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that have you ever seen an unmatched set of Planet gears is that some sort of newfangled technology with the built-in Weeble wobbles or is that I think as the French say that's the [ __ ] what crackalackin cause to the redoneable revelry of rabbis everywhere the bris omatic 9000 1100 Cuts per charge not to be used on the Sabbath mind that one wasn't mine our buddy this old was looking for one of these dingusloppers you get to a certain age married man you start losing the grip strength and get the job done not to worry partner I gotcha start the clock a self-healing Matt hasn't lived up to its reputation look at this bought it with the money I saved can you believe that 42 to all hairs got her on a coupon for 10. whisper quiet [Applause] time you'd be writing proper to question my provnos but as an unconscious adherent of the seven Noah hide laws and just the tip of the other mitzvah [Applause] I'm distinctly qualified what for testing this thing out and excuse me I just you know you get a good tool and you just got it just gotta oh oh that no Ah that's that's way too fast still just the tip oh Jesus he was a Jewish Carpenter himself and also the case in point why you do not [ __ ] with the bankers cast them out of the temple and the next day he was dead foreign baby doll's wheelhouse but strikes me as a little too quick for nefarious purposes I ought to slow it down that would increase The Horde yeah that needs to be slowed down for use with the Mossad or organized crime one on the same you say ah you can't make fun of yourself who can you make fun of well it ain't no [ __ ] good at all for rope you could do it time I don't know if you're catching this through the internet tubes but this thing it's horrifying it's way more intimidating than a yeah pew pew maybe about on par with a flamethrower but you don't get the backpack and the diesel and the jellied fuel somebody come at you with this run the other way yeah yeah the lads at the wilt they got themselves a winner here they got to get into Hollywood you know one of them Disney movies product placement people people kind to be packing these in their garter belts for self-defense bruh I'm cereal man you're gonna see one of these in a horror movie right quick fast in a hurry that's better got a happy friendly smile I didn't ever Lop your deck off he's too happy oh that's interesting look at that gear beefy before we get into this googleness a lot of times these prosumerator the ones you're using a gardener kind of chintzy not in this case as we see by the labels it's nice and thick also PP and glass fiber reinforced 30 tpe I do not however see any Confederation of rabbis labels for safe snacking not that I have a conspiratorial bent in my body well beyond that one but you know when you see some Mexican hot sauce and you're safe snacking by enjoying some Mitzvahs at the same time Ram Mitzvah one of the 613 of them anyway well it's kind of nice to know at least somebody's looking at that somebody's performing their rabbitical duties to make sure that you know this is all well kosher you know as elapsed misanthrope myself I I hate people in general but I love individual well I strongly like individuals as a boring white guy I can say this but interesting cultures of humanity I mean what is with the hasidics and those goofy looking curls what is with that so I looked it up it's called a Mitzvah and it's in the Bible God actually this is one of the few religions in the entire planet I allow me some disbursement here that God actually came down and gave the Torah directly to his chosen people that's amazing to me and one of the Mitzvahs the not a commandment but just sort of a rule and it's fascinating because you don't have to do all the rules you just the more Mitzvahs you do the harder your life is and the closer you get to God so these curls these goofy looking curls I thought were goofy okay hold on hold on turns out that you're not supposed to show you're supposed to leave your beard hairs unshorn so the reason they got the curls is because they don't want to mistake a head hair for a beard hair so just the air on the side of safety they let the the close to the beard hair they just let it grow frankly that's [ __ ] badass I'll let you know as my conversion to Judaism continues they only took a quarter inch off but I'm already halfway there somebody maybe can help me with these terminals looks to be plated with copper or very thin moat of copper and it's got that distinct copper esque but it's probably a nickel terminal possibly with a if I could get you a frame it there you go possibly with a light dusting of copper electrode interesting anyway I haven't seen that kind of finish on there I twisted up this triaxial pair quad axial pair for the balancing circuit and the Heat and so forth into the brain boxery no dirt this elastic on there must have been a sail and onto an interlock switch little micro switch prevents you from actuating the trigger so as not to Lop too much of her off ah tools and Dick jokes man tools and Dick jokes here's an interesting artifact of design uh group think no design engineering think here we have the interlock micro switch and here we have the trigger micro switch both micro switches and that's consequently why there is no speed control because there is nothing to feed back the position of this other than horn an ORF and that's why it only actuates when this is fully depressed doesn't go slower doesn't go faster there's a more interlocks on here than a Glock but what you can see is these micro switches feed into the brain box wires all the way through but really if I were to do this if I were to make this at home and you too you would wire these in series and then if one of them if both of them are closed then it ain't going to Chooch but in this case the microcontroller is checking to make sure that not only this changes state but also this changes state more complexity for why now the gearbox assembly all metal casement die cast aluminum looks like a nice die casting as well well that's a flywheel is what that is so that's the flywheel housing aha to help you along feeds through a gearbox that's interesting oh wow so they've got location pins in there but they don't go through holes they go through slots so you can actually pull it off that's interesting I've not seen that before normally you see the pins I don't even know if you're yeah you're in frame hey wonders never cease normally that would lock right in but I guess what you're relying on here is the location of these screws so it can't Weeble wobble around axially yeah for ease of assembly there's a motor nothing