Boonie Bears 🐻🐻 Briar's Bamboo Dragonfly πŸ† FUNNY BEAR CARTOON πŸ† Full Episode in HD

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[Music] [Music] Carnival show me the money I'm going to be filthy rich now it's my turn no [Music] way I can't compete with all those rides it's just not possible there's always something in my way it's just not my day huh but why can't Bears fly huh huh hey this looks amazing what is it Vic out of my way you think it's funny to knock a guy when he's down no of course not I just wanted to look well you've seen now scram let's go Bramble but but Bri it looks like fun I just want to know what it is come on can't we try it a just forget it bro come on just one more look H scramble yeah yeah [Laughter] yeah that looks like so much funer let me try not today we're going home let me ride it ramble it's for kids but I'm a kid at heart you're a grown bear so act like him hello there so I managed to get your attention h they're all the rage take a look now don't be shy the extra cool exterior the comfortable seat oh you're going to love it and I'll only charge you five fruits a ride special price for you honey five fruits a ride that's robbery Ram let's go what about three a ride come on this like giving it away oh only three fruits two then two it only costs two what one fruit Bri only one fruit can I just write it once oh Bo I'll be rich in no time I'll get enough food off these Bears to sell and make a fortune oh yeah well I get told fast I'm bored let's go hey Bears two for one three for one not thrilling enough for you I'll show you thrilling he's picked up something new what I got to try get back here Vick can I have a turn scramble yeah you just called this thing boring but today there's bubbles prior you should try it unless you're scared that's understandable what I can hit three bubbles with one shot Bri hello and welcome to the shooting gallery he's talked a big game but can he deliver I hope you believe in miracles folks and the bubbles begin it could be trouble for Brier can he hold on he does not feel comfortable he got one he got one three shots and only one bubble down not good enough why not try again I bet you can do it no way it's my turn now don't be a cry baby try again what I'm not being a baby you you moved that ride so I couldn't hit the bubbles right you must have cheated somehow I want my fruit back uhhuh quick B can I have a fruit no Brian don't be I have to fix the rocket better than ever see you tomorrow okay let me R it no we're going home that thing's dangerous Vick I'll come back tomorrow see you then oh yeah what's under the sheet logger Vick I call this little beauty the rocking go around whoa I love the Rock and go round now we can play on it whenever we want Bramble knock yourself out Bramble prior tell me when's the last time you played with your brother you're the eldest you should enjoy this time just go and play with him would you oh come on rer hop on go on go play with I'm going to be rich hey viick how come this thing's not moving um let's make it five today five okie dokie just kidding here we go oh yeah I'm having the best time with my bro Bramble Bri let's playy a k I'm cleaning I don't have time for that Brier you should try this swing yo Bramble run gotcha I found you now it's your turn to find me huh ramble I'm going to get you you can't outrun me so beautiful we ran out of fruit can't we play this one more time anyways than what out of fruit are you you'll just have to go home and get some more L Vic please let us ride just one more time pretty please this thing just goes round and round I'm over it it needs more excitement let's go wait Bri you got to make it even better Bramble hurry up we'll bring some friends by tomorrow okay uhoh my fortune is so close and yet so far the new paint job on these babies is great if I do say so myself the first ever Forest bumper car [Music] attraction oh the basket is full this is going to be a very fruitful day hey greetings check out my new bumper cars just race around and hit every other person it's the thrill of a lifetime and for today only two rides for the price of one guys this is a total waste I'd rather eat these fruits myself and to start ride for free free ride out of my way oh finally I am at the wheel to D I will go hey sorry Tiki you can only drive the car right here no driving to town of [Music] [Music] course come back yeah that's it now you're getting it for sure go ahead and hit him go on you can do it hey those tires are off limits okay hey Vic why is my car stopped logger why is my car being stopping free rides over you want to keep driving you have to give me more fruit more fruits huh I got it here let me help you money money money yeah now I'm moving TIY bab you have no way to run surrender or be [Laughter] [Music] bum oh yeah right you get off of there do you hear me