Bonelab Custom Avatar Import Guide

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foreign hey folks this is Chris Scotsman welcome to the Merrell SDK tutorial on importing a custom avatar into bone lab I've resized my Unity window layout so everything fits into the canvas of the video this is a fresh Unity project with the marrow SDK imported into it the first step in making any mod is to create a pallet which will hold whatever crates make up the mod in this case an avatar if the asset Warehouse window is not visible open it from the stress level 0 voice tools menu make sure you name your palettes and crates well as the names are used to create unique identifiers for your mod and deleting palettes and crates is not recommended I found a suitable rigged mechanism model on miximo and dropped the fbx into a folder of the project you will probably want to place the fbx file into its own folder as materials and textures will be extracted into the same folder of the model file drag the model from the project window into the scene reset the position of the Avatar so that it resides at zero zero zero select the materials tab in the models inspector if your model does not seem to have any textures applied to it you'll need to extract them a quick and easy way to do this is to select the use external materials Legacy option in the location field this will automatically extract the materials associated with the model and apply them to the appropriate meshes if Unity prompts about normal map settings and needing to Mark a texture as a normal map click the fix Now button next click the rig Tab and make sure that the animation type is set to humanoid the Avatar definition field should default to create from this model if you see a check mark next to the configure button the nudity has successfully Auto mapped the bones of the important model if you see an X or any console errors click configure look for any red indicators as Unity will warn you of missing or incompatible bones or other issues you may need to manually map bones if Unity gets confused about which finger bones should be applied to the hand in case of a model with only three fingers for example many models like this one are not rigged with eye bones but don't worry marrow has your back and there's no need to break out blender or other 3D software to alter the rig implementing an eye override will be covered shortly now that the model has been set up in unity take this game object and drag it back down into the project window to create a prefab when prompted if you want to create a variant or original prefab choose original select the prefab and the hierarchy and then open the prefab so it can be edited directly add the Avatar script to the root game object it is possible to fill out the bulk of the fields of the Avatar script but solid Avatar functionality can be achieved by simply filling in the fields for the wrist bones making sure that the body mesh has been referenced and if the rig does not have eyes an eye center override is added to the prefatched root by default the Avatar script will attempt to automatically add the main skin mesh renderer to the body meshes list if the model has separate head or hair meshes add them to the appropriate list if specific wrist bones don't exist the script will pre-fill those fields with hand bones as the best match guess tweak these fuels as needed to best match your avatar until the minimum fields are completed in the Avatar script a red sphere will be visible in the scene View since this rig does not have the required eye bones an empty game object named Eye Center override will be added to the root of the prefab and placed into the eye center override field the eye center override game object should be positioned between the eyes of the avatar once in place a series of ellipse gizmos can be resized to fit the Avatar's mesh adjusting these to snugly fit the Contours of the Avatar will avoid visual clipping issues in game um thank you if you're unable to manipulate the chin or jaw handles scroll down to the bottom of the Avatar script and use the sliders if needed select the pallet in the asset Warehouse window and then use the inspector to add a crate set the type to Avatar crate give it a title and set the crate reference to the Avatar prefab with the crate selected clicking the generate packed assets will create a rough preview of The Avatar the final step in unity is to click the pack palette button in the asset Warehouse window this will pack your palette and all of its crates into a mod ready to be used in phone lab copy the folder that appears once the pack process completes into your bone lab mods folder and start the game you can verify the game is recognized your mod from the main menu navigate to a bone lab level and bring up the in-game menu by holding y or B and selecting avatars if you do not see the Avatar option listed in the menu you may need to progress your story navigate the Avatar menu until you see your custom avatar listed and selected congratulations you've successfully imported a custom avatar into bone lab receive in the void
Channel: Stress Level Zero
Views: 84,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bonelab, avatar, guide, tutorial, stress level zero
Id: nH7HB7u7GtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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