Boogie2988 Deserves His Failure | A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏ Reacts to SunnyV2

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a lot of people have wanted me to see this now as somebody I I've been watching Boogie on and off ever since like ever since uh Wrath of the Lich King I don't remember what year it was uh basically the way that I determine all time zones and all eras in my life is through wow expansions and not years so yes I've watched Boogie on and off ever since Wrath of the Lich King so this is somewhere between 2008 to 2010. he used to play WoW as well and so I was like oh this is pretty cool this guy plays wow he talks about he's popular Etc over the years people have grown to dislike Boogie and we are going to watch a video on why he apparently deserves to fail here we go well he recently announcing that he's basically broke shouldn't be a surprise to anyone as if you follow all of his incredibly poor choices made over the last four and a bit Years you'll understand that bankruptcy was almost unavoidable so let's begin by looking what are they doing you'll understand that I I do feel like buying a new car is not like it is a bad idea but I don't think that's really that bad like buying a new Tesla is not like buying a 200 000 car it's a decent investment like a new car like the thing is like I have a lot of friends that spend money on really stupid [ __ ] so like my Spectrum for like dumb money decisions new cars pretty good bankruptcy was almost unavoidable so let's begin by looking at October 2018 in which Boogie's main source of income his YouTube channel slowly began to die up until this point Boogie had established a reputation as an overweight yet friendly nerdy gamer who people considered Charming since he was totally fine with each of his flaws yeah well people like making fun of the fat guy did you guys know that when he wasn't playing his fat France's character Boogie was telling wholesome stories about his personal life with one of the more notable ones being a video titled what it's like to be bro in this video Boogie explained that he'd grown up in a family environment so they had decent income it's just they didn't like to spend it on us so he had like a bad relationship with his mom and it was like just it just sucked at least on me and that as a result of that it was now much wiser with his income now you know what I do with my money every single dime every single penny goes into the bank because I don't ever ever want to live that way again which felt both inspiring and relatable especially the thing is that for me um every single dollar and Penny does go into the bank or it goes to Wendy's or Chipotle or something like that but I still live the same way I did whenever I was broke because that was [ __ ] fine you know I I get I I get beef jerky all right we'll say that I do get beef jerky that shit's expensive but other than that yeah pretty much the same actually since Boogie highlighted that he now only spent money on things that would improve his videos I used every dime to buy better computer equipment to get better to get better to get better and after just a year and a half I was able to go off because I started earning my YouTube income this desire to improve the content by the way uh speaking of that can you guys start giving me some insight into like how I can buy a a better camera like I saw that Marcus Brownlee video and he was just like the quality of that camera was so good if somebody can link me that camera and like how I can buy it I probably will buy something like that 10 unsurprisingly resulted in better uploads and by early 2014 Boogie passed 1 million subscribers before uploading a new video Simply titled how much money does boogie2988 make which felt like yet another wholesome yet modest upload which had clearly been made with the goal of helping his audience I want to make sure you have the tools in mind so that you fully understand how much income we already have coming in and make an educated decision of whether or not you ever want to participate in those kind of things but he went on to politely imply that he was making over a hundred thousand dollars per year from YouTube which didn't include third-party income like patreon yeah so let's take uh for example a YouTube channel which I I do think that like saying that you're making over a hundred thousand dollars a year I I don't think this is like a intentional subversion like or something like that uh you know by him not including the patreon because for a lot of people saying you make over 100k a year it's like saying that I don't need help I'm good that's awesome 10 million views per month if a YouTube channel is ringing in 10 million views per month divide that by a thousand you've got ten thousand to multiply that by a dollar and you'll have a really good idea of how much ad Revenue that channel is bringing in the digital accountability's YouTube channel as an asset he himself was worth more than one million dollars Boogie are you a millionaire well it depends on how you calculate millionaire if you include my YouTube channel as it is yes after three more years I'll ever so that means no so so yeah he was not like so he's using his YouTube channel as an asset and he's created a value of his YouTube channel to uh modify what it is he's he's saying like oh well you know if you consider the value of my YouTube channel as like a future asset but this is like it's a projected value that he's like amortizing over over like a period of time and he's like saying oh this is how much it is I think this is like that's something you do with a house not a YouTube channel like you can't do that with a YouTube channel because you cannot separate like boogie2988 from his YouTube channel and then have it create any value earned by then a million dollars total in YouTube ad Revenue this is followed by Boogie Ray showing his audience that all of the money was being used wisely the majority of the money we make goes into the bank we do not live very large body stretches like I don't know why anybody uh goes out of their way to say [ __ ] like this I think it's like so unnecessary and it's like you're almost [ __ ] like stroking the ego of the viewer like for me you know like I've got no problem dropping like if that camera is fifty thousand dollars I'll [ __ ] buy it it's no problem like I've got Bunches of [ __ ] money I bought my dad a new car it's no big [ __ ] deal so if I want to spend a lot of money I spend a lot of [ __ ] money if I don't I don't I don't need to like justify this to anybody because it's my [ __ ] money I can do whatever whatever the [ __ ] I want so it's like whenever you go and you start making this like some sort of [ __ ] uh what's the word for it some sort of like uh uh like a soapbox right that you stand on about like oh I live this way and I do this kind of thing like the way that I live makes me happy right and if I want to change that and maybe I think I'll be happy a different way I might do that that's it because I'm my own person I grow I change over time same as everybody does and that's all there is to it I I think it's just like I I think it's always a mistake for Content creators to do what Boogie did so I try to appeal to those kinds of people that have like that latent resentment of content creators and then try to win them over by saying that you don't spend a lot of money because like that's really what you're doing is you're winning over those people that have like that resentment I think those are the real people that you turn from being against you to either neutral or for you so don't ever do that as I said never Court the never Court the opinion or the desire from people who do not like you it will only make you unhappy imagination