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[Music] hey what's up everybody welcome to my channel mikey's automotive all over minnesota my channel mike is so today we have an ews4 that we're actually going to do the um the keys for okay you guys so it comes with a little box so check out you check this out you guys this is adapter that i have okay vx scan it's fairly simple you guys can see the little pins okay you guys can see that where it connects from okay j1 and j1 and then we can go ahead and hook it up to our ak 90. there's no soldering needed you guys for this so you just put it on here and it just sticks on there and then when you have our ak-90 all right and we're going to plug it into the ews4 side [Music] to the right side you guys ews4 and that plugs in right there all right guys so i did purchase mine on ebay i got like for around 45 dollars which is fairly a good price i believe uhs does have one for sale as well so i'll go ahead and put the link in the description below okay um so you guys let's go ahead and get started so right here on the ews side there's uh four clips that are holding the the circuit board inside the little box you guys can see one two and then there's three four on the other side okay you guys go ahead and push those four pins and it should come out come up yes all right and you guys can see our microchip that holds the information that we need and it has a little pink dot on it and now that microchip is written 2 l 860 and that's the number that we're going to use later on as reference okay so remember that number write it down so you guys we just need to set it down the adapter you guys can see the little holes that it has you guys could use a little eeprom adapter that comes with ak-90 but there's soldering so you guys must solder it on there so i just bought the adapter just to make it more easier for me and more faster so you guys i do recommend this adapter um for the ews4 of course there's no soldering you don't you you don't risk and damaging anything by soldering it or heating it up okay it's not like the ews3 that you can just go ahead and you know use the little adapter the little the little adapter for the microchip all right right here you guys can see the little gold pins they align with the bottom of the circuit board and that's how it that's how i read the information of the 282l86d okay microchip and you guys can see i'm setting it down go ahead sit it down and close the little the little hands so you guys i do recommend this ews for adapter makes it really easy no soldering no nothing just make sure that um you have the ak-90 software and everything and so you guys could purchase the ak-90 from ebay other key suppliers do have it for sale as well so let's go ahead and hook everything up to our to our computer let's hook up our ak-90 let's hook up our adapter as soon as you guys hook up your ak90 guys you hear like a little beep okay that comes out of the the the ak-90 cuando cuando como dante so you guys make sure they hear that little beep when you plug in your ak-90 so you guys can you know know that it's been connected because of course it needs to read it first the ak-90 software needs to read the ak-90 so um you'll know when it reads it because it'll make a little beep also when you're riding the onto the keys when you're writing the keys out it's there's also a beeping or when you're reading the microchip is also beeping if you guys don't hear that beeping that means that there's no progress being done and there's nothing being read and you guys can see our diagram of our e-prompt with our cable okay rapido there's no adapter so we're going to go ahead and start reading you guys can see we're going to choose the 2l86d cable and we're going to read it from there we're going to choose that option so you guys can see that there's no there's uh no no touch so something might be a little off what i actually did right here was i actually pushed down the the circuit board with my finger i hold it down because it wasn't really making a good connection so um that'll usually help you you know just push it down a little bit and again you guys will hear the beat being okay of the ak-90 make sure that it's connected and here's a diagram again for the ipro okay this is for aws3 you guys is you guys need this one okay this is the one that we're going to go ahead and solder on there so if you guys don't have the adapter you guys are going to use that one okay password okay you guys so let's go ahead and get started we're going to go ahead and go to read ews to l860 all right we're going to go ahead and start reading like i said if you guys want to hear a beeping noise it is not reading and what i did right here was i pushed down the circuit board onto the adapter a little bit more a little a little harder so i can start reading and it started reading you guys can hear the beeping and stuff going on so that means that it's reading okay so that really helped me out a lot i just put a little bit of pressure on there and it started reading everything so we're gonna go ahead and uh we're gonna go ahead and download everything after it's done reading we're gonna go ahead and save it we're gonna save it onto a computer you can change it on their new name okay for instance a jose is a bmw okay or a first name last name okay so yakuba all right so after you guys save the file what you're going to want to do is you're going to go to right key and when we get to the right key option you always want to select second to last that will be key number nine now if it's an aftermarket transponder chip you're going to go ahead and select slash pcf79303 five if it's original you want to select the e m l okay transponder okay transponded so you guys can see we have our first key that we're gonna put and this is gonna be key number nine and we're selecting second to last key number nine we have selected our aftermarket transponder chip pcs seven nine three zero slash three five and we're gonna press right and now it's writing key number nine so do remember you guys that it's going to have a little beeping noise to it so when it's right in the key you guys will hear a little beeping noise so you guys it might look like an original key but it's not an original key that i'm using you guys this is an aftermarket key okay with an aftermarket chip on it that's either seven nine three zero or seven nine three five all right guys so we're about to be finished with riding key number nine and you guys are gonna hear a beep right now and that means that our key has been done all right guys so we're going to put our next aftermarket key and this is going to be position key number eight okay you guys now also if you guys can tell when we open up the right key you guys can see that key number 10 has been used already and that means that someone has already someone has already written a key to this car all right and that's something that you don't do is right on the 10th position always second to last okay that means that the key is writing so that's a good sign all right you guys let's continue so as soon as we're done writing our key that's all there is we just need a cutter key and this should work perfectly fine if you guys want to write it back onto the ews you can also write it back onto the ews so that someone can know okay that these keys have been previously written and in other words if you don't write it back onto the ews you won't be able to see the keys that have been written in other words where it says used you will actually see new because we didn't write back onto the ews you guys so we're gonna go ahead and write all this back onto the ews we're gonna select keys eight and nine okay so that we can tell whoever makes the next keys not to um you know use these positions or right in these positions because our keys might erase if the customer does find his keys they might not work all right guys so make sure you select the correct option if you select the incorrect option you might delete everything so we selected 2l 860. says all right you guys so we are almost done riding back onto the ews make sure you hear a little beeping sound okay if it says no pin touch make sure you press down the circuit board so that it can make a good connection and you can finish right back onto the ews after you're done with the ews you should be completely fine everything should work all right guys so we are actually done riding back onto the ews the position number eight and nine now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and read the keys okay so we can make sure that everything works fine all right guys so we're gonna go ahead and just read our keys really fast before we install everything back and make sure that we actually successfully wrote key number nine and number eight so as you guys can see this key number nine and it says key number nine there's event there's all the information for the vehicle as you guys can see okay key type all right guys well thank you guys for watching if you guys like this video give us a thumbs up subscribe don't forget to join become a member all right so you guys can have priority commenting and be entered to win free stuff lola
Views: 9,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bmw, Eeprom, Ak90, Ews3, Ews4, Ews 4, Bmw key program, Bmw key, Programmer ak90, Bmw all keys lost, Bmw fem module, Bmw isn, Bmw ecu reflash, Ak90 ews3, Ak90 ews4, Europe Britain bmw, Bmw module resynce reflash, Bmw smart access, Mercedes benz key write, Mercedes eis, Mercedes eis sync, Volkswagen program key, Bmw program remote, Cerrajero, Cerrajeria, Key tool max, Smartpro, Key tool plus, Dolphin key cutter, Vvdi, Autel, Im608 pro, Im608 bmw, Gbox2, Im508, Locksmith, Program keys
Id: CcXaAomNr7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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