books i read in march

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hello everyone it's me jamie and i read 13 books in march that's probably the most books i have ever read in an entire month like during my whole time on booktube like wow i am very impressed with myself it's probably due to the fact that i did two 24-hour readathons in march but hey let's not invalidate my accomplishments and let's get straight into the books also just a note if you haven't been here before i don't talk about synopsises when i do my wrap-ups because usually i talk about the synopsis for certain books in my vlogs and tbrs so i'm very sorry you will not be getting synopses for these books but you will be getting all my thoughts and also i really don't have time when it comes to 13 books so yeah anyway hope you enjoy let's get into it so the first book i read in march was felix's ever after by case and calendar i absolutely freaking loved this book this is a why a contemporary i read it this five out of five stars like i cannot articulate how much this affected me i literally cried happy tears towards the like end of the book like in the last few chapters i was crying happy tears which is just crazy i've never done that with a book before the beginning i really wasn't sure the writing was good but it didn't blow me away right from the get-go i also found some of the dialogue to be like not super funny and when it comes to like contemporaries that are supposed to be like feel good i really like my dialogue to be like sassy and hilarious and like really had have a bit of edge to it whereas this didn't at the beginning but by the end of the book i was like it's just not that sort of book it's more than that it's so beautiful felix's journey throughout this was absolutely stunning i also didn't know where the story was gonna go we have a love triangle in this book and it is one of the best love triangles i have ever seen because we did not know who felix was going to end up with i didn't even realize who felix was going to end up with until the very last like few chapters of the book and i was like oh my god that makes so much sense and it is a character that i was rooting for as well so beautiful stunning love it the characters in this book were so well-rounded i think this is just such a powerful book for the trans community it validates and empowers so many voices in in the queer community in general and i was absolutely just so touched by this book i cannot recommend it enough i'm going to be reading many more of casey calendar's books because this is honestly shaping up to be one of the best books i have read this year i wouldn't be surprised if this just tops everything at the end of the year and this is my number one favorite like genuinely this is a new favorite book for me and i'm gonna stop talking about it now because i have nothing bad to say i have no critiques this is just everything and everyone should read it speaking of beautiful stunning empowering queer books i also read the three hearts topographic novels so we've got volume one here volume two and volume three these graphic novels we're just saying this is actually the first like graphic novel series that i've ever read i've read mangas before and i have no problem with like reading that sort of format so this is the first like graphic novels that i've ever read and honestly now i'm obsessed i absolutely loved these the art style for these books is so beautiful and it tells so much with literally like no dialogue like if you actually look at this page there's like four words total but you still get so much of this really beautiful and rich love story i think our main characters nick and charlie are just so beautiful and watching their journey this is another one where i was really really close to happy tears as well i have no idea what it's like to be confused about your sexuality because i feel like i have known from a very young age which way i swing and who i am attracted to and so seeing someone come to terms with their sexuality and experience you know a queer romance and queer attraction and their life for the first time was just so important to me in my personal life i actually do have a friend who has come out of the closet recently as well and so i also feel like reading these graphic novels almost made me feel closer to them in a way and i feel like it's so so great that like this art form has managed to do that honestly alice oseman is just so good at creating these characters and alice osman is literally one of my favorite authors like i i just love these books so much and if you haven't read graphic novels i do believe that this is a really good place to start i know that they're really popular and a lot of people have read them but yeah i just thought this love story was so beautiful and i know i didn't say it before but i think it's pretty obvious 5 out of 5 stars all round so stunning absolutely loved them the next book i read was the last true poets of the sea by julia drake this is another why a contemporary and it is a retelling of 12th night however i didn't know it was a retelling of 12th night until after i read it and i looked at the goodreads synopsis it's a very loose retelling i feel like this was shaping up to be a really really good book at the beginning but i ended up writing it three out of five stars just because it didn't grip me at all and i didn't feel connected to the characters i also did read it at like 5 a.m in the morning for a 25 hour readathon so you know that could be another reason why i didn't love it as much but i still think that it was a good book just not like my favorite i just didn't really connect