I mean obviously I'm large but we do not spend a grotesque amount of money which led to more positive comments such as wild guess but he's very rich now he deserves it he's one of the only YouTubers that didn't let the money and fame get to his head he's still just as humble and cool as when he started I admire that the best part about this is like I get comments like this and then there'll be a reply under that bro what the [ __ ] do you mean Baldi used to be cool he used to play wow talk about talk about politics with McConnell at four in the morning and we used to be boys now he's sold out he's a liberal he plays Final Fantasy and he said he likes anime okay so no he's not cool all right yeah he's part of the agenda yeah you can I see these all the time amazing video Boogie you're one of the realest most transparent YouTubers out there and please know that your fans appreciate it I clicked on this video randomly and I stayed to watch and to be honest I'm really happy this guy makes a lot of money I don't know him never seen his videos but I'm just glad that he makes money he's very humble and I respect that a lot this positive sentiment toward Boogie resulting in more views subscribers and patreon members which strengthened his financial position immediately whilst also giving him the chance to stream on Twitch well another big reason why Boogie's videos were good is because they were insightful uplifting and positive like that's really why Boogie's channel was successful is that he was like the guy that everybody knew that made it he was a guy that was likable that made it he was funny uh he was more than funny he was endearing a lot of people liked him for that reason so I I don't think it's because he was like selling himself as being poor or anything like that I think it's also the quality of the videos was just higher than it's that simple and the content of the videos was better bringing up another source of income which kept him financially stable during the apocalypse I will be fine uh losing my YouTube ad Revenue will hit us pretty hard uh but I've Diversified her income things were going so well for Boogie that in August of 2017 he paid for weight loss surgery home from surgery that everything went well the surgery went way better than I had expected uh the doctor did it in a very short period of time however while this would initially improve Boogie's Health dramatically I'm 110 pounds down since the pre-op diet and then I lost seven and a half inches from my waistline it would eventually contribute to him going broke in an unexpected way yeah well he explained in a video that for married people the weight loss surgery tremendously increases the likelihood that you'll end up getting divorced this oh yeah I guess that kind of makes sense yeah no it makes sense yeah for sure no because like let's say you've let's say You're fat all right I'm gonna I'm gonna just say I'm gonna just put it right on the nose let's say you're fat and you're dating a guy you've been with a guy for a long time and you're settling but you get the weight loss surgery now you look better now more people are giving you attention now you feel like you have other possibilities other prospects and you break up yeah it's codependent as [ __ ] most [ __ ] relationships are co-dependent on some level of course yeah typical woman move bro I hate women you are so right they are the worst aren't they yeah anytime we find out there's a girl in the chat we banned them that's right brother hell yeah classic Tate w surgery and the recovery from it is really really hard on a marriage 85 percent of marriages fail after the surgery within the first two years he added that in the late up to the surgery his marriage was already in Iraq yeah I think this makes sense given the given the uh the like [ __ ] the Venn diagram of like attraction and weight right if you're fat you're ugly what nobody says skinny and ugly they say fat and ugly it's that simple Sports our marriage was far from perfect one major issue that was persistent throughout the entire marriage and that was my anxiety disorder and as a result of him now being in a healthier condition his wife suggested that they should divorce she told me that she was thinking about separating now that it was out of the surgery and now that I was nice and healthy we talked about it and decided that she should take a break two weeks into that she called up and said that she had made her decision that she wanted things to be a more permanent change um and that we should start moving in that direction Boogie explained that his wife was yeah that sucks I mean it's hard for me really to know like why they got divorced or anything like that but uh yeah I mean that's that that's the way it goes I think this is way bigger deal than he let on well yeah I mean like getting divorced from his wife is a big problem I think that like really like I could see a world where like the wife feels like she is responsible for him and then at the point where he is now no longer like you know uh six months away from being bedridden if he has health problems that she feels like she can move on past that caretaker syndrome yeah it's very common extremely generous in the divorce having stated that she wanted far less than 50 of the finances and she's like I I want enough to where I know I'm going to be taken care of and I'm like okay so she gave me a number and I'm like but that's not half more it wasn't half of what we were worth it was less it was less however as a result of the law Boogie ended up giving her half of what he had anyway well I think that's what he should do I am a uh I am a traditionalist marriage and joyer but I know this might upset many uh many tater tots in chat I am a traditionalist marriage enjoyer I think this is the way that we've done [ __ ] for a long time I think it works and it's the most stable environment to have a family in I think it's the best one people can hate me about it all they want but that's the way I feel is legally entitled to 50 of everything we own and make sure it's half so she has no recourse moving forward well Boogie's financial position had taken a pretty substantial hit his audience was still cheering for him with comments such as I hope this is the birth of a new Boogie a healthy Boogie no baggage just a happy healthy outgoing Boogie how it sucks to have people say that and make comments like that the relationship was baggage Etc that sucks uh I think like every uh every online uh public relationship gets comments and criti critique like this however after his marriage would officially come to an end the opposite of this happened and also like I mean this is just like I mean I mean yeah a certain point like if you share this kind of stuff and and you you put yourself out there like you're gonna get these kinds of comments like that's just that's what happens whenever you go online it's like you can't stick your hand in a beehive and be like damn bro what's all these bees doing here well that's what get your [ __ ] hand out of the Beehive Mike this is just what happens it doesn't mean that it's it's the same as like whenever I tell people like if you make content online and you have a really thin skin and you can't deal with criticism you should not make content online you should not do it but at the same time it doesn't mean that it's good that people criticize other people it's bad that people do it but it still should be accepted and you should be honest with yourself and with reality that it will happen my brain is kind of in a situation where it's just chaos all the time it's just chaos this emotional stew in my brain all the time of positive feelings negative feelings numbness frustration and anger you know not only had the split resulted in a massive blow to