Bonanza - A Stranger Passed This Way | Episode 123 | Western Series | Cowboy | English

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[Music] well i think we can use the whole string your father will be pleased senior catholic i imagine he willed on escobar their mighty handsome animals ah see you know 100 of their sires left barcelona for the trip around the cape only 20 survived would you care to join me in some refresh oh thank you sir i've got to push on into placerville blaserville senor you will never reach there before nightfall no i reckon not but i i got to get home as quick as i can i see i think you quoted to me a price on those horses at a 100 ahead didn't you you disappoint me senor i was hoping to do some bargaining you see the joy of breeding fine horses for sale comes from the pleasant hours discussing the price well sir i'd like to oblige you but i got to go back home we've been in roundup now for about two weeks if i don't get back there my brother's gonna have my hide i understand so you're caught right the horses will be delivered in about 10 days muchas gracias and a pleasant journey to you thank you [Music] sir [Music] give me that picture [Music] i said give me that picture money first now give me that picture [Applause] you must want that picture pretty bad what is she you sweetheart pick that up you're forgetting i've got the gun you're gonna pick that up [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] what about the pretty flowered kind instead of it black again maybe next year christina three years is too long morn maybe next year papa [Music] oh we go on a few miles before we turn off but you're welcome to ride if you like thank you you didn't often we find the young fella way out here riding on shanks mayor but if you're going to walk there's nothing like a fine autumn day to do it on jump in jump in so oh it's gonna be as far as we're going [Music] mister [Music] papa [Music] [Music] maybe hi ba well what are you doing back here i figured i'd let adam finish the tally and i'd start riding that east fence as soon as i get something to eat hungry is a bear hey well where are copies of the agreements hearts brought back haas your brother horse didn't they give you our coppers at the agreements heck no didn't he join you at the rhonda no i'm saying hiding to harem well he telegrapped over a week ago that he caused that deal in sacramento well he's going to stop off at santa away say wasn't he see don escobar about those geldings yeah even so he should have joined you three days ago at the latest well you didn't he'd be carrying a lot of money with him wouldn't he from that sacramento deal yeah i certainly would it's out of my house joe wouldn't what are you gonna do oh i'll just backtrack a little just in case y'all like it with you if i need your help young man i'll see that word gets to you [Music] sorry how long did you say he'd been unconscious mr vanderbilt it is five hours we make it now doctor he will get well doctor yes well i know one thing when he wakes up he's going to be mighty hungry you should not joke in a matter like this doctor if you'd seen this boy the way he fell down on the road before our very eyes now you needn't worry mrs vandervort his uh respiration his heart his reflexes are excellent remarkable as a matter of fact but he seems to have been wandering for quite a while probably without food or sleep hmm is there anything else we could do for him doctor oh the lacerations at the base of the skull are quite minor they're starting to heal nicely already so uh given care he should be himself in a day or so [Music] [Music] i was told i'd find don escobar here what is this my name is ben cartwright uh one of my sons uh was to have bought some horses from you [Music] of course a very pleasant young man your son's in your cart right then then he was here yes i promised him i would deliver the geldings in about 10 days did he not tell you well he hasn't reached home yet actually i'm i'm trying to locate him i'm sorry to hear that senor especially with all the bandits about [Music] well i guess i'd better get out of my way then if it will help you your son left here for placerville about this time of day intending to make an overnight camp i think i'll do the same thing then gotcha no idea good morning there i guess i must have been pretty weak falling down like i didn't know oh it is nothing you have slept now five ten that makes 15 hours and you will be hungry this is my husband class vanderbort and i am christina vanderwort what is your name young man [Music] look i'll i'll not be bothering you folks anymore i'll just be getting home the doctor said you must have good care for a day or two and eat you are hungry now aren't you mr [Music] mr mammoth if you'd get me my clothes i'd i'd sure appreciate it one thing the doctor was very sure about you must eat and get your strength back [Music] you will eat this now and then sleep some more yes he's a fine young man isn't he papa i wonder why he would not tell us his name or something is troubling him ah you would be trouble too papa if you've been wandering for days with a lump on your head the size of a goose egg now i have work to do and you should have been in the fields an hour ago so so so [Music] hush [Music] wait wait please wait you would not go without saying goodbye ma'am i i just didn't want to be any more bother to you bother but you are no bother what troubles you so oh please i would like to help am i