Bob Moses live at Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, USA for Cercle

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Still mad Cercle finally comes to the US and it's a mile away but during a pandemic

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_IN_A_WEEK 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DocSaysItsDainBramuj 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we want to dedicate this set to our friend geo we love you brother [Music] to begin [Music] is [Music] i never know [Music] so all i want is enough to believe but they said there was no [Music] guarantee [Music] [Music] to [Music] foreign know i wonder [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] control [Music] [Music] the place [Music] is so [Music] [Music] tell [Music] you pay there's [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] and after all this love we found will you be around [Music] found [Music] [Music] i tried so hard [Music] now you know just how far i am [Music] [Music] and you be around [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you tell me [Music] now [Music] i tried [Music] just how far i am [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] will you be [Applause] [Music] so so uh [Music] oh oh ah [Music] from [Music] don't don't don't fall far far far far [Music] don't fall for [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] don't don't don't don't don't fall far far from [Music] far [Music] don't don't fall forever [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] i will rise again well now we've come [Music] to [Music] to me [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] me [Music] you never listen you never listen to me [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] universe to me you never listen to me [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] wow now you change your mind [Music] um [Music] you found a feeling that was new you're changing all those [Music] is to change [Music] so so [Music] is is [Music] this is [Music] [Music] so so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your reality is so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] ties that we've made [Music] [Music] is is [Music] so [Music] down down so [Music] so [Music] so feel like it's hopeless [Music] i just wanna be free [Music] so [Music] [Music] comes for free [Music] foreign [Music] i [Music] i just wanna be free [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] i i just wanna be free [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] let me tell you about a little situation [Music] [Music] you see there was [Music] just [Music] i guess there's no [Music] me [Music] if you don't want my affection [Music] we're all starting with a simple conversation [Music] she told me she lived just around the [Music] corner [Music] is [Music] me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] guess [Music] you [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] i think i wanna [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you look for the outside [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] tell me [Music] is [Music] everything when you look for me outside [Music] outside [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right hello to everyone thank you so much for watching uh bob moses thank you so much for this set it was it was beautiful it was awesome it's so fun in your mind what do you think it represents for people in l.a uh griffith well i think la is sort of like known as the city of the stars and then this observatory i think it just takes that sort of literally you know and like could get the view of the stars so i think it kind of fits with the city and the atmosphere and especially since there's a beautiful hillside here it's a perfect place you know to come out you have the ocean you can see like you got a view of the whole city i think it really sort of encapsulates what uh it's about i totally is it okay with the mics it should be on now sound check soundcheck one two one two one two one two um yeah i totally agree with you um you you come from vancouver but now you live in l.a what's the what are the favorite things for you to living in l.a um well i think the thing that we like about la is we love vancouver it was a great place to grow up but it always it always felt especially in music we felt like the sense of adventure and music was calling us out there you know out to another place and we found ourselves in new york and we love the energy and the huge metropolis with something that you can get everything from every culture there you know and so la kind of brings that huge metropolis new york everything is easily accessed with the beautiful nature west coast vibe of vancouver and so that's kind of it's kind of like a combo for us and that's what we love about it let's speak now about about music and about this track griffith that you made for for this show um what images came to your head when producing this track and uh you also choose not to put any vocals in it why did you um choose not to put any vocals i mean we have so many vocal tracks that sometimes we like to make uh sort of things for our set to help keep it flowing in between because we have difficulty finding sort of like the space in between the sound to keep it interesting and i think especially with a dj style structured set or something that flows like this just constant vocals all the time it doesn't make for the best story so we're kind of left sort of uh trying to come up with little ideas and little loops to sort of fill in the blanks and this is something that we originally started uh on a tour bus to uh when we when kovit was was not happening and to play at dj sets and we've kind of built on it and built on it sort of over two years and then now finally when um when we were asked to do this and we thought that we would insert it we ended up finishing it making it a little bit more melodic a little bit more pretty but still sort of tough and driving and so it really just fulfills a tool in our set and we're hoping that when we put it out that it will fulfill that tool for other people as well yeah it's very energetic energetic i really love it and i think in clubs it it will have an amazing amazing vibe i also look at the questions from the online audience and natalie amaya asked what was the motivation behind desire well the motivation i don't know if we i don't know if you ever know to know the motivation when you're when you're making music i think it's sort of when you're making music you're kind of uh reaching out into the ether and you don't really know what you're looking for and it kind of comes out of you and you figure it out afterwards so i think that we were going through you know we were on the road a lot when we made that song and um we were struggling with a bunch of