The 3 keys to eradicating poverty | Professor Muhammad Yunus

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good morning good morning okay that's it what do I bring three zeros very simple you still remember the three zeros don't you zero poverty zero unemployment zero net carbon emission so these are the three zero that's what I have defined for myself that's the world that I would like to be involved with and make it happen this it's my choice defining it and accurate work for it so that you can make it happen and probably you will have your zeros to whichever way you define but you have to define something this is the kind of world that I want this is your choice you don't have to consult to make a decision of course you need advice you need consultation but decision is yours create that world that you want while defining something this is the imagination you can do it it's a very exciting experience but at the same time it's easier part of the whole job then you have to make it work make it happen how do you make it happen how do you make zero poverty make it happen how do you make zero unemployment make it happen how do you make the zero net carbon emission have make it happen and I mentioned something that we are struggling against a very powerful wave of wealth concentration when all the wealth is sucked in in one direction and then you want to create a world with zero poverty and etc that makes it extra difficult how to make it happen you must have heard many times our goal as something globally we say that repeatedly the nobody to be left behind that's a great goal nobody to be left behind and we all believe in it and I try to point out the system that we built around us and we participate in in everyday it is a system which is designed to leave people behind and that's what the world concentration is all about keeping people behind so we are struggling against a big machine which is designed to leave people behind and we say we want to do something not to leave anybody behind that's a big mismatch so you have to work on the system on the machine itself so that machine has to change its habit of leaving people behind and sucking up all the wealth to the top how do you do that so that's what I was trying to say and struggling with it and it came up with some things one after another when you look at things at the very close range it's not as difficult as you think when you read about it when you hear about it it's so difficult but you come close to it it looks like fairly easy it's not as difficult after all we are dealing with human beings it's not something they don't have any skills they don't have any energy to participate in your effort so that's what I was trying to see if I can make little efforts and do that and I got excited yes it works and in the process I created loss of such enterprises that I thought could be done to adjust those issues then we started seeing something which I never thought before the system we built has a major flaw I I struggle with two major flaws and that's what I wanted to share with you probably you may look into it yourself one flaw is in the whole system which we call the capitalist system the basic assumption behind the whole system is every human being is driven by self-interest this is part of the whole system every human being you me and everybody is driven by self-interest and there is nothing else so we keep on doing repeating that thing self-interest driven economy and self-interest translates into greediness it becomes extra greediness and everything else forget about everybody else what struck me this is a very narrow interpretation of a human being human beings are not about all selfishness human being is a combination at least of selfishness and selflessness death selflessness is missed out and why the moment I introduced it suddenly exist it looks like it's completely different world and that's the kind of thing I was doing without knowing what I was doing creating business to solve problem without any intention of making money for myself so what did I do I dismissed one basic feature of the capitalist system making money profit making profit I dismissed it in my world and created business to solve trouble not create a business to make money for myself so that is a departure I saw and then I raised a lot of debate about it people start arguing against it so I try to give it a name so that people understand what I say I call it social business and define it by saying it's a non dividend company to solve human problems the company is a business we sell the service or sell a product just like any business does but for a purpose is different from the other kind of business the purpose is very clear we want to solve people's problems suddenly people question that because they cannot imagine how a person who is supposed to be self-interested driven person personal interest driven person can do something for interest of other people I said because every person has that aspect too so any human being can do both kind of business business to make money business to solve problems the moment you introduce that part of human being whole capitalist system appears completely different suddenly same human being can do both things it's up your choice how much of you do this how much of you do of the social business why social business is important in the context of what I said about the world concentration it's important the moment you come into social business there is no sucking the wealth to the top because nobody's taking any money from it that's a profit so all social business works against the concentration because if I don't take any money there is no question of me getting wealthier and wealthier so that is a kind of a counter force that we immediately introduced in the system and make it happen and it did is to many other issues which postpone for a while and then I get into another problem this is interesting for you also both are interesting for you not just one what I was doing the microcredit and I started lending money to poor people particularly poor women did not only poor there from all from rural areas of Bangladesh when I started they are totally illiterate cannot read cannot write nothing but it started there but we wanted to make sure their children do not repeat the same fate as their parents of remaining illiterate so me we make all our efforts floors institution which we called Grameen Bank to