Bob the Builder Classic ⭐ | Lofty Saves the Day! | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] oh everyone's busy today pilchard i've got loads of paperwork to do oh wow i know you want your breakfast come on then it's a bit messy bob it's very messy rolly still not to worry we'll soon fix it you can start by rolling the road flat and dizzy we'll be needing lots and lots of concrete [Music] nice mix dizzy now we can lay those paving stones [Music] can we clear it yes we can i think so but um oh i've just remembered i've left something behind at the yard oh lofty trust you uh that's okay lofty you can go on back we'll see you on the other side okay see you all later bye oh lofty's gonna make us late going all the way back to the yard he's not really going back muck he just wants to go around the long way instead of crossing the bridge oh why is that then he's scared of heights remember oh yeah like i'm afraid of the dark right let's get to work [Music] what about these logs leave them for lofty he'll be here soon [Music] [Applause] there goes lofty i'm gonna have some fun [Music] great we saved the logs for you can you stack them at the side of the road please [Music] let the fun begin watch out lofty there's a mouse [Music] you can go back to the yard if you like see if wendy's got any other jobs for you oh okay then yeah see you later [Music] [Music] hey spud you leave lofty alone [Music] yes leave me alone all of you [Applause] [Music] oh hello lofty you're back early are you all right [Music] what's the matter lofty do you want to talk about it i'm not used to anyone i'm frightened of mice of heights and spot the scarecrow oh you don't want to worry about spud he doesn't mean any harm [Music] i'm making a little present for scoop and muck one two three my pies away hey what's going on oh no it's bad [Music] come back come catch me can't catch me [Music] [Applause] help we'll have to get lofty to rescue him i lofty's scared of heights but he's the only one who can reach that far i'm going to the yard to get him help [Music] well he's just sitting there in the corner bob oh dear well i'll talk to him when i get back okay oh i'd better go sounds like scoop's back too hello scoop what are you doing here there's been an accident oh no what's happened it's spud he fell off the bridge oh is he hurt no he's caught on a bush but we can't reach him we need lofty's help to pull him up right well we'd better tell lofty right away lofty we need your help to rescue spud you've got to come back to the bridge oh but oh the bridge it's too high it's scary and spots scary too but lofty if you don't help spud might fall and you don't want that to happen do you um oh i don't think so now will you be there scoop course we wear lofty [Music] okay then i'll give it a go good for you lofty off you go then i'll bring bob and tell him what's happening [Music] an emergency at the bridge okay wendy i'm on my way help [Music] come on lofty just a bit further [Music] i'm right behind you lofty just lower your jib [Music] all right i can't look down bob you'll have to tell me what to do no problem lofty forward a bit left a bit now lower your hook i've got [Music] well done spot okay [Music] did i lofty it of course you did lofty you can open your eyes now nice one lofty nice one wendy spun safe lofty rescued him oh thank goodness for that [Applause] there you go spud back home safe and sound and i don't want any more mischief from you for a while no bob right bob ow thanks bob don't thank me thank lofty if it wasn't for him you might well not be here at all i know thanks lofty and sorry about teasing you are we still friends [Music] i think so yeah hooray for lofty that was really good love dave you might hear [Music] can we fix [Music] lofty and wendy join the crew bob and the gang have so much fun working together they get the job done can we fix it [Music] travis and spot playing together like good friends should [Music] [Music] phew hard work this oh yes i've nearly dug my digger to bits and my roll is uh uh rolly stop whoo that was a bit close you nearly flattened the fence there oh what sorry bob not to worry no harm done i think it's about time we called it a day we're all getting a bit tired i think i could sleep for a week a month two months a year two years all right you two it's not a competition sorry paul just put this around the trench don't want anyone falling in do we [Music] wow [Music] oh no i'm not it's time for me to go home or it would be if bob was back he's very late [Music] hi wendy oh we're back yes and worn out too by the looks of things yes we all are it's been a very long oh it's been the longest ever [Music] good morning everyone oh hello pilchard hello everyone hello wendy what jobs have we got to do today well dizzy i'll just pop into the office and get my list [Music] please hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello oh look travis look where oh [Music] [Music] right mark time