out of way stop it yeah huh vlogger Vic are you okay he's out now we can have some real fun [Music] woohoo help [Music] me this time you be fine come and get me if you [Music] can oh my goodness I am not for liking the bubble cars babo what happened here thank you logger Vic we had a great time bye but does this happen to me Tiki's cousin comes to [Music] town watch it where are you off to so early I made a bet with Tiki to see who can wake up the earliest see you huh a it looks like Tiki's a noo maybe he's still sleeping that means I win I win I win yeah [Music] yeah oh fun how you doing man Dance come on what are you talking about doesn't matter I won the BET may I ask who you be you said that I couldn't do it but I huh did you just ask who I am what you trying to pull here you think you can fool me with that F who be you yelling at huh Tiki but then hi Tiki oh [Music] doie hi tin's cousin looks just like him I hope they don't act the same cuz that's what I do we're a big see this here of right boy are those your subjects H we got full bu [Music] branches of course they are how do you do all loyal subjects of tiki how you doing uh why they walk away coming this way you can be seeing here doy I am the king here and I am a fair King too oh subjects love me hey over here eyes not be so goodly never mind you must be having good time I'm starving I wish I had honey what's taking Brier so long huh what's that Tiki what's going on is that you Toki and dip oh you honey so yummy where did you find it H follow [Music] me did you [Music] get waren look what we brought you what wao here I come that's the biggest one I've ever seen thanks this is amazing I can see thank [Music] you they like toi more than me I am not liking them don't forget s you'll always have me you're the best babo huh I know needing those guys let's go yes my oh s wait for me hello Bri what's the matter dude we're stopping here hey was is there up ahead is where logger Vic lives logger Vic what's a logger Vic he's a lumberjack he cuts our trees and Bullies so a lumberjack you say uh-huh I got got to meet this man let's go Bley forgot to pay me again what am I supposed to eat now so [Music] hungry cat that's a huh they don't have care in the world they'll never have a boss that forgets to pay [Music] them F get it through your head Nothing in life free loger VI who's there huh hi huh uh go away what do you want watch this soing close leave it be monkey here you go hey what are you doing get those apples out of my face longer Vick these fruits were only meant to to help you don't pretend we're friends you can keep your fruit what a brat we were just trying to help come on let's go ah looks like they high tailed us out of here oh found you hey take it huh I've been looking for you uh I'm returning your food back what are you talking about that is not mine don't you remember you left these at my door is that true bab I'll give you nothing longer Vicki go away but they're yours not my they certainly are what are you doing why are you doing here take back they are not mine TK go away they are not mine you fool you stop right there and take these back I am not know what you are talking about you are a crazy person leave me alone you must take the back they not mine oh oh leave me alone I've got you now oh no they've got me oh come on this crazy I am never giving you fruit stay away I got you not good [Music] I'm [Music] hi what happened and why are there two of you J's my cousin he be saving you I'm sure was TIY anyway hi I don't need charity from the likes of you two what is he okay oh [Music] hi allow me oh it's a big [Music] one [Music] [Music] my house hi my friend hey guys come on [Music] yeah nice [Music] job he loger Vic we're friends friends help each other come on thank you that is the nicest thing ever awesome [Music] that c guy is the best they're having a blast I got to go what are you doing do not abandon me Vex [Music] diary [Music] I'm exhausted glad I'm finally done with work today time to relax in a nice hot [Music] bath who Could That Be it's the middle of the night H hey don't you know what time it is time it is it's time for your phone call with me remember of course I do yeah but I thought you'd be asleep very important to get sleep how can I get sleep when I've got employees like you nice one boss hey I delivered all my lumber this week didn't I you call that Lumber I wouldn't use that word for toothpicks I agree with you well I'll totally do better I promise you that much boss see that you do that's not why I called you then why'd you call huh I called to ask you something Vicki you know what makes a company great well do you uh money it's money right wrong answer it's people good people huh oh the people I get it so to make you have play you can I'm going to make you Vic Victor are you still there hello I nogging hello where are