best and worst books of 2021 so far

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hello everyone it's me jamie welcome to another video hello how you doing so today i'm doing what i think is called the mid-year book freakout tag exactly i've got all the questions prepared and i just wanted to talk about some of the best and worst books that i've read so far this year so this tag is created by chami i will link the i guess the original video or the original tag down below honestly she's created like a revolution on booktube because i've seen everyone and their moms parents brothers boyfriends girlfriends do this tag i have the questions down below so let's just get into it thank you scrap is it glaring at me okay so the first question is the best book you've read so far in 2021 and i have chosen such a fun age by kylie reed this was actually one of the first books i read this year and it was such a good way to start off the year i rated it 5 out of 5 stars basically this novel was just so addicting i read it in under 24 hours it was just excellent i feel that the conversations that the author had with the audience about race and society and performative activism and family values literally so much was packed into this book yet it was such an accessible read this is definitely a book that i would recommend to people that don't read adult fiction very often because i found this was just like such a page turner and it didn't have like a super pretentious writing style despite talking about these really serious topics it was just like yeah this is this is what it is and it was just so good the characters were really really amazing i loved our main character amira she was just excellent and i feel like even the villains in the story were also really really well fleshed out and i really still really enjoyed reading about them even though they were like disgusting human beings literally the only criticism i have of this book is that it was too short because and that's only because i wanted more it still had like the perfect amount of content the perfect amount of story structure like i didn't need anything else i just wanted more but this was such a good book i would recommend it to so many people i'm pretty sure it was the goodreads winner for debut author in 2020 so yeah it's excellent chloe did you like it yeah i loved it chloe loved it too so you've got me and chloe's seal of approval and caitlyn loved it too so honestly powerpuff girls seal of approval what actually more do you need the next question is the best sequel you've read so far in 2021 and i chose the burning god by rf quang this is the third and final installment in the poppy war series and oh my god i have never loved a final book so much this was just stunning it was just amazing it's honestly disgusting that none of my friends have read this yet because i need to talk i need to discuss when i actually finished this book i was on the phone to my friend and he was sleeping and i was just like on the phone like reading my book and i started crying like fully crying like sobbing and he's like are you okay and i was like no i'm not okay it was just that book it had all the emotional depth it was just such an excellent end to such a huge saga i would ride so hard for the puppy war for the rest of my life like this is one of if not the best fantasy series i have ever read in my life i feel like the journey that our characters went through on this book was just so human even though they're not really humans well they are but they're shamans but yeah i don't even know like they're just the characters journey the ups and downs it was just so amazing the relationships that were developed and destroyed was so good and even all the political and military intrigue was still super super interesting like i didn't read this book wanting more of anything else it was just exactly what it needed to be it was so hard hitting and i would just die for this book i didn't want to do double ups but if i was doing double ups this would be best book i've read so far in 2021 it was just everything and if you're a fantasy lover i just think you need to read the poppy war and the series in its entirety i have loved fantasy for a long time but sometimes i'm not in the mood whereas reading the puppy war like got me in the mood and the rest of the books in the series were just as good as the first if not better so i love this i would die for it i've talked about this in so many vlogs as well so like if you've been watching my channel for a while you'll know that i love this series the next question is a new release you haven't read yet but you want to and for me i picked yoke by mary h k troy it's honestly disgusting gross horrible that i haven't read this yet because i love mary h.k choi emergency contact and permanent record are two of the best books that i have ever read so the fact that i haven't read her new release is disgusting it's disgusting this book came out on march 2nd of this year so it's been out for a while this is a wire novel that follows a girl and her older sister i think it's very very tragic i've heard that it's really sad there's also a romance in here but what i love about mary hk choice books as well is that like they're considered by a but they shouldn't be most of our characters are like in their first year of college and they experience very adult issues and they're very much like coming of age novels but not coming of age as a teenager it's more like coming of age from a teenager to an adult and that's why i love her so much because i feel like out of all the way that i do read mary h.p choice