we got back on the job come on roli can we fix it yes we can rolly rolly rolly rolly [Music] uh wendy have you sent rowley on a job no why um well he's not in the yard oh that's strange [Music] he's where what is it scoop that says rolly's sleep rolling he's he's gonna flatten the town into a pancake [Music] well we'd better go and wake him up before he gets into trouble come on scoop no no wait bob it can be very muddling for someone if they get woken up miles away from where they've gone to sleep somehow we'll have to guide rolly back here before he wakes up right we'd better split up and see if we can find him here wendy take this we might need to keep in touch can we find him yes we can i think [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm well he shouldn't be too hard to find you just follow the flat stuff look at that lamppost rolly's rolled over everything rolly rollish wendy said not to wake him bob oh yes rolly rolly [Music] you haven't seen roley have you travis he's gone missing tell me about it nearly squashed me flat this morning he did which way did he go that way oh thanks travis come on lofty let's go oh bye bye go get in front of him oh dear i hope nothing's happened he couldn't [Music] oh no mr beasley's fence [Music] he's heading straight for the trench if he falls in we'll never get him out again what are we going to do sink scoop thing i am thinking um got it oh bob what are you doing making a bridge i hope i hope the bridge is stronger than the fence no i can't bear to look oh rolly yes he's made it wendy oh wendy we found him i want you to get over to mr beasley's with lofty quickly right lofty a little closer oh be careful bob right take him back lofty gently does it [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i'm worn out me too i think oh we can't find rolly shhh oh hi everyone time to get up eh boy i've had a really refreshing sleep come on mac let's would you look at that dizzy max asleep does he lofty stroke oh well come on bob can we fix it afraid not rolly not just now bit tired see you tomorrow wendy bye bob bye rolly bird what's happening look at them all asleep [Music] and it was me was working me rollers off yesterday not them i can't understand it [Music] can [Music] [Music] lofty and wendy join the crew bob and the gang have so much fun working together they get the job done [Music] bill judembert travis and spot playing together like good friends should [Music] [Music] [Music] right now remember bob mrs potts will be here in the morning to take care of the office work don't worry about us wendy you just enjoy your visit to your sister oh i will oh she's got a lovely garden with a patio and everything unlike mine which is a complete mess oh well now bob oh right yes wendy you'd better get going or you'll miss your train right then bye everyone see you tomorrow night i'll send scoop to pick you up from the station oh i miss wendy when she's not here not to worry dizzy we'll be too busy to miss her what do you mean i've just had an idea we're going to fix wendy's garden up so it's as nice as her sisters [Music] we haven't got much time though we'll have to start bright and early in the morning [Music] all right pilchard i'll get your breakfast now [Music] bob's building yard oh hello mrs potts oh dear well don't worry you just stay in bed and get better bye oh well i expect we'll manage somehow wow all right pilchard i'm coming there won't be anyone in the office so i'll leave the answer phone on and pop in now and then to check the messages so we're still going to work on wendy's garden then of course we are great can we fix it yes we can yeah i think so right scoop and rolly i've ordered some flagstones turf and tubs from the garden center you can go and pick them up no problem dizzy and lofty you're on gardening duties let's get these timbers loaded [Music] right let's see we'll have a bit of a lawn in the middle a patio by the house and over there we'll put up a pergola [Music] a big wooden frame thing very nice for sitting under can we have some flowers please wendy loves flowers good idea dizzy we'll have a flower bed over there and i'll order some plants when i get back to the office later alright everyone let's get to it [Music] hello this is bob's building yard please leave a message after the beep [Music] muk i'm just going back to the office to check the messages and order those plans okay bob shall i give you a lift good idea lofty it'll save time see you later [Music] hello is that bob's building yard hello oh my goodness um hello hello oh now how did that happen wow oh no there's a load of messages too hello i was wondering if you could come and fix my sink because it's been oh why do i always have trouble with this dancing machine where's that instruction book oh never mind i'll sort it out later wow i must send that fax to the garden center [Music] right that's the plants ordered oh no it's nearly three o'clock already i'd better get back