you fck I'm sorry boss I'm listening oh please go on all right I want you to start keeping a work diary every day work diary how that make me better I want you to start reflecting on your progress and to pinpoint how you can get better at your job it's called self evaluation self evaluation oh good idea Bosley you're one of a kind I can learn from you yeah you could but that won't get you a raise now I want you to start writing in that diary today and I want you to do it every day every starting today boss hello boss this will be [Music] fun huh why are you still doing it all get to work I'm heading out the door what a task master that guy's the [Music] worst it's my lucky day I've cut down some trees no sign of the Bears this one it's a beauty my alarm clock what noon already the morning just flew by guess it's time for some yummy lunch mhm [Music] it's not enough for me to eat well that's all I got diary time boring eight lunch at noon it wasn't enough without food I may not be able to continue can't go on without more money for meals voger Vick is at it again what should we do now mine [Music] is now let's split up well done now it's back to work want in the [Music] world I don't get paid enough for this [Music] Insanity oh boy that was close I'm getting too old for this Danger's lurking behind every corner it's good that I am so uniquely suited to the rugged life uh [Music] [Laughter] hor it's a dead [Music] end [Music] I thought I was done for well I should write that down keep away from The Hornet's Hive that's I'm so cold I'd better go and get my chaina h no Bears or Hornets in sight it's all clear H where's my chainsaw huh that's strange [Music] huh quitting time already huh [Music] uh [Music] hey what o my chainsaw how dare you cut up fruit with my chainsaw grab the fruit and run hey give me back my chainsaw today I outsmarted the Bears using my wit and my out standing straight Bramble are you okay you want my chainsaw in your dreams oh no you don't you stop right there what the right some stupid Bears broke my chainsaw hope the company will reimburse are you happy now I can't cut any more trees oh that's too bad well then I guess we're done here Bramble some watermelon don't swallow the seeds another terrible day yeah Micky I'm still waiting on that work diary from you well I'm not finished sir finish it I'm looking forward to reading your riveting and insightful work now hurry up today I cleaned my house [Music] entirely then I had some pretty good noodles for my dinner uh I used a different laundry soap today it smells of [Music] puppies worked too much today now I can't sleep this is how we scrub the cuq ball scrub the cuq ball scrub the cuq ball I'm worried that my job is contributing to my [Music] baldness [Music] hi hey Shakespeare you got it then so what did you think of my diary boss was it concise enough there's nothing in there but some guy whining about his job there's not one reflection Improvement or helpful tip if you hate your job so much then you're more than welcome to start looking for a new one and after all that you didn't even cut down any trees for me well I would have got him cut if I wasn't writing in that diary all day oh so it's my fault is it no boss I didn't me yourself a whole month's pain you can't do that to me I just did not again RoR Baboo [Music] dragonfly oh wow so nice today Bramble clean out some of that stuff you don't use I'm on it why' I keep this toss it hey my old sling side I'll keep that huh what's this thing it looks old and boring too how do it work it's junk H almost done I've got this mat looking like new what a great day for cleaning huh oh Bramble I told you to clean up not make a bigger mess is that my all done so clean and tidy Bri's going to be so happy when he sees this rer look what I did come see ramble huh care to explain this what oh it looked old so I just threw it out threw it out this dragon fly was my favorite toy huh I didn't know that bro I'm so sorry forget it Brier wait Brier bro don't be mad Brier it was an accident bro right go it was just just an old bamboo dragonfly I said I didn't mean it you're being so childish H childish you're the child around here you do what you want you only care about your tummy you never think about anyone else you couldn't let me have this one thing what a baby I'm not a baby you're not then what is that you have never gotten rid of a single one of your childish toys but you see my little bamboo dragonfly and you throw it out without even asking you're so selfish so what do you think about it Warren Brier was way out of line right I mean really how was I suppos supposed to know huh and plus when I tripped and fell PR didn't even care all he cares about is that toy it wasn't even a cool toy why do even like it tell me just listen I know you feel bad about Brier getting mad at you but have you ever