Bono Presents Frank Sinatra With Grammy Legend Award

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[Applause] [Music] right Frank never did like rock and roll and he's not crazy about guys wearing earrings either but he doesn't hold against me in any way the feeling is not mutual rock and roll people love Frank Sinatra because Frank Sinatra has got what we want swagger and attitude he's big on attitude serious attitude bad attitude Frank's the chairman of the bag very rock and roll plays of being tough but this guy well he's the boss the boss of bosses the man the Big Bang of pop I'm not gonna mess with them to you who's this guy that every city in America wants to claim as their own this painter who lives in the desert this first rate first take actor this singer who makes other men poets boxing clever with every word talking like America fast straight up in headlines coming through with the big stick the aside the quiet compliment good cop bad cop all in the same breath you know his story cuz it's your story Frank walks like America cop sure it's 1945 and the US Cavalry are trying to get their asses out of Europe but they never really do their part of another kind of invasion a f4 American forces radio broadcasting a music that'll curled a stiff upper lip of England and the rest of the world paving the way for rock and roll with jazz Duke Ellington the big band Tommy Dorsey and right out in front Frank Sinatra his voice tight as a fist opening at the end of a bar not on the beat over it playing with it splitting it like a jasmine like Miles Davis turning on the right phrase and the right song which is where he lives where he lets go where he reveals himself his songs are his home and he lets you in but you know to sing like that you gotta have lost a couple of fights to know tenderness and romance you gotta have had your heart broken people say Frank hasn't talked to the press they want to know how he is what's on his mind but you know Sinatra is out there more nights than most punk bands selling his story through the songs telling and articulating the choice of those songs private thoughts on a public address system generous this is the conundrum of Frank Sinatra left and right brain hardly talking boxer and painter actor and singer lover and father band man and loner troubleshooter and troublemaker the champ who would rather show you his scars than his medals he may be put in Barbara's hands but I'm not going to mess with him are you ladies and gentlemen are you ready to welcome a man heavier than the Empire State more connected than the Twin Towers as recognizable as the Statue of Liberty and living proof that God is a Catholic will you welcome the king of New York City Francis Albert Sinatra [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you very much that's the best welcome I ever had [Applause] this is like being in baseball the bases are loaded and you're at bat you don't know what you're gonna do isn't that pretty I can use this when the wind blows I won't blow me away anymore with this thing yeah it's quite beautiful ladies and gentlemen I'm delighted to see you all and I hope that we do this again I'm not leaving you yet but I hope we do it again from time to time and I get to see you and get to know some of you it's important to me [Applause] this is more applause than dean hurt in his whole career just to keep one guy in the audience you keep it going all the time you know I don't know what what went on while you were out here there with a performance on here on stage whether good I didn't hope you weren't out there drinking all night and didn't ask me to come and join you very try back there now one guy said would you like a little nip then the girl came back she said little water mr. Sinatra hey I'm looking for my girl where's my girl yes yes that's my girl say hello to Bob everybody please yeah [Music] that's my girl I love you you love me and I love you twice I don't quite know what to say to you who you know there was no no discussions about singing a couple of songs otherwise if we had that would be an orchestra here with me but apparently that's not what they wanted tonight and I'm angry I'm height I'm just happy to be here in the Apple I love coming back all the time it's the best city in the whole world [Applause]
Channel: Paula Soares
Views: 95,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #u2 #BONO #SINATRA #Grammy
Id: B2qOutZ_2OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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