BOAT TOUR - Living On A 30ft Sailboat - Full Sailboat Tour - The Nomad Sailor

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[Music] today we have a very special video today is a day i finally give you an in-depth boat tour of my sailboat home those of you who already know she's a very old girl she's built in 1979 and she is a moody 30. and what i'm going to do is i'm going to start the review from the very front of the boat then make my way back to the stern and then we'll give you a look at what it looks like inside at the front of the boat we have the ship's anchor so let's talk about that for a minute this one is a rockner and it is 15 kilograms now the rocker is attached to some eight millimeter chain and i believe i have about 55 meters of chain on board which goes through this luma pro fish 1000 winless this did not actually come on the boat i actually got this afterwards and installed it and it's been an absolute lifesaver before having to pull up the anchor chain by hand was a nightmare and this just makes everything so much easier and next to the wind list there is a little locker where is where i keep a spare anchor the the day shapes and also the cap to fill the water tanks and you probably notice these blue lines going all the way down the side of the boat the purpose of these is for when i'm sailing and i'm single-handed or if the weather picks up i can actually clip my life jacket to this and this basically helps to prevent me falling off the boat and as you can see it runs all the way down here should the time come i can clip to this and walk all the way up and down the boat completely safely just coming further back from where the windlass is um just on top of the deck here is where i keep my life raft that is a actually can't remember how many how many people it's for yeah it's it's a six person life raft which is obviously way too big for me but i've got a really good deal on and it's a very good quality life raft and i was making sure that's serviced up to date i mean i plan on never using it so hopefully it stays there for his entire life as far as sales setup goes she's got a pretty simple system just a big old genoa which is i believe 150 which is absolutely huge it's like a gigantic bed sheet when it's all the way out and then we've got the mainsail here which is actually new uh that's less than a year old and that goes into this little stack pack thing which makes putting the sail away very easy and as we make our way further back we end up in the cockpit the cockpit is actually a very very good size for about of this size like as you can see i have loads of room to move around it's really comfortable to be here on long passages and even when i want to have a few people on board it is is more than comfortable so yes this boat does have a helm wheel um even though a lot of boats this size do have a tiller which is really really cool and attach that is a raymarine ev100 autopilot system which is an absolute essential that since i've put this on it's been such a nice experience to sail and that's controlled from that little doohickey down there so towards the back of the cockpit here we've got the engine controls for forward and reverse and then to the left of that we have the engine instrument panel thing with the starter button and also this little plug here is for a windows remote i know a lot of people usually have that plug further towards the front of the boat uh but when i'm by myself that's not very convenient because i'd like to be able to be close to the engine controls so what i've done i've got a windows remote that has a really long cable so i can actually plug that in and walk like three quarters of the way down so i can keep an eye on everything that's going on while still being able to have control over the steering and the engine so coming off the back of the boat we've got two 100 watt solar panels and the way that they're mounted is really good because they were originally dingy davis if you look underneath and then what i did is it was actually my dad's idea to do this um got these little stainless steel struts to strengthen them and then just using pole mounts i've mounted the solar panel on the top of this and you can move these to face the sun and they are more than enough to keep everything sustained on this boat now on the back of the boat this is actually my favorite part of the entire boat it is my swim platform now currently i'm in a marina so that's being used as a place to hold the dinghy but when i'm anchored this is a really nice platform to just sit on and chill out you can also just go for a swim it's easy to get on and off this is a really nice place to be and underneath the uh rather comfortable cockpit cushions we've got these big old lockers and these are just full of sailing stuff ropes fuel shackles lines buckets all that extra stuff she has a twin main sheet system as you can see there's two there's two sheets coming off either side going to u-bolts now this system is very old it's quite an old-school system but it works really well and it's simple and it's very very safe so what this allows me to do is i can unclip these and i can have full control of the boom at all times and the best thing is it allows you to do all of this whilst being able to stay at the helm like i said it's such a simple system it just goes straight from the end of the boom to these u-bolts and it's got the pulley cam cleat thingy yeah that's it pretty straightforward and finally we have the heart of the beast which is hiding just behind this here and that is the engine she is a vulva