Bomb Proof #Barndominium #texasranchhouse tour my house/indoor arena/helicopter hanger

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[Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so since we're quarantined to the house kind of the latest China flu virus whatever China is kicking out this year even though we got 40 square miles we really don't stay in house but since we're most you all are there I want to show you my house so this is what you call my barndominium I guess essentially how we designed it and come up with it is is my design and I pretty much built it all had guys help me build it we got the house we got the indoor arena we got to help the hanger for the helicopters and then we got just a shop for for living quarters bands and stuff like that so let's take a little tour follow me so most of the house is built out of 20 inch pipe we had a bunch of 20 inch pipe leftover from some local construction pipelines and they left me the pipe to make troughs out of instead of making troughs I made the house so how we made it is I planted the 20 inch pipe ten feet in the ground and then concreted them then once the pipes are all planted then we filled those pipes full of concrete all the way to the top saddle the top of the pipe and then we laid in 16 inch pipe in that so that's what the structures are made out of it and then all the walls are 16 inches thick so essentially we just built a barn and and then we stack 10 that we took off the other at the indoor arena and the rock on that so let me take you inside to the indoor arena and then we'll go from there all right so this is the indoor arena and we built it long before we built the house so the the indoor arena essentially set up for a cutting pin it's a hundred and fifty foot long 100 foot wide 20 stalls with every stall has a run and you see we don't have all the stalls full most of stalls over here a full we had this long before the house and I was down here unloading horses one time and mill the night and and that's when I come up with this you know instead of instead of sitting up on top of here looking at my junk I'd uh move down to my junk pile and build a house I'm a junk pile and look out so you know it's look it's junk so I'd rather look at the country than I would my building but this is a so this barn here essentially we welded it all up it's not a fab barn it's just something we welded up everything is custom built by me and designed all the stalls we're all about our third design on the stall this this design works very well we've got concrete flip up walls and in the stalls so they're all concrete or steel and if you notice everything in my house is gonna need to be concrete or steel what would we have is just for show the understanding I have with wood is wood hates me and I hate it so so these stalls here all have mats in them concrete on the outside mats on the inside and then every stall has a run every horse has the individual water the concrete stalls worked good you know we've had some issues with them you know hurting the legs if they go to kicking the stalls but it's better than just kicking the pot you know some people think well you know if you want to live this close to your horses well if you know the horse person you probably don't want to but you know us we're horse people we're dog people and you know if it's meant to be outside we usually bring them inside so that's just kind of people we are it doesn't smell you know the Flies we can we can kind of control the Flies but it's not bad but my ideal is is this where I work you know at one time I had two over two thousand horses and I was palpating mares and we're doing embryo work all the time so you want to be close to your work you don't want to drive back and forth from your house so follow me out here and I'll show you kind of my pens so as I leave the house we leave the indoor arena we walk right into the pens you know so I just I just recently sold my reset married business to Timber Creek vet hospital so what a reset American mare was so essentially what I did is I went bought killer horses and the horses that were going to the killers and I repurposed them to carry embryos we use them for embryo transfer OSI transfer and cloning and backing out and hay day we had 2,500 head to them and then you know over the years you know the it's just slowly getting less and less and less and you know used to I was only game in town and now there's a lot of people doing it so we sold that business and moving on to bigger and better things but as you can see here these are all my pens the caboose is the office then we've got the lab where I did all my cloning and all my repo work we got the big barns for hay and for palpating mares and then we have all these pins out here we had stacked for putting marriage and cattle so being all here together it makes it nice where you don't you know it'll be I might go a week without getting in a pickup starting to pick up up so essentially I just walk around and do all my work pretty much right here or I just get up in the morning catch a horse so let me show you catching the horse works so as you can see we've got the round pen setup here for now it's early springtime so we are just now weaning our Colts or I'm gonna leave winter coats well halter breaking our Colts and we're starting our two-year-olds so what I do instead of using the round pen outside outside I just set up a round pen in here because it just takes you know 2 or 3 days in the round pen