Boogie's mental health but throughout the process the story time rambling videos which were once uplifting inspirational and designed to help his viewers began to feel like they were being made with the god well I was saying before about how the content wasn't as good and like that's really all that matters like nobody gives a [ __ ] about anything else except for the content content goes down people don't like you content goes up people do like you contents all that [ __ ] matters all of receiving sympathy pity from the audience additionally Boogie's positive can-do attitude where he wanted to invest his savings into making excellent content for the viewers had transformed into this complete lack of confidence for the future of his channel and I'm not smart enough to be able to figure that stuff out I'll never be good at titles I'll never be good at thumbnails I'll never be I'm not being that good at video creation leading him to develop an attitude of just wanting to get by as opposed to wanting to grow his audience and like if you contextualize this [ __ ] that's like about the dude and he loses his wife and like he's been with this girl for like [ __ ] five or ten years I mean I feel like a lot of us I'll I'll admit it I felt that way after I've broken up with the long-term girlfriend before I felt absolutely [ __ ] awful so I think it's totally fair for somebody to feel that way yeah it's a dark place to be in confidence is shot yeah it sucks you even me even even me this [ __ ] happened to as long as the as long as my brand is paid as long as my mortgage is paid as long as as I can keep the lights on as long as I can support myself and the people that I currently employ hey I'm happy with that the final video related to his divorce in which Boogie explained that he now fully owned his house again and happened to have been uploaded in October 2018 which was the very same month where Boogie began to lose subscribers that a club will be addressed in a video titled state of the channel 2019. yeah it's like nobody wants to see that [ __ ] [ __ ] man nobody wants to see like that kind of stress it's like people go on the internet to forget about this kind of stuff you you know what I mean like they go on the internet they don't want to deal with like any of the [ __ ] like negativity Etc Mike for you guys like for example uh there have been many days whenever I've gone I've had like some really bad [ __ ] happen in my life and I go live and I don't talk about it I don't go and be like oh this is so bad that this happened to me like and and the thing is it's not like I do that for you guys I also do it for myself because like it keeps my mind off of it it keeps me thinking about something that's more positive rather than just [ __ ] you know getting fixated on something that's like really unhappy and stressful so it's like I remember after like I lost my mom last year I was so happy to be able to go live and just not think about that [ __ ] and play WoW and hang out with you guys and I didn't want to talk about it all the time because I was doing this to [ __ ] forget about it you know and it helped a lot so yeah I mean like it it's not a bad thing to do this it's not like it's fake or anything like that everybody puts on a you know a different face and uh it's it's healthy I think takes your mind off things yeah in which he mentioned that the breakup had a significant impact on the Channel's viewership 2018 as we've talked about was one of the roughest years of my life and it really showed here on the channel before going on to state that the story time pity party videos were also impacting the channel negatively nobody wants to [ __ ] hear about how bad it is for you because the truth is there's a lot of people on the internet that think that the only difference between them and the successful content creator is luck that's all there is to it so whenever they see somebody who is in a lifestyle that they envy and then that person is expressing some degree of remorse or unhappiness it creates resentment in the eyes of those viewers because they think to themselves man if I had what he had I would never be unhappy man if I had this or if I if I had this opportunity if I did this I would [ __ ] I would be happy and the truth is like for a lot of these guys that's probably [ __ ] true for a large extent right because many of the people that think this kind of [ __ ] are really young you know it's like if you're 19 if you're 21 years old the odds are the biggest problem in your life is money you know your your parents in a lot of cases are still relatively healthy uh you are probably still relatively healthy you probably still have a group of friends either through residuals from high school college maybe you have people from work etc and so whenever you're you know like [ __ ] 40 like Boogie is 35 Etc you you know you start to see that you know things are a little bit more complicated than that of course you do but like I think that a lot of this type of resentment comes from younger people that only look at the world through the lens that they've experienced which is fair so whenever Boogie is complaining about how bad his life is meanwhile he's making YouTube videos all the time that large group of young and also not just young but naive viewers is going to immediately resent him for that never complain it's like chickens like one chicken starts bleeding everybody the [ __ ] chicken pecks it until it's dead that's what happens what's the solution you don't [ __ ] bleed you can't start bleeding and be like don't Peck me they're gonna Peck you it's what's gonna happen just complain and whine and just be miserable sharing who and what I am has been counterproductive in a quite a bit in the last year or so mostly when it comes to the mental uh issues that anxiety the depression stuff like that I think also like it depends on the way that you do it like for example um like I used to do Zach rawr videos uh like like on my uh on my second YouTube channel like the zakarara YouTube channel and I would talk a lot more about like real life issues that I had and like just kind of like personal Stuff Etc and it wasn't like part of my main content so it's like I would very rarely share like I never made a video for example as far as I know about like you know different breakups and relationship developments Etc that I've had uh you know usually that's kind of separate and it's just kind of like I talk about it on my stream regularly sure but I don't like make content out of it if that makes sense and I have that for my own personal channels and you know like that's so people that care and I think it's also so good for me to like sometimes I like writing things because writing things helps me understand them better by putting them into words in like a more succinct way so like in the same way that writing things helps me understand what I think better I think making videos helps me understand how I feel better sometimes so I think that's one of the big positives that videos provide for me the video by studying that he was very excited about the future I'm feeling a lot better and I'm very engaged and excited about what we will be doing here on the channel however only three days after this video was uploaded a now Infamous Mega thread will be posted to Reddit which will go into significantly impact Boogie's reputation yeah it was titled the hidden truth Boogie doesn't want you to know and it featured over 5 000 words showcasing the Boogie wasn't exactly the nice guy who tried to portray the thread brought up topics such as his behavior on stream various edgy comments he had made over the years as well as the way he acted in his marriage with commenters stating this document is up there with the Constitution and the Magna