Book of Revelation Explained 16: Redemption in Revelation (Revelation 5:2-5)

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as I told you last week the scroll that God is holding in his right hand in Revelation chapter 5 verse number 1 is the title deed to earth you see in the beginning God gave to Adam dominion over all the earth now the word Dominion is the Hebrew word ROC da and it means the authority to rule or control so Adam and his descendants were given authority by God to rule the earth in a sense God gave Adam the title deed to earth it was his to rule but when Adam sinned he forfeited his Dominion and he subjected himself and all of creation to futility turn with me if you would to the book of Romans chapter 8 verse number 20 it says for the creation was subjected to futility not of its own will but because of him who subjected it in other words because of Adam now to understand the significance of what Adam did you need to know what the word futility means so I want you to underline that word in your Bible hopefully you've turned there in your Bible futility is translated from the Greek word Matt diet days which means that whatever you're talking about is no longer operating in the way that it was designed to you see Adam was designed to live forever in fellowship with God creation was designed to operate in a manner in which nothing was harmed or destroyed animals didn't prey on one another the lion ate hay just like the cow the bear did also so the cow and the bear could graze together and lie down together you didn't have hurricane she didn't have tornados it was a perfect world but that all changed when Adam sinned as a result of the fall Adam spiritually died which led to physical death and now all of us physically died and we no longer have fellowship with God now of course don't get ahead of me through Jesus Christ we are now no longer in enmity with God but we have fellowship with him but when Adam sinned man no longer had fellowship with God the world was also subjected to futility which means that it no longer operates the way that God designed it to now animals prey on each other severe weather causes death and destruction but the worst thing was Adam sewed himself and all of creation into the bondage of sin and the only hope of ever being set free from that bondage was to be redeemed you see the law made provision for those sewed into slavery to be set free through a process called Redemption turn with me if you would to the Book of Leviticus chapter 25 verses 47 through 49 and you need to understand we're talking about the law here because if God is going to do something he has to do it legally who is known as the lawless one the devil is the devil does not obey the law you need to understand that God obeys the law so whenever God does something he has to do it legally so the law made provision for Redemption in Leviticus chapter 21 verses 47 through 49 it says if an alien or a temporary resident among you becomes rich and one of your countrymen becomes poor and he sells himself to the alien living among you or to a member of the aliens clan he retains the right of redemption after he sold himself one of his relatives may redeem him an uncle or a cousin or any blood relative in his clan may redeem him or if he prospers he may redeem himself so only a relative could redeem a person from bondage and in order to do so he had to pay the price of redemption which was equivalent to the debt that the person owed you see the most common reason that a person would sell himself into slavery is because he accumulated a debt that he couldn't pay so in order to pay off that debt what he would do is he would sell himself into slavery and the only way that he could be redeemed as if a relative paid the price of redemption and again that was equivalent to the debt that the person owed only after the debt was paid in full was that person set free now in Judaism the person redeeming a man from bondage was referred to as the kinsman redeemer and that's very very important all right so I want you to pay close attention to that term there was also a provision for the redemption of property which applies to the earth turn with me again to the name chapter in Leviticus Leviticus 25 let's read verses 24 through 25 throughout the country that you hold as a possession you must provide for the redemption of the land if one of your countrymen becomes poor he sells some of his property his nearest relative is to come and redeem what his countrymen has so so according to the Jewish law a man could be redeemed and his property could be redeemed if a relative paid his debt and people that's exactly what Jesus did Jesus is our kinsman redeemer he paid the price of our sin to redeem us and to redeem the earth now according to the Jewish law once the redemptive price has been paid in full a title deed was drawn up on the inside of the scroll was written all of the specifications along with the terms of the sale in any of the other details that you wanted to add on the outside where was the signature of the witnesses then you rolled up the deed and you sealed it the title deed gave the kinsman redeemer the authority to transfer possession of the property at his discretion you see since he's the one that paid the the redemption price on the property the seals bore his official impression that meant that he was the only one who could break the seal so only he had the official right to open the seals and officially allow the possession of the property to transfer back to the original owner does that make sense good so it was up to the kinsman to determine when the redemption of the purchased property would go into effect you see sometimes it wasn't to your advantage