i don't know who i am no matter how hard i try i can't remember anything i don't know but the doctor said you would be well in a day or two yeah even so it's pretty scary not knowing who you are or what you are but you couldn't have been anything but good and kind and gentle ma'am i ain't got a name ah what's a name something you have been given by others something you can change we will give you a name yeah now uh willem martin eric that's a pretty unlikely name most unlikely name yeah it is a name i'm most fond of it is big like you and good hendrick yeah hendrick van der vaar and now you must do as a doctor said rest a bit longer and eat come along come along hendrick [Music] kendrick is sleeping peacefully papa [Music] you have given him our son's name he must have a name but why hendrick by the same name as our son why not it is interfering christine it may be a hurtful thing to interfere in the lives of others wasn't our life interfered with when our son died mama he is not our son he could be anybody it could be a man wife and children of his own [Music] the west took a son from us perhaps now it is returning one mama you must not think these things it is wrong [Music] you must forget about hendricka forget about hendrik you asked me to forget about my own son maybe that is why i never left why i stayed here so long because i knew he would come back i knew that one day my son would come back to me good morning oh good morning mrs vanderbort yeah i'm mrs van der vaar if you wish to see my husband i'm taking his noon meal out to him in the field now no that won't be necessary uh my name is cartwright ah and uh i'm i'm looking for a young man this is my son like complected weighs about 280 pounds a pretty big fella i think you'd probably remember him if you'd seen him [Music] what is your son's name well his name is eric but his brothers and i call him hoss [Music] then you have other sons well i two other sons but i was rather worried about horse because he was his mother must be worried too [Music] mother died when he was a baby if you do see him i'd like him to know that his father's looking for him i will tell my husband and if we should see your son we'll tell him thank you man [Music] well we had a visitor that's my mom is late for the nooning ah here comes mama a new neighbor mama no class just a stranger boy that food sure doesn't smell good been so hungry the last half hour i didn't hardly have enough strength to pick up one of them little seeds oh what the stranger want mama he was just asking his way his name was cadrite yeah i don't know anybody about that name [Music] but the blessing papa oh lord for that which we are about to receive make us truly thankful amen amen when it rains hendrick that is when they are good yeah they're a little stifler aren't you mr lander yeah stiff but never the wet feet when you wear the wooden shoes yeah it don't rain much out here ah hendrick but when the rains do come our wooden shoes and our tulip beds bring us a bit of old holland yeah papa yeah aland i miss it very much what class really misses is our holland in michigan holland in michigan when we came to this country we came with dr van ralti to form a new colony already there's 1 000 of our people in michigan we have a church and a school and soon they are to have a college to be named hope and the land is so fertile and rich not even in old holland do they grow such beautiful tulips let us go back papa but you have always said i know what i have said when our son died i didn't want to leave even in his grave i felt he was close to me but i know how class is yearning for michigan and for our friends there and now you will go yeah papa now i will go as soon as we sell the farm that could be tomorrow for two years now we've had an offer for mr adamson then we could go right away papa as soon as we packed the wagon [Music] you folks will excuse me i think i'll go to bed no henry this concerns you too i don't understand man now that you're here and have become like a son to us i can bear to leave if you go with us mama come with us henry please am i i couldn't do that but why not aren't you happy here with us oh yes ma'am well then do come with us please we have a good life together in michigan you and mr van der vorder about all our i'll go wherever you go and gladly thank you good night good night isn't that wonderful tomorrow we can prepare to start i don't know christine i i don't believe that's right but you heard what he said he wants to go with us but in michigan he will be so far from everything he knows he will be happy we are all he has in this world now papa everything will be fine it will be like a new life for all of us [Music] come in uh dr hickman yes what can i do for you i think my name is cartwright could i talk to you for a moment of course saddam i was uh i was told over the livery stable that a couple of days ago you treated a young man for a head wound yes yes a rather large young man yes that that's my son was it serious well he'd received a rather severe blow in the back of the head but that should have cleared up nicely by now at least i wasn't called back for any further treatment well that's that's a relief where could i find him he was with a family of hollanders they'd found him wondering name a vanderbort bender ward that's funny i was by there just yesterday and the lady there said that she hadn't she hadn't seen any young men i wonder why she wouldn't tell me he was there well i don't