Carta however I always thought that the people that were involved with this thread were losers like I'm gonna be honest like I I think that this is like 100 Loser like [ __ ] freak Behavior like I cannot imagine in my life having this much of a investment in another man on the internet I I think it's just so unhealthy it's very hard to say that like this should have been removed I think that the problem is that and this is kind of what happens with like a lot of like Reddit criticism is that the criticism at face value is like really not that bad but it's in people read it and then they watch it and then they turn it into something that's like way [ __ ] worse right and like you see this on like for example like lsf right you'll see an lsf Thread about a person saying something and then all the comments are like way [ __ ] worse and it's like the down the farther down you go the farther into the comment threads you go the more extreme and hostile people are and it's disappointing because it's like you want to give people feedback you want to give people criticism Etc and I think that's fair but like it's also a problem because people that actually have genuine hate use any platform of criticism to springboard off of and actually project that hate so it's it's very hard to do this in a way that's healthy a little bit of criticism turns into a lot of hate and negativity yeah exactly it's like somebody gets criticism for like one thing and then like all the comments are people that bring out like 50 other things this person's done over the course of like three years the thread was posted to a fairly unknown subreddit and if Boogie had simply ignored the thread people likely would have forgotten about it although this isn't what would happen Boogie instead decided to wage a war against the person who began the mega thread I started a war this guy has been coming at me for five years before going on to complain about the criticism in count how do you say it legit beg for money sarcastically it's in my financial situation of course I didn't yeah so the basically like the more that you like I think it's fine to like make a statement on something and and say like yeah you know I know what people think about this uh I don't agree with it I think these things are not true but the more that you fight people with that the more that you will get them to just press the issue irrationally and I see this all the time on my stream it's like whenever I make a statement like you know the Earth revolves around the Sun and people are like yeah but how do you really know that like what the [ __ ] like I mean what do you really know like you're stupid you don't know anything just play video games right and so the more that I argue with people about the Earth revolving around the Sun the more people will pretend like the sun revolves around the earth to [ __ ] with me and and this is just what happens and so the way that I handle this is anybody who does that I just instantly banned them and I don't even engage with it at all so like yeah which is like that's that's what I think you should do because a person who's like deliberately trying to make you mad or annoy you or something like that just shut it down there's no reason to tolerate that for any reason uh there's no there's no purpose to it there's no value in it it's just worthless so the more that you spend your time arguing with people about their judgment of you is that's the more time that you give that person control over you does that make sense so like if you if your goal is to change somebody else's opinion that person now has control over you because they can control You by not changing or by changing their opinion never give other people control and coming before going on to complain about the criticism in countless different videos this subreddit has been actively attacking me and going through everything I've ever said and every thought ever done on the internet for the last three years just two years prior in 2017 Boogie was handling criticism much more effectively even stating that some of the points were valid a lot of people have been discussing me over the past couple weeks I've been on the front page of Reddit and they tend to discuss me in a very negative light which is reasonable and obviously Boogie's new 2019 strategy of trying to stop the criticism only led to more criticism three months after them yeah the way you do it is uh you just address it people that press the issue perma-banum and don't talk about it that's how you deal with criticism and if you don't want to deal with the criticism then just don't talk about it that is my best advice and like don't yeah blood in the water yeah it's blood in the water like the moment you start talking about that [ __ ] or whatever it it's always bad Mega thread was posted but you would upload a new video titled taking a break I give up guys win in which it stated he needed a short break as a result of being anxious and nervous with your uploads in a declining reputation his monthly subscriber count began to fall off a cliff losing five thousand fourteen thousand twenty eight thousand before losing another 42 000 in August 2019 representing a decline of more than a hundred thousand subscribers yeah it was a lot of people started unsubscribing yeah I can't burn ban on YouTube you absolutely you absolutely can like all you do is you go to their comment and then you click hide user from Channel and you Shadow ban your account and none of their comments ever show up again you absolutely can only four months rather than improving the content Boogie rammed up the complaints and apologies which not only led to a decrease in views from an average of 10 million per month to be fair like right around here was Whenever there was a lot of like big YouTube drama with like keemstar grade A under a leafy all of these people like they were completely popping off somewhere around here so like Boogie had a disproportionately large viewer base at that time like it would that was kind of a that was like a a [ __ ] a hot spot for YouTube in general two million per month but it also led to comments from his audience such as I used to watch every video before for me you were like the Mr Rogers of YouTube soft understanding and compassionate lately it had just been apologies and complaining I missed the old content not because of Francis or gaming or whatever but because of that person yeah you can never the thing is like you're never gonna meet some naive child's expectation of you being Mr Rogers of YouTube like this is never gonna happen there's always going to be a thing that people can put on you or try to make you look bad and try to change it like I always it's always a bad idea to try to be super nice and win people over by being super nice in my opinion despite Boogie's clear decline in his views subscribers and income his spending habits hadn't changed one bit as Midway through this collapse it announced that he was taking on a 100 000 loan to purchase a Tesla I ended up buying the X I still haven't got it fully financed yet I'm heavily Finance it obviously oh my God I just put myself like I would have no problem like if the guy said like yeah I bought a a new car it's like a Toyota Corolla it was 38 thousand dollars like that's whatever but if you're buying a hundred thousand dollar car this is a bad financial decision and the truth is though I mean you have to contextualize this boogie grew up poor as [ __ ] how many of you guys know people that grew up poor as [ __ ] that make absolute dog [ __ ] financial decisions it's the cycle of poverty this is just what happens this is a [ __ ] this is a codified fact there are terms for it there are studies that reinforce this this is true so I I get that like yeah Boogie's an idiot