penta 2003 she's raw water cooled and i don't know how the hell this thing is still running i've touched wood i've had no major issues oh and also to the right of the engine it's got a it's got a stainless steel fuel tank that is 50 gallons ish she is a sail drive engine so as you can see the sail drive diaphragm is just on this side here um so she's got no shaft going back it just goes straight down onto a big sail drive leg so that's pretty much the outside done i think i've got everything and yeah let's go take a look inside welcome to the inside of the boat as you can see it's not very big but there's a lot going on here so once you come down the companion way immediately to your left hand side you have the little kitchenette area this is my little worktop space if you remember in episode one we actually installed this underneath here is where i have my stove and my oven the stove is on a gimbal so when we're at sea it keeps everything on there nice and stable as for the oven i'm going to be honest i very rarely use that i don't bake and the only time i've ever used this is to warm things up like bread or to make nachos and above the sink here on the right side is where i keep all my plates in my bowls just above there i saw like spices and herbs all of my spoons and cutlery is all in here obviously on top is just the the most common stuff that i use like sugar salt pepper and chili powder this is just a bunch of bunch of kitchen stuff like wooden spoons and whisks and this cupboard here is where i keep all of my my tea and my coffee and above here is for now that's just where i'm keeping my onions and my garlic here is the dump box kind of thing and in there it's currently just dry food like pasta noodles all that kind of stuff and that's quite deep i can fit a lot of stuff in there when it's fully packed left over there we have my little sink and the sink is very small as it does make doing washing up a bit of a pain but over time i've gotten used to it and it's not too bad now underneath the sink if i just do this door on top there is basic kitchen stuff like pestle and water my cheese grater and some like sponges and stuff and underneath there is my cooking stuff like pots and pans and mixing bowls and just behind everything see that little the little tube that is my water filter oh yeah and also another thing you may have noticed is this little light that i keep in the kitchen um it's actually a usb charging light that's also a bug zapper which is pretty cool and i keep that here because as you can see there used to be a light here but now with my height if i was standing here and i was trying to cook my head would constantly bash this light and it got really annoying so i ended up ripping it off and just getting rid of it entirely also we have my nirus which is on like a little magnet thing and they were these these work really well once they really stick on there they don't go anywhere now underneath the steps we have the battery switcher also the circuit breaker for the windlass a couple of gauges instrument switch and also behind here is just a little access hatch into the engine bay to get to the filters and also just have a look inside and see what's going on underneath this is my battery bank and here i have three 115 amp hour leisure batteries and they've been more than enough for me this whole time coming past the batteries to the starboard side of the boat this is where all my nav stuff is so this is actually my chart plotter solution it's just a basic ipad that i have loaded with navionics and it's on like a little swivel mount thing so i can pull this out and kind of move it around so i can see it from different areas and if i kind of have this at an angle i can see it whilst i'm sat outside which is really good and also should this fail i do have a spare one that's always ready to go just in case this one bugs out so yeah besides that i have all my switches over here with some usb chargers i've got an old gps that i i'm going to be honest i never use this but it's really good it's really good and handy to have and i've got a spare one of these as well should i ever need it my vhf radio and then my controls for the ebu spatula diesel heater underneath here i have the solar charge controller and the switchboard for the navigation lights as well and just to the right of that actually i need to so this actually needs to get mounted i'm going to put it over here you can see i've marked some some drill holes but i've just not got around to installing that yet that is my battery monitor on top of this little shelf here to the left i have um it's a raytheon radar system that's really really old but once again this very rarely gets used but it's always good to have just in case i ever need it underneath this we have just a little box full of all my books and charts and all that kind of stuff notebooks and stationery all kind of goes into there and that's nice and snug you with most boats you'll notice that this area here tends to be like a single sleeping berth but in my situation i've just used it as what i call my garage or my shed this is just all long-term storage that doesn't really get used all essential stuff really like my yoga mat my guitar my lightsaber you know just the basics i'm not gonna lie i absolutely love this thing look come on look how cool it is underneath the garage is also a quite a decently sized water tank there's one one tank there and also one tank in the v berth they're supposed to be 50 gallons but i don't think that's the case that probably is a little bit less and they give me enough