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hey what's up YouTube how you guys doing today so today we're gonna learn a little bit about the 1890 this is just a nice little programmer that I bought ok it's not expensive at all you can actually go check it out on eBay get yourself one one of these hook it up download the software ok gonna hit download software you got everything going on for you ready you know you can start using the 8090 basically this this this programmer is is not that hard to use it's pretty easy it's pretty cheap and it's pretty good it's actually pretty good you guys I paid no more than $24 for this they send you the rainbow the rainbow paid connector ok so then you can connect to the 3 WS - this right here is an OD 4 6 J ok chip as you can see says EWS 3 alright you guys so the 8090 only supports EWS system it does not support any caste system at all so if your vehicle's castes it will not work now the EWS module you can find it on the driver side underneath the dash or your feet are above your feet or you can find it on the passenger side behind the glove box okay it's more a pain in the butt to take it out than to write a key okay so the way that you open this EWS okay little box is your presser here in the center where your two fingers like this and you pull this back okay so you won't squish it so you can just push in the center like this let me just put it back that's okay so the way to take the restaurant is there's two pins on this side and then two pins on this side two little clips and then as soon as you go ahead and you press the top and the bottom on the same time and you press down when you're pushing it out trying to push the black piece out it's what's gonna go in are you ever just like Oh eww so okay see these pins are like soaked and protected but a protectant um as you guys can see is all around here it kind of looks like make caramel look like gooey caramel and the trippy that's protectant sealant so that it protects you from the water you know it doesn't doesn't let it liquid touch any any connectors with each other so the first thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna get a little Moe screwdriver okay or whatever is best for you you just got to be really gentle when you're doing this okay you're gonna like I said scrape off the little residue you the sealant are protected from each pin really careful okay all around okay I'm just showing you guys you know quick little demo so you guys don't get carried away and start start just scratching don't start doing this you know up down up down up down okay don't start doing this you guys that that doesn't help it so just be gentle with it scrape it all off slowly all around okay okay guys so we have our USB connector our laptop I live for 1890 okay that's the first thing that we gotta connect is Reiki ninety to our computer okay as soon as we connect that to our computer we're gonna press connect so that I can communicate right in 1890 the United should be okay so we were not connected so we're gonna connect our my rainbow then connect right here to the biggest one right here okay make sure that you do it right don't force it you don't want to ruin the pins okay hey this site is EWS to AWS three and this side over here is EWS for this side over here we only use it when we're gonna use our adapter for the EWS for you guys this is our adapter so that we don't have to turn all you prom you guys they also send me an EPROM cable okay eBay they send me this EEPROM cable and this is what I use for GWAS for but I don't want to go I don't want to call this round to be prompt so I just bought the adapter plate on eBay I forgot how much just this cost me maybe like 64 bucks and 164 I also have like a line you guys alright now before you start connecting this to your a canine team make sure you place it down in a place where you don't won't pick up electricity like any type of metal that might make this contact back here as you're trying to add a key what I have is I have this little pad right here okay this little pad right here by America suppliant thank you that I use ok now we're trying to hook this up right here you guys some of you guys layout may be a little different as you guys can see I have an arrow down there ok now the arrow is pointing towards this black piece okay that's how mine is going to be I don't know how are you guys gonna be but if you guys do not do this right you guys are gonna have a pin Madrid okay so it's not gonna read it you guys alright so we've clean this up really good you guys when did I'm cleaning up this really good right here okay don't don't get don't get don't take your time you guys you don't want to ruin anything okay you don't want to ruin you don't want to ruin this you guys and paying some money to get it fixed okay so once we have this connected for 1890 okay we're gonna go ahead and then we're gonna go to really eat excuse me we got a select okay our system right here and like I said we have the old e46 shape okay so we're gonna actually select MCU okay not Kaline you guys that's what we have the Kayla connected okay but MCU so soon as we have MCU selected we're gonna go ahead and read EWS okay it's just showing us a picture what it is okay how to tell difference between what kind of ship it is okay so we're gonna go back we're gonna go to okay when they're in a press yes okay so the pins are not touching let me just make sure that I did it right okay you might have to hold it down you guys some of you guys recommend it just holding this down like this you know so you guys can see it's reading right now it's making a beeping noise and bam you guys once a reason that information on that on that chip right there it's gonna throw this screen out okay so don't get scared you guys you know it's not a big deal so just make sure that you are on your files that you create a new folder like mine I put Mike okay and under Mike I have a BMW bin folder and that's where I save all my stuff at okay so I'm just gonna go ahead and save in here so I create a new BMW bin folder okay I don't press save save bin file okay so as you guys can see that's the first thing that you guys got to do why because you guys don't want to start touching it and ruin something else you know and then you guys destroy it so let's say you guys destroy it you guys gonna have to load a new bin file okay so when you press load it pops up the file that we just saved okay so if you guys mess up you can just open it okay and then we we were we would have write it okay to AWS okay so all of this we want to write it back on till there okay so that's if if we mess up that's how we're doing this is right date okay so we're gonna press okay okay if you guys want more information about the vehicle you can go to EWS analyze okay and that will give us the VIN okay the type it ws3 okay the odometer okay in kilometers which is which is the kilometers that are recently on the vehicle okay 144,000 677 the keys that it has it has four keys right now okay so we're gonna add a