to it i feel like it dragged on quite a bit and i feel like a lot of it could have just been edited out i feel like there were a lot of points to the story that weren't very necessary and i really didn't buy the chemistry between the romance that we see in this book i kind of almost wanted our main character to end up with someone completely different which is a shame because this is a female female love story and usually i just would die over that but yeah unfortunately in this case i just didn't like it as much so actually if you do have any other female female love stories please let me know because i've only read a couple that i really like this one i just it just fell a bit flat i think the dialogue was really really strong i really loved our author's voice and i definitely will be picking up more books by her but unfortunately this just didn't grip me enough for me to rate it any higher than three stars next i read the simple wild by k.a tucker this is a romance this is another three star read for me i hated our male love interest that's the truth of it i liked our female love interest she was like a hashtag girl boss hashtag building her vampire anyways loved her for that but yeah male love interest disgusting misogynist like he kind of warmed up with me at the end like i kind of was like okay i kind of get it like he's just you know he's just a little misogynistic he's a little bit ignorant and now he's being tamed by this girl boss feminist but i really didn't like him like he had nothing good to say about girls wearing makeup it like he just didn't understand the world beyond his like tiny little alaskan town so i just really didn't like him i didn't like his ignorance and i didn't like the way he spoke about women what i really did like about this book however was the relationship that we saw between our female main character and her father this story while the romance was basically at the forefront i really really appreciated that we had another b story that was just as important and in my eyes just better i really love stories about people having rough relationships with their parents and i really like when those stories have happy endings that was honestly probably the best part about this book i'd say it's a high three stars rather than a low three stars purely just because of that story line and i actually am and i know that there's a couple of sequels for this book and i actually am interested in reading them because i would like to see where our main character ends up so yeah this book is really good a little bit overwritten at some points because i was like okay we really do not need this much detail but other than that a pretty well written romance and yet again i'm interested to see where our character goes and also i nearly cried but not quite so that's just something to think about it is a little bit sad but it cannot bring the tears out of this cold heart so yeah the next book i read in march was vicious spirits by cacho this was so disappointing this was the sequel to wicked fox which is a book that i rated 5 out of 5 stars incredible vicious spirits unfortunately only got a two-star rating for me what i really don't understand is the choice the author made when deciding to follow two side characters rather than the two main characters that we really got to know and love in the first book i also feel like the romance in this book just moved way too fast and way too swiftly it kind of comes out of nowhere it's supposed to be enemies to lovers but everything just happened too quickly for me to really embrace that trope and yeah i also really didn't understand like the villainy in this like the villain's motivation i think this book would have been so much stronger if instead of having this new villain we were revisited by the villain in the first book because that was such a strong antagonist and this book unfortunately failed in that i also just think it's just a common mistake that authors make when they see how much people love their side characters so they turn them into the main characters but they're just not as charming in that role like they're kind of distanced to be side characters and that's why we love them so that is basically all the reasons this book just really disappointed me like there were some really good moments but it just wasn't very strong and it was very disappointing and yeah 2 out of 5 stars i'm sorry however where vicious spirits lacked the burning god made up for it this is the book by rf quang and it is the third and final installment in the poppy war series five out of five stars i sobbed at the end of this i literally sobbed like i was on the phone to my friend and i was like uh um can you just like shut up for a second because i'm finishing this book and he's like okay yeah that's fine i'm just playing games i was like okay cool and then i got to the final chapter and i just started crying and he goes are you okay and i was like no i'm not okay it was a very visceral experience for me i've never fallen in love with the book series so much like i genuinely believe that the poppy war is my favorite fantasy series of all time this book was so rich and so dense with so much content that i just loved it was very political very very heavily focused on the war and the military we were reading a lot about strategies and a lot about planning those bits that almost feel like it could be too much of that and it could be a little bit getting a bit repetitive and boring whenever you felt like you were just getting to that point the payoff was so worth it this book is so easily written if kwang is like one of the best authors for action sequences usually with