books are the ones that i relate to the most it's just disgusting that i haven't read this i've read every other book that she's released so far so i will be getting to this asap i'm actually going to be reading this this month i might even be reading this when this video is uploaded so keep an eye out because this is very much high on my list the next question is the most anticipated release for the second half of the year and i've chosen you've reached sam by dustin though well first we'll look at the cover exactly i feel like if you're on book twitter you have seen this cover around a lot because i feel like this is a very anticipated release for a lot of people in the reading community basically this is a really heartbreaking story about a girl whose boyfriend tragically dies she goes to the funeral she comes to terms with his death and then one night in a moment of grief she calls his phone just to hear his voicemail and his voice one more time and her dead boyfriend actually picks up and they have a conversation so it's a story about love a story about loss and second chances and that is just so intriguing to me you know that i love to cry and i love to be emotionally distressed at the course of art so this just looks very much up my alley i'm obsessed with the idea of this book and i can't wait to read it it looks amazing and i can't wait to shed all the tears the next question is the biggest disappointment in 2021 and i chose vicious spirits by capture the reason this was so disappointing to me is because this is the sequel to wicked fox wicked fox is a book that i rated five stars and this unfortunately for me was only two stars it really did not hit the mark i was very disappointed by this i think the main problem is that with this book it wasn't necessarily a companion novel like it was a follow-on from the original story because there was a big cliffhanger at the end of wicked fox but instead of following the characters that we fell in love with in the first book we followed the side characters and some characters while they're amazing are just destined to be side characters they just don't fit well as the main character i felt the same way about crooked kingdom last year and i know that's a controversial opinion but i just feel like our side characters who became our main characters in this they just didn't have the dip that me young and jihoon did in the first book and even though like everyone loved these characters when they read the first book and our author clearly loves these characters it just meant that we sacrificed a pretty good continuation from an already like really good almost perfect story so i felt that was a big disappointment for me i also feel like the villain in this book wasn't as strong the villain in wicked fox was incredible and had an amazing motivation and i feel like maybe we could have brought that villain back for this one but we didn't and so we got a new one and it was just really strange it felt like a completely different story it was also just kind of boring and that was really disappointing for me so yeah this is definitely a big disappointment because i was very much looking forward to reading this and following the characters in the world that i loved so much in wicked fox but yeah very disappointing and i believe this is a duology so it's not really like cacho can redeem herself with a final installment but i will still be reading other books that catro releases it's just this one was it's just not what i expected and i just genuinely think objectively it isn't a very good or well-written story either the next question is the biggest surprise in 2021 and i actually chose the heartstopper graphic novel series the reason i chose this is because all of the books in the series were 5 out of 5 stars and for me when it comes to like really loving a book so much it's never a book that i've read in one day it's never a book that i spent a small amount of time on i really fall in love with a book when i'm reading it over a longer period of time because it just sits with me for a longer amount of time so i have that time to fall in love with it but i fell in love with these books instantly and even though i read them all in the space of like 30 to 45 minutes it just consumed my entire brain for those 30 to 45 minutes and for more time afterwards these books really sat with me i absolutely fell in love with them this is actually the first graphic novel series that i've ever read i've read manga before but i have never read like a graphic novel series so the fact that i loved this so much was just incredible charlie and what's his name charlie and nick were just like two of the best characters that i have ever encountered and i just love them and i would die for this graphic novel series even though i just threw it to the ground sorry chloe but yeah love them love them love this very surprising about how much i love this like literally this lives in my mind rent free obsessed the next question is favorite new author and that can be debut or new to you and i've actually chosen silvia morino garcia who wrote mexican gothic so far this is the only book that i have read by this author but i intend to read like literally everything this author has put out because of how much i was obsessed with the writing style in this mexican gothic is definitely one of the best books i've read so far this year and that just means that sylvia morino garcia this is the first book i've read by her and i just want to read like all of her backlists now she also has a new book coming out in the second half of this year and of course i am going