make sure all the children of Grameen families go to school and continue in this education system with give them scholarships we gave them education loans and so on there is one person who is attending today is one of those young people who her mother was a Grameen Bank borrower in we sent her helped her mother to send her to school and later she got scholarships and so on got to good College with the scholarship then she got a scholarship to go abroad in the United States she got her degree in the United State today she is appearing here can you please stand up [Applause] yeah thank you so that's how she is here but many other people are many other places who came from the same families of poor families but given the education they continued to grow up but others who finished these that hundreds of thousands of young people millions of young people they keep on complaining what is the use of helping education in there's no job when it kind of hit my heart that is what is the meaning of education there is no job I thought for a while and I started responding to that why do you look for a job why are you looking for job they got very puzzled everybody looks for a job what's wrong with it they didn't say that then I said forget about job job is absolutely wrong idea this should have ended long before in the previous century but somehow still that wrong idea has continued to come to Bangladesh and get you worried about it the real thing should be you tell yourself again and again that I am NOT a job seeker I'm a job creator and act like a job creator think like a job here so that you can feel big you can feel strong if you are looking for a job you feel small because you are at the mercy of other people you are in an intrapreneur that's what you are then he started telling them look your mother's 20 years back 30 years back she had the courage to go to the bank to say that I want to join your program I want to borrow money from you and she made the decision and took a loan after a long debate and this kind of hesitation that should I or shouldn't I'm she took the loan $30 $40 and with that money she didn't start applying for jobs she started a business very tiny little business and that was her beginning and here after a year she took more loans paid up on loan bought another loan and she grew and along the way you are born you are coming from a family which already has a tradition of entrepreneurship if you're illiterate mothers with a $30 loan can become an entrepreneur what's wrong with your education system they completely wiped up your idea that you can be an entrepreneur so why don't you just forget about your education the one that given the wrong thinking in your head that you have to find a job for somebody to work for somebody else why don't you go and learn from your mother and become an entrepreneur so what we do we create social business social venture capital as the young people to come up with business ideas and we become partner with them so today thousands and thousands is all these young people come with business ideas and we keep on investing in their businesses and make them become entrepreneurs so that they forget about seeking a job in general I could say this is another flaw of the capitalist system they made us into thinking that only way we can survive is to have a job I said job was never in our history ever since we are on this planet when we were in the caves we are not sending job applications from Cape number five to cave number ten do you have a job for me I'm unemployed the concept of unemployment didn't exist because there is no reason why any young person with full of energy full up yet even at the peak of his and her creativity sitting idle doing nothing explaining that I am I am unemployed so I'm not supposed to work does it make sense it doesn't make sense to me why everybody should sit idle as if somebody has put a spell on this person almost like a Harry Potter story put a spell there is the only place that the spell comes from is our idea is a concept that I am supposed to be sitting idle because nobody's giving me a job why didn't you go and do something because system is designed for seeking job not for being entrepreneur I say all human beings are born as entrepreneurs human beings are not born to work for somebody else the moment you introduce this concept suppose we all become entrepreneurs will there be wealth concentration left what is your guess it won't because welcome to me will come to you will come to everybody because we are intrapreneurs today as a job seekers as working for somebody what did we become we became mercenaries for other people to make money through us we don't make money they make the money and we pass on the money to them and they become multi billionaires and big big people and we complain all the world is going there who is helping them we help them that themselves cannot get to all this wealth because there's no mechanism so if we become entrepreneurs certainly all the problem start resolving so ask yourself before you leave Bogota would you be an entrepreneur or be a job seeker tell your friends tell your brothers and sisters that there are two options you can be a job seeker or you can be an entrepreneur and the moment you had these options many will go first become entrepreneurs provide the provided we can create financial system to go with it once you get into it financial system has to come around to support it so that you can go into it so with three zeros today it looks like impossible can because the system that we created made it impossible so as I was explaining all Impossibles has to become possible that's what the human beings are all about that's what you are all about making impossible possible don't settle for little things go for big things because you are created for big things don't compromise yourself thank you very much thank you
Channel: One Young World
Views: 16,132
Rating: 4.8703241 out of 5
Keywords: one young world, young leaders, one young world summit, bogota, colombia, professor muhammad yunus, professor yunus, grameen bank, innovating for the three zeros, microfinance, 0n3YoungWor1d2o2!, OYW, One young World, #TogetherApart, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Founder of Grameen Bank, Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus
Id: UNu-OfYaLmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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