different things and i think that we had this feeling of wanting to make something tough but also have it be sweet and have it be this idea of not being captivated or captive by your desires and being able to break free from them and not only your desires but other people's desires as well and so that was sort of the lyrical message behind desire and then the track was just we were we were with zoo and we wanted to make something that was like both of us and yeah you know it was just like a good mix of our sort of feel and his bit tougher stuff so and this truck along with other trucks or viewers have been uh remixed and um you you you um you worked with a lot of artists um doing remixes of your tracks um how do you choose the the artist you you want to work with a lot of them we're just fans of and we asked them you know we like we emailed charlotte dewitt she's a friend of ours and we said hey would you want to do a remix of this and she was like yeah i'd love to guys i'd always uh wanted to do something with you and we were super you know honored that she did that and same with solomon and sort of everyone that we got on the packages you know we've just sort of reached out and uh sometimes we do it if it's like we sort of there's a vision for the record that maybe we didn't realize like it would oh we really need a great peak time thing or a more chill or more 80s disco sometimes we'll reach out to people with a specific like purpose that maybe like we heard the track in a way that like oh it could be cool if we got a remix like this like we hadn't asked the prince thomas and lindstrom to do a remix of one of our songs and it kind of made it more sort of funky and disco-e and 80s so it's sort of it's 50 50 sort of like wanting to serve a purpose and also then just asking people that we're fans of and if both of those things happen then it's a win-win you know and a question from nick hebb how has the pandemic affected your ability to create and make music are you doing anything different now that you weren't doing before that's a good question um i mean we're just really focused this is the first time since we started our group that we've had nowhere to go other than the studio you know so like this very much reminds me of when we were first starting out and we couldn't get arrested we couldn't get any gigs and we were just in the studio working all the time and like really trying to hone in on our vision and like and find our voice and stuff like that and i think that we're doing a lot of that now and this this um we miss touring greatly but on the flip side it's also sort of a blessing in disguise that we're able to just really be the two of us focusing in on music and um it feels a lot like we found a sort of that that initial spark that we had when we first got together that sort of excitement in the studio i feel like we've really honed in on it this time like that we have more than we have in a bunch of years because of we haven't had the distractions of touring so in the end it's pretty cool yeah that's pretty cool um maybe a difficult question now if you could pick one year in your career career to do over which would it be and why to do over i wonder does that mean like live again or do it differently i'm not sure because i don't do it differently i do it differently it's i don't uh i honestly don't think i do anything differently i think it's it's kind of i don't want to say dangerous but like it's not good to think like that but i think we've been very fortunate to sort of you know be able to do a lot of things that we've that we've really wanted to do in our career thus far we've been very lucky and i think like having each other we sort of keep each other in check and like if there's important decisions that we make or something that happens we really it's like everything's a team you know and so i think having another person uh you know to sort of you know self-edit yourself and do all these things i think it's really important and and thus far there's nothing that i think we'd want to do over we just we just want more i guess in the future i would say i would say like everything everything we've done has taught brought us to where we are now and i wouldn't really want to be this is pretty good you know yeah i totally agree i love this spirit my last question now uh what's the most daring thing you've ever done as an artist wow daring daring i mean you could i think you could say something just even getting on the highway in l.a in your car might be the most daring move um at least for me i mean it's that's hard i mean put put vocals over deep house i don't know i know i'd say another thing is that going as a trying to go as a band like performing i remember we went we started off just the two of us and then when uh we started getting these gigs and sort of playing bigger stages and you know tom and i come from band backgrounds and we really wanted to make this jump to like playing with a live drummer just really adds this feel that you can't get with computers or cdjs and we really want it to feel like a band but still hold true to like who we are as artists and i remember that jump felt like from not only a technical standpoint from a creative standpoint the idea of it felt risky and how people would feel but it ended up going going awesome but i think that's probably one of the more daring things you've done i'm so happy that you dared yeah to do it now the the mystery box the little gift we will offer you it's not a little gift it's i think it's the best mystery box we've ever oh wow gabe so it's some gift from discover la from the this is amazing do you uh we like skateboarding so we do this it's for you oh thanks man um this is incredible so the skateboards can come from la original which are a lo which is a local company and all the proceeds from this company will go to the garage board shop which is a non-profit that has programs for innis inner city youth amazing and designed by local la artists then you have a bottle of los angeles wine of course thank you thank you and then you have a print from griffith observatory i think it would be a great souvenir for you and done by george townley a uk award-winning artist amazing thank you thank you very much guys you guys thank you amazing uh experience um thank you guys for watching thank you also to the la tourism board uh jamie and ben you have been amazing bill as well all the production team i think there is like something like 30 people working uh today for this show uh thank you every everyone for watching thank you to our partners um and we'll see you very soon stay tuned bye you
Channel: Cercle
Views: 1,447,669
Rating: 4.9343281 out of 5
Id: R3wwPJCDumw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 12sec (5412 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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