for doing this but you have to look at it from where he's coming from as well a hundred thousand dollars in bed my car payment's Seventeen hundred dollars a month or something like that that's more money than I make on Twitch that's like half of my YouTube rabbit rad Revenue this month we then made a tweet about how expensive the car was giving him another opportunity to make himself no viewer wants to sit around and hear you talk unless you uh unless you're like one of those like YouTubers that are like they haven't they haven't they're just like a douchebag YouTuber and they're an [ __ ] it's like Jake Paul we're like Logan Paul he can talk about how much money he makes all the time and people are gonna like him more for it it's because like he's and I think these guys are great I think they're [ __ ] funny to be honest with you I really do because I don't take it seriously but most average people don't want to hear a YouTube content creator talk about how much money they're making because again it goes back to what I was saying about people that are living in resentment of the fact that they're not in that position yeah you see what I'm saying uh how do you make decisions not stimulate the repercussions in your head beforehand I don't know people do that all the time like I mean what do you want me to say like that's just how people do things they're impulsive they make bad decisions or they grew up poor they've got a lot of money they're like I'm gonna do it I should do it yeah should I do it okay I'm gonna do it yeah let's do it and then they do it that's what happens like a lot of people are very bad at making a very managing money like for me I never was bad at managing money why is that because my parents will give me 30 every week or twenty dollars I forgot even which one it was I think it was 30 and then at some point it was 20. um and they said you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want with this you can buy lunch you can buy drugs you can buy a gun just don't let us hear about it this is your money and so uh you can buy magic cards yeah you can do whatever you want and I did I saved the money and I bought a [ __ ] Xbox I bought a PlayStation actually my dad bought me a PlayStation but um yeah so they taught me how to save money and and uh you know control the amount of spending that I had but also my parents were very financially literate they were good at making decisions in general especially my dad my mom not really quite as much uh but overall they did that and they gave me that ability to do this other people that grew up and they didn't have as much money they might not have had the same opportunity that I did to grow up and learn budgeting the hard way did you pay for your own while no no I put on my dad's card I told him I I was buying a t-shirt every every month for like three months and then uh he kind of just forgot about it like he was paying for it up until like BFA like yeah like I mean I'm talking about like I had this like this this Con was going on for like the way more than a decade better part of two decades idiot I tweeted out that I was not gonna be able to afford this let me see this uh I bought a car I can barely afford do you think my anxiety would be going nuts it isn't I'm feeling confident that I can work harder every day and use this car as debt and inspiration and create better content confidence feels good that's a good you know what I actually don't like I don't mind this uh I don't mind this tweet at all I think this is a good tweet yeah yeah this is fine that never works oh no it works sometimes oh no I don't think it's a good idea you should not do this but it does work for a lot of people this is what happened with me like I worked a lot harder streaming because they told me I had to [ __ ] pay 50 Grand in order to get my teeth fixed I was like well [ __ ] I gotta make some better videos I gotta stream so it did it worked for me to make himself look like an idiot I tweeted out that I was not going to be able to afford this car Reddit and Twitter lost their minds oh are you trying to manipulate people into giving you money the answer is yes give me some money if you guys want to see the problem is that Boogie like I say this all the time but the problem is Boogie pretended like this wasn't who he was and this is the issue right is like if if he had started off YouTube in 2008 or whenever he started and and he had been the same as me like just a complete [ __ ] degenerate [ __ ] that you know basically lives at the expense of other people exists at the expense of other people and people just generally you know get used to it and they're like yeah but he's you know some of the videos are funny so it's okay Mike everybody give them money it'd be fine but you can't go and pretend to be a nice guy if you're not a nice guy you never drop character this is what I said before you know why keemstar is still popular is because he never breaks character never there's never like yeah he'll make a tweet like oh wow everybody's been hating on me it [ __ ] sucks right but he hasn't really crying and complained about this he knows he never apologizes for [ __ ] anything he just immediately goes back and keeps going as hard as he possibly can it's not a character that's that well the thing is don't make a character then for example athene could have done all of the stuff that he wanted but then the moment they went into the science [ __ ] and the cult [ __ ] Etc he could have started the cult it would have been great but you can't drop character and then start the cult because then it's a weird [ __ ] like what's this dissonance here like you have the cult you want to get people into the cult you know drinking Kool-Aid with suicide rituals and living in a [ __ ] abandoned Nazi bunker well guess what you have to be funny to get them to show up and that's all it comes down to yeah crazy video huh look it up and so anyway the Kool-Aid and suicide ritual thing that was another cult to be fair though um the point that I'm saying is that you never break character never break character and the best way to never break character is to not be one you don't be a character like if you meet me in real life I'm pretty much like this I usually talk louder whenever I'm on stream and I try to enunciate my words better but other than that I'm pretty much the same I'm generally quieter though I'm more reserved I'm not very outgoing at all and it seems I mean you don't see me collabing with other streamers on Twitch either I'm not very outgoing I'm very reserved person yeah so uh yeah I never break character because and this is what I remember I was saying before how like you can only get canceled by your audience if you if you turn into a person that they thought you weren't this is an example of that let me pay for my Tesla please go ahead and dig deep I sure would like a free Tesla reach down in your pockets and give me a hundred thousand dollars tonight which becomes even worse after you'd mentioned that it's a bad cell like I could have solved that way better okay like I mean we can we can get Boogie a little bit of hate what a pathetic cell you need to get better at begging for money okay like I think DSP does a pretty good job begging for money he does he's like you know we all got to chip in he makes it like it's a group effort and he talks about like different things that you're gonna get out of shipping in and like making money but DSP yeah he does a good job um there's other people that do a very good yeah Slicker right any Kings yo King right there's a good way to beg for money and a bad way to beg for money load a bunch of money on his house my house is worth three hundred thousand dollars I still owe two hundred thousand dollars in the house and then he knew the Tesla