Bob Ross - Mountain Lake (Season 1 Episode 10)

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- Well hello, hope you have your canvas set up and ready to go, I think we'll do another almighty picture. And today, I wanna do a ridge of mountains, rather than the jagged, sharp mountains that we've been doing, I wanna do a nice, smooth little ridge of mountains, coming down into a beautiful little lake. So we'll start off here with a little bit of Prussian blue on the big brush, there we go, just work it into the bristles, and we'll start right at the top of the canvas. OK, we'll put us a quick little sky in here, and we'll just move this paint around, let it work, play. Don't want a dead sky. (calming piano music) OK. Now I've already had the magic white on the canvas before I started so, we have that ready, there we go, just nice little sky with some life in it. Now I put just a touch of fatal green with my color, and we'll put in some water. There we go. And sort of bring all that together. We've left a little area open right here in the center, so that it'll look like a sheen of light coming across the water. OK. (brush splashing in water) (brush banging on metal) There you go, just redecorated your living room. Now, let's take a little bit of the titanium white, and just a little touch of permanent red in it, always like to put a little bit of pink into my clouds, just so it looks like a little sunshine. And we'll do some almighty big clouds here, just let em work off that brush, keep the brush moving. Keep it moving. You don't wanna set and grind one spot to death, all you'll do is end up with huge cotton balls in the sky. And we want nice fluffy clouds. Leave some of these areas dark, that'll end up being the shadows in your cloud. OK. There we go. Maybe we'll just have a little cloud floating around up in the sky up here. There we are. Now maybe another nice little cloud, with just a little touch more pink with that one. There, now he stands out, we just want these to be soft little clouds. OK. Now we'll take the big brush, and very gently hypnotize this, just work it a little bit, leave it alone. If you overwork it, you've killed your cloud and you've become a cloud killer, ooh, nothing worse than a cloud killer. There, fluff it up a little, and don't worry if you pull little streaks of paint out when you do that, because when you hypnotize it it'll go away. There, we'll just hypnotize the whole thing now. OK let's clean the brush. (brush splashing in water) There we go. And let's put one more little cloud in there. We'll just have him right here, just let him work around. If you're gonna separate these two clouds, you need the dark area in between, so don't kill all your darker area. There, there. Blend him in a little bit, fluff him up, then hypnotize him. OK. Now let's start working on this ridge of mountains here. And we're gonna take a little blue and brown, I wanna make sort of a grey color here, blue, brown and white. And your blue is a hundred times stronger than the brown, so use it sparingly. There we go. Now, let's just take in, lay us in a nice little ridge here, and we're really pushing this into the canvas, work it hard, working hard. Push, you're not gonna hurt that canvas. Just a few little bumps here and there on top. We really push that color into the canvas, there. Now we take the big brush, and we'll pull this downward. There we go. Get rid of all that excess paint. And it's blending with the magic white as you pull it down, and automatically it gets lighter in value toward the bottom. OK. OK, let's clean the old brush. (brush banging on metal) There we are. Now, let's take a little bit of white, and I'm gonna grey it a little bit, just to make it a little bit duller. And over here I'm gonna make up a little shadow color, and it's brown, white and a little bit of blue, so we can work back and forth between highlights and shadows. Little bitty, little little bitty roll of paint on your knife, almost no paint. Want this to be very subdued. There we go. There, just let this come on down, this should look almost like cliffs. Just with a light striking here and there. OK. Little bit of the shadow color played here and there. I think you'll find that, doing these kind of mountains, are a little more difficult than the other ones we were doing, where we used more paint. These here, almost non-existent when it comes to paint. OK. Then we'll take the big brush and diffuse this, make it even softer, push it even farther back. Like so. Really pushing back. OK maybe we'll put a little ridge coming right around here sorta. There we go. You could spend all day just playing with mountains, and it's a super, super way to learn, so, if you have an old canvas around take it, and just do nothing but mountains on it, the whole thing. It really, really will make friend of that knife by the time you're finished. And it'll help you to understand mountains, everybody's not as fortunate as I who can live in Alaska where you can look out your window and view mountains that most people only see in pictures. Alrighty, let's bring this down, maybe we'll just have it come right into here. There we go. OK, and if you don't have mountains outside of your window, you can buy a lot of books that have pictures in it, and examples, and after a very short period of time you'll begin making these up in your own mind, you no longer have to worry about copying, but copying is a way to start. In here we're trying to give you something, just sorta as a guideline to go by, and to make your own vision, and to put it on canvas. So don't worry about trying to copy exactly what I'm doing here, do what you wanna do, put your feelings into it, your heart, it's your world. OK. And maybe a few little things here and there. A few little shadows. And maybe we'll just change some of these angles here a little, there we go, I like that better. See it's your mountain, you can change it. You can change it anyway you want him to be. We'll put some little shadows here and there, just to make some little projections coming out, wherever you want em. OK. Now, let's diffuse this, lay it in the mist here. Very soft. Now I must take a little magic white, little magic white. We need a thinner paint, if we're gonna make some happy little clouds that just sort of float down over the mountain here, and maybe we'll just take this one right here, and just let him float right on down over the mountain. Now, it's essential that you have a thick paint on first, it is essential, absolutely necessary, or all you do is make mud here. OK maybe there's a little cloud just floating right down through there. OK. We just lay these clouds where we want em. Heck, maybe this one comes down over here too. Very thin paint, can't stress that enough. OK. Now, very, very gently, a hair just about touches, not quite, just about. There we go. And then we'll hypnotize it, ever so lightly. Super, super lightly, there. See how easy it is to put clouds just drifting right over the mountain? (brush splashing in water) OK. Now then, let's take, let's take a little sap green, and a