Bogged With No Recovery Gear | Self Recovery

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[Music] all righty then well got myself stuck I'm by myself let me just tell you a little bit more about this situation let's get into it alrighty so I'm stuck here by myself I definitely don't have any recovery gear that bag there is not full of recovery here these are definitely not max tracks and I even forgot my long handled shovel dang it's that thing would have been so handy and just one more thing and this right here is definitely not a winch so how am I gonna get myself out well straight away any experience for drivers watching this video it would just be like let your tires down well I could try that and it might work but I've pretty much sass debugged myself on at least the two corners as in the axles touching here and I'm on my Bosch plates over that side so if I tried that chances are I'll probably just get myself more stuck so I'm going to show you guys how to virtually dig yourself out of this situation because that's the only way you can do it if you've got a high lift jack with you or any recovery gear that'd be awesome like exhaust Jack would be perfect right now whack it on the car lift it up but remember in this situation you've got no recovery gear cuz some dummy left it at home so I've had a look on the beach to see what I can find to help me with this and the family stick which is gonna be my longhand wood shovel in this video so let's get stuck into it pretty much what we want to do is just work our way around the car and clear any sand from under the chassis under the axles under the Bosch plates so the car is once again sitting on its own wheels so let's do it so what I'm going to need to do is really get under that back axle since I'm pretty much sitting on her back there so I've actually got to do myself a little trench so that I can even get close to the axle so there might be other stuff in Accardi you can actually is to help yourself get out of this situation anything that can help you dig for instance a frypan a bucket just think outside the box think what do I have that could work and even if it damages it if you means you can get out of here you're winning out because someone might come past here in a couple of hours it could be a couple of days so you don't want to just sit here spinning your tires waiting for someone to come and help you good eye you know a hand now oh good I'm just waiting for my thanks and nobody said this is going to be easy now you got to remember if you're in this situation it's only your own fault remember guys you're in the Sun you're in the heart it's very important to stay hydrated all righty well pretty much got this side done all right so ever the other saw the car pretty much this repeat the exact same process you go by all the sand from under the axle so because when I got stuck or the drive went to the other wheel this one's actually not bug too bad so I'm pretty much done over this side already just the front of the car to go so under that you can see it's bottomed out on the Bosch plates a bit further under so what I'm going to do at the front here is just try and get it away from these suspension arms and then I'll probably go around the side and trying to reach in and get under there and just one little thing you may be tempted to try getting out sooner rather than later but you generally better off doing it later because if you dig yourself out a little bit and then try and go if you start spinning wheels you're just going to dig yourself further in which you really don't want to do so you're best off just holding off until the very end when you know that cars completely suspended just on its wheels not on the sand anyone under the car so it's really hard to resist that urge because you just want to get out but you're better off just digging until you know you're going to get out all right that's pretty much all I can reach from the front here so down the side I go so just another thing while you're digging or you also want to be doing is at some point you've got to figure out which way you want to go so you can either go forward or backward if you're on a hill chances are you want to go down the hill whichever way that is so in my case I know there's hard tracks behind me because that's the way I drove in so I'm going to aim to go backwards so what I've done with the back wheel is left a bit of a ramp so that the tire can just crawl out and what you want to do down the side of the car is will it just have a bit of a channel for the tire to go out so this is the last side of the car now and this takes me back to preschool alright so now when you look under the car you can see daylight on the other side the whole way end of the car that's exactly what you want to see that means the cars on its wheels this is exactly what we want so at this point it's a good time to drop your tire pressures because now when the car goes down because you're dropping the tires it's not going to bottom out all over again so either want to use your tire deflator or just a gauge but hey in this experiment we said no recovery gear so I'm kind of cheating here because I'm going to use my tire to flight off but if you are desperate you can use pretty much anything like a stick your keys whatever just to deflate them the only thing is how much do you deflate them well the best thing to do if you've got nothing you're probably going to need at least a minute thirty if not two minutes of just holding the valve open to let the tire down to probably around 20 psi so grab your phone out and start timing and do all the tires for the same amount of time so it's really hard to kind of gauge how far down you should go and it also depends on your tire size as to how long you should really hold a valve open button just guess do the best you can sorry what am i doing well I'm going to drop my tires down to let's go for 12 psi I actually use your on 12 psi on the beach I just find it's a really good around pressure just one more thing so that's a minute and a half to two minutes if your tires at highway pressure so if you've already dropped it you definitely won't need to go that far alrighty guys let's try and get out of this sticky situation so for starters you obviously want to be in lower range because you just want as much torque as you can get pretty much so what you might want to do is actually just try rocking the car backwards and forwards just a little bit and just see if that works all right so the first attempting didn't go too well obviously hadn't taken enough sand from in front and behind the tires but it just really illustrates if anything how you can't rush recoveries like this because if I just plant on my foot I would have just dug myself into an even deeper hole so let's try again see how we go low range a bit of left foot breaking see if I can trick the LSD and let's see if we can get out of this all right I'm out I reckon so I've managed to go in Reverse now I'm just going to go forward just to heart in the ground a little bit more yeah I'm out for sure so I'm just gonna hide on the ground a couple of times this may seem silly but it means when I go for it I can just give it the berries and just try and get out all right here we go last time all right let's get out of here awesome let's just get stuck all over again all righty guys I got myself out but what can you really learn from this video well for starters your basic for driving let down your tires your car's going to go so much further what tire pressure depends on your car depends on your tires personally I run 12 psi on the beach no dramas at all second thing driving technique if you start getting bogged if you start losing momentum just stop don't plant it you're only going to go one way and that's not forward it's down so you don't want that and the thing is at that point if you get out of your car and move a little bit of sand away from your tires let your tires down a bit more chances are you'll drive straight out of that situation another thing recovery gear snatch strap a couple of shackles make sure you've got recovery points a shovel how good would a shovel have been in today's recovery would have made life so much easier but there you go if you get stuck on the beach and you got nothing to get yourself out with no max tracks or anything like that and there's no one as far as the eye can see just keep digging until you can see daylight on the other side of your car and then just drop your tires and you should be out of hopefully crawl yourself out of the situation so yeah guys hopefully you learn slang today get out there and enjoy this beautiful coastline we go and I'll catch you in another video see ya this was actually such a good base to do this video on because even on 12 psi it is ridiculously soft a crazy stuff
Channel: Seek Adventure
Views: 1,000,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd recovery, 4x4 bogged, self recovery, 4wding fail
Id: SlX-1mEMa4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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