thought that toy May mean a lot to Brier just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not important to Brier okay you think so this dragonfly was my favorite toy ramble try to imagine if someone had broken something you Lov I didn't apologize or even care that would hurt right you're right one it'd make me pretty sad so Brier he probably pretty sad too up now so now I go apologize [Music] h Huh why I'm never going to fix my bamboo dragonfly [Music] [Music] I've [Music] same old boring trees different day prle how come he's alone today that's [Music] weird that definitely works for me now it's time for some fun yeah I'm a genius maybe this [Music] honey and juice make great blue oh look at me a I'm chopping [Music] trees uh what you doing oh hey you're making a propeller how do you make this crazy thing oh M I know how to make them huh really how long have you been there ler Vic for a little while now hey you know what I can show you how to make one of these you can show me show me hang on only if you if I want I'll do it anything I've been too busy for cleaning I can clean your house for you okie dokie right follow me gramble [Music] Bramble where are you he's really mad this time ramble [Music] ramble R I'll leave you to your work H and you can leave me to mine see you all right let's do this just a little scrubby Dub here and a scrubby du there little bit of this and a wash wash [Music] wash grandle must really want this toy to be working so hard [Music] That Just About Does [Music] it you know this was actually kind of fun I should help Brier out around the house more often yeah Bramble hey Bramble can you hear me I've looked everywhere for him if I knew he would do this I wouldn't have been so mean to him huh lger Vick's place last place to [Music] look no way Vick's got a bamboo dragonfly making things always beats cutting them down Gamble's not here ler Vic H ler Vic I'm almost done with the cleaning way to go Bramble he can't be bothered to clean his own house but he'll happily clean Vicks I guess I'll start on the Windows okay sounds goodle huh how could you you'll clean for this logger but you won't clean your own own house I didn't do anything I just remembered I got to do a thing see you later Bri I can't believe it I was worried sick I looked for you all day long and I find you cleaning for Vic I'm disappointed huh Brier wait come back Brier wait bro don't be mad I made a deal with Vic that if I helped him clean his house he'd help me make a brand new dress dragonfly you did what mhm look see huh M huh Bramble do you know why I love this toy well I not really Brier because it reminds me of playing with you wow it flies so high huh oh no it's stuck forever [Music] bble I'll get it down for you be careful Brier don't [Music] worry I got it for you make it Fly for me Brier [Music] hey rer rer make it Fly here [Music] goes it's so so hi come on let's follow it why am I freezing where' my quilt get to what happened to it my pillows are missing too oh my it had to be that bear raino come back with my stuff a logger's best friend part [Music] two hey Oreo Lun time yeah what you know that bowl is [Music] mine they just love each other don't [Music] [Music] they what was that he fell off what have I done okay let's not panic Bramble why'd you eat my lunch sorry bro I just felt hungry you're always hungry did you hear that it came from those bushes let's check it out isn't that logger Vick's pet dog he looks injured maybe logger Vick didn't want him so he just left him out here maybe so we better help [Music] him thank goodness you're awake your leg got hurt but don't worry I'll put some medicine on it so you can get better real fast okay gramble I'm home that's a big fish let me have a b this fish is not for you hey little doggy you must be hungry huh you don't like fish you know dogs don't like fish here let me handle it for him I got this hey hold it Bramble leave some for him listening all done if Vic finds out Oro is missing I'll be punished in recent news there have been an increasing number of stray dogs being found on the street the authorities have sent them to local animal shelters please take good care of your pets so they don't get caught by mistake that's it those poor homeless dogs I wonder where Oreo and the cat are [Music] sure it's been a long time since they left could someone have taken them huh oh you're [Music] back uh where's Oro what do you mean by that don't tell me you tricked Oreo and got him lost no no no no no oh how can I explain to him you want me to follow you there might have been an accident come on let's go are these Oreos paw prints the authorities have sent them to local animal shelters please take good care of your pets could it be Mar was taken for a stray dog it looks like the proofs in the pudding he's been caught oh Oreo it's all my fault I should have