was going to decline in value over time but that car is just gonna get cheaper and cheaper and cheaper as it goes and he either followed Boogie's patreon members almost halved from 120 down to 65. partially as a result of him taking long breaks from creating content you'll notice that for the last three weeks I've really not been updated I have not streamed in three weeks it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you upload daily weekly monthly or yearly it makes no difference Mr Beast uploads once a month internet historian uploads once a year um like I upload seven times a day as long as you are putting out content that is good it doesn't matter how long of a break you take as long as your content still resonates with the audience that's the only thing that matters I've taken massive breaks from streaming before I've come back and people have still watched why is that it's because the content's good if the content sucks they leave it's that simple which accompany the transformation of his comment section from a once positive place for supporters to Wasteland and negativity yeah very good point if you do have people that are paying you at a monthly at a monthly level and then you start providing content at that same level it's only obvious that your amount of supporters is going to decrease which is fine is it's incredible how openly money oriented this guy is this guy talks like a minister from some cheesy scammy Late Night Ministry where you're supposed to send a 50 check for good luck I remember I had a friend of mine he um used to sell Arena carries and this guy said his Paypal was locked because he was like scamming people but he still wanted to buy a 2200 carry and I remember I had my friend Johnny sitting in a Skype called me him and this other dude and this guy Johnny was trying to get him to put a 20 [ __ ] bill in an envelope and mail it to his home address with USPS with the actual [ __ ] Postal System yeah so put the twenty dollars into like take a picture of the twenty dollars with my address on the envelope and we'll get you the carry man yeah for 2200 rating yeah this is a big deal it's like back in cataclysm imagine this guy would win the lottery he'd be broke within 12 months which would eventually turn out to be somewhat accurate after he's back and forth with Frank Hassel in early 2021. Boogie by the way I think Boogie was totally in the right four had to Shell out a bunch of money for somebody shows up at your [ __ ] house no last name is literally hassle the only thing that he did wrong is he fired a warning shot I would have been more okay if he shot the guy than if he shot the warning shot stand your [ __ ] ground brother castle doctrine you show up at somebody's house you [ __ ] around you're gonna find out you don't [ __ ] show up at people's house trying to start [ __ ] I live in Texas I like it here legal phase let me point out just how expensive all of this was and obviously I took money out of my bank account and I paid for it out of pocket this cost tens of thousands of dollars and I want to re-emphasize that Boogie made a terrible decision firing that warning shot absolutely indefensible he should not have done that for any reason he could have fired it at the ground even that would have been better huge [ __ ] mistake to have to have done that Boogie totally [ __ ] up by doing that fight which also resulted in Boogie producing less content I was advised by everyone to live stream less to make less YouTube videos to say less things that could be taken out of context and used against me before we had a result because you know from Reddit and 4chan that that's what they like to do to me but that cost me a small fortune and lost wages and lost ad Revenue as well however thankfully according to a video titled I am finally rich how crypto made me Rich well that's great I mean I'm sure um you know uh since the title of this video is boogie2988 deserves this failure I guess he invested did he invest in Tara Luna or CX coin guys maybe he was an investor in FTX crypto Rich yeah being crypto Rich it's the same thing as being rich except for you don't have any money apparently had no financial problems in the video he explained that back in 2019 Boogie had taken a massive gamble by purchasing a bunch of cryptocurrency and by early 2021 he had quadrupled his money yeah should have cashed out what what 4xing isn't enough for you you should have can't why didn't you cash out ever see everybody they always they gotta try to keep going you've got the first thing you do whenever you gamble is you make your money back this is the way that I gamble money is it I first thing I do is I get my money back and then I gamble like a crackhead I make one to two thousand bets I might train wrecks and like eventually you win and then he posts that [ __ ] Sports bet card of stake where he he vested like two thousand dollars and the payout is like 1.3 million you don't see the other 99 times he did it didn't work yeah that's whatever right but like it happened once and you just keep doing it but you make your money back first that's the first thing you do you get your money back in your pocket then you get to have fun you know when to hold them you know when to fold them that's right brother I basically took every dime I had in liquid funds and invested it in a huge gamble I invested pretty much everything I had into cryptocurrency I invested all the way back here and yeah that's where we currently are with that market so to say that I doubled my money is an understatement in fact I did more than that Boogie then tried to pathetically coax his audience into trying to give him wait hold up how much is Bitcoin now it's like 20 grand right bitcoin's like 20 grand it's like 16. so he's still 2xed like because if he's showing the 8 000 marker as the investment date he's still 2xed and like inside of the window of of the costs there he probably came out ahead of inflation well maybe not after Brandon but like I think still probably he's still ahead yeah so like what the [ __ ] are you talking about like yeah if he invested in Bitcoin he'd have been fine and more money never filled pressure to get one of those memberships down below never filled pressure to subscribe on Twitch never feel pressured to make a donation or interact with one of my sponsors never feel pressured to buy a t-shirt before going on a state that you plan on taking the money out of crypto to put it into a safer investment very smart thing to do very very very smart thing to do and that's if I don't take the money and invest it on something that will make me money which I am most certainly going to do however as highlighted by almost every comment the video aged so basically um yeah I pretty much can expect this would have happened proceeds to beg on Twitter also never feel pressured well it's like you have to the thing is a lot of people don't know how to sell that's the truth like they don't know how to sell they don't know how to create value they don't know how to create a perceived value in the eye of the customer they just don't get it incredibly poorly because only a year after posting it Boogie uploaded a new video titled I need your help in which he explained that he had lost almost all of his money to gambled all his money on crypto pretends to proceeds to beg his audience for money to the crypto market and now required donations from the audience well this is a video I've dreaded making you know I spent a tremendous amount of money on dumb dumb things but the biggest issue is that I had a nice big nest egg that I put my money in the crypto Market in the wrong section and I pretty much lost most of everything well I thought you said you're gonna take it out though like because you said are you gonna take it out now