Bonanza - Breed of Violence | Episode 41 | Full Western Series | Cowboy | English

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[Music] so [Applause] you had a good time didn't you doc huh did i tell you all vince digging a good time i told you i've got to get back home now it is going to be dark for worrying oh come on i know you like it [Music] vince i gotta go now i've stayed longer than i should already such a [Music] [Music] i'll take care of you [Music] oh [Music] come on but you're drunk forget it go on let him go if that's what he wants forget it dagon please vince i don't want any trouble we can't leave it alone didn't we anytime you want to finish this venture you just let me know hey wait don't why are you what's something better with you you're trying to start trouble around here and have the sheriff nosing into our affairs i don't like this venture you've taken too big a chance playing around with sheriff ken kate's daughter all right so i'm taking a chance i happen to like it that way makes sense vince that ken cage meter and a wolf track and a calf so i heard well his kind don't bother me none [Music] um all right so it's none of my business i'm just trying to be a friend that's awesome you're always running around with the wrong kind of people and who should i run around with the ones the high and mighty cartwrights picked for me look i didn't mean that you know it you are going to get in trouble with a man like vince dagon if i get in trouble i'll handle it and what's wrong with vince dagon oh what's wrong with vince stegen he's a drunk and a thief better throw him off the ponderosa for stealing well this is not the ponderosa and i don't plan on holding one little mistake against him for the rest of his life all right dolly forget it look i don't want to fight for you i don't want to fight with you either joe maybe vince isn't everything i'd like him to be but he's good to me i get lonesome that never lets me out of this house i don't forget your father being sheriff he's seen a lot of the bad side of life maybe he just wants to protect you from the wrong kind of people i guess he wouldn't consider you the wrong kind of people woody joe but you don't consider me the right kind of people do you i didn't say that you didn't have to say that even when we were kids in school all you cartwrights consider yourself too good for anybody else dolly that's not true in you what are you doing here you get in the house i was just walking dolly home i happened to see her at the store she had no business at the store i told her to stay home well wait a minute there's nothing you're so excited about don't you tell me how to run my family now you get out of here stay away from my daughter look mr kincaid i've known dolly for a long time i think it's up to her to tell me whether or not she'd like to see me she don't make the decisions around here i do look i told you to get in the house i'll give you a just listen now look you you try to understand this i ordered her to stay home if she tries to see you or anybody else i'll whip the height off her back now you get out of here and stay away from my daughter do as he says joe see you real soon dolly [Music] [Applause] paw i did all my work i even sewed your shirts the way you asked me to well now that's nice must have took you most all day didn't it just about sure well i'm glad to see you got more to you than your mother i've had her now she'd have gone out dancing or something soon as i turned my back please bud we have to talk about that what else do you wanted me to talk about man does the best he knows how and this woman goes running off with another man i'm tired i'm going don't you walk away from me i told you not to leave the house didn't i you can't keep me locked up i'm not one of your prisoners all i did was walk down to the store with vin stegen yes and you come back with your own cartwright you're just like your ma one man ain't enough for you ma didn't run out you drove her off just like you're gonna drive me i'm off trying to drive you out honey i'm trying to protect you dally you more believed anything any man said to her you're just like she was you're as pretty as she is dolly and i'm not going to have you running off with the first worthless saddle [ __ ] that whispers in your ear i wasn't running off i just went down to the store to meet a man yesterday i need a dozen man because i'm no good because i'm just like my mods not what you want me to say [Music] hey paul me and adam have to ride up there and check that drift fence out today you sound as if you don't want it a horse wants to follow up on a wolf signing solver in the canyon you still feel sure it was wolves do you oh sure paul ain't no coyotes ever go from that country that i'm saying them tracks is way too big well it's possible old-timers insist there's still a lot of timberwolves up there boy i sure would like to get a look at one of them well if lack of game in the mountains has driven a pack down this low we better do more than just take a look at one i understand they can pull down a grown steer when they're hungry that's right paul yeah the miserable brutes are trying to trap i just don't like putting out poison bait oh that ain't no good ball look here how come me and adam will ride up there and take a look around we can check the old man traeger he's always bragging about how you used to hunt them wolves for a living anyhow let's check the fence first and then we'll decide is breakfast ready well we were just thinking about supper you sure you had enough sleep no not quite but what's gonna have to do oh well do you think maybe you could talk yourself into a riding fence with us huh older brother how can you be so practical this early in the morning maybe because he's been up for a little while you were uh out a little late weren't you hey well i had to