special brushed DC motor flat bladed impellers steel or is yeah some sort of Steel magnetic flux ring around the perimeter some nylon six six adhered or fastened from the inside to the front of the motor housing a little pinion gear thrust washer Bob's your auntie whoa fascinating okay here's the casement now normally in a drill motor we see these are in stages that's because we want different gear ratios so we get speed reductions in this case we only want the one torque you Lots that appears to be two-stage well fine yeah two stage and then inputs into a spiral bevel gear set which outputs on a quite beefy pinion that pinion runs on the segment gear just the segment and a Chooch is to and fro a reason it can do that because there's a neodylium magnet in there what actuates on a hall effect sensor this hall effect sensor as the magnet wipes past it it changes well the hall effect sensor detects that changing magnetic fields sends that to the brain box and the Brain box says oh I'm at the end of travel oh I got to go back to the start of travel hey we're going to get her back together see if she's a [ __ ] for dolly or in this case that for this old Tony hey don't judge we'll get her back together all right I want to tell you a story about I was well while I get it back together not long into our marriage I got into the Second World War as men of a certain age or want to do the thing is baby doll is a student of human suffering that's probably why she married me but she was also very interested in the trials and tribulations of people who had been through my thousand and and Auschwitz and you know it really fascinated her that horrible stage of human history of course the Holocaust well that even that word is a very loaded word because if you look up the entomology of Holocaust it's quite uh disconcerting what I don't know who decided to call it the Holocaust etymology man people mix that up really bug me far for me to judge it's not not part of the purview of this one but we we were researching and I was into this Golem idea the Golem of Czech Republic Prague so we had gone to the Jewish cemetery in Prague and it's a history it's a UNESCO site it's amazing but here's my bias showing we get to the door and I pay our 15 euros to get in for the the each of us and then the men get set aside and we have to wear head coverings of course I wasn't wearing a ball cap or anything because yeah I'm in Europe you don't dress like a toddler in Europe you can do that in your home country not in other countries so I was properly tired with button up and the wife was properly attired as well you know we're conscientious about that sort of thing they make me pay for a yarmacult y a blue chintzy crappy yamaka printed emblazoned with the Jewish Museum and all that sort of stuff on there and I thought to myself I think it was almost five euros at the time quite dear I thought to myself for what it was I thought to myself wow this is a [ __ ] bad look [Laughter] chuckle to myself but okay go through the museum and see all the all the things there are to see and do a little solemnity together and and think about The Human Condition but at least I have a souvenir what I paid for and I wore and in this yamaka get to the end where you're going out while the son of a bleach is the they make you give back to yamaka well they're not going to reuse them they're just cheap paper why would you take it back I want to take it home with me as a souvenir can't but I paid for it no you rented it oh this is I'm telling you I don't like the look of this at all and then years later I come to realize unfortunately the world we live in they have to do that because if it's not deer then it gets disrespected and it gets thrown around so then the cleaning up the thing but then if they don't take it back at the end of the shift if they don't take it back at the end of the tour then they're going to end up all over town laying in the streets and that is not acceptable so now I understand that a little thoughtfulness goes a long way I guess look at this I can't get her back together look at that planet gear leave a wobbling on that PIN I think that's the wrong gear what duh that have you ever seen an unmatched set of Planet gears is that some sort of newfangled technology with the built-in Weeble wobbles or is that I think as the French say that's the [ __ ] look at that a clue how many of those around here but see the mark that round mark on the thrust bearing where only the one planet gear has been touching that is not right what the bloody hell that was an L joke if you know you know the opinions the wrong way and it's not a it's a wrong gear since we've already desecrated the prime directive talking about Judaism on YouTube no no using it taking it something something we're gonna try it it's an interesting mechanism so I want to see what it looks [Music] um oh hmm now let's go to test it because it has to be timed apparently oh and you also have to be smarter than the tool there we go so it auto times it's interesting how it flip-flops that is it opens it closes and it opens automatically I wonder if that's dangerous or safe that's doing something you're not commanded interesting I would think that they would have had to study that quite closely as to whether or not it should open and close or just close and then open on a different actuation you know have a toggle trigger because in this embodiment it's doing an automagic function ah I think you're pretty safe you get your Dingus caught on this side of it anyway back together we'll give her a test oh once again for the second time we're going to test the route ain't got no sticks what do you think they grow on trees I do have the free stirring sticks that you get from the homeless desk spot they're free because you buy a cart full of crap on your corporate account don't pay for six months don't mind if I don't one two three four ah holy [ __ ] learning close careful we're listeningly if you squint your eyes hard enough you can't see anything at all holy Jesus this thing's a bloody Terror I thought that was the Dead one son of a this thing's a bloody fast you got to kind of commit ugh there you have it the brissomatic 9000 this thing's a killer machine unfortunately for the follow what put this together with the wrong gear well his kidneys will go to a good home I'm sure spanks for watching keep your dick out of this thing
Channel: AvE
Views: 606,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden, sheers, dewalt, milwaukee, festool, tool, review, test, best, pruning
Id: Jgf54hXEplY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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