little brown mixed together. OK let's see here, let's take, oh got a big old hair, and it ain't right here on the brush. If you get a hair on the canvas, just take the corner of your brush, and lift it right off. No big deal. If you take your finger and start picking you'll destroy your whole picture trying to get that one little son of a gun off there. OK now, we'll just lay in some color here, maybe I'll add just a little touch of blue to that. Yeah, I like that better. There we go. OK, now then, we can take and grab the hold of a little bit of that, pull it down, instant reflections, instant reflections. Pull that across. OK, now we can highlight a little bit, we'll take a little bit of the magic white, a little yellow and a touch of thalo green. Nice bright little green here. And, they'll lay in some nice little things happening all over the place. There we go. OK let's reflect a little bit of that color right down into the water here. OK. Now, let's mix up some blue, and some brown, and some sap green, and you want this very dark, it looks black. And, we'll use the almighty fan brush today, make some little trees in the background. We've used just about every brush here, so just show you how you can make some beautiful little trees with this. And you just sort of let em fall of the brush, back and forth, shape your tree, and lay em in there. Maybe we'll put one a little higher, that way we'll put the cloud, that little cloud that's floating in front of the mountain, we'll put him behind the tree. There we go. These are fun little trees to make, just let em happen. OK, maybe one over here. His top got bent a little bit, maybe airplane went too close and clipped him. In Alaska that's not unusual, they have some crazy old bush pilots up there that run over everything. Friend of mine brought back a 12-foot tree hanging on his, back of his airplane. OK maybe a little baby one over here. OK. Then we'll just pull that down into the reflections, very gently, like so. Alright. Now we'll take some magic white, and a little bit of Van Dyke brown, a little touch of yellow, just to make sort of a dirt color, sandy little color, and we'll lay in some little waterlines back here. And maybe we'll have a little beach comes down. There, and that just run around the corner. OK, there you goes. We'll take a dry brush, and we lift this just a touch, this is a thinner paint so it'll move on top of the other without destroying. OK, now just some straight magic white and we'll sparkle this up a little bit. OK. We'll put a few little sticks and stems here and there. OK, time to move forward in this picture. We'll mix us up a little more dark color. OK. Let's put some paint on the one-inch brush, and build us another tree here. Maybe we got a nice evergreen that's growing right up through here. There you go son. Just let him drip out of the brush. And we'll give him a little friend. There, we go, alright. Now, let's just put some little bushy trees right in here, like this, some little reflections underneath. Pull those down. OK. And we'll put some little trunk indicators, just here and there. Alrighty, now we can highlight that. And we'll throw a nice little green bush right here. There's a nice little tree. OK, there. We'll reflect those right down into the water. And give them a little pull. OK, little Van Dyke brown, and we'll put some soil in here, and we'll just sort of let this come around. Then a little brown and white, a highlighty, make him look like stones and stuff. Few little bushes that travel down, there we go. There we go. OK. And we'll put a little waterline under here, and this is still water so it has to be flat, all these lines have to be straight. Go anywhere you wanna go with them but they have to basically be straight, or your water's gonna run out of your picture, you're gonna have to get a bucket and put it under one end. Let's put a few little sticks here and there. Alright. Now, let's take some brown, and do this, shwip, just let this go. OK. Really pushing that into the canvas, really pushing it. OK. And we take a little white, a little brown, a little touch of blue into it here. And we'll just do this, shwoo. Turn it into some nice dirt area. OK. Now then, let us build a tree right here. Nice tree, there we go. This is just our dark color that we've used before, blue and brown and a little sap green. Maybe we need a little bush right in here somewhere, just to break it up. A little bush out here. Maybe we'll put a little bush right there. OK. Add in some little trunks. Like so. And we'll put some little highlights on here. OK. (brush splashing in water) (brush banging on metal) And, there we are. Some little things happening on this bush. OK. And we'll have some little bushes over here. Maybe we have a little path that sort of, just comes through here. Just a little dark area. That'll bring it down to it. OK, let's see what we can do here. Let's have a nice tree right here, heading on right up through here maybe. Put his other side on, don't want a one-sided tree. OK, they go down through here, just let him fall down wherever. Maybe a little one there. Give them a little highlight. OK. And we'll take our dark color, and we'll put some leaves on that little rascal. There. And we'll just take, a little more color, and we'll highlight these. (brush splashing in water) (brush banging on metal) Maybe we'll put a nice bright little tree right here. And a few little things down here. This sort of gives it the indication that the land works down that way. OK. Now I wanna put a few little sticks all throughout here. Like so. We're just cutting through the paint here. OK, now we'll take a dark color and I've used a thin oil here, and maybe we'll put a few little things that are just, sort of, playing around out like so. Just here and there, wherever you'd like em. This is your creation. OK, and we need to have a old dead limb here and there. OK maybe I'll just mix up a dark, dark green here, we'll just put a few little highlights on these trees to indicate little lights playing on those. There we go. (brush splashing in water) OK I think we'll sign that one, and that one should be just about finished. There we are. I really hope you have enjoyed this painting, I hope yours is complete also, if not, hope you'll be with us next time. And until we meet again, happy painting, thank you very much. (acoustic guitar music)
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 304,780
Rating: 4.9522457 out of 5
Keywords: tv show, oil, canvas, bob ross full episode, bob ross painting, bob ross marathon, pbs, happy trails, twitch, art, stream, bob ross joy of painting full episode, bob ross twitch, pastel, wildlife, livestream, beauty is everywhere, chill, alaska, steven ross, ocean, paint, the joy of painting, snow, bob ross, full episode, kappaross, free, painting, drawing, brushes, happy trees, bob ross inc, landscape, coloring, host, lake, asmr, garden, mountain, bob ross asmr, joy of painting, happy accident
Id: wDnLlywAL5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2015
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