to be first in line at the bookstore to grab that book when it comes out so yeah i definitely cannot wait to read more of this author i just think the way she discusses feminism in times where feminism wasn't very prominent for example like the 1950s and her new book is coming out and it's set in the 1970s i just think that is such a fun and incredible thing to do i just love her i love her feminist voice and i love that her horror is really unpredictable and you never know what's coming so yeah i love this author i'm definitely gonna be reading many more of her books and she has earned her place in my favorite authors i don't know category whatever hall of fame yeah the next question is your newest fictional crush and i don't often have crushes on fictional people i usually just like enjoy the story enjoy the characters but i don't really have crushes however when i reread punk 57 by penelope douglas this year i was like who the am i kidding i did read this last year so you could technically say this isn't a new fictional crush but when i read it last year i gave it four stars i was like yeah this is a fun story this was good whatever when i reread this it's like i fell in love like i literally fell in love with this book and misha the male character from punk57 that is my type exactly like that is my man i will have to fight my friends over him but that's fine i am obsessed with him he was just so toxic but in a really fun way misha's mine well you didn't even mention him in your video for new inspectional crush yeah cause he's my second husband my first oh he's my first husband so like really of all time like fictional i can't think of anyone else at the moment i thought you didn't like emos he's not even like an emo though he's a punk true but he's like tattoos and like italy i like tattoos anyway i love him that rereading this book just made me realize how much i loved him he is just yeah so toxic like i said but in the best way possible which is very entertaining i feel like our relationship would never go stale and i would just like the idea of him to be obsessed with me i love people who are obsessed with me so hi love it the next is newest favorite character and i chose eve brown from actual age brown this was actually kind of a hard one to choose because i feel like i've read a lot of books this year but i feel like eve brown is a character that really really stands out to me i just loved how realistic she was i loved how kind of like messy and unorganized her life was and how she didn't have a lot of motivation and she didn't know what the she was doing with her life she was kind of childish she can had kind of been coddled by her parents and i wouldn't say that i had these like super rich parents who have coddled me or anything but i really relate to a lot of what eve was going through especially with like what the am i doing and still feeling like a child at heart i feel like that was something that i could really relate to like i don't feel like an adult despite turning 25 next month so i feel like this was just so fun i loved watching eve come to terms with like her identity and also just falling in love with someone as well who is yeah watching jacob and eve fall in love like if i could choose both of them i would but at the moment like eve just has my heart i love how quirky yeah she is and yeah i just love this book and i love all of the brown sisters but eve in particular really spoke to me the next question is a book that made you cry in 2021 and i chose the invisible life of eddie larue by v.e schwab this is another one of like the first books that i read this year and i loved it it was 5 out of 5 stars for me i loved how long it was people say that it's repetitive i didn't really feel like that i feel like all of the places that addie revisited something really necessary happened at all those places but this just really broke my heart i just love love love tragic love stories and i loved the idea of that while her love story in this wasn't necessarily full of passion and drama it was exactly what she needed at that time and whether it was kind of like wrong person right time and i feel like those stories and those learning experiences just really really touch my heart so this brought a lot of tears there are a lot of just really really stunning sentences that have made me feel like they had kind of summed up how i felt in moments that i just couldn't describe i feel like the schwab really just went into my brain and went into my past and just pulled these phrases out that i had sitting there but just didn't know how to articulate and it was just a really really beautiful tragic love story and it had a lot of tropes that i really really love and it just made me cry it was i read it at the perfect time as well it was just stunning and i would i would die for this book and any criticisms no offense you're wrong so the book for the next question which is a book that made you happy could actually be the same answer for the last question as well because it made me really happy and it also made me cry but it made me cry happy tears and that is felix ever after by casein calendar if you watched my 24 hour readathon vlog where i read this you will understand i actually captured my happy tears on camera this was just so beautiful this was such an amazing story about first love and identity and just coming to terms with yourself and all the obstacles that people have put in front of you that hinder you from coming to terms with yourself i just loved it and the ending was so satisfying i also didn't see the ending coming like this had a love