to exercise your right to the property immediately so even though the price had been paid and you had every right to take possession you waited to claim the purchased possession you waited to complete the process and that's exactly what Jesus Christ has done with us Jesus has paid the full price of redemption everything that was owed he paid and when we receive him as our personal Lord and Savior were born again but our bodies have yet to be redeemed and the earth has yet to be redeemed look at Ephesians chapter 1 verses 13 through 14 it says in him you also trusted after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and whom also having believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession that's very interesting what he's saying is once you're saved the Holy Spirit comes to reside inside of you and he is the guarantee of what he's the guarantee of your inheritance what you're going to receive and how long is he guarantee until the redemption of the purchased possession you see Jesus has already purchased us by his blood he's paid the price of our redemption so we are a purchased possession we've been bought by the blood of Jesus Christ but the redemption of the purchased possession which is us and the earth hasn't taken place yet in other words our physical bodies have not been redeemed yes we are born again but our physical bodies haven't been redeemed that's why we have these mortal bodies that's why we get sick that's why we get old and we die neither has the earth been redeemed yes the price has been paid but the process hasn't been completed but it's coming and it's coming very soon and that's what the book of Revelation is all about now when it's finally time for the full completion or the complete redemption of the purchased possession two things are going to happen first the rapture is going to occur at that point our physical body will be redeemed this mortal body will become an immortal body in fact our body is just is going to be just like Jesus Christ resurrected body secondly Jesus is going to step up and he's going to take possession of the title deed to earth and he's going to exercise his right to take possession of it to open the seals now he's the only one that's able to do that we're going to get to that just a minute but as the kinsman redeemer it's his legal right to do that and that's what Chapter five is all about so let's pick up where we stopped at last week at verse number two it says and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof now I want you to visualize what's happening try to picture what John saw John saw a strong angel that word strong is the Greek word its Kouros it means strong but more importantly it means muscular so you so john sees an angel who probably looks like arnold schwarzenegger did when he won the mr. universe title and this angel is crying out with the loud voice who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals now i'm the type of person that always wants to ask why something's added in the bible because you need to understand something if a detail is placed in the bible it's there for a reason so if john says it's a strong angel he means it's a muscular angel i want to know why did he add that and i wanted why in the world would he comment on his physical appearance well i really don't know but i kind of wonder could it be because his physical appearance is intimidating and it's meant to deter anyone coming forward to try and look at the scroll or open it if he's not worthy let's face it who wants to dare come up with a big muscular angel there a strong angel and say well let me see if I'm worthy to open up that nothing no one's gonna do it and so I kind of wonder if that's why he did it but anyways whether or not that's the reason let's get to the worthiness because this this strong angel cries out who is worthy to take the book or in other words take the scroll and to loose the seals now to understand the significance of being worthy you really need to know the etymology of the word does everyone know what etymology means it means the study of the origin of a word and how its meaning evolved over time so let me explain the urgent origin of the word and how its meaning has evolved over time the word worthy is translated from the Greek word Axios now originally Axios meant to bring into equilibrium and it referred to the process of balancing a scale a scale like the one that you see up on the screen now let me explain how Axios came to mean worthy let's suppose that what you were to put God on one side in fact let's be a little bit more specific let's say that you took God's attributes and God's characteristic and you placed it on one side of the scale what would happen well immediately that side of the scale would go down and the other would come up right then you begin to start putting honor praise and glory on the other side of the scale now when the amount of Honor praise and glory brings the balance bar into equilibrium with the attributes and characters of God that's the amount of Honor praise and glory that God would be worthy of do you understand what I'm saying accion or Axios actually means to bring into equilibrium let me give you another example to illustrate what I'm talking about I might need to get two or three examples because I really want you to understand this concept of what worthy means suppose a man is convicted of a crime when you put his crime on one side of the scale of course it goes down it tips down and the other side goes up so in order to weigh out the punishment that he's worthy of you start weighing out punishment on the other side of the scale now when the amount of punishment brings the balance bar of the scale into equilibrium