it's not out so like what happened you know what I mean he kept buying yeah it's like the first thing you do you always get your money back get your money back guys can I can you please do this and if you spend money and you're gambling and you'll lose all your money that's it you're done you're done you don't it's not like all if I just spend a little bit more I'll get it back no you won't no sometimes like you're done you're done you lost it's over uh come back next week next month next year try it again best case scenario never [ __ ] come back and don't Gamble however a lot of dumb people out there make your [ __ ] money back and then after that gamble like a crackhead until it's all gone and then you had a good time you can go home that's it it's the most interesting case study watching someone who hasn't had to work in over a decade finally have to go back to work I remember him saying don't worry about me I'm financially secure to the point that if I stop making videos tomorrow I can live comfortably for the rest of my life well that's just what happens right I mean [ __ ] like you could have the IRS say you owe them back taxes the um you know you have a a medical condition it requires medical attention that is expensive you can have a kid you know let's say you have a kid and a kid has a medical attention a medical uh you know [ __ ] Affliction and it's like they need attention right there's a lot of different reasons why this could happen and this is why I never really say stuff like this like right now I'm very financially stable everything is going great for me I'm very lucky and you know maybe in the future that might not be the case but the sun is shining right now and it's a beautiful day hopefully it doesn't stay it stays that way for as long as possible it's just that's the way life is right it's like I remember her man I remember I had thirty dollars and I felt like I was bawling I tell you guys one thing I was thinking about this today if you guys have problems spending money and like you're spending too much money buy everything with cash if you're anything like me you feel a lot Dumber buying something for forty five dollars if you're selling out three [ __ ] uh three twenty dollar bills then if you're just using it on the card because like the card it's like you're it it's not like it's not immediately accessible in your [ __ ] hand of like the money that you're spending you know what I mean like you're not immediately seeing it leave your hands like I feel like whenever I'm spending cash I don't spend any [ __ ] money right I mean this [ __ ] this Benjamin's is staying in my [ __ ] wallet like this is gonna stay here and that's gonna be it yeah I don't spend any mics I don't have much to spend yeah all I'm saying is if you're having money problems start buying things and and dealing with things in cash uh and I mean at least think about that uh for me it uh it definitely makes me spend a lot less money just remember that the reason this video was filmed in his garden it's because if it was filmed in his office we'd all be able to save thousands of dollars worth of arcade machines magic cards and gaming memorabilia very good point I I think that you know a lot of the criticism of Boogie is relatively unfounded and kind of unfair however if you have a bunch of arcade machines and magic cards and gaming memorabilia you can absolutely sell those well it's almost impossible to find a single positive comment on the entire video what's this here um we're back here on time Fans Say nah fam once in a lifetime YouTuber and personality yet it's our responsibility to keep you afloat you want a Content you want to create content you would true um 11k likes 26k dislikes or I'm curious sorry you have to work man we all do and this is the kind of [ __ ] remember what I was saying before about how people have the lingering resentment this is the comment that has 7 000 likes because they they also they resent the fact that he doesn't have to work and that they do he's actually right though no but what I'm saying is like even if he's right what I'm saying is that you don't want to trigger that resentment this is what happens whenever your audience grows up and entertained by angry fat man Break Stuff well that's not true at all number one he's not fat anymore so that changed number two he's not mad anymore he's sad sad skinny man doesn't break anything I mean [ __ ] that doesn't sound like a good video that's boring as hell he's still 300 pounds bro he lost a lot of weight let's be honest yeah who would watch that like how he talks about the issues as if they're the viewer's problem that is true it's a good point Boogie would receive 1 109 in donations however this small figure was certainly at the expense that's not donations that's Revenue like I mean if he had done this on Twitch see like if Boogie ever wants any help finessing viewers out of money look like we follow each other on Twitter just hit me up like you have to like you you're doing it you're going about this all the wrong way man like you do you're doing you're doing this so wrong India and reputation Boogie hasn't seen a single month of positive subscriber growth since May of 2019 almost four years ago with no clear desire to change any of his daily habits it's unlikely that his YouTube channel or financial situation will say any kind of recovery anytime soon you I will watch the probably watch this tomorrow I'm not gonna watch it today but we recently announcing it I'll read some of the comments on this yeah uh it's desperate enough for a botnet I don't know you want yeah that's you know that that's a Twitter guy you know watch the novel video now I got a bunch of other [ __ ] that I want to look at first man like how are you that impulsive on camera you mean like with this like I mean like I I think being impulsive is not a good thing um in general like I am not an impulsive person I am a very reserved uh you know meticulous person I I don't like making decisions on a whim usually I decide what I'm going to eat for dinner before I even get out of bed Chipotle today by the way it's going to be great so yeah uh what's this here in Indiana storm view I'm gonna get look guys let me let me just get through everything all right just chill out and we're gonna go from there yeah surgery lose weight probably more [ __ ] than before every climbs taking care of yourself or stomach staying healthy I don't [ __ ] know like the thing is that if if I was in that situation I I it's like you've got to change your life like for for over seven years I didn't really eat any candy because my teeth were so rotted I couldn't eat candy that's the way it goes that's life that's what happens yeah you just deal with it a lot of people uh plan dinner the entire week it's not particularly impressive well okay um there was one time I planned to get an achievement in Legion and I had an 18-month plan and I did it I did it the incremental 18-month plan that's right I was a longer plan than my degree in college I dropped out yeah what an achievement I know yeah it was 10 points actually uh yeah in case anybody was wondering uh it wasn't one of the 50 ones um actually maybe it was 50. I don't remember moral of the story don't use your audience as a substitute for actual therapy true true true so [ __ ] true and this is something that like streamers do too like I think it's okay to complain about some things on screen about people harassing you Etc but you guys notice like I don't really talk a lot about like things that are bothering me a whole lot like sometimes I'll bring something up I'll be like yeah it sucks like I've had to deal with this et cetera but like I don't spend a lot of time harping on it and like making a big issue about it the more that you try to ask