Bob Marley Greatest Hits ~ Reggae Music ~ Top 10 Hits of All Time 2024

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[Music] there's a natural Mystic blowing through the air if you listen carefully now you [Music] will this could be the first trumpet might as well be the last many more will have to suffer many more will have to die don't ask me why things are not the way they used to be I no [Music] lie one and all got to face reality now though I try to find the answer to all the questions they ask no wonder it's impossible to go living through the past Don't Tell No Lie there's a natural mytic blowing through keep them down if you listen carefully now you will [Music] hear [Music] this could be the first might as well be the last many more will have to suffer many more will have to die don't ask me why there's a n TR mytic blowing through the I won't tell no lie if you listen carefully now you will hear there's a natural mytic blowing through the [Music] a going through the air there's a natural [Music] Myst blowing through the air such a natural Myst going through the air [Music] such [Music] don't worry about [Music] a every little going to be all right singing don't worry about a [Music] thing cuz every little going to be all right rise up this morning smile with the Rising Sun Three Little Birds it's by my doorstep singing Sweet song of Melodies pure and true say it this is my message to you singing Don't wor about [Music] a every little going to be all [Music] right saying don't worry don't worry about a every little going to be all right rise up this morning smile with the Rising Sun Three Little Birds it's by my doorstep singing Sweet songs of Melodies pure and true saying this is my mess to [Music] you about a worry about every little going to be all right don't worry singing don't worry about I won worry every little going to be all [Music] right worry about every little going to be all right I won worry don't worry [Music] about going to be all [Music] right [Music] n could you be [Music] love and love could you [Applause] be let me don't let them fool [Music] you try to scool you oh no we've got the mind up B so go to hell keep what you thinking is trying love would never leave us alone I in the darkness your must come out the light Could You Be Love [Music] and below I you [Music] [Applause] [Music] below the road of life is Rocky and you may St too so why we want fingers someone else is judging you your brother man you you you you be don't let them [Music] change rearrange you oh no [Music] we've got the life to live they say only only only the F of the F shall survive stay alive good you be [Music] love and be love I could you [Applause] [Music] below treat [Music] [Music] satis something something say something say something something break break it something rock rock Bre Bre [Music] Ro [Music] [Music] now [Music] he [Music] the [Music] ground [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no woman [Applause] cry woman The [Music] Cry No One Cry No Cry one more on no one Cry No No Woman No Woman look [Music] cry no one my no No No Woman No Woman look you see I remember when we used to [Music] sit in the government yard in trench [Music] Town observing the hypocrite as they would mingle with the good people we me good friends we have oh good friends we've lost along the [Music] way in this great future you can't forget your past so dry your tears I [Music] say and no woman [Music] cry no woman [Music] cry No Woman No [Music] Cry no no on woman the cry you see I remember when we used to sit in the government yard in trench town and then Georgia would make the fire light as it was lock would Bur burning through the night then we would cook cornmeal bed and I'm in of which I'll share with you my feet is my only carage I'm in it so I've got to push on through but while I'm gone everything is going to be all right when everything is going to be all right everything is going to be all right everything is going to be all right everything's going to be all right everything's going to be all right everything's going to be all right everything's going to be all right so r No Cry Oh no no don't shed no tears no no C he hey oh my little sister don't shed no tears No No Woman Woman No [Music] Cry [Music] [Music] in the morning don't shed my tears [Music] te walk the [Music] ground [Applause] one love one heart let's get together and feel all right one love one heart let's get together and feel love all right see the children crying the children crying thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right saying let's get together and [Music] see there dir Remar love there is one question I really to ask is there a place for the Hopeless inner who has hurt all mankind just to save his own believe me one about one heart about [Music] together right as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the yeah give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right let's get together and feel all right one more thing let's get together to fight the so when a man comes there will be on the Dome have be on those whose chances grow in I there ain't no hiding place from the father of [Music] creation as it was in the beginning so we shall be in the end see we all accustomed to sin and when we should