that's the amount of punishment the men would be worthy of that's why when someone's being punished and we find out his crime we'll say well he's worthy of that punishment and what about rewards let's suppose that you wanted to find out what rewards you were worthy of well you would take all of your good deeds and you would place it on one side of the scale and your goodies hopefully would cause it to go down let's suppose it did all right so it calls us to go down the other side go well now we start putting in pieces of reward on the other side and we continue to put rewards on the other side until the balance bar is brought into equilibrium when it's brought into equilibrium that's the amount of reward that your good deeds are worthy of now does that make sense that's very important because that's what the angel is wanting to know who is worthy to take the scroll and to loose the seals now what does he mean by that statement well again remember that the scroll is what it's the title deed to earth and in order to legally lay claim to the title deed you've got to redeem the world and how do you do that how do you redeem something how did it live it occurs chapter 25 tell us that you redeemed something you redeemed it by buying it you had to pay the debt that was owed right right so you paid the full price of what's owed and that was called Redemption so how do we calculate if someone is worthy to take the title deed well we take all the sins of the world and we place it on one side of the scale then you begin to put the punishment on the other side of the scale until there's an equilibrium that determines the debt that has to be paid in order for there to be redemption for making sense and the person who's able to pay that debt and does pay that debt is the only one that's worthy to step forward and take the title deed to earth only that person has the right to loose the seals and redeem the earth why because he is the Redeemer he has paid the debt now some of you say well I would pay a little bit it doesn't matter if you can't pay all of the debt you are not worthy you cannot bring into equilibrium what is necessary to pay for the sins of the world now let's go back to this concept of the kinsman redeemer the reason I kind of reviewed at the beginning of the sermon is because you need to understand the concept of the kinsman redeemer if a relative did not have the ability to pay the price of a person's debt he could not redeem them or their property let's say that my brother Doug got into a bad situation had a lot of debt and back then he had to sell himself and his children and his wife into slavery as a relative of his I would want to redeem him I would go to find out how much the price or how much it would take in order to redeem him but if I didn't have the ability to pay that price guess what I would not be considered worthy to redeem the person or the property interesting now we know that Jesus is worthy for two reasons first of all because he is a kinsman he was born of a woman and as a result of being born of a woman he was a human being as a man he's considered a relative and he qualifies as a kinsman that's why he had to empty himself and come as a man it's kind of interesting but have you ever asked the question well why didn't God just pay for the sins of the world why did he have to come as a man because God has to do everything legally and in order for redemption to take place it has to be a kinsman redeemer it has to be a relative so Jesus had to empty himself and he had to come in the form of a man turn with me to the book of Philippians chapter 2 verses 7 through 8 it says but he emptied himself in other words he emptied himself of his deity was he still God you betcha but he didn't use his power of deity when he walked here upon this earth he walked as a man and because he was spiritual live and he had never sinned he had the Holy Spirit living inside of him he was the first spiritually alive men that demons and the devil saw since the fall of Adam that's why the demons could always recognize Jesus as it was every other human being they saw they could look inside and they could see he spiritually did do you realize today that demons can look inside of you and they can tell whether or not your occurs why because if you're a Christian you're spiritually alive you've been born again you've been regenerated and as a result of that you are spiritually alive but until Jesus Christ came the demons had never seen a man that was spiritually alive since the fall of Adam does that make sense and so when Jesus came he came as a man he emptied himself and he took the form of a bondservant and he was made in the likeness of a man secondly Jesus paid the full price of redemption in other words he paid for our sins now we know he paid the full price because when all of our sins were paid for Jesus was resurrected now if you've ever heard me teach on this it's a wonderful teaching but Jesus was legally raised from the dead the Book of Leviticus says that the man which doeth these things referring to the law shall live by them in other words if a man could live perfectly he would never die he would live when Jesus Christ came he only did what he saw his father do and Jesus fulfilled every bit of the law he did God's will all the way up to the end of his life in fact Jesus did the will of God when he was made our sin because that was God's will that he take upon the sin of the world and so in actually becoming our sin he did the will of God and He fulfilled the law if you remember the two greatest Commandments what's the first in the greatest commandment to love God with all your heart soul and mind what's the second greatest commandment that's like an