understand that vanderborts are nice people certainly not the kind you think would hide a fact if uh if there were any complications [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good morning doctor good morning class what's going on here looks like you're getting ready to move yeah mama finally agreed we go to michigan we're leaving as soon as we're packed well the uh doctor here told me that uh you had a young man staying here with you said he treated him for a head wound uh this is mr cartwright class his son is missing and he thinks from my description that his son might be the young man i treated here i dropped by here yesterday your wife didn't even mention that such a young man had been here boss i'm certainly glad to see you i'm happy to see you sir you're happy is that all you have to say angry excuse me sir mr cartwright [Music] it's cartwright your son does not know you i mean he doesn't know me i'm his father when he regained consciousness after you left doctors he could not remember who he was or anything about himself and he hasn't remembered anything since no doctor he becomes very upset almost ill when he tries to remember and he can't well i'll see to it that it remembers right now but mr carter in just a moment please your son's injury was perhaps a great deal more serious than i thought looks perfectly healthy well that's not what i mean if class is right then it's possible that your son is suffering from a condition known as amnesia loss of memory look i've heard it i'm easy but actually the cure is very simple i'll just tell him who he is it may not be that simple mr cartwright your cure could be dangerous thank you i think it was getting pretty heavy mr van dever told me to check the bar and see if we forgot anything [Music] yeah if you would please this is why did you lie to me what's going on here where are you taking my son to michigan to be with our people there it will not matter if he can remember or not they will become his people he would take him knowing that i'm looking for him yeah but we did not force him he wants to come with us he wants to and he will be happy in michigan in his new home you wanted to take him away before i even discovered he was here yeah what gave you the right to do such a thing because each time someone reminds him that he knows nothing of his past or who he is he becomes fearful full of pain and suffering and i cannot bear to see that christina is he the man who called on us that day when hendrick and i were working in the fields so he is the reason you so suddenly decide we must go to michigan this is christina i have told you we ought not interfere in the lives of others he must come home with me mr von devot you can see that can't you he must be given every chance to remember uh mr cartwright there's something you should know in struggling for him it's possible that he could be lost even to himself he should be given an opportunity to remember but he must never be pressed to remember like all amnesiacs he's terribly concerned that all this is due to some fault of his own particularly since he's faced with people and places that he should recall instantly he's not mentally ill now it's just that we don't know yet what tensions can do to the human brain doctor if he were to come home just so that his his brothers could see him once more uh and if if no pressure was put on him what harm could there be or we could never be sure no it would not do any good it would only upset and hurt him we will stop on the way christina no class no mrs vanderport he's my son if you had a son you'd know how i feel we had the sun we know what it is to lose the sun cruel and suddenly we know we know mrs winterbot i promise you that we will do nothing say nothing that might upset him or hurt him yeah we will stop by your ranch the house of those people will be here in a little while remember what i said you won't like what you see he's going to look right at you without a spark of recognition what i can't understand is that woman thinking she can just just cart him off with her well she has no right to do that why do you even listen to her legalities and rights have nothing to do with it i haven't been able to tell you everything the doctor said but please do as i ask you i know what i'm doing when he gets here treat him as a stranger care of my horse well i'm glad you found the place these are my uh two sons adam little joe mr mrs manderport and this is uh hendrick happy to meet you fellas it's mighty nice love you to invite us to spend the night oh we're happy to have you here you have a long trip ahead of you we'll have supper shortly perhaps you'd like to freshen up adam would you show mr mrs vanderbot to the guest room thank you thank you joseph would you uh take care of the team yes well that may show you to your room yes sir oh this is uh the room you'll be in [Music] beautiful ship yeah hey it's a mighty big bear yes uh yes it is a big bed we we had a made in san francisco all right for a big man yeah never saw one that big before [Music] nice room [Music] so [Music] i thought you might like to clean up a bit before stop it yeah yeah i would thank you pretty lady yeah she's uh very pretty well i'll uh i'll see you downstairs yes sir it's just gonna take more time pi it's just gonna take more time for us to help them remember pi he's our brother he doesn't know that joe according to the doctor to face it with that knowledge to force it on him could be dangerous could