kept my eye on you well that was a success these May convince Vic that Oro was caught and sent to the animal shelter this is the only way oh Fabian I can't get rid of you you're all I've got left I've got more fruit huh for such a little guy he e almost more than me well you know he's a growing pup his wounds are healed now he's limber is a [Music] deer hey pup here boy little guy do you know how many Forest are destroyed because of logging every year our home gets smaller and smaller you can't help Vic keep cutting down [Music] trees ban ban you keep watch I get to work and you better keep your eyes open I mean it you'll hear me huh oh I thought I heard a bark is it H Oreo Oreo Oreo surely not where are you [Music] Oreo what are you doing my dog how could you [Music] hey Oro what are you bargaining me for Oro come here you're my dog darn it e that's OD why is he acting like that he doesn't know me you turn him against me no way Vic we didn't even have to he's protecting the forest yeah and how could you abandon him that's right we found him in a bush that's bad Vic found him in a bush huh oh really I was told he was sent to the animal shelter oh Fabian I better die faan ah time to go Fabian I saw you huh would I get hold of that cat you're dead meat Fabian Oro come on let's go [Music] okay come on here we go right here that's it Oreo good boy isn't that a lovely little dogghouse for you just remember this is your home look oh so yummy all your favorite treats right here what's the matter with you don't you remember remember the good times we had wer Vick hand over the poocher Vick you let him go I bought him he's mine Oreo what the [Laughter] wayo come on let's go home you've got too far where's my gun in other news a black puppy was kidnapped by a dog trafficker the owner is offering a huge reward for anyone able to help return the Lost pup if you find it please contact us after all hey little guy here do you want a tasty bone huh what what's wrong with him who wants to play Frisbee hey prior he seems low in spirits oh no do you think he's sick H maybe something he ate when he was back at logger Vick's House no what should we do come on we go ask Vic [Music] okay huh ler Brier where's Oreo no way I'm not telling you hey loger Vic why do you want the dog so badly he doesn't feel very good and he looks really sad tell the truth you guys are misunderstanding me I saw in the news that Oreo's a stolen dog and his owner is looking for him right now what he's just so sad because he misses his mama and his owner we have to help Oreo get back to them uh according to the news report this is it come on guys come on all right now Oro I don't blame you for not being friendly to me but I want you to know you're the cutest puppy I've ever seen Oreo so sad we sure are going to miss you my little Oreo ler Vick it's time to send him home let's go boy H who is it huh is the puppy we lost daddy daddy look what I from my [Music] puppy goodbye you know Vic it's late let's go home huh fruity juice [Music] that's it another bottle H see Bosley I'm a pretty smart person yeaha hey bossley it's Victor it's about this month's pay when can I be expecting it well I've invested a large sum of money in the fruit business recently right now I don't have much money left I'll just pay you this month's salary in Fruit I'm guessing that you will not object no no no no that's okay in Fruit it's already on its way it's settled wait you can't come on it's Preposterous he's paying me a fruit again why does he keep doing this to me it's just not fair vlogger Vic come get your fruit what am I supposed to do with all this fruit [Music] [Music] it's just too much I can't eat all of this fruit unbelievable I'm just a sucker huh my word Vicky [Music] Eureka I'll juice you I'll make a fortune from your nectar oh yeah it's a plan here herey fresh fruit juices here come and get it unpolluted and all natural guaranteed squeeze fresh today come and get it it won't last long come on some juice over here hey this juice is delicious tastes good I'll have three before I come back again soon thank you oh this is just [Music] perfect that's kind of strange I haven't seen logger Vic at all today huh oh maybe he just decided to take the day off what do you say we go to his house and have a look okay I'm going to going to be rich in no [Laughter] time I should empty [Music] [Laughter] it what's he doing over there is he making some kind of logging machine let's check it out huh why are there so many bottles it's fuel for a logging machine Bramble huh hey [Music] bro smells good yummy did you hear what I said don't drink that I'm sorry bro but Brier it's not fuel it tastes just like apples and it's so yummy smells just like apple juice to me and some other fruits too hey that machine must be the juicer Nick is just making fruit juice it isn't a logging machine so