BONES LUCK STRIKES AGAIN! (Genshin Impact Summons)

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hi moglets today we're summoning for c2 zhongli we are doing this on bones account however i do not need a c2 zhang i don't do co-op unless i'm playing with bones but bones likes to do co-op you know in general so we so we decided only one of us really needs to see two zhong li so uh we decide it's gonna be her uh just for those not in the oh my god see zero i thought she had a c1 at least i don't know if i got enough budget for this uh so we need two zhang lees i wasn't aware um but yeah c2 strongly uh whenever he does his burst grants a uh shield to everyone else yeah like i said this is only good for co-op so i personally don't need it mine is c1 already so it'd be a lot easier but uh yeah alrighty then so we're gonna take a look at history real quick see how uh far it is back that we've gotten i believe she went for ito as well there is ito on the fifth page 28 out of 90 for pity and we have to win 50 50. let's just hope this is enough i i thought she only needed one so this is yeah it's kind of an issue but um you know bones account bones luck uh nothing to it but to do it this will probably take a little bit longer than i thought we also do have eight intertwined fates i might personally go for gany a little bit at one point i'm not sure i haven't really checked out her constellations yet but saving that for a different day for now let's just try and get these two journalis um yeah starting off with a purple straight away i didn't check the other four stars in here but we do have a yin fei i don't know if bones is c6 yet we'll see that as soon as this summon is over we also got a dragon's bane two four stars pretty early on already you know maybe it's a good omen and that was it her yen fei was c6 already as you can see from the star glitter besides jinfei we have beto and water dude i believe both of those are c6 on her account as well uh and same four stars forgotten you anyway so yeah next in poll come on five star let's go no five star actually i guess we can just skip when when it's not a five star i don't think she needs any of the other four stars we we got a beto there though so all right there's that moving on to the next one straight away probably gonna have to go whale some more another four star alrighty water dude nothing else uh yeah you know game could be a little nicer what are we at 48 58 i think 58 uh for pity now which is a little early still but it could be this one it's not who do we got another beto and uh the bell very amazing the bell next tin pull it must be any second now okay gonna go i have to go to hard pity let's just really hope we at least win the 50 50 here we got a yen faye dang this is not looking good at all here we go hopefully this must be like pity okay there is a five star let's hope to oh there he is thank god zhang li one out of two really thought she only needed one but whatever uh we won the 50 50. that's already lucky hey we could get a second journaling right here right now double five star it's happened before it can happen again got a beto good omen here we go double zhang lee oh oh that's actually really cool okay so now guaranteed in 90 because there's gene reset our 50 50 or now we get guaranteed it was a double five star that's actually insane by itself i don't think she cares much about jean but still double five star i don't think that's ever happened to me before this is at least the second time it's happened to bones now bones just said go for it so uh we're gonna continue on here everything is looking a lot more bright already we just have to hit 90 which i think we have enough primos for almost no i think that's about enough unless we really have to hit hard pity it's like 16 16k minus 1600 whatever i don't want to do math but i think we actually have enough so let's just keep let's just keep it going hopefully we get a little early anyway um but i honestly can't ask for anything after just getting a double five star so yeah let's just go ahead and skip the uh purple ones here we got water dude there next tin pull what's it gonna be early it could be early still i wouldn't complain don't think bones would complain no one would complain except jealous people uh we did get a favonius warbo i believe this is third now we got the super early genre i don't know where exactly we are at pity now because we then got the gene and that reset pity again um dang it jean why did you have to go and do that just kidding but still here we are getting another purple it's just a beto you know like i said gonna skip the purples because there's not really much to look at there uh again we could grab at least a few intertwined fates save some primo gems for like resin refills or whatever i think we're gonna do that we've been getting a lot of masterless star glitter here from the summons so you know we can grab like 30 or something uh save a good 117 for if she wanted to grab this official or whatever she can decide that later if she wants but i digress let's go back hopefully with these next three tin pulls so she can keep that nice around 10k prime was up there for resin or whatever but we'll see another purple unfortunately it is a yinfei it doesn't really matter at this point like i said they're all c6 here comes the next one okay another purple so uh i think all the luck ran out which is fair enough i mean double five star like what and the third one is still not all right so you know there's a balance to everything very lucky with the double five star we have to go more or less to pity i think here maybe i mean maybe not you know we're probably only at about 50 or 60. i haven't really been keeping track uh but here we go another purple we could get another double five star who knows you know anything is possible but the next one is guaranteed to be zhong li so that's always nice and there it is all right i must have been decently close