action sequences i skim i don't care i'm just like okay let's get to the romance subplot let's get to the you know banter between friends this i was fully engrossed in all of the action and that is so rare for me when reading fantasy books i honestly no longer trust rf quang because this book did not go where i expected but that's just all the more reason to give it five stars i've never been so emotionally affected by a fantasy series and this book is just incredible and just had the perfect conclusion to such an amazing story i will never ever forget about this book it is also along with felix ever after one of the best books i have read all year and if you haven't read the puppy war series please read it please read it i have seen some idiots recently talking about the poppy war on youtube and being like just saying stupid things about it but can this just be my personal take the poppy war is is better than what you think it is before reading it like it is one of the most dense and complicated fantasies i can't really speak on this but i just genuinely believe this book is so so important to the group that it is speaking on to the asian community and i just you know with all the stuff that's happening in the world i just genuinely think that this is one of the best books that you can pick up one of the best fiction books i believe that you can pick up to educate yourself on the history of a continent that you don't live in so please pick up the possible series please read more asian authors and just support the series genuinely like sorry i know i've gone on a tangent and i'm not making that much sense but i'm just so passionate about this story just thinking about the end is literally making me tear up again so i'm gonna move on to the next book the next book i read in march was bully by penelope douglas this book i rated three out of five stars i have read penelope douglas before and her romances are the type of romances that i really like enjoy but in a way that i enjoy junk food like they are so ridiculous and this was just more of the same the reason it was three out of five is just because i don't think i can even write a book like this higher than that like this was just kind of ridiculous and there was so many things about it that really angered me but it kept me entertained so it gets the three stars for that i think our main characters were really annoying i don't think how male love interest was the worst toxic male love interest that i have ever read but still toxic nonetheless but i guess that's kind of the point of penelope douglas's books so i really can't fault her for that and i'm choosing to read about these toxic men for fun so you know why not our main character was pretty dumb and i really don't like how forgiving she was just because i personally am a very vindictive person and if someone wrongs me i never forget i forgive but i never forget whereas this girl forgave and forgot so swiftly and i was like sorry no so basically the whole thing is that like you know she's getting bullied by her ex-best friend but then they're like in love you know that sort of it's a bully romance whatever but then there's this whole plot line where her best friend starts like dating the bully and our main character is like excuse me he treats me like and then the best friend is like no you just need to give him a chance sorry that girl that's grounds for divorce in my opinion that girl would not be part of my life that girl would be ghosted by me so i really didn't like that whole aspect it gave me a lot of rage so but you know three out of five stars for that like at least it made me feel something i may or may not read the rest of the books in this series like the companion novels i might if i'm ever feeling bored and i kind of want that toxic drama in my life but yeah three out of five stars read it if you want it's not bad it's not good whatever the next book i read in march was the empress of salt and fortune by nevo this is a fantasy novella i rated this two out of 5 stars i just really didn't care for it i didn't really i thought it was kind of boring and i feel like the lyricism of the writing was a little bit more than the substance we were given and when it comes to fantasy that's just not really what i care for i mostly read fantasy for plot and characters so yeah there's really not much to critique when it's only like 100 pages long but i just didn't really care for it i know that a lot of people love it though so if you do want to hear more about it maybe listen to someone else that isn't me a lot of people say that it's a very strong like fantasy fearless tale which i just didn't see for myself but maybe i'm dumb two out of five stars next i read full disclosure by cameron garrett this was a four out of five star read for me i really did enjoy this i thought it was a really really powerful story about you know a girl with hiv and how she lives her life it was very informative to me because i honestly don't know that much about hiv i know about the aids crisis in the 80s but i don't know that much about people who live with hiv in this current day and age so this was very eye-opening what i also really liked about this book was just i guess it kind of had to be because we're talking about hiv but what i loved about this was how sex positive it was our three girls in this book were masturbating like there's no tomorrow and i think that's a really really important thing to talk about in a ya book like this because it's just showing that it's completely normal and it wasn't like someone's first time masturbating or you know the masturbation being like a huge thing that they're like really