ride all the way from placerville i stopped off at mormon flight to get something to eat ran in the kincaids oh was that uh on purpose or accident well it was a little bit of both you know i really feel sorry for dolly kinky sorry she never had any trouble uh finding somebody to chase after her oh i think it's the other way around i think she never had any trouble finding somebody to chase what are you worried about little brother you ain't never had no trouble out running here why you so worried about dolly ah she's running around with that vince digging digging wait when that uh i thought we fired last year yeah i ran into him coming out of callahan store huh yeah david and i had a few words when i took dolly home her father ran me off with a shotgun ah you don't mean literally well he didn't pull the trigger but he wasn't kidding what's he got against you you and i have known each other for years yeah we can go whistle up a tree all for me i wasn't gonna take dolly out but i think i will now well don't get involved in the family affair kinkade's wounds are kind of raw right now so get a little time to settle down huh this doesn't seem right to me that she'd keep his daughter locked up like a prisoner just because he's mad at the whole world don't say it's right but you're not gonna help dolly anybody waving a red flag in front of kincaid's nose i never thought about it that way tell you what why don't you ride out tomorrow morning with adam and horse they're going out to check that wolf sign that horse thinks he's off in the canyon what are you trying to do paul get my mind off dolly kincaid that's what you wanted me to do thanks was he expecting little joe cartwright you were drinking last night then you started fighting i was afraid my father would see me there wasn't anything else i could do of course there was nothing else you could do it was my fault i come by to apologize apologize yeah i'm trying to i couldn't sleep last night thinking i don't know how to say this but when you walked out on me yesterday i just knew i ain't ever gonna let you do that to me again i've been standing out there waiting for your partner leave i know how it is between you and him the way he treats you you don't know how it is it's like being locked up in a cage i can't stand it anymore i know and i ain't gonna stand by and let it happen to you i'm gonna take you out of here [Music] i i don't think i'm taking too much for granted because i think you feel about me the same as i do about you once you know how i feel about you it's just that i was never really sure of you we are now ancient you could sneak away in the morning early meet me up on the trail i'll tell you where that's what you're wanting oh you know it's what i want more than anything else in the world [Music] [Applause] people don't just do this they don't just pack up and leave they do if they're in love what about my dad well i heard him talking to some men he's gonna be pretty busy in the morning no need to worry about him you work out fine honey gonna be taking care of you from now on do it vince you don't know how i've dreamed about this to get away to be with you hey look at this these same tracks i found down below and no coyote may track that pig quite a pack up when you say yep what do you make of it well over there it looks like something big's been drunk along yeah it's a plane trail let's follow hey look at that tendon on that hind leg has been cut half into i just don't see how the wolves dragging that far they didn't drag him a couple of them probably worried until one of them got his teeth in his leg wolf got dragged yeah i reckon we must scare them all huh i didn't even touch the meat yeah we didn't do ourselves any favors either they'll just drag down the next stray steer they come across and what do you think we got to do well i've gone back to what we run into launch you two gone up to traeger's cabin see if you can hire him to help us out it's a good idea now horse and i will bunk in with traeger we'll work out of his place all right save a couple of those wolves for me we'll see you around the end of the week right [Music] [Applause] oh i've waited so long for you to come along anybody see you get away no i was so lucky some outlaws robbed the bank last night pie headed out with a posse after them you sure were lucky you uh notice which way they were headed toward phil's crossing why well you wouldn't want to run into your pawn now would you come on get out of here the further we get from mormon flats the better i like it i wonder what's keeping digging you know what's keeping them that girl ellie should have kept the girl out of this everything came off real smooth see more money in the vault we figured on man you know that ain't good enough for vance digging he wants the money and the girl i'm plenty sick of what he wants all the time that girl gets my whale now calm down ruby i think it's right funny we robbed the bank and he he runs off with a sheriff's daughter i think that's really funny yeah well i don't think it's so funny if he doesn't show up in another 10 minutes i'm moving on you gonna go without the money clay vince knows what he's doing and he's got that money in his saddlebags [Music] well now you boys have a good sleep for yourselves you ain't been down out of these saddles for one single minute you're setting a pretty hard pace kincaid we're doing the best we can well your best ain't good enough not for me it ain't you spend less time worrying about keeping up with me and more time looking for signs you may find something now go on back then take a good look this time i'm heading up into the high country you're going on alone it's faster you'd only hold me up if you see anything fire a signal that is if you know how to use a gun come on boys we better get back see what he tells us get back be quiet i thought you