to wendy's garden see you later pilchen all right lofty step on it oh great here comes scoop and rolly all right everybody we've got the stuff from the garden center now we can finish the job off but bob what about the flowers oh i've ordered them dizzy you and mock can go and pick them up hello this is bob's building yard please leave a message [Music] oh i've forgotten my fork come on lofty now where did i put that fork ah there it is [Music] oh my goodness what's happened here it's no good looking all innocent pilchard when wendy sees this we'll both be in trouble now how am i supposed to fix this oh too late it's six o'clock when he'll be back soon oh come on everybody we've got to get a move on well we're all done bob there's just the pergola to finish off and the flowers to plant don't panic i'm on the case scoop you'd better go and meet wendy go on [Music] goodness what's on earth that noise coming from our garden oh that um that's just uh a woodpecker if it is it's the biggest one in the world wendy close your eyes and come with me oh what's going on okay you can open your eyes now surprise surprise oh bob oh it's beautiful a patio oh just right for barbecues [Music] i'll be able to sit out in the summer evenings oh and a lovely flower bed with all my favorite plants oh bob thank you thanks all of [Music] you oh in all the excitement i forgot to ask you bob did mrs potts manage all right in the office ah well she couldn't make it she was ill and everything's in a bit of a mess in fact i was wondering if you could come in early and sort it out do you mean can i fix it oh wendy yes of course i can oh it's rather nice to know i've been missed anyway i don't mind at all because i know that when i come home at the end of the day i can put my feet up and then i can have oh bob do you think i should have a fountain fountain [Music] don't forget your toolbox bob you won't be able to put up the signposts without it oh thanks wendy careful dizzy rolly and look were working late last night they need to sleep whoops sorry bob it's time we left let's go team [Applause] oh my legs i've been standing on them all morning but it's only breakfast time yes but being a scarecrow is very very hard work standing in a field all day isn't as easy as you think you'd laugh oh oh oh oh nice once bud right that's it i'm going to get a new job i want to do something easier than being a scarecrow like wattsburgh hmm i know i could be a racing car driver ah that would be easy or maybe maybe i could be a pilot but you can't drive or fly a plane [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spud you know you shouldn't play near rhodes yes bomb sorry bomb can you go and tell farmer pickles i won't be able to fix the window frames in the old cottage until tomorrow okay bob spud's on the job bob thanks bud right we've got to get moving team let's go can we fix it yes we can oh look travis bob's tool box [Music] forget sponsor scarecrow from now on [Music] that's right i'm going to be a builder just like bob and the first thing i'm going to fix with my new toolbox is that date [Music] right then scoop my toolbox has gone oh no it must have dropped out on the journey i hope you're right scoop my best spanner was in it lofty can you go and look for it oh yeah i think so thanks lofty [Applause] well travis what do you think it looks a bit wobbly to me spud it's meant to look like that oh is it this building stuff is easy i wonder what else i can find to fix i know the window frames in the old cottage oh that's a good idea right i've got my toolbox and yes my machine travis not me spud i'm off farmer pickles wants me to play a field boy travis travis you don't know what you're missing hello lofty what are you doing oh i'm looking for bob's toolbox is um this is lofty oh yes oh can i have it please yes if you help me with a bit of building first it'll help bob out oh okay then hooray i've got a machine now i'm a proper builder lofty and spud are on the jaw [Music] hello bob's building yard oh hello bob you've lost your toolbox right oh bob i'll send muck with a spare one straight away bye [Applause] [Music] hello where are you two going can't stop muck we've got to go and fix the window frames on the old cottage hey just a minute that was bob's toolbox lofty was carrying oh no better [Applause] this doesn't look too hard to fix does it lofty i'll start with fixing the door [Music] mark i can't understand what you're saying god lost that toolbox he's he's on his way to fix the old cottage with lofty oh no we better stop spud before he hurts himself let's go team [Music] there crooked that's how they're supposed to look anyway we've got another job to do oh have we one of the barns has a bit of roof missing and we're going to fix it lofty inspired are on the job [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no what a mess i think we'd better put the window frames in properly before they fall out i wonder if there's anything else