then we're out in the arena so most these horses here these are all be two-year-olds there's a couple of older horses here and mostly what I ride would be two-year-olds two and three-year-olds that's kind of my deal once they're about once they get up to like 4 then I'm usually looking to sell them these these are a couple my coming three-year-olds now and this is what this is one of the one of my stallions the only stallion I've got left now he's a clone he's the clone of sister CD sister CD one close to 900,000 he was a gilding and so um so i gene banked him then cloned him brought him back as a stallion so i got actually clone two of him I've got one to him he's a stallion the other ones are gilding that I'm showing now this is my tack room here so essentially how I designed this deal is um in the mornings whenever we catch horses we just whatever horse we have or have caught up in the mornings will have my horses will be riding for the day so it's pretty simple we just catch our Colt if we need to put them on the Walker we're putting on a walker but we'll catch them saddle them up and lead them right out into the to the pickup if we're not you know sometimes we just leave out from the house but otherwise we'll just lead them right out load them in the trailer and then we're off to work for the day that's if you know if we're not flying the helicopter that day so the wagon back so that this wagon here is one of my newer wagons we used to always take the wagon out for spring Brandon and fall weaning and I guess it's about about 15 years ago you know we just all got too busy or something but we quit taking the wagon out and my old wagon was getting pretty rundown and I took it in to get it white the wheels worked on and when I was there he traded me out of that way again so he traded me this wagon so this is kind of a wagon that I've always wanted design-wise with the dutch box down here and your truck box up here and the shovel and axe and all that stuff it sits in here and the birds like to poop on it now but it's a it's still work for wagon so we just keep it parked in here it's ready to go whenever you're ready just want the bird crap off of it just ready to go we keep some harness here and harness over there we'll we'll catch I got a team of persons we catch them and we come this wagon or any other wagon and then follow me over here so this is kind of the outdoor living area so this is our outdoor kitchen area so will we do any kind of a outdoor fireplace cooking with the Mesquite and then if we're if we're doing that we'll get our dutch ovens out and cook too of course we got the grills built in very expensive grill and we use the trailer it's like everybody else you know you use once you use the trailer you just kind of hard to go back to high let's come in the house now so as you can see this is the bar so that this the house itself is actually a three bathroom four bedroom house the house is on this part and then you got the indoor arena here and then you got the hangar over here so everything in the house is built out steeled in concrete you'll see some wood on the outside it's just trimmed like said what hates me and I hate it but you come over here I'll show you on some of the pipe this is a this is a part of the structure so there's each one of these beams there's six of these 20 inches in the front 16 inches here and these are all 10 feet in the ground and then you're full of concrete all the way to the top so you slap them they're solid solid so the ideal is you know you we've had tornadoes out here we've got a lot of you know bad weather and other structural things you know it's like if I'm gonna build something we'll build it there it'll last and and this will last and then everything else all this stuff here is all welded and steel everything under the butt behind the walls under the floor is all steel and concrete the concrete always those little issues in there you know can't be super super fancy it seems like but it's functional you know everything in the house is pretty basic there's nothing exotic the the tile essentially simple you know Home Depot stuff the bar here is made out of Mesquite you know mesquite a couple mesquite trees and the chainsaw and you got a bar and the antlers all come all the deer all the answers all come off of the off of the ranch just pretty simple stuff you know we've got got lots of that and the antlers give you a good place to put all your all your little trinkets so let's go to the hangar so this is my hangar this is a same steel same deal steel and concrete he did for we get another water the hot water runs through the floor that's what keeps it heated and in the reason we do that is because when you grow when you raise that hangar door and roll your helicopter out all the heat xscape s-- and so with the floor being warm and all the concrete concrete up to temperature as soon as you close the door then it just heat right back up so cool so so like I said we keep the helicopters in here you we can pre-flight the helicopters in here we can fuel them up in here the floors are heated it's you know we got fuel lined in here and then that door on that far side is that's a bifold door raises up we roll the helicopters out and I also keep all my workout equipment in here so so we train in here too and then the deer in here is kind of to beat the b-team so we got the a-team in the house the b-team is out here all this all the steel all the concrete everything you see is all fabricated