water for about a week to two weeks depending on how i use it and this is one of my favorite things in this entire boat it is my 50 liter waco fridge and this works off of 12 volt and also it can be connected to shore power and this is really good it's super big it's got loads of room in there for storage and it does not take that much power at all and this has been an absolute lifesaver so that's the after side of the inside of the boat done next we've got the saloon area and i'll give you a look at what's going on around here the saloon area is definitely where i spend the most time and i've been able to make really good use of it as a kitchen there's an office and even a home cinema so let's take a closer look so to the starboard side we have like an l-shaped seating area here and this table is pretty big um and this also folds down to can i give you give you a double berth which can be very comfortable that's really good when i've got guests and to the port side a nice long server which is really cool and also all of these sofas and underneath all of the seating area it's all storage and we'll go through all of that in a second but inside the sliding doors here's pretty basic stuff like it's got glasses and some cutlery in there on this side we have all of my electronics so like my drone my chargers power banks my nintendo switch also another boat essential i think and also this little dump box here which is full of like hats and gloves and scarves and kind of sunglasses and some like other outdoor things and the port side is all just like ingredients and sauces and herbs and spices and cooking stuff like that and that goes all the way across there behind this cushion we have any extra kitchen stuff that i couldn't fit underneath the sink as all goes in there so a couple of extra pots and pans and plates and bowls some plastic containers that kind of stuff underneath this cushion here is all power tools and tool bags on the other side as well that's all just full of full of materials like sandpaper wd-40 cigar flex all that kind of stuff but also all hardware stuff and tools and diy stuff is all just kind of this side here behind this cushion we have that's just some more electronics that were too big to fit inside there so my projector i've got like a hot plate thing um i've got a blender in there and also my like cigarette lighter inverter charger thing the middle that is all just spare parts engine spares spares for the solar power all that kind of stuff this little bag here is full of full of meds and also i have two big first aid kits underneath there as well so that is the saloon completed next we have the forward berth and the bathroom we come forward through the saloon and on the right hand side here we have the bathroom now for a 30-foot boat this is actually quite a decently sized bathroom it has everything i need it's got a nice that size sink so it's pretty cool and plenty of storage in the back there for my toiletries but the only negative thing about this bathroom is if i try to stand i cannot bit annoying but it's just one of those things that i've just kind of gotten used to about to live with okay now that's done let's check out where i sleep coming past the bathroom here is the v-berth i have all of my clothes in packing cubes here on one side and then just some other of my own stuff like my shoes and books and i've also got some my bedding stuff like bed sheets and all that kind of on this side so yeah this is pretty much where i sleep and as you can see it is more than big enough it's more than big enough for me and it is really comfortable here especially with the hatch just above me it's really nice when i'm anchored to sit here and just watch and look at the sky at night and it's beautiful and just next to the bed here also is uh like wardrobe space but i just use this as storage for my wet weather gear and this is also a wet locker so any when this is wet if i hang up here it kind of can all drain into the bilge and behind there on the other side is just behind this door here there's like a big storage container and i use that for my winter clothes now on top of here is where my laptop lives and also just some other camera stuff and like my microphone when i'm doing voiceovers and just quick access quick grab and go camera stuff that all of my gopro and charging stuff is in here as well so yeah that is pretty much a full tour of my 30-foot sailboat home i've been living on board now for almost a year and it's been the most amazing experience ever she's not big and she's not fancy but she's been more than comfortable to sell me from the uk to the mediterranean and if there's anything that i've missed or anything you feel like i should go in a bit more depth with just drop a comment and i'll be sure to include it in another video yeah thank you so much for coming along uh it's been really nice to show you guys my home and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: The Nomad Sailor
Views: 49,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing, travel, sailboat, solo sailor, sailing around the world, nomad, the nomad sailor, moody, travel vlog, adventure, travel the world, surfing, paddle board, sailor, solo travel, living on a boat, living on a sailboat, solo sailing, van life, boattour, sailingvlog, solo sailing the world, boat life, 30ft sailboat, sailing alone, sailing family, sailing la vagabonde, yacht life, traveling on a sailboat, fulltime sailboat living, boat tour
Id: pY2R7aOeBLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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