set him back even further but we have to do something we can't just let him write off with the vandervorts who will do nothing just let him look at familiar things familiar faces and hope that something sparks his memory and what if it doesn't work you mean we can't once call him brother before he rides out i said no it's gonna be hard to resist but paul what do you think we're made of i know what you're made of that is why you will not call him brother and i will not call him son would you like another helping of cake oh thank you mr guard right sure sell a fine table one of our team managed to get a cut on a fetlock four leg i have an ocean i want to go out there and take care of it so we can get an early start in the morning you'll find atlanta on the front porch thank you sir maybe we should give him some help we'll be careful [Music] [Applause] hi fella [Applause] [Music] his name is chubby oh yeah he's a handsome guy [Music] you fellas uh have any lemon i could use i'll get you some [Music] papa we have fire to go tomorrow we should go to bed before you do i must have a word cartwright we have done what you asked us to we stopped by your place now the doctor said it would take one day or ten days or a lifetime didn't the doctor say that yes yes that's what he said we have far to go and much work to do before the snow falls please let your son go with us tomorrow as you agreed please i must have more time he is my son but you still have two sons left if i had a dozen sons he would be as important to me so important that you forget the other thing the doctor said that it might be dangerous to press him christina you are being cruel and i will not permit it cruel have you forgotten the pain you felt when our own hendrick was taken from us how could i forget but that is why i could help your son he needs the love of a mother now i can give him that mrs van devart i had to raise my boy alone without the help or love of a mother but i raised him and i love him and i would give him up if deep in my heart i felt i would hurt him by telling him the truth mr cartwright if you want to tell your son the truth if you are willing to take the chance i will call him hendrick [Music] yeah mr vondevart would you come to the house well looks like they need me in there well we'll finish that for you thanks yes sir this will take only a moment mr cartwright has something to say to you yes sir oh won't you sit down mr and mrs vanderbot they tell me that uh an accident affected your memory but uh that you can't remember who you are anything from the past that's right i i know how difficult it must be for you to think about it if there was someone who could tell you who you are or where you come from [Music] would you want to know that i don't know why does the question make you so nervous i don't know i can't remember anything i i'd rather not talk about it don't you understand it i was only trying i'm sorry i think i must be getting back to the barn my my sons will will do your chores for you why don't you uh why don't you go to bed you have a long long journey ahead of you good night folks night hendrik but cartwright should your son recall who he is we will help in every way we can for his return good night [Music] good night good night [Applause] mr cartwright we are ready and hendrick isn't down yet i'll get him thank you boss come in morning oh good morning do you call it hot oh yes uh it's a it's an old mountain expression means friend thank you uh the vanderbilts are ready they're waiting for you yeah i'm running a little late that blame bed was comfortable i reckon overslept a little bit oh okay i'm sorry pick that up you pick that up boy [Music] what i was about to hit you oh sorry it's all right son but paul i was about to it it's all right son paul i ain't never lifted my hand it was if it was nothing i i'm sorry i busted your mom's picture poor we'll get that fixed up but why bob son please look get yourself ready for breakfast come on now is he ready mr cartwright he is all right he's fine hendrick hey paul who's wagging this out in front it ain't one of ours come down son we have company good morning i i want you to meet mrs vanderbilt mrs vanderbort this is my third son how are you man your name is well most folks just call me horse man mama yeah papa we must leave you uh you folks figuring on settling around nearby no no we're just strangers who passed by to ask our way your father was kind enough to offer us breakfast and water our horses you uh you got four to go yeah far to holland to harlem island in michigan yeah that is where our people settled we are going back there now we are needed there we have been away long enough [Music] kampappa thank you for your hospitality mr carter godspeed [Music] well i don't know about you fellas i'm hungry [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 85,486
Rating: 4.6657062 out of 5
Keywords: western series full episodes, western series tv, western series on youtube, western series movies, old western series, western, western movies, full episodes, full episodes movies, westerns, best western, best western series, western series movie, classic western movies, series western, tv western series, tv series on youtube, classic westerns, western series full length, western series all episodes, bonanza season 4 all episodes, bonanza season 4 youtube, bonanza episode 123
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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