adverse to love your neighbor as yourself there is no greater love than a man lays down his life for his friend so when Jesus laid down his life for us when Jesus was made our sin he actually fulfilled the law and Leviticus 18 5 says the man which fulfills the law shall live and so when Jesus was made our sin and he died he literally went into hell and he paid our price he paid for our sins and when all of our sin was paid for a god looked down into hell he saw so that had never sinned what does a little bit cos 18:5 say the man which doeth these things in other words fulfills the law shall live gotten looked down and saw a man that had never sinned he saw a man that had fulfilled the law and he was able to raise Jesus from the dead legally does that make sense so we know that Jesus's is worthy because he's the kinsman redeemer he is our relative but we also know that he paid the price in full and the reason we know he paid the price in full is because he was resurrected if he was still paying the price for our sins he wouldn't be resurrected only when all of the sins were paid for could God look down there and resurrect him from the dead all right but I'm getting ahead of myself at this point Jesus has not stepped forward yet so let's look at verse number three verse number three says and no men in heaven nor in earth neither under the earth was able to open the book neither to look thereon now I want you to notice they're looking for a man it doesn't say there was no angel there was no spiritual being there was no living creature it doesn't say that it says and no man in heaven now who's in heaven at this time the Saints the Saints are in heaven at this time the only men that's up in heaven at this time are the Saints because this occurs after the rapture so we're all up there and so we're up third we're looking around and there's the scroll and let's redeem the earth but not one of us in heaven is worthy nor in earth those left behind neither under the earth neither one and all three places were able to do it no one was found worthy and as a result John began to weep look verse number four and I wept much because no man was found and again it had to be a man because it has to be a kinsman to do it legally and I wept much because no man was found worthy to open and read the book neither to look thereon now why is John weeping here that's a question that we need to ask well it's very simple John was weeping because he understood that if no one is worthy to take the scroll and to loose the seals it means that the world would continue on in a sinful condition forever John understands what that scroll represents he understands that that's the title deed to earth and the only way that the earth is ever going to be restored back to the way it was before the fall is for it to be redeemed and again as I went through that long little teaching at the beginning of this sermon and what the kinsman redeemer did if you remember once the kinsman redeemer came and he paid the full price they made us grow and they took all of the significant parts all of the terms of the sale anything you wanted add and they wrote that in the scroll that wrote it up and they sealed it and they put the impression of the kinsman redeemer on it and the only one who could open the scroll was the person who redeemed it why because it's his impression that's upon the seal and as a result of that John realizes that if no one steps up and takes this and is worthy to do it and to unroll it that means that the world will never be redeemed that means that the world is going to continue on in a simple sinful condition for all of eternity unless it actually destroys itself without any hope of ever being set free from the bondage of sin and John becomes overwhelmed with that thought now what's kind of interesting in the Greek when it talks about is crying it actually means that John began to sob it overwhelmed him to the point that he was doing that type of crying have you ever been to that point for your crime talk ever been there that's the type of weeping that John was having now again the reason no man has found worthy is because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God all men are in the bondage of sin they can't redeem themselves let alone the world now I'm not going to get into the study of Christ ology in fact that is the study of Christ is Christ ology but it's kind of interesting in order for Jesus to redeem us he had to be a hundred percent man and he had to be a hundred percent because if he was just a hundred percent man and not a hundred percent God he would not be able to die for the sins of the world he'd only be able to die for one person but because he was a hundred percent man in 100 percent God I'm not going to go into that but when we study Christ ology or study Christ I've done that before we realized that being God he is able to die for the sins of the world not only past but present and also future and he can pay for every sin that's ever been committed because he's also God and he can do it in a matter of three days interesting but we're not going to go there but the reason that no man has found worthy is because all other men are in the bondage of sin and they can't redeem themselves let alone the world verse number five and one of the elders said unto me weep not behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof the Lion of Judah and the root of David or messianic titles now if you read the Bible quite a bit you've run across the line of Judah you've run across the route of David it's a messianic title the title line of Judah comes from Genesis chapter 49 verses 9 through 10 the title root of David comes from Isaiah chapter 11 verse number 1 / verse 10 