to pity but still um i didn't know she needed to again so i'm surprised we actually were able to do it without wailing more and there he is zhang lee very cool double five star though uh probably too much to ask for but just in case i'm not going to skip the rest uh we did get the enfei and that was it yen fe and beto so nice little tin master list as well uh plus another tin for zhang lee willing you need to pay for six of these tin pools so we got zhang li here with the red dot let's go ahead c1 increases the maximum number of stone stellas created by this uh i'm not sure if that's necessarily a good thing bones kind of hates those i think everyone does actually because me and her and everyone else is accidentally climbing them but yeah c1 it's all right uh i don't think is that necessary for him but uh c2 is what we are going for again we're gonna be trying this out in this video a little bit later i'm gonna hop off of her account as soon as i activate this then bones and i are gonna do a couple co-op runs see how it works you know i imagine it'll be pretty cool because only one of us can take zhang li and jungle is very helpful so oh there's another red dot for uh benny here bones has suggested that we take a look at her zhang li um before we swap accounts because they won't be able to see his stats and everything after i suppose uh crate rate is way too high at 95 percent for that 82 crit damage uh all we have to really do though is steal hutau's staff of homa and that should fix everything there we go looking much better at 59 credit rate 148 crit damage uh what's the hp 37.5 k very nice 2 000 attack for some reason do you have an attack artifact up in here it might be staphylocoma i guess there is sir zhongli looking pretty good she's probably gonna swap him back to death match or whatever um but for now just to have him be more impressive there he is with staff of houma also yeah four piece tenacity set think that's a good set for him pretty sure this is the same set i have on him as well but yeah i'm gonna get off bones account uh and then we're gonna play some co-op stuff together see how it goes bones declined my invite maybe she is disappointed it isn't a c6 youngly let's try again hello bones how are you enjoying your c2 zhong i'm gonna go glass cannon team because as long as bones can she says don't know yet as long as bones can keep up her burst um i will be the one enjoying her situ zhong by having a free shield but she has to keep juggling on the field so actually this is a win for me but let's see how it goes starting with senora here wait until yep there goes and do i have a shield i do have a shield i mean it does what it says on the tin i don't know what else there is really to talk about but uh i guess we're gonna do our weekly bosses here just to get kind of a better idea i don't know if we can have a hundred percent uptime on the shield uh i know this shield lasts a long time mine is gone now unfortunately but uh all she has to do is do a zhongli burst and we get it back hopefully she can do the burst rather quickly here so we can get some protection ah there it goes and our shield is back very nice i'm not sure why i brought hutau to uh senora i forgot she has a massive pyro resistance and second phase but hey look we still have a shield i think there were three bursts in total during the match and uh we had shield for a lot of it so yeah really cool got an attack goblet here pretty bad and uh two hellfire blurb blur i forgot to say anything during the child fight because it's always over way too fast we're still getting shields when johnny does his burst and it's kind of cool because we we have a strong shield then and stuff got a crit rate gladiator circlet too bad doesn't have crit damage on it some other stuff i guess rock frog is unfortunately pyro this week so i'm not too sure eh we're going to take kuta anyway this guy is very very hard without a genre of my own so when bones is taking jungle i have a bit of a hard time with them honestly obviously i do have to run away because uh i i don't want bones to do burst until after he's done stomping because that's when the actual dangerous stuff happens now would be a better time to do burst which he is doing now good uh so that i have a shield during this this bad phase where i could get marked with a fire thing or or something yeah but now he's going into electro that was very quick i gotta run away again a burst now would be great i don't know i kind of doubt she already has uh stuff back though for it so we we might be in a bit of a pickle here honestly he was changing phases just way too fast so okay but there goes his burst so we're safe we can finish him off now all right our houtai was very low health so we definitely needed a shield yeah i mean that works really well so you have to be a little bit careful like when you are the jungle in a party you know to use it when it's really needed especially for like rockfall you shouldn't should be spamming your old mindlessly i suppose um but yeah we got a plume of death here actually doesn't look horrible credit rate elements mastery imagery charge just wish that def was gone but it starts with four subs so uh yeah definitely some potential there but yeah i guess i'll pretty much do it uh c2 zhang li doesn't do much for the person who has it but uh their teammates will be grateful i suppose i sure was i'm definitely sure my hootail would have died without those uh nicely timed shields by bones but yeah make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below dropping a like or subscribing is always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 386,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact summons, genshin impact pulls, genshin gacha, genshin impact 5 star, genshin impact game, genshin impact 2.4, genshin impact good
Id: 6hLxZni3vhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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