that needs to be fixed here oh oh this is exciting i've never fixed the roof before be careful don't worry this is a job for spot the spanner right where's my hammer oh no i must have left it on the ground oh [Music] follow [Applause] [Music] him wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] almost finished the door we can make a start on the windows next okay bob ah what's that in the sky [Music] you're right he's heading straight for us [Music] nice landing spud hello bob i'm stuck well spud i'll only get you down if you promise never to use my tools again it's dangerous you could have hurt yourself oh sorry bob now can i have my toolbox back spud oh bob i i am out it's all right bob i've got it thanks lofty now you can bring spud down [Music] i think i'll stay a scarecrow from now on it's safer spot the super scarecrow [Applause] it's christmas it's christmas eve we're going to have loads of it's fun to decorate the yard for the holidays the christmas tree's here [Music] oh it weighs a ton oh it's great right first we need some fairy lights oh you know what i wish i wish it would snow not much chance of that i'm afraid it never seems to snow here at christmas i don't know bob the weather report on the television said that it might this year oh i'll get it um that was mrs percival from the school on the phone oh this is percival i'd almost forgotten what i said i'd be father christmas for the school carol concert i get to wear a red outfit and a beard and everything why can't father christmas go to the school himself that's a good point actually yes i mean he ought to do it father christmas is very busy at the moment yes he's um busy wrapping all the presents he's got to deliver and getting his sleigh ready so um he sometimes needs people to help him you know to visit schools and shops you mean you're one of father christmas's helpers yes you could say that well if i'm going to help father christmas i'd better make some presents to take with me [Music] christmas [Music] it's lovely [Music] wow [Music] you could build a snowman [Music] now that's what i call a snowman bob this is urgent that was farmer pickles on the phone he's completely snowed in and he needs you to go and dig him out come on scoop this is a job for your snowplow can we dig it yes [Music] looks like bob's got a pretty busy christmas eve i better get on with decorating the yard it's bob's mobile oh he's forgotten it again dizzy could you take it to him of course i can't wendy bye dizzy that's a stuffed scoop whoa looks like you might have your work cut out it's starting to snow again you're right come on scoop keep at it oh this snow's really cold oh i know i'll cut across the field yes it'll be quicker [Music] look out here comes spud the super slippery scarecrow it's a snow monster [Music] well scoop you've done a grand job it's horrible it's huge something the matter spud yeah yeah yes back there no monster a snow monster hmm come on we better go and have a look [Music] um good afternoon is that you it seems to know you bob would you absolutely [Music] well we'd better get you home and into your shelter out of the snow come on you two bye bye bye christmas bob [Music] oh oh look you make a really good sleigh wow wendy that looks great now i'm one of father christmas helpers too is that my sleigh oh you look brilliant mark now all we need is a reindeer don't worry we've got one of those here we are oh oh a reindeer and a snow monster all in one day [Music] right off you go happy christmas goodbye bob and thank you so much especially for the toys you made it's been a pleasure oh merry christmas i'll just put that there like that and when i wake up the morning it'll be full of lovely presents for me me me oh father christmas come back over here you missed you missed one [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] yeah happy christmas to you too bird christmas it's christmas happy christmas everyone [Music] you lot are up early yeah it's christmas happy christmas happy christmas lofty look father christmas has left presents and everything well father christmas didn't need any help from me this time happy christmas bob oh oh fantastic i love ripping the paper [Music] oh that's brilliant that's fantastic oh wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Bob the Builder
Views: 342,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, B.O.B, Bob, Bob the Builder, Bob the Builder Birthday, Bob the Builder Can We Fix it?, Bob the Builder Cartoon, Bob the Builder English, Bob the Builder Full Episodes, Bob the Builder Mega Machines, Bob the Builder New, Bob the Builder game, Builder, CGI, Can We Fix It?, Cars, Cartoon, Cartoons for Kids, Cement Mixers, Curtis, Diggers, Dizzy, Fixham, Leo, Lofty, Machines, Muck, Roley, Scoop, Spring City, Team Bob, Team Work, Tools, Trucks, Vehicles, Wendy, WildBrain
Id: Bp1315k8jic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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