now the lion is a symbol of power and strength it's the most mentioned animal in the Old Testament did you know that there's no other animal that's mentioned as many times in the Old Testament the lion it's mentioned over a hundred and fifty times in the Jewish culture it's thought of as royalty we have picked that up from the Jewish culture because it's thought of as rule - we refer to the lioness what the king of the jungle the lion is also the symbol of the tribe of Judah why because the Messiah of the king will come from the tribe of Judah so when the Messiah does come he is the lion he is the king of Judah does that make sense the title root of David denotes Jesus royal lineage I want you to underline that word root he's referred to as the root of David root is the Greek word harissa harissa harissa is both the root and the sprout that grows from a tree that's been cut down now let me see if I can explain this how many of you have ever cut a tree down and if you're like me you don't like that big old stump that's sticking up right so what do you do you tried to cut the stump as low to the ground as you can now after you've cut that tree down and you've got that stump that's pretty close level how many have they ever gone back maybe two or three years later and all of a sudden you see new growth that's coming up from the side of the stump it's growing up and out of the stump or the trunk of the tree people that's her Itza it's that new growth that's growing up and out of the root you see the roll line of David was cut down like a great tree but from the stump of that tree from the trunk of the tree that was cut down a branch shot up and that branch is the Royal Prince that branch is the Messiah you see Jesus is the fulfillment of the promise that was made to David turn with me to first Kings chapter 9 verse number 5 do you realize that God made a promise to David notice what he said then I will establish the throne of your dynasty over Israel for how long forever for I made this promise to your father David to your father David's talking Psalm over here to your father David one of your descendants will always sit on the throne of Israel in other words as long as Israel is a nation guess what one of your descendants will be sitting on the throne and so all of the sudden you see the line of Judah but you also see this root of David and the word root means the tree has been cut off but because it's been cut off all of a sudden you see there's new growth if it's growing up out of and all of a sudden it's starting to grow up and its own tree coming from that root now Jesus is that descendant of David and he's the fulfillment of this promise he will always sit on the throne of Israel what's kind of interesting is when we get to the end of the book of Revelation and we come to the Millennium we're going to find out that all of the nations of the earth will come to Jerusalem do you want to know why guess who's sitting on the throne in Jerusalem during the Millennium Jesus is fulfilling this promise that was made to David that's why it's referred to as a son of David but anyways now this elder tells John to stop weeping because the line of the tribe of Judah the root of David has prevailed now I want you to underline the word prevailed he has prevailed to open the book and loose the seals what does he mean by prevailed that's kind of an interesting word there that word prevailed is translated from the Greek word Nakano now I've used this word quite frequently it's used quite frequently in the Bible what does Nick I mean remember when we studied Nicolaitans I said the word Nicolaitans is a compound word is made up of two words the prefix nação the same word and Latins where we get the word lanty and the Nicolaitans is the priesthood over the late in other words the priesthood ruling ruling or conquering the laity this word Nakano means to conquer does that make sense do you realize that Jesus is the great Conqueror his victory was won on the cross which we're going to see in just a little bit but through the cross he conquered sin and only conquered sin but he also conquered death and hell and he gained the victory and that victory over sin is how our redemption was secured through the cross our sin was paid for through his resurrection victory was attained and that's what has earned him the right to take the scroll and open the seals that's what he means by he has prevailed in other words he went out to purchase this possession he came out to redeem the world that was the purpose that Jesus came to desert to redeem us and to redeem the earth and when he did do this he actually prevailed and because he prevailed because he attained victory he is now or he now has the right or the authority to take the book to open the scroll and loose the seals that is one has earned him the right to do that now when John looked at Jesus he fully expected to see a lion because the lion is powerful and a lion is strong but when he looked at Jesus he didn't see a lion he saw a lamb
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
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Keywords: revelation explained, revelations explained, the book of revelation explained, the book of revelation explained bible study, revelations explained bible, in depth study of the book of revelation, in depth study of revelation, how to study the book of revelation, the book of revelation, revelation 2021, end times 2021, when does the rapture happen, End Times Question & Answer with, pastor allen nolan, Allen nolan, allen nolan daniel, apostle john, the resurrection of jesus
Id: SShTwGMH-h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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