fifth key all right so the first thing that we want to do you guys after we read the EWS okay and we saved a bin on a computer we're gonna go ahead and test the key out you guys so for this for this vehicle okay we got this key okay so we're gonna go ahead and put it in there it has a chip it doesn't have the remote you guys and we're gonna go ahead and test the key okay so as you guys can see really in the key and it's a new key okay so it's gonna say number 86 but when it's a use key it'll tell you the VIN number the kilometers it has okay the type okay so the EWS three and es4 here okay okay you guys so if you're eighteen ninety is not reading your key you need to go ahead and buy another key okay so usually the eighteen ninety doesn't read a certain certain transponder chips okay and the beginning that's what happened to me I ended up buying a transponder wedge from one of my key suppliers that was like a four-seat chip when I was reading with my VB deck heat tool and it didn't it wasn't reading what the a k9t it said not able to read key so I order these okay from one of my suppliers and as you can see okay it says transponder 795 PCF 795 okay virgin so the 1890 is able to read this one okay so we're gonna go ahead and put it in there it has a chip it doesn't have the remote you guys and we're gonna go ahead and test the key okay so as you guys can see really in the key and it's a new key okay so it's gonna say number 86 but when it's a youth key it'll tell you the VIN number the kilometers it has okay the type okay so the EWS three and E as 4G okay so we're gonna go ahead and close this okay so I have to reread that eww ask you guys okay scuse me so we're gonna go back to read the EWS affirmation okay yes so we just wrote our 1890 could read our key okay so our 1890 actually ends up reading our key really good so once once you know that your 1890 can read the key okay we can go ahead and write him so we're gonna go ahead and force this right key okay not test key so as you guys can see number one two three and four slots are used so we're gonna go to key number five okay we're gonna go to key number five and this is transponder you guys we're gonna select on the aftermarket transponder pcs seventy nine to zero if it's a dealer key we're gonna select this one okay but we're gonna select after marking and then we're gonna choose right key okay and there is if start writing or killing crazy tick-tick-tick tick-tick-tick like this watch so cookie and coil so we're gonna put a key in there okay like this but I'm not gonna put mine in there and then it's gonna say writing okay everything should should finish writing and it should say okay complete and we select okay complete okay as you guys are writing your key okay and writing it to the UW is make sure that it's in here okay at all times until you're done with everything and you close a software you can take your key out okay so once you have read in the key you guys this last step is crucial so we know press write EWS okay just to make sure how to writes it on to the press okay and it's gonna write in okay after this process done we can go ahead and go ahead and go back and test the key just to make sure that everything's loaded onto our key or VIN our kilometers okay and just make sure everything is good on our team right now we're just writing it back to the EWS okay we wrote our key we tested our key with rotary key and now we're writing it back to the AWS okay od for 6j MCU and we're done you guys so after we're done we're gonna go ahead and disconnect you know your ass put it back in our box take it back to our vehicle or try out our key make sure it works and everything is good and we are set you guys we have a new key are you guys know the EWS for adapter plate okay for the a k9t they send me these the same with this little connector j2 to j1 okay that one goes on to the ecce 90 like so and then we connect this one okay the j1 okay J one goes in there and the Jo another j1 one over here okay to the adapter in doing this for adapter plate okay same process okay I've written the EWS we just got a place or ews for in here and then we just closed it these are the pens that make contact okay with the soldering bits on the other side of the EWS for now we going here we're gonna go ahead and select cable okay 2l 860 as you guys can see this would be so this would go in here and we were just solder it up but we don't have to do we're gonna have to waste time soldering all this up you know we just have our adapter plate so that that takes this off okay that takes the hand off so we're not make sure that we have our r2l 860 cable and then we're gonna go ahead and redouble us okay and you should all pop out and write the key same way then we wrote it to the EWS three okay alright guys so we have the K line right here okay this the whole d-46 JK line for AWS three okay only for AWS three or t4 6j as you can see okay so basically you guys the only time that we ever use the k line is when the all the slots are for okay on the EWS so BMW analytic program up to ten keys okay anything after that you actually need the K line to edit an existing slot or erase any any keys that are on the system that you don't want to be there okay so that's the only time that that way that we use a Kaelin okay when when the memory is already for for the keys now this this power here as you can see goes connected right there to the ten pins okay this piece right here okay so this goes in here like this alright and then we have the 12 volt adapter okay in flux connect it right there and then this goes on the twenty on the twenty second pin okay I'm a diagram that it shows us that goes right there but it's just 20 seconds pin you okay I'm not I haven't like I said I haven't been able to fire it up so right now just a walkthrough later on I'm going to go ahead and make better videos okay with better directions okay but right now I just want you guys to take a look at him new hardware I'm using okay it's been around for a while but it's really good like I said you guys it's really good stuff you know it's really accurate on point so thank you guys for watching if you guys like this video make sure you hit like and subscribe to my channel for more cool videos okay if you guys have any questions email me at li l ro x x zero zero one and i will get back to you okay take care to next time
Views: 60,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ak90, bmw ak90 programmer tool, eeprom, cas system 1, cas 2, cas 3, cas 4, cas3+, cas4+, cas2, ews1, ews2, ews3, 3 series, x5, z4 bmw, x5 bmw, programming bmw tool, how to program bmw remote, bmw fob, auto, autopropad, xtool, xhorse, ak90+, decode bmw, precode bmw, od46j k-line, ews 3 k line, k-line bmw, bmw, program bmw smart key, program bmw, programming mercedes benz, eeprom bmw, mercedes eeprom, europe, africa, canda, china, russia, spain, greek, vvdi bmw, vvdi mb, new york, texas
Id: pI_R3ifNmtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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