Tracy Chapman - Greatest Hits Best Songs Playlist

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[Music] if you get a fast car I wanna take care of you anywhere maybe we make a deal maybe together we can get somewhere any place is better starting from zero got nothing to lose maybe we'll make something me myself I got nothing to prove [Music] you got a fast car I got a plan to get us out of here been working at the convenience store managed to save just a little bit of money won't have to drive too far just across the border and into the city you and I can both get jobs and finally see what it means to be living foreign [Music] [Music] this way [Music] so I remember when we were driving driving in your car speed so fast had a feeling that I belong had a feeling I could see someone be someone be someone [Music] you got a fast car we go cruise and entertain ourselves still ain't got a job not working the market as a checkout girl I know things will get better you'll find work and I'll get promoted and we'll move out of the shelter buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs I [Music] [Music] had a feeling that I belong had a feeling I could be someone be someone be someone [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is it fast enough so you can fly away you gotta make a decision leave tonight or live and die this way [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] like sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] forgive me it's all that you can say a few years gone by and still work don't come easily [Music] like forgive me forgive me [Music] baby can I hold you tonight baby [Music] whether I die [Music] I love you it's all that you can say [Music] words don't come easily like I love you I love you [Music] but you can say baby baby can I hold you tonight [Music] baby can I hold you tonight baby if I don't use the records [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't you know talking about a revolution sounds [Music] don't you know how we're talking about a revolution sounds like like while they're standing in the world their lives [Music] of salvation wasting time in the unemployment lines don't you know who's young sounds get there yeah [Music] who are people gonna write out take what's there [Music] [Music] good Ness [Music] finally the table are starting to turn around [Music] wasting time in the unemployment lines don't you know talking about this [Music] talking about a revolution [Music] thank you [Music] when the night has come [Music] and the land is dark and the moon easy only like we see [Music] no I won't be afraid no I won't be afraid just as long as you stand stand behind me me what are they Darling by me Austin by me Austin [Music] it's been by me if the sky we look apart [Music] tumble and fall or the mountains crumble to the Sea [Music] I won't cry I will cry no I won't shed a tear just as long as you stand stand by me well darling darling by me or stand by me or stand Stand By Me whenever you're in trouble you just stand by me Austin find me awesome [Music] Stand By Me [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] whenever you're in trouble you understand by me Austin I need Austin Stand By Me you can buy me oh darling darling find me Austin [Music] by me Stand By Me Stand By Me stand behind me [Music] thank you give me one reason to stay here and I'll turn right back around [Music] give me one reason to stay here and I'll turn right back around yeah said I don't wanna leave you alone now you gotta make me change my mind [Music] [Music] you know that I called you I called too many times you can call me baby you can call me anytime you got to call me foreign [Music] [Music] please doesn't want someone old man [Music] [Music] beautiful heart can love you yes and give you what you need I said the zoo for heart could love you oh and give you what you need thank you but I'm too old to go chasing you around wasting my precious energy give me one reason to stay here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] and they never be I'll keep on wishing [Music] no matter how hopeless amazing [Music] long six times in the night it's my thing doesn't dream [Music] no I may be dreaming far from presenter reality [Music] no matter how unrealistic [Music] amazing dreams [Music] in the night [Music] we must always be thinking of the world [Music] you always [Music] [Music] amazing [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] baby [Music] [Music] people say it doesn't exist no one would like to do it now that there is a City Underground [Music] people live every day of the waste [Music] of the disguise a little man [Music] hearing something life is hard you can't receive any government [Applause] please give the president God is too much [Music] I'm at the mercy of the world [Music] life is hard [Music] you can't receive any government really want to be give Mr President [Music] [Music] say the system works but we won't let it help I guess it never stop to think we might just one hand up we're to make an honest [Music] give me something life is hard [Music] we can see [Music] these girls [Music] what did I do deserve this and my trust in God worked every day of my life that I had some guarantees that's what I thought because that's what I thought here in sub city life is hard [Music] we can't receive any government really you're Mr President [Music] [Music] [Music] life is hard [Music] we can't receive any government really get Mr President [Music] [Music] regarding it is regarding this is [Music] [Music] there is fiction in The Space Between the Lines on your page and memories write it down but it doesn't mean you're not just telling stories [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you there's a science fiction in the space between [Music] me fabrication grand scheme [Music] I am scaring monsters [Music] government remember this bad dreams no one but you standing [Music] faster [Music] words [Music] there is fiction in the space between [Music] you everybody sometimes [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes the lies is the best thing [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Pino Annese
Views: 2,716,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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