triangle in it that was a genuine love triangle i did not know who our lovely felix was going to pick and that was just incredible and it made the payoff at the end so worth it i just love the lgbt community oh i just feel seen at the end i know yeah there's just such an amazing pride parade scene in here and it just made me so happy and i just love this book so much and it just made me like even though i personally am not trans it just made me feel validated as a queer person and i feel like isn't that the whole point of queer literature to see yourself represented even if it's not like a carbon copy of you i still feel like a lot of people in the community can relate to a lot of the stuff that felix was going through and the other characters were going through as well so i just love this i would die for this exactly made me so happy and made me cry but in the happiest way possible the next question is the most beautiful book you have acquired so far this year and i feel like i have acquired a lot of really stunning books but i just chose one that i brought with me from home and that is possession by a.s byatt i feel like this isn't the typical like stunning exclusive edition hardback that a lot of other people on booktube would display but this cover and everything the art style this is exactly my aesthetic this is what i love like this is the sort of art and paintings that i am drawn to so this is just beautiful it seems like a very almost like vintage like hello but i cannot wait to read this book i have been wanting to read this for ages i've heard it has secret history vibes in terms of writing style so obviously i'm very excited to read this and there's a reason i brought it with me possession of romance exactly so the next question i'm kind of cheating with but it's a book you need to read by the end of the year and i actually filmed a 21 books i need to read in 2021 video in january and i have read quite a lot of books on that list but there are still quite a few that i still need to read so i will link that down below but basically just off the top of my head i need to read ninth house by leigh bardugo i need to read children of blood and bone by tommy eddie emmy i need to read a little life i need to read the gilded wolves there's a lot of fantasy on there that i still need to read i think i still need to read the priority of the orange tree yeah there's a lot of books on that list that i need to read but i have every intention to read them it would just be amazing if i could at the end of the year be like yeah i read all the books on my 21 books to read list i think i've read maybe about like seven or eight i better get to it for the sake of the year but now that i'm with chloe it's gonna be so much easier to read like i have so much more motivation so let's get to it jamie let's get to it okay and the final question i feel like i'm gonna have a very similar answer to everyone else but it's your favorite book to movie adaptation this year and it's not necessarily a movie but i feel like i'm not cheating because i feel like everyone's gonna say this but the shadow and bone netflix tv show i adored watching that tv show i didn't necessarily love the shadow and bone series i loved six of crows but i feel like what this tv show did is it made me fall in love with the characters and the story of shadow and bone and that's great i mean there i had some issues with six of crows i literally could make an entire video about all my thoughts of shadow and bone because i made my friends who hadn't read the series also watch it and the amount of discussions we had where i also explained why something wasn't the way it should have been like it was just yeah but i loved watching this i loved the discussions that it brought up with my friends i think i watched it in the space of a week i loved it and i think it's probably one of the best like why a fantasy adaptations that we've ever seen so honestly can't wait for season two can't wait for nina and matthias to join the gang obsessed so those are all the questions thank you so much for watching this video i cannot wait to watch more mid-year book freakout tags honestly i love this video i love seeing like everyone's reading life why did you just throw a book at me psycho so i was gonna throw it at your head but i thought it might be too painful so i thought i would just try to scare you welcome to my life living with the famous books with chloe honestly but yeah thank you so much for watching this video um i hope you stick around to the next one i will also link colleen's down below my redo book freaking yeah oh yeah thank you yeah so yeah thank you so much for watching and a reminder that all my socials are linked down below slashing with the barn girl sorry i was gonna say um can we appreciate how stunning jamie looks in this quality stupid i love you thank you um are you gonna like cool so thank you so much no also chloe but we already know that because you're filming this quality all the time literally majority of your comments are like wait you're so beautiful so you don't need it you never compliment me yes i do well anyway we all know that i think chloe is studying beautiful sexy stunning so beautiful this is the reason why we're dating okay we're not dating i need to say that right now so thank you so much for watching this video and i will see you very soon in another one bye bye she says [Music] nobody
Channel: jaime's library
Views: 13,788
Rating: 4.9559321 out of 5
Keywords: booktube
Id: lnG5Vj2vSEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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