the oak she not here the oxy transfer and not I don't know if it's the same because I haven't used the oxygen transfer but I have used this one and you can go ahead and copy from one page to of the other or from one website to the other if they Bo have they both have this plug-in installed and of course they have both both of those oxygen installed so you can copy a section and paste it to somewhere else you can copy a column or something a div and paste it somewhere else also they have improved the structure panel now if you add some divs inside div you will see though that you will have a bar in the oxygen builder inside here that you will have to slide but they think they do some they do sorry something very simple they just here going to reduce the width of these divs okay so this is something great and they have also add some functionality in then condition so it's a little bit easier to add something here this for the workflow okay also we have some shortcuts in the keyboard I'm already using the ctrl s for save because I constantly saving when I'm building with oxygen and they will have more features surely added now I would like here to get a change log so I can see what they have done of course I am already I have already bought it and I have joined the newsletter so I know whenever they release a version but I it would be good to have here a roadmap and to see what has changed what has changed and also he will create a roadmap to see what he will create later I have already conduct him and asked if he is going to offer a roadmap or something and he responds that he will create a roadmap but he won't first to fix some issues he's working in the plug-in first and I asked of him if he can do a copy class to ID if he can do break bones break points Global styling for text and heading if he can do many things and he said that he has already added those to his roadmap so I'm very excited up this plug-in I'm waiting for the roadmap to be out there and I'm using it already in every website that I own then we have the nympho nimbu file Nimba file this is a very strange plugin in my opinion it's something very unique and basically you can copy everything that you can see in every website no matter if it's a wordpress or not no matter if it's a oxygen website builder or not no matter if it's your own website you can go into the front-end copy everything that you see and paste it to your website I haven't used it I haven't bought it you can go ahead and check it out in the pricing it says here it's 30,000 kilobytes for 30 bucks now you're not going to spend all those very quickly and Jonathan in perma slag has already created a video about this if you want you can check it out and see how the plugins work I do not have any opinion of my own because I haven't tested out so this was all that I wanted to say about those plugins so to sum up if you want to add elements by the oxy power pack if you want to add some functionality going by the hydrogen pack those are the two plugins that I using most of the times I have already also bought the oxy where is it the not here the oak the oxygen editor enhancer I'm not seeing here every anywhere here I will add all of those in comments below in in the description below and everything else because I haven't tested out you can check those out and be sure to purchase something before they go and raise the price so thanks for watching guys sorry for any mistakes that I did I hope that you are everyone ok and in stay inside because of the coronavirus and hopefully I will see you all in the next video bye guys and thanks for watching
Channel: Stratos Tutorials
Views: 4,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boost Oxygen Builder with plugins to add functionality, oxygen builder, plugins for oxygen builder, oxygen builder addons, oxygen addons, OxyPowerPack, OxyPlugins, Oxy Tranfer Pro, Live Editor Pro, Editor Enhancer, Oxy Agency Tools, Oxygen Attributes, Hydrogen Pack, Nimbufy
Id: pgQn3t7jeIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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