Book Nook / Hobbit Hole/ Tutorial
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Channel: Samy - Modellbau
Views: 318,187
Rating: 4.9835672 out of 5
Keywords: Diorama, Gebäude selber bauen, Eigenbau, Modellbau, Layout, selberbauen, Modell, modellhäuser, tutorial, selber bauen, modellbahn häuser, gebäude, Tabletop, building, yourself, Build, houses, Medieval, mittelalter, wargams, tabletop, step by step, step, Wargame, scratch building, haus, stadttor, wargames, deutsch, styrodur, realistisch, Miniaturen, Figuren, historisch, lordoftherings, herrderringe, hdr, lotr, gamesworkshop, auenland, hobbit, hobbithole, hobbithöhle, hobbits, frodo, bilbo, gandalf
Id: Yt1GukPwBGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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