this is fruit juice huh I think I'll have more hey Bramble those are not for you if you want juice you can make it at home come on let's give it a try oh Sho Sho the fruit is starting to rot what am I going to do I was just beginning to get better at this juice business I've got to think of some way of preserving it [Music] sugar Bramble toss in some more fruit all right the more the marrier Brier uh this is just chunks of smashed fruit a I I want the liquid thing like the [Music] drink that stuff at Vick's place was delicious well how's it taste well it would be perfect if we could separate juice okay then I'll give it a shot oh Bri wait we shouldn't waste food I almost forgot your stomach's an endless pit I'm so tired haven't you had enough yet well I feel like I still still got room for more I shouldn't have asked you're just not doing it fast enough bro how can you possibly beat Vick's machine that juicer thingy so many bottles of tasty [Music] sweetness hey hey Brier maybe if we take this fruit to Vick's House he'll let us use his machine Bramble wait wait wait we can't always rely on human machines taada a these rotten apples won't be a problem with a little bit of [Music] sugar the juice will be as sweet as it ever could have been when fresh get your fresh juice here you'll love it oh the best fruit ever and additive freak and did I mention it's only $5 you can't afford to miss it I'll have a bottle please how many can I get for you sir three and you hey over here me too I'll take six bottles guaranteed super satisfaction wait a minute this juice tastes like rotten apples sir that's totally impossible eh my juice always taste like that doesn't matter so here he is thank you come anytime he's selling it Bramble why thank you I can't watch I can't huh fire I bought one h h remember having any apples here Bramble it's not okay to steal Bramble what's wrong it tastes so gross it's sour and sweet and it smells bad like a rotten apple that's been dipped in honey what's wrong with you hold this I got to huh hey beautiful fresh juice is great for the complexion hey would you like to try some on me hey don't try to pedal that poison off on me I saw what happened earlier people getting sick I don't think so pal not me Brier I need to poor guy me and lger Vic are going to have a talk want to try no no hey come back no please try what will it hurt it'll help you walk faster hey there dude want to try some juice huh drink it and you'll be as handsome as mey Str [Music] Danger want to try it for free come on people who says it's causing stomach [Music] aches it's just a few measly rotten apples in there what's the big deal anyway so that's what happened Bramble stuck on the toilet and it's all because of your rotten apples see I should never tried F juice impossible hold on uh I drank the juice as well and my stomach is acting normally maybe you're just being a little bit jealous I'm making lots of money what look what's happened to Bramble you think we faked that because we're jealous of you you haven't sold one single bottle all day don't you wonder why because your juice is rotten you greedy sneak you lied to us and you materials to make a profet don't you even care about other people look at bro there just look I'm out of toilet paper just a sec bro where do you think you're going huh SP it out repeat I will be an honest man I will never trick people and I'll never log again you hear that say it okay okay okay I'll promise you anything take anything it's all my fault I should have never sold anything rotten and I'm not going to cut down a tree ever again really Bramble are you done in there I really need to use the toilet right now I'm not done yet hey Bram could you take over you're getting a little heavy fresh juices taste much better finally got rid of all that fruit now work ler Vick you made me a promise get back here Mr [Music] Hercules what was that I bit my tongue Don't Panic bro for safety's sake I blocked the door with a big Stone last night nobody's getting in who's at the door I'm sorry I knocked too hard and broke your door um a Brier and bramble H it's Max what brings you here uh you've got the wrong person uh I this is for you huh my dear Briar and bramble this is my younger brother Hercules who was born with extraordinary strength several days ago he destroyed our house by accident when hoing in the field it'll take some time to rebuild the house could he stay with you yours Max oh I see so you're Hercules he looks exactly the same as Max Hercules come on in huh [Music] mhm you must be pretty hungry after such a long journey here have an apple please oh that's very kind of you but actually I'm not hungry uh enjoy it just make yourself at home um what's wrong with that Apple are you all right are you okay Hercules um it it's so moreful I shouldn't have used that much strength I'm Hercules Hercules