Bold Steps to Reduce Extreme Poverty in Tanzania

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Tanzania the largest country in East Africa has been registering impressive economic growth for almost a decade now banking communication retail manufacturing and construction are booming in big cities like Dar es Salaam but for millions of Tanzanians life continues to be struggle against formidable odds the government is now taking bold steps to reach those left behind by the economic growth that has been largely urban in underserved villages in Bagamoyo sham we know NT Bihar districts communities have identified their poorest families as eligible to receive cash from the government on condition that they send their children to school and get regular health check-ups the government decided to start a program on high road basis as incentives to those people were not taking the kids to school to attend to clinics and even the elderly from this poor household - will check their health through these cash transfers the Tanzania social action fund or NASA is helping poor and vulnerable people to provide food for their families send their children to school and stay healthy without this support many parents would be unable to buy the uniforms and books needed for their children to attend school cup was a work order for us wanna talk about of the idea while the amount of money is relatively small it is making a huge difference in the lives of the recipients those that have yet to receive cash transfers like Stella a single mother who is registering for the program see it as a way to push on their families against the worst effects of extreme poverty we have a soul mccreaney 10h appealing but was in a new Eva Kenyatta battle scene Italian but Nakata impassive our battle even bear any gig information in an adjacent district beta a small-scale farmer has faced serious difficulties during the dry season and in times of drought with a cash transfer she is now able to invest in other assets that provide her an income between the harvests or when the rains remain elusive as they have been this year unit with Asia will wanna Malakal for favorite cooked very globe after being registered in the program in the coastal district of bada Moya in 2012 Rehema invested in a business these roadside tea kiosk with advice from the program Rehema has now been able to save and secure her future beyond the program knows young numidia panga for one numero Kyra Akiba young we are bad I do gotta call them time Mozilla Hera me McCauley named Ariana in Telugu naughty Bongo - anguish rainy knock one I shall name Darian I did the government run program works closely with the communities that it serves the communities involved in all the stages in which this fund is used before you use even a single cent you have to involve the community with support from the World Bank the United Nations and other development partners Tanzania plans to scale up the cash transfer program from 20,000 poor households to as many as 900,000 assisting a total of about five and a half million people we are hoping that as we broaden the discussion with the more development partners that are interested in this new scaling up program a lot more would be discussed to make sure that the program is not just throwing out money but making sure that money is going to the right households and in a cost-effective manner for impact with excellent targeting we looked at this would reduce poverty like its 60 percent in a few years with the expected revenues from its recently discovered natural gas reserves Tanzania will be able to fund the cash transfer program more sustainably from its own budget it's affordable 10% of total aid flows per year reducing poverty by half we really believe this is a great opportunity for the country and we're very proud to be associated with it Tanzania social safety net is now poised to become a critical component of its poverty reduction efforts
Channel: World Bank
Views: 10,564
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: AqAvTY-asPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2013
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