Body Language Expert Stunned The Queen Did This At The Funeral

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[Music] prince philip's funeral although tiny was nevertheless full of pomp and pageantry befitting the passing of the longest serving royal consort there was lovely music performed by a choir a chamber choir in this instance a piper playing the last post in chorus and despite having been warned to stay away due to ever-present covet danger crowds still line the streets hoping for one last glimpse of their beloved duke of edinburgh a man many considered to be the entire nation's grandpa in fact in one last act of service he performed for his own family prince philip's funeral brought so-called straight sheep prince harry back home if even for a flying visit and it seems as if he may even have exchanged a few words with his estranged brother grandpa would have been sure to approve the one image that will stay with all of us however is that of his widow the 94 year old queen sitting all alone in her pew head bowed looking surprisingly small and vulnerable and oh so heartbreakingly alone despite being the ruler of a nation of over 68 million people not to mention assorted realms and territories body language expert jason lee a former professional poker player who now works as a relationship science and data analyst with healthy framework noticed one moment during the funeral where the queen did something unexpected he spoke with the list afterwards giving his interpretation of what he saw and what he thinks it means lee described the royal funeral as quote a scripted and meticulous process which indeed it was the daily mail broke down ahead of time all of the planning that went into it with the lord chamberlain's office arranging each and every step of the funeral procession and determining who would walk stand sit where based on bloodlines and age lee however well trained in spotting anomalies by all that time spent playing poker tells us it's always interesting to look for anyone deviating from that plan what intrigued him amidst all the funeral pageantry was that moment when he saw her royal highness quote make an unscheduled stop to turn and take everything in when she was entering the chapel what could she have been thinking or seeing as she looked around her while the ceremony was a small one due to covet protocols nevertheless it was one that may have helped we hope convey just how much her husband was loved and will be missed by millions who never even met him perhaps instead she was just looking for some support closer at hand from her children and grandchildren who've put aside their differences to rally around her at this time whatever was going through the queen's mind at the time lee says that her one off script moment shows that while pageantry pomp and circumstance are important it never trumps raw emotion and family although famously stoic in best royal tradition on one occasion the queen spoke out and delivered a message that the morton report described as quote curiously personal in a message she delivered to a memorial ceremony held several days after the 9 11 attacks and meant to commemorate its many victims her majesty used the words grief is the price we pay for love she wasn't just speaking in the abstract either although she felt the pain of this attack on her wayward colony and mourned the tragic loss of life she herself had lost a close friend that day lord carnervon a man she'd known since her childhood days how much greater muster grief be now after losing a husband of more than seven decades the funeral marked the first time she'd appeared in public since being widowed a week ago while abc news royalty consultant aleister bruce acknowledged that the funeral itself can be a very challenging time for anyone who's just lost a life partner he says she may have been comforted by having the chance to be with her family not be alone and be in the company of god at the final moment of her husband how will the queen carry on without her lifelong partner well she has one thing going for her than most other nonagenarians do not all her life she's been trained in the sense of duty that goes along with being a royal no matter how devastated she may be at the loss of her husband she knows what it means to be a ruler of nations and she'll keep her upper lip as stiff as is humanly possible no matter the pain it may cause her in private still the queen is not alone in her sorrow while abc news says that all four of her children as well as her grandchildren will be supporting her and her royal duties most of the work will be done by eldest son charles next in line for the throne the future king has been at his mother's side since his father's illness and subsequent death and he will remain so as he prepares to take up the reigns in the not-too-distant future in the meantime he's providing a strong shoulder for the morning queen to lean on as shakespeare is often paraphrased heavy lies the head that wears the crown but a burden shared is we hope a somewhat lighter one for the bereaved queen to carry
Channel: The List
Views: 4,961,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the list, queen elizabeth, the queen, prince philip, the royal family
Id: GuVZVwd2iDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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