said they was headed for fel's crossing they were when i saw them it was my father with them they must have split up where else is that backpacking how many was it when you saw him i don't know it's my father forget about your father will you vince please don't let him take me back then say you'll take care of me vince what are you gonna do you said you wanted me to take care of you that's just what i'm gonna do [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] we're down below us didn't even see me let's get out of here [Applause] i told you we'd get in trouble every time degan gets mixed up with a woman we're in trouble it ain't the ordinary woman that's the sheriff's daughter like it's one thing to hold up the bank at mormon flats but it ain't part of the job to wait around and get hung for it you should have cut the money into shares each man will be on his way by now i'd think on that if i was you ruby what chance would one man have a loan out there one man against all-impossiment we stick together we got a chance we split up later when we're out of danger just like digging figured it that's digging in the girl i told you not to worry are you late dagon vince what are they doing here oh the boys why you met craig robin poker in town the other day remember well they're all friends and i thought they might like to ride along with us for a while that's all right ain't it sure just surprised me for a minute that's all what took you so long why hadn't you heard big bank robbery and mormon flats last night in fact we run into a posse back the trailer piece they didn't see it did they nah we dodged them dolly here's right good at dodging posses she ain't a bit anxious to have her paw catch up to her yeah i'll bet them bank robbers ain't a bit anxious to have her paul catch up to him neither isn't funny a bank cashier was killed no it ain't funny folk i'm sorry man that ain't no concern of ours honey main thing is we keep your paw from catching up to us come on boys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there ain't no way out of here every canyon's cut off we're gonna stay out of the cage take to the high country [Music] hey trigger anybody hold close cut right you don't need build your logs out i hear you back all right trigger hey seeing you two fellas in the coons age what brings you up around these parts well we ran into what we think's a wolf sign in cedar canyon wolf sign uh-huh yeah we found where they drug down one of our stairs adam sent us up here i thought you might want to help i remember you telling me one time mr trigger about being a professional wolfer yeah i was for money of course you're ten dollars and i keep the pelts all right you got a deal is it all right if we bunk with you for a couple of days suit yourself but you gotta pay for your own grub say yeah they're speaking of wolves you didn't run into sheriff kincaid back there can't cate no why should we you mean you haven't heard there was a big bank robbery in mormon flats last night a bank robbery sure was sheriff himself told me [Music] thank robbery and woman's flat [Music] i don't reckon there's anything we can do about it while we're sitting here talking about it the world's probably packing off some more of our steers yeah i guess you're right come on let's go uh don't rush me just don't rush me i ain't walking all the way down there i got to get my horse and saddle them hey someone's coming it must be the rest of that kimcade posse i want you to trigger satellites tegan what are you doing [Music] dolly what's the trouble keep her out of this clank and poke keep him covered i'll get his gun [Music] it's mattered again can't you take care of this yourself all right youtube drop your guns i said drop them well looky here oh just one big happy family joe you know anything about this you still want trouble dagging don't you put your gun away i'll give it to you vince i want to know why hope get her in the house and keep her there come on come on i can put your gun away keep pushing then i'll bust this gun right over your i'll head care of you later you what do you do here i'm just a trapper that's all cartwright boys asked me to help to catch some wolves and pestering that beef they got a lot of grub in that cabin some tagging you ain't figuring on holding up here are you got a better idea what's the matter taking possibly getting too close anybody else around here just the cartwright boys folks don't come up here often that's just fine all right come on in the house [Music] [Music] you killed him [Music] he got away he'd peter brought your pot don't you understand that [Music] get those cut rights in the house and get him out of sight [Music] hi [Music] how long we gonna stay here till i say we move till you say i don't think you know what you're doing that posse we saw how do we know that's all of them suppose they split up and come in behind us well i'll figure that out when it happens poker i play what i got in front of me i never bet on what the next car's gonna be until it falls get out there and put those horses in the barn and get some firewood in here let's warm this place i'm up to duck a posse hummus supposing i am you know old man king k would you want him catching up with dolly when she's running off with me i don't know no i wouldn't want him catching up with me either not if i just robbed a bank what's he mean vince nothing no paying no heat what you got in the saddle bags vince you don't seem to want to get very far away from them [Applause] you did rob the bank didn't you vince all right so we robbed the bank but why for money that's why what did you think you was going to live on oh look donny i did that for you [Music] i was going to buy all the nice things you never had in your life but vince do you have to kill for it well that bank clutch should not have went for his gun not with a