be making amends it's a war inside of my head my weapon of choice is a pen the my SCS on a sheet of paper instead of meing a friend and everyone is a friend we ought to be thoughtful see together we have a resourceful the religion is love and I'm an apostle I SW on my r book and it is jokeful a pray is for everything to get better for humans to get it together before we remorseful cuz that would be [Music] all let's let's get together and feel your crying the children [Music] crying give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right BL get together and feel all right give thanks and a praise to the Lord and I will feel all right bless get together and feel all right give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right give thanks and praise to the Lord and now be [Music] [Music] we refuse to to [Music] be what you wanted us to be we are what we are that's the way it's going to be if you don't know you can't educate us or no equal opportunity talking talk talking about my freedom people freedom and liberty yeah we've beening on the wine PR much too long as we've been Tred on the wine PR much too long re re babyon system is the [Music] vampire socking the children day by day yeah the babon yes the vampire falling Empire [Music] so in the blood of the so yeah building church and University oh [Music] yeah dece the people [Music] continually hey brought you and [Music] bir look out now they sucking the blood of the [Music] s y tell the children the truth tell the children the [Music] truth tell the children the truth right now come on tell children the truth tell the children the truth tell the children the truth tell the children the truth morning and tell children the TR we've been TR on your wi much too long and we've been taken for granted much too long [Music] re it on one got the Rebellion we been Tred under wine PR much too long Yeah Yeah from the father's been TR [Music] on [Music] [Music] great [Music] I want to love you and treat you right I want to love you every day and every night we'll be [Music] together with the roof right over her head we'll share the [Music] shelter of my single B we'll share the same room yeah put J from of bre Is This Love Is This Love Is This Love Is This Love that I'm feeling it's this love it's this love it's this love it's this love that I'm [Music] feeling I W to know to know to know [Music] now I got to know got to know got to know I'm willing [Music] and so I oh my God on your [Music] table I want to love you I want to love and treat love and treat you right I want to love you every day and every night we'll be together with the roof rid over our head we'll share the shelter again oh yeah of my single he'll share the same [Music] room bre is this is this is this love it's this love that I'm feel it's this love it's this love it's this Ser the [Music] I'm wo oh yes I know yes I know yes I know [Music] now oh yes I know yes I know yes I know now am willing and a so I throw my Cs on your table see I W to love you I W to love and treat you and treat you right I want to love you every day and every night we'll be together with the roof right over our heads we'll share the shout off my single B we'll share the same room [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] bread [Music] oh yeah all right we're Jing see I want to with you we're diing we're Jing and I hope you like jaming too ain't no rules Ain no vow we can do it anyhow I and I will see you through cuz every day we pay the price for to live and sacrifice Jam till the jam is true oh yeah we're jaming think of jing a thing of M we're jaming we're jaming and I hope this is going to last no bull to stop us kn the bed no we won't bow neither can be B nor so we all defend the right the children must un life is wor more than yeah we're see in the name of the Lord yeah we're J We're J and we're J right from your s oh holy m only m z just see in M Zion and R of creation I want to say that I want with you jaming jaming and Jing know much tried the truth are going to TI to keep Safi love I know exist the love I can't resist J by my side yeah we see I want you jamam I hope you like we're Jing weing I want to I want to you now I really want to with you I really want to with you I really want to with you I I want with you [Music] you [Music] I to with you now I W to jump with you I want to I want to I want to I want to hope you like hope you like diamond now hope you like I I I W to J with you I wna J with you I W to J with you I to J with you not really I want to J with I want to J with I want to jum with I want to I really want to J with Y hey hey hey hey [Music] hey knows how much of tried the TRU I canot hide to keep you satisfied true love I now exist is the Lord my can't resist J by my side yeah we're Jing I want a with you with and I hope you like J too we're jaming we're Jing we're jaming we're jaming I want to J I want to J with you you [Music] like message and I try to get my message to you well well well I try and I'm trying to get my message to you now W well I try then I try and I try [Music] [Applause] yeah feel it one drop and we still find time to rap we making the one stop the generation gap so f is from [Music] me as it meets within I rede resisting against the system who I know never let us down will