scared of and this he's a stigma about they were just masturbating and there was no song and dance about it they were just masturbating and i think that's a really important thing to have in a book like this the main character was a virgin and kind of her whole story was about how she wanted to have sex and fall in love and be in a relationship one day but she wasn't sure if she was able to but i just really loved the world that our author created one thing that i didn't like as much was just how heavily focused it was on musical theater because our main character was obsessed with musical theater and i kind of hate musical theater and hate the musical theater people and that i know personally so i didn't love that aspect of it and it was so there was so much talk about musical theater as well but that is much more of a personal preference rather than like a general critique so that's another reason why i couldn't really give it five stars also it wasn't as hard-hitting as i wanted it to be it was definitely more like it was a hard hitting in some sense in the subject matter but in terms of like what actually happens in the book it was a lot more like fun than i thought it would be and i kind of wanted it to be really sad but again that's just a personal thing because it wasn't what i personally expected i do think it's a really good book if you like contemporaries i definitely really really like it and i think it is a really important and informative novel as well so definitely give it a go i am by no means saying that i didn't like it i really did like it those were just my like small nitpicky details next i read shadow kiss by rochelle mead this is the third book in the vampire academy series and i've talked about the vampire academy series so much on my channel recently i absolutely love this series i have been reading a different vampire academy book each month this year and i will do the same for bloodlines once i get to it and yeah really enjoyed this novel i did however rate this three out of five stars just because i don't think it's the strongest book in the series i feel like it's much more of a filler book before we get to the meat of the series in the later half they're what that's basically the only reason i still loved the characters christian has become one of my favorite characters like adrian i love but christian if you've read this book you will understand what i mean because christian just absolutely kills it with the funny one-liners in this novel and yeah still loved all my characters still loved rose and dimitri and i think the strongest part about this book is definitely the ending but i think that's pretty fair to say because it on that's what's leading into the rest of the series still absolutely so much love for this book it was a high three out of five stars but i just can't put it on the same scale as vampire academy and frostbite which are four star reads but still love it and also check out the live show from the ladies at st vladimir's readalong because they do such a good job of discussing these novels so i will link that down below actually i love them so much and love this series and the final book i have to talk about is the guest list by lucy foley i really liked this this is a thriller and i rated it 3 out of 5 stars i think if you've never read a thriller before this is a really good place to start because while the writing isn't super complicated and it's not shakespeare by any means it's still really fun and kind of gives you everything you would need from a thriller there's so much mystery there's so many plot twists and twists and turns i found that a lot of people's critiques is that they could see where it was going the entire time but i might be stupid but i couldn't i was so surprised at every plot twist which is kind of why i love thrillers so much and i guess one of my favorite things about thrillers i try not to guess the plot twists i try not to guess where it's going because i love being shocked and this had about 20 different plot twists in it so honestly that just entertained me so much i also loved how modern this book was in terms of like pop cultural references like they were talking about timothy chalamet someone referred to someone as getting the ick when they went off their boyfriend which i feel like is a very modern phrase and yeah i just really liked it characters were all disgusting a little bit unrealistic again which is why it is a three star read really enjoyed this maybe might even bump up my rating to four now that i think about it but yeah such a super fast read there was only really one storyline that i didn't care about but everyone else i was really invested in like there was no one that i was favoriting it was just the one guy that i was like ooh don't care about you but everyone else i was like yes give me more definitely recommend this book really enjoyed it and such a good way to end my march reading so thank you everyone for watching this video i feel like i have run a marathon with how many books i have spoken about and i know i'm gonna have to edit out so many things that i just was rambling about for ages but yeah again thank you so much for watching let me know what your favorite book was in march and another reminder that all my social media links are down below so come say hi to me on twitter and goodreads and yeah again thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in another video bye but she says [Music] nobody
Channel: jaime's library
Views: 6,151
Rating: 4.9872613 out of 5
Keywords: booktube
Id: jmszsZeQi9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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