little bit staging around [Music] [Applause] looks like you pushed a little bit too far this time vince or did i i got the money and the girl didn't i what do you got you're dead any time i tell poke to pull that trigger that's what you got that's the honest truth mr cartwright i would have killed you digging i oughta killed you the time i caught you stealing from us should have done it now don't you worry about it huss he's gonna get it that possibly back and sheriff ken kate will be with him hey don't you think let's figure that out what else you think you bring that girl along shut up about the girl you know that's a real good question vince why did you bring the girl well that's plain enough to see that sheriff papa hurst comes around here looking for her man's gonna tell him to go away else that girl's gonna get bad hurt ain't that right fancy golden knife i think you should know you should not have done that no you shouldn't done that at all [Music] so i want a nice clothes for you honey and everything you ever wanted [Music] don't worry about anything everything will be all right [Music] you believe that don't you [Music] so you two boys up here for a wolf hunter that's right that pasta's gonna get them some walls too well it's gonna be the two-legged kind now you two listen to me if that posse shows you're gonna tell me you hired us as wolfers i understand well they're not gonna believe that they know you degan they're gonna believe it all right when they leave you're gonna ride along with us until we clear this part of the country and there ain't gonna be any mishaps or else there's gonna be two less cartwrights i understand [Applause] [Music] what them horses away yeah hey where's the girl what do you care you better be careful taken he's going to steal your girl away from me [Music] take it easy joe oh don't worry horse they need us they need us real bad don't push your luck leave him alone how do we know the posse's even out there they might have turned back why ain't taking that chance yeah well maybe you better bury trigger while you're at it sometimes them posses get pretty nosy yeah like right we're gonna dig a grave up on your feet you're like a wolf ain't you you don't know what you're doing you change your mind without rhyme or reason dolly we got things to do we're going to bury triggers well honey it's the least we can do ain't it we'll find shovels in the barn flag you're watching and hol's here you're gonna help us hop on your feet robin polk [Applause] lolly you help clay keep an eye on stop looking at me like that you can't like it don't you fella [Applause] so [Laughter] now you try anything and you won't see your little brother we're gonna get you digging one way or another we're gonna get you come on dig let's get started what's the matter with you somebody gotta watch him don't they besides you want to thank me who the thought of the barn you better get your mind off of her jingle i'm no part of you how far you think you're gonna get after you leave this territory clan i don't even know who we are but we do well that ain't gonna make much of a problem all this money i'm gonna get me shape every day every day of the week i'm gonna eat and drink until i bust [Music] that sounds real great clay yeah how many men you think you killed well i see i don't rightly remember now i see there's one two all right they'll kill you for this what are you doing with them dolly you're not that kind come on give me the gun darling you just want to save your necks yours and haas yeah that's right i want to save our next i don't want to save your neck too i don't believe you nobody ever did anything decent for me nobody except vince oh nobody would vince you think vince robbed that bank for you he robbed it for himself he'll kick you out the day he's tired of you don't say that it's true dolly you turn me in right along with vince well this is my chance to live and i'm taking it nobody gives you anything but what you take for yourself come on darwi that isn't so and you know it you don't think i'd use this do you one more step yeah darling i think you'd use it to keep from going back to that father of mine i do anything joe tried to get away i stopped him that's for try i know i'm gonna fix you real good megan i never did figure you for much guts why don't you try taking it without that pistol in your hand when i'm good and ready i will sit down [Music] you did fine darling real fine back and forth through these canyons all night what good does it do don't forget sheriff ken cade hasn't had any more sleep than we have that ken cade he's like a wolf on the scent he ain't gonna give up till he gets what i come after no neither we john and i are right over by old man traeger's place kim kade might not have been there yet the rest of you take a look through that box canyon down there [Applause] there's riders out there get on your feet the posse's out there all right vince you're so smart now what do we do i told you i figured when i come to didn't i well i gotta figure well then vince why don't you just tell us what we're gonna do well i'm gonna stay in here what about the rest of us sheriff don't know the rest of you ain't liking the posse would you're going out there i ain't talking to no lawman you don't got no need to horse cartwright's gonna do that for you he hired you boys to hunt wolves like i said remember i'll try to remember you better i'm going to be right in here with this gun on your little brother's head any shooting that starts he gets a first now get don't get nervous with that guy hurry up boss what are you doing way out here been some wolves pestering some of our cattle little joe and me decided to ride up and talk to mr trigger about it you couldn't find a better man for the job mr traeger around nope he rode out early this morning to set some traps i haven't seen you boys