here and built here so so the the flag the Texas flag the reason I got it and I just you know I had a guy flag I said send me the biggest flag you got and that was it and the reason I put it up there is because we have parties or get-togethers in here and I was wanting to kill kind of the echo because it the tan gives you a big echo 10 and concrete so I'll put the flag up and and it's becoming a pretty good talking point so which I like it I think so the helicopters here we you know the main thing is we want to be able to do a good pre-flight so you don't want to be outside in the weather when it's cold and windy or hot even so it's nice to be able to come in here we've got a few over there we can feel the helicopter up get in here and get our pre flights all done so this helicopter here is actually preflighted and ready to go to be ready for a grass fire because we got some you know maybe today supposed to be windy today so we won't be ready for a grass fire and then and then this helicopter here is all set up for our shooting deal and with a with a little with the China virus we've got going on now all the military shut down and pretty much everything is shut down for next month or so which is it's fine giving us time to do other things and that's pretty much it on the helicopters are just they're ready to roll so these helicopters both of these this one is a brand new r44 Raven - I think this is a 15-mile and this is a 19 model the reason we use the r44 is because it's just a really cheap helicopter to fly in in the helicopter world for what we do for working it's very cheap we can get two shooters in there I sling load my chemical applications through there you know we can just hire out now I've had turbines you know if I flew em D 506 years I've had an AR 66 and the turbines are great and we all love turbines they're just expensive they burn a lot of fuel and they're just every time something breaks on them you know it's $100,000 ticket so so you know it's kind of where this one here is the engine you know so say if you losing the engine on these are forty fours the engines 35,000 which is expensive but it's not two hundred thousand like a turbine so it's just a real cheap as the reason why it's the most popular helicopter in the world now yeah does it have some downside to it yeah it's got a little bit of a downside to it it's not as stable as a 500 you know not as fast or you know there's some things to it but you know for the bang for the buck you buy this helicopter you know brand new you know it's half a million dollar helicopter you get 2200 hours out of it all that you know it's all all the parts and then you rebuild it up between two hundred hours so they're good helicopters I don't know anything else that can compete with them for what we do in this part of the world and I like it that's got air conditioner so you can load your family up or you and your wife and go load up throw their conditioner on everybody's comfortable nobody's hot throwing up it's a smooth helicopters you know we'll cruise 110 knots burning 16 gallons an hour in cruise and so we go 250 nautical miles so so for us we can get them you know Fort Worth from here and then where need will need fuel so you know two and a half hour flight from here to Fort Worth compared to us six hour drive so payload essentially 900 pounds of it load you know you know in the cab including fuel so there's a hook under this and that's what that's this mirrors for this mirror just saves my neck from leaning out all day so I sit over here and I look at my mirror and then I see my load and so most of my flying is as fighting fire external load I'll do fighting fire now I'll do my chemical applications which is a bucket and you'll you'll be loading 72 gallons of water in your bucket weighs about 70 pounds and you can go the neat thing about that pretty much full fuel if you got enough wind you have to have enough wind have transitional lift to be able to pull that off but you can do that pretty much all day and what that allows you to do is you sit on the fire line for three plus IRS and that's important that that when we're fighting fire you know we're not putting a whole lot of water down we're not putting a whole lot of fire out but we're just working right with the fire trucks but if we're sitting there on the ground we can be in case they get an SOS because sometimes the fire trucks get stuck and the fire is coming up on them will they give us a call well we can get over there with insect and we start dumping water on them or you know those times hurt you know heart attack or burns or heat exhaustion we can go pick the paramedics up get them there go pick the firemen up get them to the paramedics so it's important that we're on the scene all the time so so that so being able to be there for three hours that gives us time to get you know we know we're going to be there for longer than three hours we have a fuel sitting there when land 15 minutes we'll be back up in the air and ready to go so we like to have two helicopters sitting there doing that and that's normally what we do now my spike application is a chemical application we spread pellets it's pretty much the same thing it's a bucket we put on the bottom of the helicopter fill it full of chemical it's the spike and it spreads about a 90 foot swath and then what it does is killing the sagebrush and the kind of your woody plants and the government's got some contracts out now for the prey chicken habitat and that's