are you all right I'm sorry I didn't mean it I on purpose I can't control the power inside my body all my friends don't even want to play with me maybe we could do something to help them Hercules cheer up your strength is a huge Advantage right bro bram's right you could use your gift to help others in need oh do you think why yes of course put your I can do it we have been stuck here for an hour I'm trying but it's just too heavy hey you guys what's going on the S was on an inspection of the forest then the wheels got stuck and I can't push it on my own hey her you think you can handle this one buddy mhm oh I could help you push the Handcock and you what this is Hercules Max's younger brother he's stronger than he looks you sure he just heavy no problem s I'm coming for you I messed it up uh uh don't worry about it it was just an accident uhhuh don't be upset Herbert what are you doing ramble I got a big turn up here and it's stuck pretty good I don't know what to do Hercules do your stuff but I you can do it mhm maybe I could help you really that'd be Mighty kind of you huh it flew away Hercules are you okay um what in the so sorry it took me all year to dig this new house I don't know what you are kid but next time don't do me any favors Hercules wait Hercules just take it easy it'll go better next time who what's the matter the past few days I've been collecting a supply of food for the winter I'd been flying for so many hours so I felt a cramp in my wings and I fell I'm less than halfway through the Journey what am I going to do it's terrible well where are you going to um that really tall tree over there Hercules you can do this mhm you can do it Hercules Ready hooo Aim Fire thanks so much Hercules he did you hurt yourself oh my trouble again I'm just scared for nothing I'm worthless I can't do anything I'm useless Hercules Hercules huh where'd he go come on let's check this way huge strength is not a gift it's a curse to me I can't do anything but my [Music] trouble I was just eating walnuts not cutting tree Max I'm not Max if I scared you I'm really sorry hey Max long time no see you seem a little more powerful I thought you were the Bears I'm his brother you're so strong crack this for me I listen this walut is amazing but I'm having trouble cracking the shell if you can do it I'll give you [Music] half you're incredibly strong I'm sorry here just take it down a notch try again uh I'm afraid I can't just tap it you'll only need to use half your strength half of my strength perfect now one more time H come on let's get some more then yeah Hercules where are you Hercules where did he get to I really need the rest bro I'm running on empty here huh huh look over there longger Vic is picking on Hercules huh do it use that super stength you got it that's it now hold on keep going step away from the hamster that's right how can you force him to work for you leave Hercules alone it's not what you're thinking I was just get back here Rumble it's not like that I wasn't bullying anyone pick the chicken up yeah we saw you you'll never believe me there's a cliff [Applause] [Music] Cliff prior don't drop us I'm Too Young To Die hi Hercules thank goodness can you pull us up right I'm on it don't worry but what if but we break the rap and you all fall Hercules you're the only one who can save us Hercules You' got to believe in yourself oh no no I'll mess up Max huh maxi just think walnuts the walnuts yes you can do it I know you can just use half your strength half of my strength like cracking walnuts half of my strength I'll give it a try yeah gently and [Music] slowly Hercules you saved us you're my her [Music] right Hercules you saved us it's cuz of you guys that I could do it especially you Vic you taught me how to control my strength thank you I'm sorry logger Vic huh we misunderstood you we didn't know you were helping Hercules so your name is Hercules mhm I'm Max's little brother who would ever have thought that I would have a knack for teaching [Laughter] wow Hercules you're just like Superman wa Hercules you're amazing so long Hercules see you see you later bye I will'll do bye everyone I'm coming home Max you're going to see a brand new Hercules
Channel: DreamToon Show
Views: 4,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forest frenzy, boonie bears, boonie bears movie, boonie bears english episodes, bear brothers, boonie bears in hindi, boonie bears english full episodes, boonie cubs, boonie bears adventure, bears cartoon, funny cartoon, animated cartoon, boonie cubs in telugu, bonnie bears, boonie, cartoon bear, homeward journey, boonie bears cartoon, we are bears, summer party, cartoon in HD, full episode,
Id: AGSB7eizevs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 28sec (4228 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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