BONUS - Aesthetically pleasing enemies

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but people get those red flags early right and the thing is they kind of like you you see them and they're like they're literally like hey here red flag red flag but we refuse to take that flag and be like okay we have empathy right there oh it's okay we have Grace higher empathy more than boundaries EMP is over boundaries that's what we start to do we start compromising our our peace who we are um our selfworth just to make this person feel happy time it starts with you it's oh you said something earlier I mean we were at the table but you were like you know we get a God we're we're really into them and I feel like once you really get in there sometimes you lose you and if you haven't really like dove in on that self Leve or learned how to apply self Leve in your relationships oh my cuz we sometimes folks lose themselves oh yeah and men do too but but women we just have a a more we are a little bit you know em in heightened with the emotions so we tend to you know try to become what they want versus them trying versus us trying to become what each other one and that and and that's the problem right there because it's like I always tell uh loved ones of mine it's like well how do you know when you are equally yolked with someone how do you know like you know what does equally yolked even mean to you is equally yolked mean to you that both of y'all have the same kind of finances or you know like what is that look like cuz everybody's um perspective on what equally yolked is is different you know but I feel like whenever you there's always I think there's always going to be some type of Disconnect somewhere like I said earlier it's not because your your relationship is on the Rocks but I think that there's sometimes a disconnect is because no one has communicated and so when you don't communicate how do you even know if you're equally young are you talking to each other are you I know you like them physically yeah but mentally and spiritually like what what else you know and when when you can't get past the looks or the physicalities or the you know cuz it's not even like I said not even only on a romance level even with friendships cuz you know girls is hanging out with girls because they look like they living this soft life we not about to go because they look like they got all of this stuff it's because of aesthetic because of aesthetic be for real that's what it is when you have aesthetically pleasing friend groups like with no substance no subance y'all don't even know each other like what do first of all it's like I was telling uh I was telling my uh my uh friend yesterday I was like if you ain't never been in my my parents house if you have never like like if you've never even been in like my Sacred Space right I don't even know if you like that with me I don't even know I don't I can't really say if we're equally yo like that you know like and like or if I can't even invite you to my parents house you know because like people have this thing in their mind where they feel like oh you know those are the kind of girls I want to hang out with I've always wanted to hang out with the girls that you know they seem to be you know and don't get me wrong you do have you know like especially if you want to become somebody if you want to like say for if you want to be this accountant of course you want to hang out with you know people that likeminded people or you know whatever that occupation is that you want but I I feel like it's now it's very I'm starting to see a trend with friend groups I'm starting to see a trend the girls that do this the guys that do this uh the women that do this you name it we look like this together because we look like this together but secretly we hate each other's guts we hate each other's guts I thank God every day I'm not in groups like that but like it is I I can only imagine how draining it is to like get up beat your face get dressed and go hang out with people that you don't even know if you like but they're aesthetically pleasing that's their self love thing though too cuz if you loved yourself you wouldn't even subject yourself to that type of BS come on come on bring substance okay come on substance in your life that bring value add value you want assets not liabilities baby come on like can I have a healthy conversation with you can you cover me can we pray can you pray for me when I can't pray for myself man right that's a big one too depending on spirituality like I'm big on that like I'm G to always talk about God and let you know and it's to Jesus is the homie honey it's in every conversation I it just comes out it's a language at this point I don't like I don't know how to not talk about God I don't know how to do that I can't move without him that just it's just it is what it is is and um I realize that that's just a part of me you know and um I I thank God every day that I have a community I can pick up the phone and be like hey let's pray together pray with me real quick um I need you to pour into me I need I need a vent real quick and they're always going to respond well sis did you did you talk to God about that you know you you have a relationship they always remind me hey remember you wrote this down remember you did you need to go revisit that you know so just having those people that have wisdom you know um for me is so so important in my relationships so sometimes like when I'm like hearing other like women I have little cousins you know they they growing up they're like they're young and you know they're just like oh my God I really want to um I'm trying to uh get like sis over here I'm trying to get like I'm like you don't need to get like nobody get like you you need to get like you and get and get with God you need to sit down and literally do a self evow first of all you only um 18 years old you don't even know yourself you haven't even experienced life yet you have not exper you can do all that stuff later on but like figure out who you are first like and you don't and like and even with this whole thing of dating like you don't have to date now you don't have like you're not beating the time clock you're not beating the clock it's not a race exactly it's not a race you don't have to even I tell my friends in their 30s now why are you such in a rush to go do something that you you not ready for CU marriage marriage ain't no playground listen folks be thinking they ready and they really not it is a daily death cuz you got to choose to love somebody love ain't no feeling and that's why a lot of y'all be getting misc conscrew listen the folks be thinking it's the I don't got that feeling CU it's a choice you got to wake up every day to choose to love that person even when you don't like them all of my mar just like God loves his children every time we sin he still chooses come on like and you know but you know the thing about it is like I feel like even with like you know relationships and things like it is that people truly don't know because they've never experienced it it's like I tell my little cousins all the time like you have never experienced like true love I know you we oh I I love him so much he was my first like we were I mean I was 1 18 we were 11 17 we we have all been there you know but um I like I tell my little cousin all the time you haven't even experienced true love you don't even have to give yourself the way you think you need to give yourself you know why cuz you don't have to don't make it a burden if you don't have to you know you're 18 go live your life and go have fun you know I tell that to all my little cousin is going to college now I'm like look they always well well sis what should I do when I'm going to college have fun have fun and graduate and graduate have fun and graduate you know and that's if you choose to finish cuz you might have to go do something else you might you might get called to do something else okay go do that but like all I'm saying is invest in you now cuz you will never be 18 again you will never be 19 again you know so [Music]
Channel: Fellowship | Laugh | Eat
Views: 13
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GqhQr6gv3LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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