BOLTR: Japanese Linear Compressor | Genius!

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That thing would run my desktop steam engine quite nicely!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MrBlankenshipESQ 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like the fact the piston runs dry in teflon sleeve bearings. So you have clean air!

It could thus be used as a breathable air compressor if the flow is sufficient.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/ccgarnaal 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
gentlemen walked back to the shop today a treat especial straight from J a pen to your inner tubes a middle linear compressor time now linear compressor is a very interesting device it is setup for a specific task it is very high reliability because there's only one to my knowledge one moving part the Pistone II what reciprocate s' to and fro as indicated here by the my typical maintenance scheme there extremely robust but they are suited for purpose the respect for purpose they're not what you would use as an energy source for other tools for instance a reciprocating compressor or a roots blower type compressor a rotary vane compressor no screw compressor because those essentially you are using as a power source in this case we use this specifically because we know exactly how more what pressure generally a lower pressure and what flow rate so you would use this in a copy machine sheeter to keep the sheets separated or an industrial sewing machine or like a bandsaw that needs just a little bit of air to blow the chips out of the way so you can see what's going on this is a very specific uses case but that's good because it's compact it's very robust it's also very efficient one of the reasons it's efficient it's because of the juxtaposition here if we if we take a rotary compressor okay a reciprocal rotary compressor you're taking a motorcycle feed in some current what's essentially in the wire reciprocating back-and-forth we're changing that into a rotary motion mechanical energy electrical to mechanical energy in a rotary motion and we're taking that rotary motion a crank and turning it into a reciprocating motion so in every transfer of energy there is going to be some losses there in this case all we're doing is we're taking that sinusoidal reciprocating electricity and we're using that to create a magnetic field what pushes and pulls the piston to and fro so it's very much more energy efficient because there's not all these linkages and we are chit going on and transfer you know this one to the other to the other to the other it's more direct also because we don't have a containment vessel and we're not using this power anything in particular we don't have a containment vessel if you have a containment vessel the gas that's been compressed is hotter that's energy and then when the gas sits there that's been compressed the the heat dissipates out of that that's lost that's waste heat it's gone in this case because we're not storing that energy you don't have any waste heat you know interestingly if you have a big a big receptacle for compressed air and you seal it up tighter than a nun you come back in the morning and the pressure will have dropped and a lot of times well in a lot of cases I've seen this in a lot of cases guys chase her tail looking for the leak they don't want any leakage no wastage so you're looking for the leak well there wasn't a leak what happened was the gas got back down to ambient temperature get compressed it heated up it got back down to ambient temperature and now the pressure is dropped by 10 psi just because it's cooled down I got the filter housing off here just some thick PP you can see it's new old stock that's been sitting on a shelf for a while because the urethane foam just turns to coffee cake I'll have to replace that or omit it altogether that is not gonna do us any good at all I've foam very interesting texture what turns to paste I don't need that I got those mid body fasteners out pull out right through what do we see here two solenoid coils now you plainly see why this would be so robust it's very robust in its embodiment it's also very robust in its design no moving parts very few moving parts here is the prime mover here north-south electromagnets this is running on what are your finger that's running on 45 watts 50 Hertz 230 volts which means this is a European this is built for Europe in this case we would feed this 200 some odd volts at 50 Hertz and that would get rectified here you got to go through one coil and then go through the other coil to get the the North and the South Pole but you're only getting a half wave you're getting half wave rectification here and it's just it would be chopping this guy off so anything that we feed in here on a full AC gets chopped in half so you're only getting one half of the cycle that means that the polarity is always going to be the same so that we're not inducing any hysteresis or anything like that these this central core is always seeing the same north-south and what happens is we energize this electromagnet on half the wave so 50 times a second and it pulls back up against this return spring yeah so there's the spring and the spring seat and a little poppet there now here's the spring and the spring seat here you recognize that grease of course molybdenum disulphide you got some teflon labyrinth bearings here just for airflow not too well I guess the that would seal a little bit air in there one would think so that air would act would aid this spring for not only spring force but also for damping we'll get into the head of her and get the piston out and see now we've got the reciprocating section reduced down they see beautiful casting again beautiful machining in here well above and beyond kind of that quality you'd expect seeing that made in JK panic or this is an industrial component it's got a nice isolation damping foot honor there and we can see this is where the rubber meets the load this is the valve here and you can see on on the one stroke the valve closes seats up against here and on the charge stroke air is allowed to go past this little check valve and charge the cylinder now on the output on the output so here's the you can hear to how tight that is you can hear the reeds squeak it and the reeds here ok so here's here's the operational stroke here is char compress and then charge so intake compress intake compress and take compress and that happens 50 times a second on that half wave so what's what we have here on two sides are little reed valves and the revolves under pressure would close and the piston would have to pressurize the fluid in here in this case air enough to overcome the pressure pushing these reeds closed so that's all that is very simple just a little of the old in OD nose you can see why that would last so long and why it's so very reliable now we got her connected up here to the very act unfortunately we only got 30 volts max coming out of this so this will not run a full church in fact it'll run only a quarter however we'll see if it works also this is great I just wanted to reiterate how great this was because you don't need any valves you don't need any prvs any pressure reducing valves any kind of regulators nothing like that you size it for the task at hand then all you got to do give it power or turn it off and it does what it needs doing so let's see here I think well here's red-hot copper in your eye contact and we'll turn that up a little bit see if we can't get it there we go starting no not enough not enough to get that thing turning a rather reciprocating you just give her the old Fonzarelli no not enough sitting there idling at 24 watts and now I got 240 feet into this thing I don't think it'll blow up famous last words correct well doesn't like something must have blown the fuse huh well it's powered up Oh must've blew the fuse because it's saturated accorded quickly or something hmm now the four we need an extinction Court North America's favorite connection you think I was talking about my rats no hope I'll just get that you want to make sure it's chrome you'll only affixed up to code and so forth we're hooked up to the welding circuit 220 volts she'll suffer or a letter we got here 15 amperes holy at 220 I'm basking in the comfy warm glow of 20 feet between us correct Lari Yahoo linear compressor has a defined purpose this is fantastic for stand-alone air systems or actuation systems that don't that cannot be plugged into an existing air system also you eliminate all the need for valves and so forth because you define exactly the amount of air and the at which pressure it needs to be delivered all you need to do is flip the switch and feed it some Pixies and it gives you off the question is now why our regular compressors reciprocating compressors run by rotary or rotating motors why aren't they run by linear motors just a couple of solenoids it it's got to be something to do with the economy of scale you know you got a motor and then you have pulleys and bushings and bearings and all sortsa the mind boggles why they don't build them this way but it's got to be something to do with the economy of scale there's so many motors out there that it is cheaper than just making up two windings or maybe the two windings cannot provide enough oomph enough force to actually get up to higher pressures at certain volumes of air but definitely an interesting uses case and there's all kinds of these little niche areas this isn't so niche this is quite a common industrial piece but definitely if you just want to plug it in and go that's the for dolly thanks for watching keep your dick in a vise he's ready handsome boy you coming for a ride where are you going papa
Channel: AvE
Views: 748,176
Rating: 4.8304644 out of 5
Keywords: review, engineering, compressor, air, tool, test, mechanical, engine, build, diy
Id: eEF-owkyI-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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