Bobbie Wygant Interviews Mr. T for "D.C. Cab" 11/12/83

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you have speed well mr. t good morning and hello again it's lovely to see you I really mean that thank you thanks for the guards being here you know I'm looking at you with I don't know ten million dollars worth of diamonds and gold and everything and then I'm looking at your shoes that are just a disaster now explain to me what's with these shoes all taped up looking you see well to some people they might see this tacky but that's a message in these shoes you see these shoes keep me humble and if I you recall the last time that we met I had these shoes it wasn't that bad of a shape you know but he she was handed down to my family my father wore my brother's warm and things like that so they keep me humble keep me and let me remember that I have a brother the sisters back in Chicago not doing three I got mother and father and I must take care of so I see I didn't Hollywood especially all the money and I'm making nice so easy for me to get caught up in all these material stuff and forget where I'm coming from so wherever I be when I'm with a governor or mayor or reception or whatever I look down at my shoes and let me know when I can't get too carried away here so that keeps me level as I said I want to keep my feet on the ground and my head toward heaven are those the only shoes you have to know I have other shoes but you know these shooters put if it is on where I'm at mostly sometime I being gym shoes and things like that but when I go out personal appearance I wear these shoes because that's a message in there now people look at you and the jewelry and the diamonds and everything and I'm sure that some people if they don't say it to your face they think if they think you know okay why doesn't he feed hungry people with all the loot that it takes for these you say well I don't know whatever Tilly those people they don't read about they don't know that about mr. t you know I just was on that about our network stars ABC NBC and CBS I won $10,000 I gave it to my church I just fade but Thanksgiving just Fayette 500 LD I mean citizens as in homes and whatnot because the guy was one he said where would I get this money from so I sent two thousand five hundred dollars to feed them you know something like I said but I'm not gonna all go into all our history what all I do you know cuz the people can always think things or whatever even if I just tell you what I'm doing even say well that's just a front he ain't doing it you know but God knows like I can't lie to God I could lie to you but I can't lie to God why do you think I'm keeping getting so much last time we talked I didn't have this much now I'm getting more than if we meet again next year I would have more why because the Bible said blessed be the cheerful Giver I'm thanking God that I can able to give so much that's why I get so much they say when you give it comes back to you press down shaken together and running over it's running over I'm turned out more often than average guy get because I give so much you know I can't beat God given I got get so far this year I gave over $100,000 already but don't get me wrong I don't want people out in the audience in to write me a letter say mr. t I need $100 this that no don't go like that I challenge my money to my church you know so like I say I don't want to people get the wrong idea that's come running to me for money you don't go like that it goes like Jesus said if we give a man a fish you feed him for the day if I teach you to fish our future for lifetime you ain't been coming to church you know don't come out and say well mr. t I'm onna I believe in God - you know I don't go like that that's why the Bible say only to peer and heart shall see God you know if you ain't been serving God you ain't gonna get nothing you know mr. t your movie now DC cab I think that that it's just a hoot of a movie and I think that young people particularly are just gonna have a ball with the movie but there's one thing that disappoints me and I'm very honest with you and I mean I that's why I love talking with you because we're honest with one another I personally and very disappointed that that's an r-rated movie because it it eliminates the biggest audience I mean your fans are these young kids and they can't go because it's right at all I know ours a little disappointed myself you know because I look at the fact that now I have a cartoon series and look here sort of see lot of the kids watching on the 18 - things like that so that sort of bothers me you know and uh and I tried to do my part telling the producers director we can cut down on some of the language in the movie you know but that's the thing that makes it all rated movie you know but uh but that's for my part I can still say I walked through mud but still came out clean you know because the character I play you know but uh you know it sort of bothers me but you know well you don't have total control I know that yeah but at least I'm glad to know hotter shoot 218 of course is such a phenomenal hit and we carry it on our station as an NBC affiliate now there are rumors that George Peppard really is a little bit ticked off that that you seem to have so much of the focus true or false that's so like a false statement to me the Georgia part say that no sir I've not talked with you but I mean that's what we see well you see that's what rumors always star you know see well until you get to the source you know that's what most am I don't need answer of course some people bring this things like that up to me you know cause me and Georgia part is very tight you know so unless you're told me that you know didn't be different but it always is rumors and whatnot that can always be rumors know why because we are hot more people gonna try to break up this happy family they say we wouldn't last two weeks not only lasting long and low and they get mad at that there was other people you notice isn't saying they've done that Jesus got to undercut him so he tried everything Akina trying to break us up they can't so now this is coming I'm not surprised about this year that do we gonna get critics coming this way in that way rumors rumors who started nobody know who started but it's there you see it always but then lets me know that we are hot because we would not they wouldn't be coming at us like that well see that's why it's wonderful to have a chance to talk to you personally and get get your opinion and a team I guess is just gonna roll right along it's gonna roll right along because the people have caught onto it because we don't kill nobody we don't hurt nobody we are fun-loving a bunch of guys we get we have fun we entertain people the nice way we don't curse you don't see no sex and then what not we just having a good old slapstick fun and people can relate to that they need that in these times of trials and tribulations well mr. t it's wonderful to see you again I do enjoy talking with you and I hope that DC cab is a big hit and you know we'll try to to do what we can to tell people about the it's mainly our for the language and we all know that the kids hear that but we'll get the word out okay okay lovely to see you listen you two wonderfully like okay and sound please now why is mr. t with all this millions of dollars worth of jewelry and diamonds and so forth that you're wearing these tacky shoes are these the only shoes you have are you disappointed that this movie has an R rating and thereby eliminates so many of your young fans there are rumors that George Peppard is a little bit unhappy that there's so much attention and focus on you in the a-team true or false so a team is just going to keep rolling along I believe that that's got it Oh No
Channel: shotech1
Views: 65,007
Rating: 4.9407406 out of 5
Keywords: mr. t, dc cab, dc, 83, 1983, Interview, Bobbie Wygant
Id: 0ftjmixy75M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2013
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