people like for their advice the more they're going to be mad whenever you don't take it so it's like yeah I thought you had a business degree oh I did I was going to uh get a CIS degree a computer information systems degree I wanted to go to law school after that and um I dropped out of that yeah I've got a business degree business administration I learned more from wow yeah learn more from World of Warcraft than I did from Business School minus like a handful of little tidbits of information way more from wow I have that too it's useless yeah yeah you have that sheet of paper yeah yeah it doesn't do anything we spent more time on Wow true uh let's see it's from example of never sharing your financial status I don't think it's a problem to share your financial status I think there's plenty of times whenever people say you know like all they did money or whatever it's like a bad situation Etc it's not that big of a deal but it's just that you have to do it in the right way it's again people don't know how to sell that's all it comes down to they don't know how to sell you don't know how to sell don't try to the worst thing that you can do is to try to sell something that you're not confident in or try to sell something that you're not good at selling like if I if if I can if I'm confident in what I'm selling and I know everything about it I can sell it but if I don't I'm not going to even try I don't want to do that yeah you live in a room basically you should downsize recreate your room into a tiny house no why would I do anything everything's fine why the [ __ ] why would I do anything like it but why I don't I don't need to [ __ ] do anything I want to do anything right like there's a there's a house that was like nearby me it was it was on sale it was a house that I'd always walk by when I was a kid I was like oh I'm gonna [ __ ] buy this house when I get older and I uh I didn't [ __ ] buy it I feel like an idiot feel like a [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn't buy that house I'm pissed somebody else bought it I texted the realtor I said bro how much is it I never responded yeah it was a huge [ __ ] out I feel like an idiot it probably would appreciate like 3x in value too I'm pissed wonder why yeah it was like a million dollar house too a big surprise yeah it's like oh yeah yeah we're gonna skip this one we'll ignore the problem the more it goes away um I don't uh the more it goes away oh yeah that's definitely true most problems don't let anybody tell you that problems won't go away if you ignore them that's not true most problems go away if you ignore them for long enough absolutely yeah it depends on the problem like your teeth yeah my teeth went away good example let's see here um surgery didn't ruin his marriage using his wife as a living nurse and Maid she wanted out for a long time she kindly waited until the marriage was healthier yeah I mean I think that's a good thing uh it's nice of her to do that I don't know what happened really between the relationship all I'm saying is that I think that you know you can draw correlations sure uh let's see here what made me stop watching and supporting Boogie is I got sick to death I read a video conversation turning into a pity party yes exactly and other people telling you give us a heads up yeah nobody I didn't come to YouTube to listen to someone else whined and moan about it every other minute sometimes I want to see how someone's doing update video once a month or something or you have it on another Channel you know you have it on another Channel and you don't make a big deal out of it yeah that's exactly what it is you don't want to have pity party content nobody wants to be part of a [ __ ] pity party this is a good video by sunny I saw Boogie was not happy about this video on Twitter I think that this video was much more Fair than I had expected it to be because I remember I had watched one of Sonny's videos about Boogie this was like two years ago and I was like oh this guy's kind of a dick right but like I actually think Sonny's content's gotten a lot better and I I really like I I watch pretty much every single one of his videos like even the ones that I don't react to I probably watch anyway I love his videos he's one of my favorite content creators on YouTube I think this video was pretty fair there were there were some like small things of like language where you said like making a thousand dollars in donations and it was actually YouTube Revenue Etc right like I mean that that's it's kind of like misleading but like I don't think that like that means that he was trying to like make Boogie look bad you know like it's not enough but like it's just it's just what happens he's here who's here but he's been tweeting just now arguing with someone about suicide comments listen Brahma tell you all something uh Sunny has gotten better Sunny is is great like what really impresses me the most about his content is how consistent and how frequent it is Mike you would expect these type of like video essay deep dives into content creators like you'd expect this like maybe once every two or three weeks maybe once a month but he's able to bring one of these out like more than once a week sometimes most of the time even that's really impressive and it usually it's very compelling topics so yeah anyway um all I'm really trying to get at here is uh sonny can talk about someone to criticize him without making it into a huge hate party and that's the problem right it's like somebody watches this video and then they go and tell Boogie to kill himself and it really sucks because like you can't talk and and like give feedback to a content creator without somebody with like a [ __ ] mental illness using this as a platform to spread their hate it sucks it really does but I think Sunny feels the same way that I do feels the same as Boogie does anybody everybody feels this way that's not Sonny's fault it it's it's really not like I think that there are some cases where somebody makes a video that's hostile or negative about someone else and then in the process of that it causes the hate to happen I think that yes that does happen sometimes this is I don't think an example of that this video doesn't exactly spread love either I don't think that it's required for you to spread love inside of a video that's critical it doesn't spread love for him but I think you can be critical of a person without uh soliciting personal hate and personal attacks I I feel like this is absolutely possible for you to do this who cares me that's what I'm talking about welcome to the show uh it doesn't spread love uh the broken way you know I don't know what the [ __ ] that is uh if you're complaining suicide someone on the internet told you so you have bigger problem to look at um yeah I think that's true but it doesn't mean that it's it's okay to say that to people right I mean that's all I'm really saying I think like yes obviously it's not about contemplating suicide it's about something just being deteriorating towards somebody's mental health it's not like oh it's gonna make somebody kill themselves if somebody says this it's just it's mentally deteriorating and exhausting emotionally if that makes sense bother reckful a lot well it bothers a lot of people nobody wants to be told that it seems like some girls like it bothers them a lot whenever they're called fat you know other girls it doesn't it's just different things for different people uh it's just how things are that's life out there [Music]
Channel: Аѕmоngоld T͏͏V͏͏
Views: 960,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: 8a0dfj-dd-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 5sec (3845 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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