kind of that's kind of what we do there and then also I'm a commercial flight instructor so I don't do a whole lot of like beginner pilot stuff but I'll do more advanced flight training so just the other day we're doing some flying probably people for external loads so then we put a just a 50 foot behind on here and where I'm teaching them how to how to do an external load application so it's a you know it's it's something that's that's needed that's what it's kind of what we do around here so I'll let I'll let somebody else have the beginners and then they once once you're a seasoned pilot you're looking to you know step it up one more notch then they'll come to me so so quiet hit periods I started flying in 1994 being flying consistent you know started out as a private and went commercial and then fire and I've got four thousand plus hours you know never crashed helicopter nothing like that the 90% of our flying is below 100 feet that's where you got to be you know be really smart be really careful that's what we live and that's where we work and that's where we make our money alright so anybody that knows me knows that I'm you know I enjoy running well horses and that's kind of what I do and I enjoy fit so my routine normally normally is I've got a strength coach that I go to town three days a week Monday Wednesday Friday train with him and then those other days I'm here training here or I'm running on the ranch but course with the with coronavirus were kicked out of the gym so this is my workout area luckily uh this is my home workout area so it's pretty simple and you know I've got plans to upgrade it but it's you know it's just simple stuff you got a rack you know you need to you know you need 400 pounds of weight or close to it 350 for your big squat days you need a bench you need two barbells so and what one improvement I've done this little thing comes with these little hooks I actually built we built this this gives you a little better hook because when you really you know you're on your your last leg and you need the racket you need a little bit more a bigger target and so that's what I do plain old bench nothing fancy here another bench for doing sit-ups and you know they're kind of so you kind of need two benches a row of machines always good I like two bars but I like to this one this one came with the rack and it's got the nollans in the middle and so I'll use this one for what I'm doing all my squats this one is painted up like I wanted it and it just feels better on my hand so this is my bar this is one what I'm doing presses like my bench press and stuff like that this is my bar for that so two bars four different things and so this bar here and then I also use this bar whenever I'm doing a deadlift and and I maybe if I got my landmine you pretty much need the whole rack to make it work because those days when you want to be when you want to be you don't want a bench press you mean you need to be turning your hands in maybe your shoulders are sore like you know you get old like me might shut your shoulders get sore so you need to be able to go up to fifty pounds so I would say if you're gonna buy your dumbbells go from fifty down to five at least five oh I'm always changing my workout out so I saw their legs and shoulder on Monday and then I do a chest and tries on Wednesday and then do a back and buys on Friday I repeat that Tuesday Thursday Saturday but that that is my routine even though I'm doing the exact you know backing buys there's a hundred different kind of backing by exercises so don't do the same one get your routine stick it with it for two or three weeks then change it so my obstacle races require me to be able to do a lot of hanging stuff you know whether it be pegboards or just climbing with your hands it's important for me you know to be able to do you know pull-ups is pretty much my standard I - I stay at if I can't do 30 pull-ups and I need to go start working on it that's my workout area it's pretty simple so it's pretty easy so so over here is kind of where I designed this to keep whatever living quarters what you said living quarters trailers stuff like that my boat all that stuff is here and let me open the door for you so this is kind of my ketchup room we've got our V hookups in here so whenever we've got like our living quarters we used to put in here but now we've got this new Sprinter van this is our latest little project we're gonna be fixing this Sprinter van up I've got bumpers toolboxes all kinds of neat stuff we're gonna wrap don't be putting on this little bad boy here of course I got a dirty boat there that's ready to hit the water another month we'll have it in the water well this wraps up the tour of my house I hope y'all say it stay safe any questions you know drop them in the comment all I'll answer every question you send me like subscribe follow me I appreciate every one of them and y'all stay safe stay healthy be careful [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Mendota Ranch
Views: 379,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barndominium, Ranch House, Hanger, Shelter, Equine, Horses, barndominium Build, Hanger house, House built up steel, House built up concrete, Build your own house, Horses in the house, Helicopter in your house, Strong house, Bombproof house, Tornado proof house, Big house, House horses helicopters, Corentine
Id: GiWjf-Ap3yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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