your right from wrong I know never let us down oh no I know I know they made their world so hard every day we got to keep on fighting fighting they made their world so hard so hard every day the people are dying yeah for hunger and [Music] starvation but in Revelation you find your Redemption and then you give us the teachings of his majesty but we want no philosophy how you us the teachings of his majesty for we want no devil philosophy feel it in the one Dr and we still find time to rap we're making the one stop and we're filling the Gap so feel this from be as it within playing [Music] ay and singing I know never let us well you're right from wrong I know never let us oh no oh no oh no they made their work so hard every day every day they make that so hard every [Music] day my our our our our the teachings of his maest stick up when I want no philosoph can you give us the teachings of his majesty for we no want no devil philosophy we feeling in the one drop you're lucky but we still got time interrupt and we're making a one stop let me tell you this [Music] generation as Des from the M of Zion for Lord God command EMP nor [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh please don't you rock my Bo cuz I don't want my boat to be [Music] rocking oh please don't you rock my [Music] Bo cuz I don't want my [Music] boat I like it like it like this this so keep like this and you should know you should know by now I like it I like it like I like it like [Music] this I like it like [Music] this my soul soul satisfy satis my soul Satisfy My Soul every little action satis there's a reaction oh can't you see what you've done for me I'm happy inside [Music] [Music] me when I out you see you must believe me ohing darling I'm calling calling things you see why won't you believe me darling darling I'm call call when I meet you around the corner said baby never let me be alone and then you hold me tight you make me feel all right yes when you hold me tight you make me feel all than you [Music] see don't you believe me [Music] oh I'm call you see why won't you believe me oh darling darling I'm calling satisfy my soul Satisfy My Soul Satisfy My Soul safy my soul that's all I want you do [Music] [Music] Stir It Up little darling Ste it up come on [Music] baby little darling it up it's been a long still together since I've got you on my mind o w yeah and now you are here I say it's so clear to see what we could do baby just me and you come on and Ste it up little daring it up come on baby come on and Ste it little [Music] Ste yes I still together I'll Blaze your fire then I satisfy you all desire set us Ste again every minute all you got to do baby keep it in it and it [Music] up daring Ste it come on baby it's our business to Ste it yeah here W yeah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] he he hey hey [Music] [Music] I don't want to wait in for your love I don't want to wait in vain for your love I don't want to wait in vain for your love I don't want to wait in vain For Your Love from the very first time I bless my eyes on you girl my heart says follow through but I know now that I'm way down your but the waiting feel is fine so don't treat me like a puppet on a St cuz I know how to do my thing don't talk to me cuz if you think I'm dumb I want to know when you're going to come see I don't want to wait in vain for your love I don't want to wait in for your love I don't want to wait for your love CU it here I'm still waiting there when is here and I'm still waiting [Music] there [Music] [Music] [Music] like I said it's been 3 years since I'm knocking on your door and I still can knock some more o girl Ooh Girl is it visible I want to know now for I to knock some more yeah see in life I know there's lots of grief but your love is my [Music] relief tears in my eyes burn tears in my eyes burn while I'm waiting while I'm waiting for my turn see I don't want to wait and wait for your love I don't want to wait in vain for your [Music] love [Music] D D D D [Music] [Music] D [Music] oh I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to wa no I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to wait in v no I I don't I don't want I I don't want I don't want to wait in v no no no I don't I don't want to wait in it's your it's my love that you're running from It's Your Love that I'm waiting it's my love that you're running I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to wait no no no no I do I I don't want to wa no no no no I don't [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Reggae Music
Views: 3,262,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bob marley song, bob marley love, bob marley best hits, bob marley legend, bob marley album, bob marley full album, bob marley playlist, best of bob marley playlist, best of bob marley, bob marley greatest hits full album, bob marley greatest hits, bob marley, reggae love songsbest reggae of all time, reggae music 2023, best reggae music, reggae songs, marley, bob, bob marley songs, bob marley live, bobmarley trending music, bob marley reggae, reggae, jamaican music, jamaica
Id: 4-ozPMm8Ljk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 42sec (3462 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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