around before ever there there's men we hired to help us hunt the wolves oh sheriff ken cade been by here yeah i ain't seen him but mr trager said he saw him yesterday sheriff told him about the about the bank robbery we've been out all night you know ken cade yeah i know him well enough to know that whoever those bank robbers are they ain't going to get away i promise you that well if you do see anything around hoss you let us know will you we'll be around right good hunting same to you well how'd it go you'd have been right proud of court right vince you did real fine you mean he did real fine last thing that deputy said was that possibly staying around close what i want to know is how do we get out of here well i don't know about the rest of you but clegg poke robey you can ride out anytime you want to what do you mean by that oh you went out to the posse i was told you were wolfers working for us they believed it you can ride out anytime you want to they won't stop you hey listen kid you make sense you know that i know bank robber i'm a wolfer i can ride right out of here ain't nobody walking i'm running the shebang and it looks to me like you're running right into the ground of course you boys want to wait around here for a while sheriff ken kate's bound to show up he's going to be a little tougher to convince than that deputy vince i'm scared i want to get out of here dolly what do you have to be scared about we get all that money got a man like vince stegan to take care of you shut up joe [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm of here if i can pass for a woofer i'll leave without a dollar that gold well i'm not going without my chair vince i want my cut are you listening to me ollie you're gonna get your cut yeah you boys know when you're gonna get it when the posse's got you hanging from a tree joe you remember that old big oak tree down the road a piece that thing ought to be big enough to hang at least three of them in a row don't you reckon oh heck yes three of them and room for dagging stop it stop talking that way you didn't think it was gonna end any other way did you ellie trying to be decent you cut rights poke get rid of him yeah go ahead pog that posse will be here the minute you pull that trigger that's right you know joe that sheriff ken cave's got got ears like a loaf that's what i hear what about it dolly you know i'm a lot better than we do stop it then make them stop it make them stop it [Music] never mind i'll do it myself no you're not going to kill anybody vince you've got a long way to go you can't make it without us you never was an ego digging never a day in your life what roby says about us riding out of here that makes pretty good sense and i'm going to you just try and stop me out of nowhere i just realized to meet your friends on a social level valley you caught right you know everything don't you i don't care what you or anyone else thinks i'm staying with vince are you listening to me all of you got that gun dagger [Applause] for a long time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right all right that's enough we gotta get out here right now all this shooting might bring the posse back come on dolly we gotta go what about paul what are you worried about your paw foy well we can't just leave him here would you want to eat it better get out of here plague steve poke and ride rover you see that them caught right don't follow us come on dolly are you coming or not yeah sure she's going with you you're just what she's always wanted again come on dolly you know your father was right you're just no good dolly [Music] [Applause] that's right joe i'm no good at least not by your standards and that's the way i like it so like you tragedy [Applause] [ __ ] i didn't do nothing dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can be all right trev you had a close call the money did you get it back they didn't have a chance to spend a single penny of it you needn't worry about digging boys either they're all locked up pattern to jug down your jailhouse that is what's left of them trev wouldn't you like to know about dolly she's been right here by your side since the boys brought you in running off with a man like dagon why'd she have to do that ben well maybe it's because she thought you he didn't care you think it was only the money and the bank robbers i was worried about when i found out dolly was gone then you don't know what it's like trying to raise a girl no i i guess i don't but i do know what it's like trying to raise three sons and sometimes you you have to show them a little affection and understanding you ever try that with dolly [Music] now your father's asking for him dummy be patient with him he needs you very [Music] much ah as for you young man next time you visit donal kincaid ask your father's permission first have an idea he'll give it here but don't wait too long uh because at the rate that young lady's growing up i might just ask remission myself hey wait a minute older brother don't you think we got trouble snuffing this outfit with one lady's man how did you ever get mixed up in this family i'll never know [Music] man [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 445,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: western series tv, western series on youtube, western series movies, western series movie, old western series tv, western, Breed of violance, western movies, bonanza 41, full episodes, full episodes movies, westerns, western tv series full episodes, old western tv series full episodes, best western, western tv series full episodes playlist, western series full episodes, best western series, classic western movies, series western, old western series, Western series tv shows
Id: jNAulcfcQSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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